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Neuro-Linguistic Programming
This fact sheet provides an introduction to the key concepts and
modelling techniques of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Originally developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the early
1970s as an offshoot of the American personal development scene, the
techniques of NLP have been used increasingly in recent years by
businesses wanting to enable change, by achieving a better
understanding of the different ways people communicate. NLP is all about
communication, learning and change and it has a role to play on both a
business and an individual basis. NLP has been found to be particularly
useful in helping firms with culture change, improving management skills,
learning and development and specifically in helping to train trainers in
better communication techniques.

"The study, application and implementation of excellence in thinking and
communication." (Atkinson).
The techniques of NLP have evolved from the study of how people excel
and what they actually do to achieve success. NLP attempts to make the
unconscious conscious, with an analysis of behaviour patterns, thinking
habits, skills and beliefs. Once there is better understanding of what
makes top achievers reach their level of success, it is then possible to
code or model these patterns and reproduce them. NLP provides a
repertoire of techniques to interpret clues about how people learn, and
recognises that different people learn in different ways. The term 'neurolinguistic programming' gives more clues to what the technique is about.
'Neuro' refers to the neurological system through which experiences are
translated into conscious or unconscious thought. 'Linguistic' refers to
how people communicate and how language is used to make sense of
experiences. 'Programming' refers to the fundamental NLP concept that
behaviour and thinking can be coded and consequently reproduced.

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Advantages of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
helps drive the process of effective change and therefore has a role to
play in business situations
increases effectiveness in communicating with and influencing others
improves levels of interpersonal competency and helps you to grow as
an individual

Disadvantages of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The mechanical nature of some of the techniques has been criticised,
but it depends on how skilfully the techniques are applied in practice
Lack of evidence of the effectiveness of NLP has led to criticism of the

Action checklist
(NLP terminology is indicated in brackets)
1. Identify your goals (Well-formed outcomes)
Make choices to establish well-formed outcomes. Focus on outcomes or
goals that you do want to achieve, not on those you do not want.
2. Consider your own beliefs
Examine the personal and working beliefs that drive your thoughts,
feelings and actions. You may be able to identify empowering and
supportive beliefs that you are happy to keep, or limiting and restrictive
beliefs that are better discarded.
3. Consider others' views (Perceptual positions)
Try to understand as many views as possible of any situation. Put
yourself in someone else's shoes. How do things look now? Imagine what
it would be like looking at the situation from an observer's point of view.

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4. Try to talk the same language (Accessing cues and
representational systems)
Attempt to pick up on clues and cues that help you to recognise how
other people process information and how they use language to represent
experiences. People use their senses to represent experiences described
through words, so you might prefer to 'hear' what has happened at a
recent meeting or 'see' a report. Different thinking styles or
representational systems can be identified. Good communicators will use
the three main representational systems (visual, auditory and
kinaesthetic) to ensure that their audiences have a chance of seeing,
hearing or making sense of their presentation. Do you have a preferred
thinking style? Do you tend to use words in visual mode, such as you 'see
eye to eye' with someone or 'that looks good'? Take note of other
people's words and try to identify their thinking style.
5. Try to establish rapport
If you observe instinctive rapport in action, people often match each
other's words, eye movements and body language. It is possible to learn
to do this and therefore be in a better position to influence a situation.
Interestingly, you will also be more open to influence.
6. Avoid misunderstandings (Meta model)
Be aware of lines of questioning that can help you clarify what someone
is trying to tell you. People often use patterns of language that are rather
vague. This may be done deliberately or sometimes just by assuming too
much. NLP suggests using who, what or how questions to tease out the
full story. For example, in response to the complaint 'they don't tell you
anything', you might like to ask 'who exactly?' Similarly, 'I just can't
manage' may be followed by 'what would you need to be able to
7. Consider your focus of interest (Metaprogrammes)
Begin to understand how you respond to information you are given, and
how you filter information. Do you tend to notice some experiences and
screen out others? NLP identifies 12 metaprogrammes, each of which has
its own language, work role and response. For example, if you are a
'towards' person you tend to move towards your goals, talk about
benefits and know what you want. An 'away-from' person focuses on
what to avoid and has problems uppermost in their mind.

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8. Consider the way you relate to time
Do you live in the past or are you always planning and thinking of the
future? Perhaps you live for the here and now. If you recognise how
others relate to time then you will have a better understanding of them.
9. Consider the different levels of experience that influence us
(Neuro-logical levels of change)
NLP recognises six levels of learning, communication and change, ranging
from the highest level involving understanding your purpose in whatever
you do, to your identity, your beliefs, your skills, your behaviour and your
surroundings. The key factor for implementing effective change is to
recognise which of those levels you are positioned in, in any particular
situation. You may then have a hope of matching other people's levels.
10. Consider reframing an issue in a way that works for you
If a behaviour or thought seems to be stuck, try considering it from a
different perspective. Context reframing involves finding a context in
which a certain behaviour is appropriate. For example, if you find yourself
being seemingly too sensitive about a situation which you might feel is
rather negative, try using reframing questions, such as, "When would it
be beneficial to be sensitive?", the answer might be "When I notice
someone in the office who is nervous or unsure". You have now reframed
the behaviour and can hopefully feel more positive about it.
11. Change the way you think about difficult situations
Feel confident and motivated to tackle tricky jobs by associating them
with desirable pictures, sounds or feelings. So, for example, look on the
'bright' side. NLP recognises how experiences can be coded and helps you
to recognise the language and associations that are used to describe
negative or positive situations. For example, if you can identify an aspect
in your life that has been successful in the past, you can notice whether
you recall that experience in pictures or associate it with particular words
or sounds or perhaps certain feelings. An exercise like this will help you
to notice the type of words you use to describe your motivated state. A
similar exercise recalling an undesirable event can help you notice the
kinds of words you use to describe your unmotivated state. Once you are
aware of these differences you have the power to change the associations
you make and the language you use.
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12. Transfer what you do well in one aspect of your life to another
Make links or anchors between a trigger and a response to help you
access at will the positive feelings that you want. Be aware of detrimental
anchors and try to change them.
13. Consider the modelling process
Try to identify what you would have to do to think and behave like a
person you would use as your role model. Try to understand their map of
the world. Attempt to test the model by identifying essential parts.
Explore ways of teaching the 'excellent' skills and strategies to others.
14. Practise to succeed
Try different NLP techniques and behaviours and do not be afraid to keep
changing them until you achieve the responses you want.
Dos and don'ts of NLP
Have a clear idea of your goals. Set well-formed outcomes. What do
you really want to happen?
Cultivate a positive outlook, and therefore influence your own
perception of the world
Challenge your limiting behaviours. Try to look at things in a different
Be flexible, so that you can keep on changing what you do until you
get what you want

Try to become someone else. Aim to find out what makes people
succeed and then apply this learning to improve yourself
Focus on what you cannot do or do not want
Let bad memories that cannot be changed influence the way you run
your life

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Useful reading
Introducing NLP, Sue Knight
London: Institute of Personnel and Development, 1999
Understanding Neuro Linguistic Programming in a Week,
Mo Shapiro
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1998
NLP and the New Manager, Ian McDermott and Ian Shircore
London: Orion Business Books, 1998
Journal Article
Mastering Your Potential, Phil Atkinson
Management Services, vol 40 no 1, Jan 1996, pp10-11, 14-16

Useful addresses
Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ANLP)
PO Box 78
West Midlands
Tel: 01384 443935
INLPTA Limited
Coombe House
Mill Road
PO16 0TN
Tel: 01489 571171

Thought starters
If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what
you have always got
What you think is what you get

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