Descriptive Essay Sample. A Trip Ended Before Starting. First Draft. by Mohsen Mohsen Ali

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First Draft

By: Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid 2014

On a hot summer day of the week before the final exams,

arranging a trip to a better place such as the beach, is a golden idea
for stimulating college students if the college authorities approve the
idea from the deeps of hearts. Unless you get their approval engraved
on a responsible paper, all your delight would become plight. That's
just exactly as what happened to our college students six years ago
when they planned a trip to "Alghadeer beach", but it fell into ruin
and went against what they tried and wished to achieve,
disappointing them and devastating their preparations and killing
their hopes of an arranged trip lasted no longer than a moment of
time, but ended before it started.

First, hoping to be the most exciting and wonderful trip ever

taken; English department students woke up earlier than usual and
scooted eagerly, longing to the sea. They left the thresholds of their
homes, bringing with them all the needs of their trip - from "the
Handhal granules (Za'qa)" to the digital cameras, swimming
equipment, eye goggles and the requirements of playing sports, in
order to have fun for refreshing and stimulating themselves before
preparing for the final exams.

Then, though in their trip they would waste hours of their most
important times of revising for their final exams, everyone has hoped,
wished and sought to draw out an aesthetic painting of memories to
be woven with threads of happiness, beams of smile and spectra of
delight in a time in which the smile had been buried in an arid desert,
happiness had been sown in a barren land, and also the concerns and
worries had invaded horizons, but probably suffering amounted the
sky since the exams knock the doors, though the intentions of

First Draft

preparation were still absent. In candid words and explicit

expression, everyone wanted to bury pains in the breach, to throw
worries into the sea and to get rid of chagrins there. Hopeful
moments and picturesque imaginations might have been lived and
experienced by everyone in the form of imaginary film while awake,
or in the form of a dream while asleep or in a nap, such playing on
the beach his/her favorite games, or spending moments with glee and

To conclude, needless to expatiate, nor to prolong, those

indescribable feelings could not have continued any longer. The
events have turned into the bitterest ever. Just after the most
fascinating words of greeting with which everyone had welcomed
his/her colleagues, s/he felt so disappointed and frustrated where and
when the convergence took place and s/he unwillingly bade them
farewell at once as the word: "I'm not responsible", said by Deputy
Dean of our college. As a result, their marvelous feelings turned into
spectra of fiction, clouds of illusion and beams of mirage.

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First Draft

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