Growing The Adult Within

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Growing the Adult Within:

Self-Control as Responsible Personal Freedom

To the extent you choose not to control yourself, someone else, sooner or later, will. Jack
There is only one political sin: independence; and only one political virtue: obedience. To
put it differently, there is only one offense against authority: self-control; and only one
obeisance to it: submission to control by authority. Why is self-control, autonomy, such a
threat to authority? Because the person who controls himself, who is his own master, has no
need for an authority to be his master. This, then, renders authority unemployed. Thomas
You can either be treated as an adult, responsible for your behavior; or, you can be treated as
a childmadmancriminalsick, physically or mentallyall of which means, you are not
held responsible for your behavior, for controlling yourselftherefore, others can and WILL
control you instead of you doing it for yourself; and they will usually claim to do it for the
Public Good, or for your own safetybut do it they will.
Ask yourself:
WHY should ANYONEgovernment or criminal (there is no difference?)claim they can
control youfor ANY reason other than that you have physically aggressed against
someone? WHY should you NOT BE FREE to be RESPONSIBLE for your actions?
WHY should anyone claim to order you around as long as you are not physically hurting
another person or his property?
Is there any JUST CAUSE for ANYONE to assume CONTROL OVER YOU?
The only non-reason a person assumes they can and should control you is that they justify
using MIGHT rather than reasoning RIGHT.
It does NOT matter what end or goal you justify initiating violence to obtain, it is WRONG, it
How will you answer the above questions? Your answers will tell me to what degree you live
a life of Responsible Personal Freedom and allow others to do the same.

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