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Advanced Road Design

Road Design Tutorials


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Advanced Road Design V13

This document is intended for all users of Advanced Road Design V13. This software is supported on
multiple CAD programs including AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map, AutoCAD Civil 3D and BricsCAD.
In Civil 3D, the creation of existing survey Surfaces and all design Alignments is done using the Civil 3D
For all other software platforms, the ARD Surfaces and ARD Alignment tools must be used.
Civil 3D users can skip the ARD Alignments section it is worth reviewing the ARD Surfaces tutorials
since the software does make ARD Surfaces as part of the design output process.


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ARD Surfaces
Open the Surfaces.dwg training file.
Note: The training files can be found by running the General Open Tutorial Folder


Creating ARD Surfaces

Step 1: From the ribbon, click on Surfaces
Create Surface.
Step 2: At the dialogue box to Select Required Drainage Settings file, just click OK.
Step 3: At the prompt for a surface name, type NS and click OK. The Create/Edit Surface form will
Step 4: From the 3D Faces tab, click on the pick box and select the layer SURF from the list (the
software filters to display layers containing 3D
Step 5: Click on the Add button to add this layer of data to
the inputs list.
Step 6: Click on
Build Surface the software will
immediately build a surface from the inputs and
display in the drawing.
Note for Civil 3D users:
The ARD surface can be exported to Civil 3D by clicking on
the "Export ARD Surface to Civil 3D"
Modelling panel of the Roads tab.

button found in the

This will create a Civil 3D surface with the same name as the
ARD surface with a Prefix "C3D-.".
Step 7: Click on
Build Surface to rebuild the surface with the boundary you can also click on this
button to update the surface after moving the boundary polyline.

Surface Display Controls

Step 8: Click on the Outputs tab down the left hand side of the Create/Edit Surface form from here you
can manage how the surface displays.
Step 9: Click on

Load Style.

Step 10: In the list of available styles, select Existing-Contours-5m & 1m intervals.SDF and click OK

Surface Contour Display

The Contours & Mesh tab allows you to set the layer and mesh (triangle) display. Make the following
a. Tick on the Mesh
b. Change the Major Contours to 10
c. Change the Minor Contours to 2
d. Change the colours as desired
Step 11: Create user contours by clicking on the

button and typing in an


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Contour Labels
Step 12: Click on the Outputs > Contour
Labelling tab
Step 13: For the Major contour labels, tick
ON the Mid labels and then click
Update Labels. Note extra
labelling at regular intervals
along the major contours the
Spacing parameter controls the
distance between the contour
To add your own contour labels where you want:
Step 14: Tick on the option Label by Line, then click on the

Add button.

Step 15: In the drawing, click on two locations inside the surface contour labels will be added along the
line between the two points.

Slope Arrows
Step 16: Click on the Outputs > Slopes & Arrows tab and tick
on Show Slope Arrows
Step 17: Click on the Update Display button and note the slope
arrows display in the drawing
Step 18: Type in different slope ranges, change range colours
(by clicking on the colour swatch) and click Update
Step 19: Untick Show Slope Arrows and click on Update

Height Shading
Step 20: Click on the Outputs > Height & Directions tab
and tick on Show Height Shading
Step 21: Click on the Set up Table button and set the
a. Under Region Split Method, tick on the
option By Increment and set the increment
to 5.
b. Click on the colour button and set the colour
to Red.
c. Click OK to apply the colour ranges, and
then click on Update Display.
Step 22: Untick Show Height Shading and click on Update Display.

Surface Statistics
Step 23: Click on the Statistics tab
Step 24: Click on the

Update button and review the outputs. The Print button will generate a text file


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ARD Alignments
Open the drawing computed in the previous module.

Creating ARD Alignments

Step 1: From the Ribbon, click on Alignments

Create Alignment.

At the prompt, click on the red polyline (on layer ALIGN) on the left side of
the surface. The alignment runs north-south.
Step 2: In the Geometry tab, fill out the following:
a. Name: Delawn
b. Object Type: Road
Leave Delete Existing Object ticked on
to replace the polyline with an alignment.
Step 3: From the Edit Tools frame, click on
Edit Curve and click on the first curve
on the alignment.
Step 4: Click on Curve Radius - change the
radius to 250 and click Apply
Step 5: If desired, click on
Move an IP from
the Edit Tools
a. Click to select the first IP at
chainage zero
b. Click to select a new IP position
note that the curve updates to
maintain tangency

ARD Alignment Annotation

Step 6: Click on the Annotation tab
Step 7: Click on the Major Chainage Spacing value and
change it to 50
Step 8: Click on the Refresh button the labelling updates in
the drawing
On the left is the labelling at 20m spacing's 50m
spacing's shown on the right.


