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Faculty of Training Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Information & Communication Technology
(Network Technology) 2010 / 2013
Year II Semester II Examination March 2013

Wireless Communication (ICTNT 40502)

Instructions :
1) Explain your answers with Diagrams ( listing is not acceptable listing should accompany
with explanations and example )
2) All will be essay type question.
3) Total marks 100 ( Q1- 22 + 24= 3 marks each 3x23= 69 ) , Q23 = 7 marks , Q25 = 24 marks )
Duration : 03 hours


Explain what is Wi-Fi ?


Draw the symbol of wifi ?


Explain what is war chalking and war driving ?


Explain some wireless communication applications ?


What is LTE for which generation does it belong to ?


What is known as pervasive computing (also called ubiquitous computing) ?


Give 3 examples of its usage ( above question 6) ?


What is femtocell , when do you use it ?


What is picocell , when do you use it ?

10) What is VSAT ?

11) Describe Ka band ?
12) How do you differentiae Ku band and C band from the antenna size ?
13) Draw the electromagnetic ( frequency ) spectrum ?
14) Explain about VSAT Antenna ?
15) Explain Block upconverter (BUC) ?
16) Explain Low-noise block down converter (LNB) ?
17) Explain Orthomode transducer (OMT) ?

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18) Explain Interfacility link cable (IFL) ?

19) Explain Indoor unit (IDU) of VSAT ?
20) Describe about the application Beini . What does it do , where can it be used ?
21) Beini has 2 application on it 1st is bib 2nd is feeding bottle. Explain about the bib
application. How useful is it for wireless auditing.
22) What is open WiMAX ?
23) Explain about Why-mobile-technology-may-well-define-the-future-of-healthcare-foreveryone .

(7 Marks)

24) Fill the following using the NATO phonetic alphabet:

Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, G___, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, L___, Mike,
November, Oscar, P___, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, V___, Whiskey, X-ray,
Yankee, Zulu


a) What is? ( Total Marks 24 each question carries 2 marks )

1- Fixed WiMAX
2- Mobile WiMAX
b) Differentiate WiMAX and Wi-Fi
c) Describe following based on WiMAX
1- Simple Wireless Architecture
2- Radios and Antennas
3- Subscriber Stations
4- Site Survey
d) What is
1- Interference
e) Describe following
1- Antenna Technologies and Interference in WiMAX
2- How to maintain Good Quality of Service in WiMax
3- WiMAX Security
4- WiMAX Reliability

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