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Pre-Approach Procedure


Aero-Tech, Inc.

from IAF


50 miles

Plan descent
Obtain local weather (ATIS/ASOS/AWOS)

30 miles

Locate destination airport in IAP book

Decide which approach to expect type and runway
Consider runway conditions
Decide straight-in or circle. Circle not recommended after dark.
Decide which NAV equipment to use

25 miles

Next COM frequency into standby

Preview the Airport Diagram
Approach entry to runway
Runway length, displaced threshold, crossing runways?
Field Elevation
Preview Plan View
General flow of approach
Primary facility set up and identified in #1 NAV
Approach inbound course
Preview Profile View
Initial approach altitude
Step down fixes
Approach minimums
Preview Missed Approach
Missed Approach Point
Missed Approach Procedure

15 miles

If using GPS, pre-program

10 miles

Set up cross-fixes or missed approach into #2 NAV

Identify NAVs (ADF volume up to low)
Marker Beacons ON and HIGH
Pre-set COM frequencies into stand-by

5 miles

Slow to lowest category approach speed

Set approach-flaps, if appropriate
Double check DG with compass
Sterile cockpit
Pre-landing checklist
Request final descent to Initial Approach Altitude


Time, Turn, Twist, Throttle and Talk
Verify nav flags off CDI/GS, CDI displays correctly
Pre-landing checklist
Sterile cockpit
Refresh inbound course, MAP, DA/MDA,


5 T-s
Time, Turn, Twist, Throttle and Talk
Pre-landing checklist, gear down, 3-green lights
Refresh MAP, DA/MDA
If not stabilized approach, immediate missed approach
Look for the runway

Aero-Tech, Inc. All rights reserved. 2004

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