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ARD Alignment Setout Tables

Step 9: Click on the Alignment Table tab
Step 10: From the Report Format pick list, select Ch+East+North+Rad+CSV
Below the pick list is the table configuration you can edit this as desired to add more columns
to report in the table and to customise the data and heading output.
You can add more Report Formats to establish your preferred tabular display.
Step 11: Click on the
Create Table button and pick a
location to the right of the surface. An AutoCAD
table will be created in the drawing and will contain
all of the alignment details.

ARD Alignment Curve Tables

Step 12: Click on the Curve Table tab
Step 13: From the Report Format pick list, select Method 1
The Table Layout list allows you to select different
parameters of the curve to display. A number of
standard arc setout methods are included and can be
included in a curve table.
You can create one table for all the curves, or separate
curve tables at each curve along the alignment.
Step 14: Click on the
Create Table button AutoCAD
tables will be inserted at the start of each curve, as well
as a block describing the method 1 curve setout
parameters. Move the tables where you want them
clicking on the
Create Table button again will
update the tables where you have relocated them.
Step 15: Click on OK to create the Alignment.

Creating Multiple ARD Alignments

Repeat the above process for creating alignments to create alignments from the other four polylines in the
drawing (no need to edit the geometry or generate tables).
Step 16: From the Ribbon, click on Alignments


Select each alignment from the drawing and assign the following
from the Geometry tab:
1. Marin Street:
a. Name: Marin
b. Object Type: Road
2. Stawell Street
a. Name: Stawell
b. Object Type: Road
3. Sydney Street
a. Name: Sydney
b. Object Type: Road


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Road Fundamentals
Before you Start Open the Road.dwg training file.

The training files can be found by running the Help Panel Help Dropdown Open Tutorial


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Creating a Template (Typical Cross Section)

Opening the Template Editor
To open the Template Editor:
Step 1: Click on the Roads Tab Templates Panel Create Edit Section


Note: If this is the first time the software has been run then you may be prompted to select the Road
Default Settings. Select the appropriate settings (first item in the List for Australia/New Zealand) and
click OK.

Editing Templates
Creating a New Template
Step 2: Click on the Template Options button to display a list of commands.
Step 3: From the list select the Create new Template in Local Library option and click OK.
Step 4: The following form will display
Step 5: Type in a new template name of Marin
6m and click OK.
The Template Editor will now display the new
blank template Local Marin 6m.


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Creating a New Section

Step 6: To create a new section, click on the Create Section button. This will open the Add Section to
Template form:
Step 7: As shown, create a new section with the following

Design Surface Geometry:

o New Code = EB (the software will
automatically put a prefix of L or R on the code when it is
created, to define it on the left or right side of the C.L.)
o Width of Section = 3m
o Applied Slope % = -3%
Subgrade Layers:
o Layer Depth -1 = 0.03m
o Layer Material -1 = Asphalt
o Layer Depth -2 = 0.1m
o Layer Material -2 = FCR Class 2
o Layer Depth -3 = 0.2m
o Layer Material -3 = FCR Class 3
Leave the default to apply the new section to
Both sides of the template
Tick On the option to Plot Codes?
Step 8: Click on OK to create the section.

Creating Kerb and Channel

Step 9: To create new kerb and channel, click on the Create Kerb button. This is a single command
that will create a kerb and channel section (including subgrade) using 3 codes. The Add Kerb
Section form will open:

Step 10: Set up a new kerb and channel with the following parameters:

Kerb Shape Parameters Top Codes:

o Invert of Kerb:
Width = 0.3m
Depth = -0.04m
Code = INV
o Top of Kerb:
Width =: 0.19m
Depth =: 0.125m
Code =: TK
o Back of Kerb:
Width =: 0.11m
Depth =: 0m
Code =: BK
Subgrade Layers:
o Kerb Depth = 0.2m
o Sub base Extension = 0.15m
o Subgrade 1 Depth = 0.13m
o Kerb Material = Concrete
o Layer 1 Material = FCR Class 2
Side to Apply:
o Select Both Sides

Step 11: Click on OK to create the new kerb and channel:


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Step 12: Enable the plotting of the LBK and RBK codes by changing the Plot (Y/N) option to Y for both
codes (as shown above).

Creating Nature Strip and Footpath Sections

Step 13: Create naturestrip and footpath sections using the Create Section command (same process as
for creating the pavement sections, Steps 5 & 6):

New Code = FPI

(Footpath Inner)
Width of Section = 1m
Applied Slope (%) = 5%
Tick ON the option Plot
Leave all other fields as
default and click OK


New Code = FPO (Footpath Outer)

Width of Section = 1.5m
Applied Slope (%) = 2.5%
Tick ON the option Plot Code?
Subgrade Layers:
o Layer Depth-1 = 0.1m

Layer Material-1 = Concrete

Creating Batter Conditions

Step 14: To create default batter condition
for the template:

Left Side Batter

Right Side Batter

Click on the Left Side button and change

to the Slope Batters tab:
Type in a Cut Slope 1:2 and a Fill Slope
1:4. Then click on OK to apply the batter

Click on the Right Side button and change

to the Slope Batters tab:
Type in a Cut Slope 1:2 and a Fill Slope
1:4. Then click on OK to apply the batter

Step 15: Click on OK on the Template Editor to exit the



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Creating a Road
Step 16: Click on the Design Panel Create/Edit Road


At the command prompt Select Required Road Element <ESC to cancel> click on or around
the alignment of Marin St. This is the light green alignment that runs the full length of Marin
The name of the alignment is used as the road name and is listed in the
Alignment/Road Name field.
Step 17: Enter the following:

Leave the Road Type as default, Road.

