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MAY 1991

Special thanks to the

Historical Division, U.S. Army Missile Command,
who prepared this booklet. photo was taken du.ring the .first Anny elimina:tiDn of INF Treatyrelated items on September 8, 1988, at Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant
in Texas. First stage motors.from a PERSHING II and a PERSHING 1 a were
static .fired. then the cases were placed in a hydraulic crustier and
.flattened. The last PERSHING 1 a motors were destroyed on July 6, 1989,
and the .final two PERSHING II motors were eliminated in May 1991.

'The PERSHING Missile System strengthened deterrence and was

concrete evidence of United States resolve. If we had not deployed . . .

[PERSHING]there would not be an INF Treaty today."

- - Vice President George Bush
8 September 1988
Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant


The PERSHING Protect omce

Responsibility for systems management and engineering of the

PERSHING program was initially assigned to the Army Ballistic Missile
Agency (ABMA) at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, in 1958. A series of project
directors exercised full authority for the program's overall development.
When ABMAwas absorbed into the Army Ordnance Missile Command
(AOMC) on December 11, 1961, the PERSHING, like all other major
weapon systems assigned to AOMC, entered under a form of project
management. This project office was the direct forerunner to the vertical
project management system established by the U.S. Anny Materiel
Command.(AMC) on August 1, 1962.
The U.S. Army Missile Command (MICOM).a major subordinate
command of AMC,was activated at Redstone Arsenal on this same date.
The PERSHINGwas one of the original 30 items placed under this form of
management at MICOM.The PERSHING Project Office remained under
MICOM'sjurisdiction until May 1, 1987, when the Program Executive
Office (PEO) for Fire Support was established at Redstone Arsenal,
After the historic Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
between the United States and the U.S.S.R. became effective on June 1,
1988, the PERSHING Project Office subsequently returned to MICOM's
jurisdiction in March 1989. Responsibility for PERSHING project
management was placed under the direction of the newly established
MICOMWeapon Systems Management Directorate on August 27, 1989.

The PERSHING Missile System

Conceived as a replacement for the REDSTONE.the PERSHINGI was

first deployed in August 1963. A second generation system, the PERSHING
la began replacing the PERSHING I in 1969. The improved system
provided increased reliability and flexibility.additional ease ofmaintenance,
lower mission cost. and enhanced operational time.
An evolutionary improvement of the PERSHING la system, the
PERSHINGII was first deployed in December 1983. Through the use of a

terminally guided reentry vehicle with a new warhead, new propulsion

sections, and modified PERSHING la ground support equipment. the
PERSHING II provided increased effectiveness covering longer ranges
with reduced collateral damage over the PERSHING la.
The increased range and pinpoint accuracy of the PERSHING II were
major factors influencing the Soviet Union's decision to seek the Treaty
on Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces in which the United States and the
U.S.S.R. agreed to eliminate an entire class of nuclear missiles.

Elimination of the PERSIUNG MlHile System

In accordance with INF Treaty provisions, all of the U.S. Air Force's
Ground Launched Cruise Missiles (GLCMs) and the U.S. Army's tactical
PERSHING II missile stages, launchers, trainers, and deployed reentry
vehicles had to be eliminated by May 31, 1991. The Army's PERSHING la
missiles had to be eliminated within 18 months of the treaty's effective
date. A total of234 PERSHING II missiles and 169 PERSHING la missiles
were covered by the treaty. Army contractors completed the destruction
of the last PERSHING la missiles on July 6, 1989, five months ahead of
schedule. The last PERSHING II was eliminated in May 1991.
The majority of PERSHING missile stages were burned (static fired)
and then crushed, primarily at Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant. Texas,
or at Pueblo Depot Activity, Colorado. Representatives from the Soviet
Inspection Team and the U.S. On-Site Inspection Agency were present to
witness the elimination process.
The launchers were disassembled and major components-the major
parts of the erection mechanism arid launcher chassis-were cut in half.
These treaty limited items were destroyed at Pueblo Depot Activity or at
the Equipment Maintenance Center-Hausen (an activity of the Mainz
Army Depot) near Frankfurt, Germany. Trainers were either cut in half or
Each side also had permission to destroy 15 missiles and launchers
by disabling, then permanently exhibiting them in museums and similar
facilities. The 15 U.S. missiles and launchers were split between the
Army's PERSHING II and the Air Force's GLCMs.
A PERSHING II missile and launcher were put on display at the Field
Artillery Museum, Fort Sill. Oklahoma: White Sands Missile Range, New

