Social Studies Grade 6 Exam - Summative

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Grade 6- Current Events

Learning Outcome focus

6.1.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of democracy.
6.1.6 Students will understand how individuals, groups and associations within a community can impact
decision-making of local and provincial governments.

6.S.4 Students will show a dimension of critical thinking by evaluating ideas, information, and positions.

Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________


Read over and answer each question carefully in the test booklet.
If you have any questions please raise your hand.
When you are done bring your test booklet to the front and then
work quietly at your desk or read a book.
You will have 45 minutes to complete the exam.
Good Luck!

1. Match the following Perspectives with their focuses. Make sure to write the matching letter in the
blank space provided. ( /3)

____ Global perspective

a. Would focus on interests of Edmonton, Calgary, and


____ Provincial perspective

b. Would be the focus of Prime Minster Harper.

____ Local perspective

c. Focuses on the well-being of the community first.

d. Focuses on the larger world and our society's place in it.

True or False:
Circle True or False for the following questions ( /3)
2. A bias can only be against something or someone.

T / F

3. A perspective is an opinion shared by multiple people.

T / F

4. Considering how you might be affected by an issue is a component of an opinion.

T / F

Multiple Choice:
Circle the correct answer
5. Which of the following is not a fundamental right guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms? ( /1)
a. freedom of religion
b. freedom of association
c. freedom of violent assembly
d. freedom of thought, belief, and opinion

6. Which of the following is not a way that YOU (as a student) can currently participate in local and
provincial decision-making processes? ( /1)


b. Attending a rally
c. Signing a petition.
d. A letter to your representative

Read and answer the following long answer question.

7. Analyze the cartoon. What is the political cartoon about? Explain your answer and give your own
opinion on the subject. ( /4)


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