Using the Select Template dropdown list choose Marin 6m to define
the cross sections applied to the road.
Leave the Select Sampling Surface as default, NS.
Accept the defaults Arc, Spiral and Tangent spacing of 10m.

Click on the Add Extra Sampling button to include extra cross section sampling over a selected chainage
range and to add individual cross section sample points. The Set Extra Section Sampling for form is

Improve the cross section sampling between chainage

80 and 130 by reducing the Spacing to 2m, as shown
The tickbox to the right allows the user to set whether
the extra sampling will be shown in the Vertical Grading
Editor. (Leave it off - Unticked).
Click OK to close the form.

Step 18: Leave all other options to the default and click on Create/Update button to create the road.
A Road will be created and the Vertical Grading Editor will open for you to edit the design.
Plan drafting of the Road linework will automatically be displayed in the drawing you can control the
colours applied to the different codes using the Plan Production Panel Assign Layers


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Creating a Vertical Design

Opening the Vertical Grading Editor
Step 19: When required, you can open the VGE click on the Select Panel Open Vertical Grading
Command. It should be displaying already since you just made a new Road.
At the command prompt Select Alignment or Press enter to Select from a List click on or near
the Marin St alignment or press enter and select Marin St from the list.
Step 20: Remove the current vertical design by clicking on the Reset button. This will remove all the IP's
and reinstate an IP at the start of the road and an IP at the end, both matching to the sampled

Creating IP's
Step 21: Click on the

button to insert an IP.

At the prompt to select a location for the new IP, click somewhere on
the VGE window near chainage 80 and close to the sampled surface.

The Add IP form will open:


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Step 22: Confirm that you are happy with the Chainage and Level - as the
designer you are able to set whatever chainage and level suits.
Enter a VC Length of 40m and click OK.

Step 23: Add another IP by clicking on the

created IP, around chainage 130.

button and click somewhere to the right of the previously

This time we will create an IP and set a grade from first IP created of 0.7%. To do this:
Step 24: Set the following parameters in the Add IP form:

Chainage = 130m. Set the chainage where the IP will

be inserted
VC Length = 40m
Under Grade Selection
o Toggle Set In Grade: This will grey out the
Level field and enable the In Grade field. The
level will be adjusted when the IP is created to
guarantee the specified incoming grade to the
In Grade = -0.7%. The incoming grade to the IP will
be -0.7%

Click on OK to create the next IP.

Two new IP's have been created, with a -0.7% slope between, as specified.
Step 25: Time to experiment! Add an additional IP near the end of Marin St to match closely to the
sampled surface. Either use the
the IP:

button or try one of the following alternatives for creating

Snap IP to 'Snap To' Constraint at Cross Section: Click near a sampled cross section to create
a new IP with level matching the Snap to Constraint, by default the sampled surface.
Snap IP to 'Snap To' Constraint : Click to create a new IP with level matching the Snap to
Constraint, by default the sampled surface.

This pull down defines the constraint that IP's will snap to


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Editing and Deleting IP's

If not currently displayed, show a cross
section by right clicking in the VGE
window to show a Cross Section Window
(CSW). Viewing Your Cross Sections
Graphical Edits

Step 26: Graphically edit your IP at chainage 80 by clicking on the


button to move the IP

Click on an IP to move it. Click on a new location for the IP to complete the command. The cross
section window will update as you alter the design.
Step 27: Explore the other GRAPHICAL editing tools by clicking on the icon, then clicking on the IP.
Simply click on the new location to complete the command:
Move IP Left/Right adjust the chainage of the IP and maintain the level
Move IP Up/Down adjust the level of the IP and maintain the chainage
Slide IP on Grade Select left or right of the IP to slide the IP along the incoming/outgoing grade
(pending which side of the IP is selected).
Numeric Edits

Step 28: To change and IP by numerical input, click on the

to edit:

button and select and IP on the screen

All the fields that are not greyed out can be edited.
This is the same form displayed at the time of creating the IP. Designers must use
this form to edit the VC Length.
Make any changes as desired and click OK.

