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queries the Data Protector internal database (IDB)

(this command is available on systems with the Data Protector User Interface
component installed)

omnidb -version | -help
omnidb -session [-datalist Datalist] [-type {restore | backup |
verification}] [-user User] {[[-since Date] [-until Date]] | [-last
Number] | [-latest] | [ -wo start duration ]} [-detail]
omnidb -filesearch [-n N]Client Directory FileName
omnidb Object [-session SessionID] [-copyid CopyID] -listdir Directory
omnidb -list_folders -session SessionID [-mailbox MailboxName...]
omnidb -rpt [SessionID | -latest] [-detail]
omnidb -rpt [-wo start duration]
omnidb -session SessionID [{-report Report | -detail | -encryptioninfo
| -strip | -purge | -change_protection Protection |
-change_catprotection Protection | -media [-detail]}]
omnidb -object [{-detail | encryptioninfo}]
omnidb [-noexpand] {-filesystem | -winfs | -vbfs} Client:MountPointLabel [-file FileName] [{-detail | encryptioninfo}]
omnidb Object [ -since Date [-until Date] | -last NumberOfDays |
-latest] [-change_protection Protection] [-change_catprotection
omnidb Object {[-since Date] [-until Date] | -last NumberOfDays}
[-latest] [{-detail | encryptioninfo}]
omnidb Object -strip NumberOfDays
omnidb -strip
omnidb -change_protection Protection
omnidb -change_catprotection Protection
omnidb [-noexpand] {-filesystem | -winfs | -netware} Client:MountPoint Label -fileversions FileName [{-detail | encryptioninfo}]
omnidb Object [{detail | encryptioninfo}]
omnidb Object [-noexpand] -session SessionID [-copyid CopyID]
[-report [Report] | -catalog | -change_protection Protection |
-change_catprotection Protection | -strip | -encryptioninfo]
omnidb Object -session SessionID [-copyid CopyID] -media [-detail

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