Mexico; the Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida; and the
Alabama Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, Alabama. A missile only
was exhibited also at Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, Virginia. The final
two PERSHING II missiles and the last launcher were donated to the
Smithsonian Institution's Air and Space Museum. which exchanged with
the Soviet Union one PERSHING II for an SS-20 missile.

Smithsonian INF 'n"eaty Missile Display, June 18, 1990


31 Oct 56

The Chief of Research and Development, Department of the

Army (DA). requested that the Ordnance Corps conduct a
feasibility study of a ballistic missile With a required range
of 500 nautical miles and a maximum range of 750 nautical

14 Nov 56

The Ordnance Corps forwarded the request for a medium

range ballistic missile (MRBM) study to the Army Ballistic
MissileAgency (ABMA) thus generating the basic requirement
for the system to be known as the PERSHING I missile.

7 Jan 58

The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended and the Secretary of

Defense approved the authorization for the Army to proceed
with development of a solid-propellant missile to replace the
REDSTONE. This approved replacement was known at
ABMAas the REDSTONE-$ (solid).

16 Jan 58

The Department of Defense (DOD) announced that the new

solid-propellant missile had been named the PERSHINGin
honor of General of the Armies of the United States John J.
(Blackjack) Pershing, famed commander of the American
Expeditionary Forces during World War I.

19 Feb 58

The Secretary of the Army assigned responsibility for the

overall direction of the PERSHING I missile development
program to the Army Ballistic Missiles Committee. At the
same time, he gave responsibility for systems management
and engineering of the PERSHING I development to ABMA.

28 Mar 58

The Martin Company of Orlando, Florida, was awarded a

cost-plus-fixed-fee (CPFF) letter contract for research,
development, and initial production of the PERSHING I
system under the technical supervision and concept control
of the Government.

10 Apr 58

The Ordnance
establishment of the PERSHING Project with a lA priority.

9 Oct 58

The Ordnance Technical Committee formally approved

military characteristics for the PERSHING I missile system.

Tne PERSHING I was a two-stage, solid-propellant. surface-to-surface ballistic missile,

with selective range capability. Tne highly mobile, quick reacting system was developed as
afield army support weapon to replace the REDSTONE missile. This version of the system
weighed about 10,000 pounds, measured about 35 feet in length and 40 inches in diameter,
and was capable of canying a nuclear warhead to ranges of 400 nautical miles wuier any
weather or terrain conditions.

18 Apr 59

ABMA accepted the first PERSHING I missile from the

research and development contract definitized with Martin
on 25Jun 58.

Nov 60

The U.S. Army Artillery and Missile School at Fort Sill,

Oklahoma, was designated as the proponent agency in the
preparation of Army training programs for the PERSHING I

Oct 61

The Martin Company was consolidated with the American

Marietta Company. forming the Martin Marietta Corporation.

Oct 61

The Martin Marietta Corporation received the first production

contract for PERSHING I tactical missiles and ground
support equipment.

Jun 62

The first battery of the first U.S. Army PERSHING I tactical

missile battalion-the
2d Missile Battalion. 44th Artillerywas activated.

1 Aug 62

The PERSHING I became one of the original items placed

under project management by the U.S. Army Materiel
Command (AMC).

31 Oct 62

Martin Marietta delivered the first tactical Ordnance and

Artillery ground support equipment sets for the PERSHING

Dec 62

The PERSHINGI's readiness date was met when the first

tactical missile (Missile 505) was delivered. It later became
the first PERSHINGI service test missile fired in Apr 63.

Feb 63

The PERSHINGI modification program began.

Sep 63

Germany formally accepted a Military Assistance Program

(MAP) offerfor a joint maintenance float and support services
for the PERSHINGI.