Step 29: Explore some of the other Numeric Editing tools by clicking on the icon and following the
Specify Level Click on an IP to set its level by ensuring that the design passes
through a point defined by an entered chainage and level.
Add Level Difference to All IPs This will enable the raising/lowering of all IP's in
the vertical design by a specified amount.
Raise/Lower All IPs to Achieve Balanced Earthworks This will raise/lower all IP's
to achieve a specified overall volume of cut or fill for the road
Raise/Lower IP by Fixed Amount This will raise/lower a selected IP by a fixed
increment - type in the increment value required and click on either the
adjust the level of the IP.

buttons to

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Deleting IP's

You can delete IP's at any time by clicking on the

button and selecting the IP on screen. This
command will continue until another command is run or the ESC key is pressed.
Undoing Mistakes

If a mistake is made, use the

button to undo the edit. The
Only edits since the VGE was opened can be undone/redone.

button will redo your last undo.

Outputs from the Vertical Grading Editor

Create a Road Model (Design Surface)
A surface model of the current road can be created from within the VGE, however its better to create Auto
Model straight away.

Step 30: From the ribbon/menu, select the Modelling Panel Auto Model
create a surface called Auto Model.

Command . This will

Step 31: Click on the Move IP anywhere

button and select the IP near Ch 80 to a different location.
When the location is set by clicking at a point the plan draughting and model will update.

Edit the Display Properties of a Road Model

Step 32: Click on the

button to edit the way the surface is displayed in the plan view

In this form you can change whether the mesh and or contours are shown and set the interval
for the contours to display.
Our current road is ARD-Marin, highlight this road and change a few of the settings, click on OK
to see how it affects the plan display.

Note: The Surface Display form can also be accessed from the Modelling Panel Toggle Surface



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Create a Volume Report

Step 33: Click on the

button in the VGE to compute a summary volume report.

A Notepad file is generated (shown left) detailing the volume of cut and fill and the material volumes for
the subgrade layers.
Use the
button at the top right of the Notepad program to close the volume report - if this is not
done, then the volume report will not be updated if you run the Compute Summary Volume Report
command again from the VGE.

Allowance for Strip Volumes and Compaction Factors

Step 34: From the VGE click on the

button to open the Design Data Form.

We are going to add a strip depth of 100mm for the whole length of the road.
Step 35: Add a Stripping data condition by first clicking on the Stripping data heading and then clicking
on the
button to add a new entry.
Step 36: Enter the Start/End Chainage as 0 & 1000 respectively and enter the Strip Depth at Start/End
as 0.1m.
Step 37: Click on the Add/Update button to add this data entry. It will be listed as a row of information
under the Stripping data heading.

Compaction factors could also be added from the Design Data form click on the Compaction Factors
data heading, then click the Add Entry button and add a new entry (similar to the three previous steps).

Balancing Earthworks
Step 38: From the VGE click on the
earthworks. Click on the

button to raise and/or lower all IPs to achieve a balanced

button to generate a new volume report and check for balance.

Step 39: Make any other adjustments to the vertical design, as desired, then click on OK to exit the VGE.


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Plotting Long Sections

Initiating a Long Section Plot
Step 40: Click on the Plan Production Panel Long Section


At the prompt, click on or near the Marin St alignment in the drawing.

The LS Plot form will open:
Step 41: Click on Selected Sampled Sections to proceed with the long section plot.
The drawing will switch to a layout tab named PlotPreview and the Long Section Plotting Controls will
open on the left of the screen:


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Output Controls
General Tab
Step 42: Click on the General tab and input the following details:

Change the X Scale 1: to 250.

Change the Y Scale 1: to 50.
Select A1 Title from the Titleblock dropdown list.
Change the Bottom Margin to 20.

Click on the button

review the changes.

button to update the preview and

Row Data
Step 43: Open the Data Band/Controls form by clicking on the Set Up Row Data button.

Step 44: Edit the vertical curve and grade information to the vertical design of the C.L. by:

Clicking on the last entry in the row list representing the vertical grading assigned to the Marin
St Design C.L.

Clicking on the

button to edit the current line.


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Using the dropdown list to select Show VC and Grades. This will identify that the VC and
grade information be displayed for the design C.L. You could also change the Heading as
desired - this controls the heading for the row.
Select LPLOT-DESIGN-CL as the layer to display the design C.L. on using the Layer
dropdown list.
Click OK to apply the changes and return to the Data Bands/Controls form.

Step 45: Change the assigned layer for the Sampled Surface by:

Select the second entry in the row list representing the vertical grading assigned to the Marin

St Existing C.L. and click on the

button to edit the current line.
Using the layer dropdown list, select the LPLOT-EXIST-CL layer and click OK

The data list will appear as:

Step 46: Add a row for the left edge of the road by clicking on the
Vertical Grading button in the Add Data Band/Control area:
Enter the following (as shown):

Select Vertical Grading from Code

Pick LEB from the Vertical Grading from Code dropdown
Select Design String for the Surface for Levels
Enter the first line of the Heading as Design
Enter the second line of the Heading as LEB
Select the LPLOT-DESIGN-LEFT1 as the Layer
Click OK

Step 47: Similarly to Step 51, add an entry for the right edge of the
road using the following:

