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UniFi APPLICATION FORM BUSINESS. Tivi [SECTION 1: SERVICE DETAILS* {llprices quoted shal be payabe on 2 manthly bass, unless mentioned atherwise Proterred Service 1: This shall be used for Internet, TM WiFi hotspots ad other services, Detalts E)new Pl eizee eater aan willbe emailed othe Customer once the package is successully activate. Duparade [Jarzt01Ro599/montht Litlit [loowngrade []21220 dynamic P (RM359/month) ooo LLLP Ltt titi titi yy [21210 dynamic 1° RM289/month) optionzs LLL titttiiitiititiis []8125 Dynamic IP IRM99/monthl Option: i (others: (Winsmur Seharcters, maxim 2 characters) Password is auto-generated by system. For service(s) that uses e-mail, Wee er a an ne eae your UniFi e-mail address will be used (ServicelD @unifi.myl, Option Service 1D outing [ani for upgrade and downgrade of Und . tion “ | Option 2: i | Preferred Installation Slot: Please select to enable the following service features: ate ec orca a [Civalue-Added Services: Date 1; Time: a [international call (7) 600 Infoline Date Time aI Microsoft® office 345 Datea; __Time: awe Prelerred Sub Domain Name C_JNew [_] Existing ‘ LLLLL LIL LAL LLL 1 | onmicsotcom * isiSsnain nome ssome br egetcer« mecteerwitbescrein at CELT ELE PALE ATLA Jonmiresatcom pe tomer pasta egos ine oer rat wl oa os vsername@ LLL LLL LEAL TLL LL LIA Janmiroencem + Mmnonndnsnra tances jeremiah donin 8chactr | aioe Ofc 65 RMB een) SECTION 2: APPLICANT DETAILS. beitititrriritry (Company/Namet LLitit ‘Company Number/Business Registration Number* Property ype" []Landed (Pease enclose a copy of Business Registration Certictel [EiKigh-Rise (6 storeys or mere) Installation Adaress* CLLLL Lit titipiris iyi] Postcode* LEEL 1 cay LE LJ swe LLi ti tii t Office Tel. No. LLititiritiiy Forno LL Ltt iitits Contact Person fas per NRIC/Passport!* acs LLitisriit Passport No.* Malaysian citizens, please enclose a copy of NIC) (Mon-Moaysian zens, plese encase a cap of Paspeth Mabile Not L4Litiiisiiiitsy Preferred Communication [—]Mail []E-mait [Jotfice Phone [] Mobile E-mail * Mandatory fel. ‘SECTION 3: BILLING INFORMATION Detault: Onlin billing at Online Customer Centre portal For other billing media, please choose one: [_]E-mail [_] temised paper bill Biting Address |_| J | | tii tt ti tits itis itirprtirirrriits [ees Posteodet = LL i 11) cli tii ti tis i) swelLitittititiity * Mandatory fla SECTION 4: EXISTING BUSINESS BROADBAND/ TM BUSINESSLINE DETAILS [Manto evsing Busines Breadband7M Bsns cstmer] Kindy fin the folowing Business Broadband ogintO:(_ | 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 | mpusinesstnenos L111 i 111i titi ‘Manat fr Busess Brendan stoner ‘Peseindeate your ice: | Keep both services (Not applicable for VOSL2 customer) [] Terminate TM Businesstine only Int applicable for Business Broadband customer] [C] Terminate Business Brosdband and TM Businessine __[-] Relocate tthe folowing adress for VOSL2 only (subject to Business Broadband avilailiy: 1 Terminate Gusiness Broadband only — Note: "Termination af sari requosted i subject oval quest made by ight owner DSL Mery High Speed Digital Subscriber Line 2s delivered to premises ofS storeys and above ‘SECTION 6: IMPORTANT NOTES (MUST READ] Please read & tick V Genera FT series sje to month corr ans ermine of SO charg fr termination sre win te cana par HY beter conn i Fry nae eae ues reqaes sty Mon cutona = ces. tomes anti Un ntne Prot won nar ine Un Sete bin Customs et rh te pron caret and stent month Internet Acess Speed ‘hear acess pe opens on ores ats seh cr a 5 Wetserer eset {Sine sree sie cgnly face he ae rand ery een strc donload pedo eer aces a | Net gern Temporary congestion so sbi newas maienancloage. 5 Mteuersarsniaion: Rung mi apical hes impr Bare ec con Gerad cee ped, Mies hating 1 operating tame Scmecntguratne atta PE operat un can corpora ace patron ‘tcl oetty Cempareaio ed cont nes cnet now down ere ss Instatation [7 isan ine Face anes partes einen 5 oS ous For ohrae wing ising Very High Spee ia Saseer Line OSL2 elas 2 hur snr cesta stan Un inaaltion pate. 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