Jan 64

The Secretary of Defense assigned the PERSHING I weapon

system to a Quick Reaction Alert (QRA) role after a DOD
study showed that the PERSHING I would be superior to
tactical aircraft for the QRA mission.

Mar 64

The first German PERSHING I wing began unit training at

Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

Jun 64

The first U.S. PERSHING I unit to be deployed overseas-the

4th Missile Battalion, 4lst Artillery-became operational.

25 Jun 64

The REDSTONE missile, which the PERSHING I replaced,

was classified obsolete.

4 Dec 64

The Secretary of Defense requested that the Army define the

modifications required to make the PERSHING I suitable for
the QRA role. This directive initiated the PERSHING la

24 May 65

The Secretary of Defense

development program.

28 Mar 67

The PERSHING I accomplished a significant first when B

Battery, 3d Battalion, 84th Artillery, which was deployed to
Germany, successfully launched two missiles simultaneously
and a third missile 30 minutes later from Blanding, Utah,
into White Sands Missile Range (WSMR).

Aug 67

31 Jul 68



Martin Marietta received the production


contract for the

AMC granted authority for limited release of PERSHING la

equipment designated for continental United States (CONUS)

May 69

The first PERSHINGla CONUSbattalion-the 2d Battalion,

44thArtillery-received its equipment. This battalion's main'
mission was training.

Sep 69

The conversion from PERSHING I to PERSHING la for the

first U.S. European battalion-the
4th Battalion. 4lst
Artillery-was completed. This initiated Project SWAP, a
program for replacing PERSHING I equipment deployed to
Europe with PERSHING la equipment.

22 Jan 70

Germany officiallyaccepted the SWAPprogram.

18 Mar 70

Project SWAPwas completed ahead of schedule.

Jul 70

DelivertesofPERSHINGla equipment forArmyrequirements

were completed.

To increase the system's ability to shoot, move, and communicate in a Quick Reaction Alert
(QRAJ role, in January 1966, the Army awarded a contract for new ground equipment
designated PERSHING 1 a. Under this program, there was no change to the basic 35-joot. inertially-guided missile. The biggest outward change in the system was the shift.from tracked
vehicles to wheels for all ground support equipment, including an improved erector-lawu:her.
Faster erecting lawu:hers and the introduction of solid state electronics contributed to a more
rapid rate of 'fire and even greater reliability.

7 Mar 74

Mar 75

The Deputy Secretary of Defense authorized the Anny to

proceed with the advanced development of the PERSHING II.
The contract option to begin the PERSHING advanced
development was exercised.

18 Nov 77

The first PERSHING II missile advanced development firing

took place.

20 Feb 79

The PERSHING II system formally entered the engineering

development stage.

Dec 79

The NATO Ministers formally approved the basing of the

PERsHING II missile system in Western Europe.

19 Feb 80

President Jimmy Carter awarded the PERSHING II program

the BRICK-BAT (DX) priority rating, the highest national
priority granted to a system.

Dec 81

The PERSHING II program entered the production phase.

Aug 82

The PERSHING Project Office celebrated its 20th anniversary.

Apr 83

The central training facility for transition training from

PERSHING la to PERSHING II was activated at Cape Canaveral
Air Force Station, Florida.

15 Dec 83

The initial operational capability for the PERSHING II was

achieved when the 56th Field Artillery Brigade received its

30 Jun 84

Deployment of the first PERSHING II battalion was completed

in Europe.

1 Aug 84
13 Dec 85

The CONUS deployment of the PERSHING II began.

The PERSHING II weapon system successfully achieved full
operational capability in Europe.

20 to 21
May 87

Tue first PERSHING II night launches occurred at Cape

Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. One of the missiles
launched during this testing marked the 500th fl.ightof the
overall PERSHINGprogram, which included the PERSHING

8 Dec 87

27 May 88

Tue United States and the U .S.S.R. signed the Intermediate

Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.
Tue U.S. Senate ratified the INF Treaty.

1 Jun 88

Tue PERSHING INF Management Control Center became

operational on a 24-hour basis at Redstone Arsenal.

2 Jun 88

A CPFF contract was awarded to the Thiokol Corporation for

the elimination of PERSHINGrocket motors by static firing
to meet the requirements of the INF Treaty. This contract
also provided for the crushing and disposal of PERSHINGla
motor cases and nozzles.