Select Vertical Grading from Code

Pick REB from the Vertical Grading from Code dropdown
Select Design String for the Surface for Levels
Enter the first line of the Heading as Design
Enter the second line of the Heading as REB
Select the LPLOT-DESIGN-RIGHT1 as the Layer
Click OK

This could be repeated to add a Cut/Fill band click on Cut/Fill Depth to add this.
Step 48: Exit the Data Bands/Controls form by clicking Apply and Exit and refresh the plot preview by
clicking on the


The plot preview of the long section will be updated and the additional information will now be included,
the first page will look like:


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Saving and Loading Plot Styles

Step 49: Click on the Load Style button, select the Standard 2012.lpl7 file and click open.
The drawing will update to display the long section using the new settings.
To save a specific setup, click the Save Style button and provide a name this is now able to be recalled
for any long section at using the Load Style button.

Plotting the Long Section

Step 50: Once you are happy with the long section preview click the Plot to Layout button to plot the
long section:


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Plotting Cross Sections

Initiating a Cross Section Plot
Step 51: Click on the Plan Production Panel Cross Section


As you may not have switched back to modelspace, press Enter to select the road from a list.
Select the Marin St road and click OK.
Step 52: Click on Selected Sampled Sections to proceed with the plot.
The drawing will switch to a paperspace named PlotPreview and the Cross Section Plotting Controls
will open on the right of the screen:

Saving your Plot Styles

Similarly to long section plotting, the Load Style and Save Style buttons can be used to load previously
defined cross section plotting configurations or save the current configuration for future reuse.


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Output Controls
Row Options Tab
Step 53: From the Row Options tab click on the Set Row Information button to set the rows of data
included in the cross section plot output. Similarly to the long section plot, the list represents all
the data added to the cross section.

Changing Layers/Colours of Displayed Data

Step 54: Click on the Assign Plotting Layers button to open the Plotting Preferences form to edit
layers applied.

Updating the Display

Step 55: Click on the

button to apply all the changes to the cross section plot preview:

Before Changes

After Changes

The colours have been adjusted and cross section details are now displayed on the cross section preview.

Plotting the Cross Sections

Step 56: Once you are happy with the cross section previews click on the Plot to Layout button to plot
the cross sections.


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Adding a Title Block

1. Draw your titleblock (as a dwg drawing), with the lower left corner at 0,0, and save it to the ARD
Settings Folder. You can readily find the ARD Settings Folder from General Tab System
Settings Panel Open Settings Folder


2. Run the General Tab System Settings Panel Edit Titleblock Settings
input the details to add the title block.

Command and

Note: Multi Setout will be covered in the Road Networks Section
Step 57: Click on the Plan Production Panel Multi Setout

Slideout Setout

Select on or around the alignment of Marin St.
Click on Selected Sampled Sections to proceed with the setout.

Setout Controls
Step 58: Make the following entries (as shown above):

Setout Code = LEB and REB

Offset to Text = 10 units left and right (this
will offset the setout point label from the
actual marker location)
Tick on the following options:
o Draw Offset - draws an arrow
from the label to the marker
o Show PN - will display the point
number as the label
o Circle Number - will circle the
point number
o Save to File - makes an external
file of the points
o Text Table - puts a simple table
in the drawing of the setout
Font = ICOCP.shx.

Step 59: Leave all the other settings as default, Create

Setout then Exit.
Plan setout information is added to the drawing.
Use the Multi Object Setout command to set out multiple roads at once.


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Volume Report
Step 60: Click on the Reports Panel Volume

Command and select the Marin St alignment.

The Volume Calculations form will open:

Step 61: Make the following entries (as shown above):

Ensure Single Road and Marin St are selected.

Tick ON the following options:
o Subgrade by Chainage
o Subgrade by Material Total
o Section by Section Report for Bulk

Step 62: Click on Create Report

Cross Section Listing

Step 63: Click on the Reports Panel Section Report Dropdown Cross Section Listing Report
Command and select the Marin St alignment.
The Cross Section Report form will open:
To control the listing, select items from each of the frames.
By Chainage lists all the selected surfaces at the one
chainage together.
By Surface lists each surface individually.
If you don't have any surfaces toggled on under Select
Surface the software will list the chainages, centreline coordinates, bearing and radius only.
Step 64: Select By Chainage, show the Sampled Surface
and Design Surface, leave the rest as default and
click OK.


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A Notepad document is created for you to review:

Review the other report outputs.


