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Fact or opinion quiz

Level A

1. A fact is based on evidence.

A) True
B) False
2. An opinion is someones point of view.
A) True
B) False
3. Curry is the best dish in the world.
A) fact
B) opinion
4. London is the capital of England.
A) fact
B) opinion
5. The Adelaide Crows is a great football team.
A) fact
B) opinion
6. Port Power won the AFL Grand Final in 2004.
A) fact
B) opinion
7. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
A) fact
B) opinion
8. Being a teacher is the best career.
A) fact
B) opinion

BBC 2011


Fact or opinion quiz

9. Dogs are better pets than cats.
A) fact
B) opinion
10. It is colder in winter than in summer in Adelaide.
A) fact
B) opinion

BBC 2011


Fact or opinion quiz

Level B

1. Cricket is played in England.

A) Fact
B) Opinion
2. Cricket is more fun than football.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
3. William Shakespeare is the greatest English writer.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
4. Julia Gillard is the first female Prime Minister of Australia.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
5. Jay Weatherill is a good Premier of South Australia.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
6. Marion Bay on Yorke Peninsulai is a great holiday spot.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
7. The Blue Lake is in Mt Gambier.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
8. It is better to live in rural areas than in the city.
A) Fact
B) Opinion

BBC 2011


Fact or opinion quiz

9. Pancakes are made with flour, eggs and milk.

A) Fact
B) Opinion
10. Pancakes are really tasty.
A) Fact
B) Opinion

BBC 2011


Fact or opinion quiz

Level C

1. Maths is the most difficult subject.

A) Fact
B) Opinion
2. Maths lessons are more interesting than English classes.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
3. Most people catch the train to work in Adelaide.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
4. Its a waste of time learning a foreign language as everyone in the world speaks English.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
5. Free range eggs are the best eggs to buy.


A) Opinion
6. Girls do better than boys in Year 12.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
7. Global Warming means the earth is getting hotter.
A) Fact
B) Opinion
8. Global Warming will mean the end of life on earth eventually.
A) Fact
B) Opinion

BBC 2011


Fact or opinion quiz

9. Everybody would drink bottled water.

A) Fact
B) Opinion
10. The Pyramids have been around for thousands of years.
A) Fact
B) Opinion

BBC 2011

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