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I went to the North-Sea again on my bicycle this late evening;

the wind however gave me some thought to return without destination;

I looked at the stars, as I only do when I am on my way to the Sea,
to imagine how they shine above the serene waves.
That and because the Sea gives me peace, are the only reasons that I kept going.
The stars above the Sea always makes me think and remember.
Too often I have music in my ears; but only the Sea,
the wind rushing through the trees,
the rain falling on the roofs,
my feet walking through the snow in the early morning
and crickets reminding me of how curious I was to the world as a young boy are my reasons to listen.
I arrived at the dunes; and decided to go on the path of the wind mills,
but water blocking my way, the past of the rain which felt earlier this day,
made me go another way.
Thus I took my usual path towards the Sea,
but when I finally came in touch with the beach,
the wind blinded my eyes by blowing sand into my face thus I decided to return home after I was done focusing on the Three Stars,
which are a group of Five if you look closely,
and a group of Nine if you try to make a figure.
On my way back it was as if all the stars and the grey clouds;
came together rushing behind one marvelous star to fall upon the village.
~Sjoerd Heeger
24 December
Late evening
into midnight

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