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Cross Section Editing

Before you Start Open the Road Editing.dwg training file or continue with the completed Chapter 1
The training files can be found by running the command Help Panel Help Dropdown Open
Tutorial Folder


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Design Data and the Cross Section Editor

Opening the Design Data Form
Step 1: Click on the Select Panel Design Data Form

Command and select the Marin St

The Design Data Form for Marin St will open:


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Applying Multiple Templates

Create the Template
Step 2: From the open Design Data From click on the

button to open the Template Editor:

Step 3: Use the Select Template button to select and display the Local Marin 6m template, as shown
Step 4: Click on the Template Options button to display a list of template editing controls.
Step 5: From the list select the option Copy Current Template to Local Library and click OK.
Step 6: At the form that opens, name the new template Marin 6m 2.5m Footpath and click OK.
A new template will be made with the name Marin 6m 2.5m Footpath, an exact copy of Marin 6m.
Step 7: Use the Section Data Entry Table (pink & green area) at the top of the form to change the
The Slope (%) of the LFPI and RFPI codes (Section 5) to 10%
The Horizontal Distance of the LFPO and RFPO codes (Section 6) to 2.5m

Step 8: Click on OK to save the changes to the new template and exit the form.

Apply the Template to the Road

Step 9: From the Design Data Form select the current template entry under Templates.
Step 10: Click on the Templates entry and then click on the

button to add a new entry and enter the

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 40m
Template Name = Marin 6m 2.5m Footpath
Merge = No

Click the Add/Update button to include the new entry.

Chainage 0-40 - the Marin 6m 2.5m footpath

template applies


Chainage 40-End - the Marin 6m template


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Step 11: Open the Vertical Grading Editor (VGE) by clicking on the
Step 12: Create a surface model if required by running the


Auto Model command from the

Step 13: Open the Control Surface Display button by clicking on the
button and turn OFF the
mesh and set the contour interval to 1.0m for the major and 0.2m for the minor.
Step 14: For clarity you may have to turn off the contour labels for the created surface.
To do this open the Create / Edit Surface form Modelling Panel Create/Edit Surface

A Longer Transition?
Here is an example of Template entries required to set the merge to occur over 30m range:
Template Entry 1:

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 40m
Template Name = Marin 6m 2.5m Footpath
Merge = No

Template Entry 2:

Start Chainage = 40m

End Chainage = 70m
Template Name = Marin 6m
Merge = Yes

Template Entry 3:

Start Chainage = 70m

End Chainage = 10000m
Template Name = Marin 6m
Merge = No

Changing Batter Conditions

Fixed Width Batters
Step 15: From the Design Data Form, select the Batter Data Heading and click on the
a new entry.

button to add

The Batter Type Selection List will open:

Step 16: Select Fixed Batters and click OK.
Step 17: In the Fixed Width from CL Batter form enter
the following:

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 30m
Start Left Width = 10 m
Start Right Width = 10m
Tick On Constant Widths
Click on Add/Update to apply the entry


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Slope Batters
Step 18: From the Design Data Form, select the Batter Data Heading and click on the
a new entry.

button to add

The Batter Type Selection List will open:

Step 19: Select Slope Batters and click OK.
Step 20: In the Slope Batters form enter the

Start Chainage = 140m

End Chainage = 190m
Side to Apply = Left
Start Left Cut Slope 1: = 5
Start Left Fill Slope 1: = 5
Tick On Constant Slopes
Click on Add/Update to apply
the entry

An alignment can be used to

control the width of the batters
they will not go beyond the
alignment if one is set for the
maximum offset.
From the Design Data Form click
on the
Rebuild Models
button to update the surface.

Other Batter controls

Other batter conditions include Dual Section Batters and Multi Section Batters.

Variations - Editing Section by Section

Deleting Sections
Step 21: From the Design Data Form, select the Variation Data Heading
and click on the

button to add a new entry.

The Variation Selection List will open

Step 22: Select Delete Section and click OK.
Step 23: In the Delete Section form enter the following:

Start Chainage = 20m

End Chainage = 50m
Code = RFPO
Click on Add/Update to apply the entry

Step 24: If the VGE is not already open, open it by

clicking on the

button in the Design Data


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Linearly Vary the Width and/or Slope of a Section

Slope Variation 1 Two-Way to One-Way Crossfall
Step 25: From the Design Data Form, select the Variation Data Heading and click on the
add a new entry.

button to

The Variation Selection List will open:

Step 26: Select Linearly Vary Section Slope &/or Width and click OK.
Step 27: In the Linearly Vary Section Slope
&/or Width form enter the following:

Code = REB
Start Chainage = 40m
End Chainage = 80m
Width Variation is = Incremental
Start Width = 0m
End Width = 0m
Slope/Vertical Variation is = Set
Start Slope/Vertical = -3%
End Slope/Vertical = 3%
Click on Add/Update to apply the

The crossfall slopes have now been adjusted on

the right side on the cross section to reflect the
Chainage 40 80: The slope linearly changes from Chainage 0 - 40 and 80.001 End: Default slope
-3% to +3%
of -3% still applies.

From the Design Data Form click on the


Rebuild Models button to update the surface.