1 Sep 88

In accordance with the provisions of the INFTreaty and the

approved schedule, the stand down of the first PERSHING
II United States Army, Europe (USAREUR)battery began.

8 Sep 88

The U.S. Army began eliminating PERSHINGmissile rocket

motors as prescribed in the INF Treaty when a PERSHING
II and a PERSHINGla first stage motor were static fired at
Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, Texas. Following the
firings, both cases were placed in a hydraulic crusher and

Oct 88

Tue elimination through static burn (firing)of PERSHINGla

rocket motors began on a regularly scheduled basis at
Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant. An average of 48 first
and second stage motors were eliminated per month by
Morton Thiokol contractor personnel. Representatives from
the Soviet Inspection Team and the On-Site Inspection
Agency were present to witness the elimination process.


The PERSHING II missile system still measured about 35 feet in length and approximately
40 inches in diameter, but weighed 16,467 pounds and had a stgnljlcantly increased range
of 1800 kilometers or 1.200 miles. A two-stage. solid-propellant missile. the PERSHING II
was equipped with one nuclear warhead It was .first deployed in December 1983 with the
U.S. Anny's 56th Fteld Artillery Brigade (now called Command) in the Federal Republic of


Oct 88

The first nine PERSHINGII launchers were eliminated at the

Equipment Maintenance Center-Hausen, Frankfurt. Federal
Republic of Germany.

Dec 88

The initial elimination of nine PERSHING first and second

stage motors, reentry vehicles, warhead and radar section
airframes, and 18 trainer stages was completed at Pueblo
Depot Activity, Colorado.

13 May 89

After further negotiations in Geneva, Switzerland, between

the U.S. and Soviet governments, the Soviet Inspection
Team began accepting incomplete PERSHINGla motors for

6 Jul 89

The last PERSHING la motor stages were eliminated at

Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant, five months ahead of
schedule. A total of 343 PERSHING la motor stages were
destroyed, marking the first time an entire class of nuclear
weapons had been eliminated.

18 Jun 90

The dedication ceremony for a PERSHINGII/SS-20 missile

INF Treaty display was held at the Smithsonian Air and
Space Museum, Washington, D.C. A similar exhibit is on
display at the Soviet Military Museum in Moscow.

Sep to
Oct 90

The last CONUStreaty-related items consisting ofPERSHING

II launchers and trainer missile stages, were retrograded
from Redstone Arsenal and Fort Sill to Pueblo Depot Activity.

20 Sep 90

As ordered by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pieces of PERSHING

IImissiles were delivered to the United Nations in NewYork

City for use with Soviet SS-20 missile pieces in a permanent

art exhibit at the U.N. being designed by a Soviet artist.


FY 90

The German Air Force (GAF) unilaterally agreed to the

retrograde of the PERSHINGla system from their inventory.

The GAFwould keep the system fielded through mid-May
1991, after which time the United States would eliminate
the GAFPERSHINGla motors.
1 Oct 90

At 1800 hours Central European time, the last tactical

PERSHINGII missile stage was put in its container and
verified safe to ship.

1 Nov 90

The last CONUSPERSHINGII battery stood down at Fort

Sill, Oklahoma, and the battalion-the 3 /9th FieldArtillerywas deactivated.

May 91

The first and second stage rocket motors ofthe last PERSHING
II missiles were eliminated at Longhorn Army Ammunition
Plant. This was in accordance with INF Treaty provisions
requiring the elimination of an entire class of nuclear
missiles by both the United States and U.S.S.R. no later
than 31May91.

May 91

The 56th Field Artillery Command (PERSHING) and

subordinate elements deactivated, ending three decades of
PERSHINGservice to the nation.


FIRST PERSHING LAUNCH. Conceived as a replacement for the

REDSTONE, the PERSHING I began research and development flight
testing on February 25, 1960. photograph shows that initial.flight. system eventually evolved into the PERSHING II, whose 1800ktlometer range and pinpoint accuracy were major factors in the signing of
the INF Treaty between the United States and the U.S.S.R.

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