Analyzing and Defining The Problem 2

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Analyzing and defining the Problem

Does the problem really exist?

How can one tell?
A drive north on highway 87 out of Mesa, Arizona, passes a
landfill. Along the highway, debris has blown up from the landfill
and coated the sides of the road.
What caused the problem?
Can one identify any immediate causes?
The landfill is the direct cause of the litter.
Is the problem due to a flaw in the system, lack of resources,
individual misconduct, or incompetence?
The eyesore is due to a flaw in the system that governs our
How can one tell?
Countries such as Germany and Singapore let little distract from
the majestic views that the countries contain; yet, overly stringent
prevention can become costly to the accused.
The beauty of a drive on an Arizona highway can easily bring
on reservation for visiting relatives when they have difficulty seeing
mountains past the seas of trash.
What is the history of the problem?
The government procrastinated against the fight versus American's
conventional crack at excess.
What are the bad effects of the problem?
There is an unmistakable health issue having uncontained
refuse, along with a safety issue for passing motorists.

How does it harm members of the community?

Pollutants from the loose debris introduced into the drinking water
system can be the cause of an outbreak or can cause irrecoverable
ground contamination.
What goals of the group are endangered by the existence of this
Life is dependant on the survival of the Earth, a planet that can only
prevail through attentive consideration of our impact.
Does it raise any moral or ethical questions?
The concern regarding the unquestionably negative impact
humanity places upon the earth brings up moral questions
regarding our obligations to future generations.
Who in the community or group is affected by the problem?
Each life on this earth is affected by the poor condition that man
causes the planet
What similar problems exist in this same community or group?
Overpopulation of the earth has also caused problems such as air and water
pollution, issues that have similar solutions as the trash that is lining our streets.

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