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Slope Variation 2 Maintaining One-Way Crossfall

Step 28: From the Design Data Form, select the Variation Data Heading and click on the
add a new entry.

button to

The Variation Selection List will open:

Step 29: Select Linearly Vary Section Slope &/or Width and click OK.
Step 30: In the Linearly Vary Section Slope &/or Width form enter the following:

Code = REB
Start Chainage = 80m
End Chainage = 1000m
Width Variation is = Incremental
Start Width = 0m
End Width = 0m
Slope/Vertical Variation is = Set
Start Slope/Vertical = 3%
End Slope/Vertical = 3%
Click on Add/Update to apply the entry

The cross sections will now be adjusted for one-way crossfall between chainage 80 to the end of the road.

From the Design Data Form click on the

Rebuild Surfaces button to update the surface.


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Controlling a Code with an Alignment

Step 31: From the Design Data Form, select the Variation Data Heading and click on the
add a new entry.

button to

The Variation Selection List will open:

Step 32: Select Set Code Offset to Alignment and click OK.
Step 33: In the Set Code Offset to Alignment form enter the following:

Code = REB
Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 1000m
Widen Method = Change Offset
and Level
Alignment = MarinREB
Click on Add/Update to apply the

From the Design Data Form click on the

Rebuild Models button to update the

Matching a Code to a Surface

Step 34: From the Design Data Form, select the Variation Data Heading and click on the
add a new entry.

button to

The Variation Selection List will open:

Step 35: Select Set Code Levels to Match Surface and click OK.
Step 36: In the Set Code Levels to Match Surface form enter the following:

Code = RFPI
Start Chainage = 130m
End Chainage = 190m
Surface = NS
Click on Add/Update to apply the entry

The cross sections between chainage 130 and 190 now displays the right inside edge (RFPI) of the
footpath at the NS surface.

From the Design Data Form click on the


Rebuild Models button to update the surface.

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String Control on the Cross Section

In order to do this, you will need to first make an alignment. Click on Home Tab > Alignment Dropdown
> Create Offset Alignment to quickly make an alignment offset from the design centreline in the
example below the alignment is named Marin St-Left-5.600 and starts around chainage 120.
Step 37: Click on the Design Panel String/Profile
Command and select the Marin St-Left-5.600
Step 38: Click on the Add Other Strings button and select Marin St as the
Road to Add. Tick ON the Only Use These Chainages option and
click OK.
Step 39: Click on the Create/Update button to create the string.

Step 40: If the Design Data Form for Marin St is not already open, then open it by clicking on the Select
Panel Open Design Data Form

Command and selecting the Marin St alignment.

From the Design Data Form, select the Variation Data Heading and click on the
add a new entry.

button to

The Variation Selection List will open:

Step 41: Select Set Code Offsets &/or Levels to
String and click OK.
Step 42: In the Set Code Offsets &/or Levels to
String form enter the following:

Code = LFPI
Start Chainage = 120m
End Chainage = 1000m
Select Method = Change Offset and
String = Marin St-Left-5.600
Click on Add/Update to apply the entry


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Step 43: Close all open VGEs, Design Data Forms and Cross Section Windows except Marin St
road VGE clicking OK,



Step 44:
From the Design Data Form click on the

Rebuild Models button to update the

Changes to the String levels will update the road cross sections for Marin Street.


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Driveway Design
Before you Start Open the Driveway Design.dwg training file. Alternately, if you have completed the
road designs in the previous training sessions, driveways can be created on this design.
The training files can be found by running the Help Panel Help Dropdown Open Tutorial


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Set the Driveway Layer

Driveways must be created on a particular layer, with the name being managed by the software.

Step 1: Click on the Driveways Dropdown Set Layer


Command and select the Marin street

The Driveway Layer form will display

Step 2: Accept the default layer and click OK.
A new layer is created in the drawing called ARDDrive-Marin
St and is set current. Polylines that represent driveways need
to be created or added to this layer

Draw Polylines for Driveways

Step 3: Draw polylines in the drawing on the current layer, making sure the driveways start in the road
pavement area (click near the centreline to be sure) and extending past the property boundary
shown in the drawing.
Example lines are as shown, below:

Create Driveways
Step 4: Click on the Driveways Dropdown Create


Command and select the Marin street

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Step 5: To make the driveway, set the inputs as shown above:

Match to Code at Start: Set to INV.

Optional Start Shape: Select Layback-750wd-80ht-30lip
Target Surface: Set to NS
Left Side Driveway Design Extents: Set to Offset from CL and type in 7.6m as the offset
Right Side Driveway Design Extents: Set to Offset from CL and type in 7.6m as the offset

Step 6: Click on the Design Settings tab here you get to select the Vehicle Clearance Templates to
view on the Driveway Long Sections as well as showing additional surfaces.
Step 7: Under Vehicles, add the following
Vehicle Clearance Templates to the

B85 AS2890.1-2004
B99 AS2890.1-2004

Step 8: Click Create Driveways to make

Driveways from all the polylines.


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Driveway Vertical Grading

Now that driveways have been created, you can review them vertically and check vehicle clearances.

Step 9: Click on the Driveways Dropdown Design (Edit Vertical Grading)

select one of the driveway polylines.

