Managerial Effectiveness (1-Day) : The Context

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Managerial Effectiveness (1-day)

The Context:

Managers have a very large impact on their organizations success. As leaders, their influence is felt
in every aspect of the company: from strategy formation to new product development (NPD) to
operations to after-sales customer support. Managers are effective when they possess business
acumen and are able to make decisions effectively and decisively when needed. This one-day
workshop is a curtain raiser on the competencies needed to be effective as a manager. The goal of
this workshop is to enhance awareness in all participants of where they can learn and improve,
which is essential to their career growth.

Prior to the workshop, reading assignments of a case study and an article relevant to this workshop
will be sent to all participants by email. We will also send a self-assessment on key personal
competencies that are needed to succeed in their role of Managers. These three exercises will serve
to set the stage for the Managerial Effectiveness workshop. The workshop will be highly interactive
to ensure participation, interest and learning. The programs workbook will contain exercises and
activities for every module. See below for the course outline.

Course Outline for the workshop:

a) An introduction to Managerial Effectiveness
a. The Roles of Management & Leadership
b. The significance of Effectiveness in Management and Leadership
c. The competencies needed to be successful in Management and Leadership
b) Business Acumen
a. An introduction to Business Acumen
b. Gaining deeper customer insights
c. Recognizing business opportunities
d. Identifying lead indicators of impending trouble
c) Decision Making & Problem Solving
a. Using data to drive decision making the sensible approach
b. Pitfalls in data-driven decision making
c. Being aware of Cognitive Biases and how to mitigate them
d. Best Practices in problem solving

Learning Outcomes:

Understand the roles of management and leadership.

Appreciate the difference between the two.
Learn the various competencies related to Business Acumen
Develop an approach to gaining customer insights
Learn to identify opportunities and risks in your operations
Use data to drive decision making
Understand how our cognitive biases affect our ability to think and decide
Develop a checklist of dos and donts in solving problems

Proprietary and confidential

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