Command and

The Driveway Vertical Grading Editor window will display:

The tools here are the same (with some missing) as the Vertical Grading Editor for strings. Lets show the
driveway clearance for this driveway:

Step 10: Click on the

button to open the Driverway (Vehicle Clearance) tools.

Step 11: In this form;

Set the vehicle to B99
Ensure Forward and Reverse are ticked on
and click on the radio button for Mouse Forwards AND
Click OK
Step 12: A button that toggles the vehicle between dynamic and static
appears on the VGE sidebar.
If clicked the vehicle will slide along the vertical design.
If there are any clash points, these will be highlighted with triangular
markers on the long section you will also see that the vertical
clearance line dips below the design surface.

Fixing Driveway Grading Issues

If you see a clash, there are two fixes to the problem:
Fix 1 : Edit the Driveway Vertical Grading
Fix 2 : Edit the Road Design


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Plotting Driveways
Step 13: Click on the Driveways Dropdown Long Sections


The default presentation output includes the existing surface, design surface , chainage and driveway
clearance lines. After editing the long section and customising the output, use the
to save the plot style you can then use the
plotting on any job.

SaveStyle button

Load Style button to recall the style for immediate

Step 14: Click on Plot to Layout to generate a layout for the driveway long sections. All sheets will
output onto the one layout.

Driveway Templates
Step 15: Click on the Driveways Dropdown (Vehicle) Clearance Template
create/edit Vehicle Clearance templates.

Command to

Step 16: Click on the Driveways Dropdown Make Shape (Driveway Shape Template)
Command to create/edit driveway shape templates.


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Rural Road Fundamentals

Before you Start Please start AutoCAD Civil 3D 20XX and open the Road Rural.dwg training file.
The training files can be found by running the Help Panel Help Dropdown Open Tutorial


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Note: 20XX represents the version of AutoCAD Civil 3D you are running.

Create Princess Highway

Step 17: Click on the Design Panel Create/Edit Road

Command and select the Princess Hwy

The Add Road form will open:

Step 18: Enter the following:

Leave the template as Metric Road 6m SM, we will

create and apply a template later
Ensure that NS is selected as the Sampling Surface
To reduce the cross section sampling, change the
Tangents/Straights spacing to 20m

Step 19: Click on Set Section Widths button and change the
Left/Right Width to 20m. Click OK to close the form.
Step 20: Click Create/Update to create the road.


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Viewing the Cross Sections

Step 21: Move the cursor to the drawing area of the VGE and click the right mouse button to open a
Cross Section Window (CSW) for Princes Hwy:

Create & Apply a Rural Road Template

Step 22: From the VGE, click on the
open the Template Editor.

button to

Step 23: Create a new template by clicking on

Template Options button, select Create New
Template in Local Library and click on OK.
Step 24: Name the template Rural Road 7m and click

Create the Lane Sections

Step 25: Click Create Section and in the Add Section to
Template form, enter the following:

New Code = EB
Width of Section = 3.5m
Applied Slope = -3%
Plot Code? = Ticked ON
Layer Depth-1 = 0.05m
Layer Material-1 = Asphalt
Layer Depth-2 = 0.1m
Layer Material-2 = FCR Class 2
Layer Depth-3 = 0.2m
Layer Material-3 = FCR Class 3

Step 26: Click OK to create the section


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Step 27: Click Create Section and in the Add Section to Template form, enter the following:

New Code = SH
Width of Section = 1.0m
Applied Slope = -5%
Plot Code? = Ticked ON
Layer Depth-1 = 0.15m
Layer Material-1 = FCR Class 2
Layer Depth-2 = 0.2m
Layer Material-2 = FCR Class 3

Step 28: Click Assign Layer Controls

The Advanced Subgrade Options form will open:
Step 29: For both Layer-1 and Layer2 set the Outside Extend to
Design? option to Cut and
Fill and click Apply and Exit
to close the form.
Step 30: Click OK to create the
shoulder sections.

Create the Left Table Drain Section

Step 31: Using the sample methodology as the previous section, create the following sections on the Left
side of the template:
Foreslope Section

Bottom Section

New Code = T1
Width of Section = 2m
Select Vertical Distance
Vertical Distance = -0.5m
Select Side to Apply = Left
Plot Code? = Ticked On


New Code = T2
Width of Section = 0.5m
Select Vertical Distance
Vertical Distance = 0m
Select Side to Apply = Left
Plot Code? = Ticked On

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Finalise the Template with Batters

The last part of the template that we need to create is the batters.
Step 32: In Create Batter Conditions, click the Left Side button.
In the Batter Specification - Left Hand Side form, switch to the Slope Batters tab and enter the
Cut/Fill Slope as 1:2.
Click OK to create the left batter.
Step 33: Repeat Step 16 for the Right side, applying 1:2 batters
The completed template will look like (cut situation shown):

Step 34: Click OK to close the template editor.


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Apply the Template

Now that we have created a suitable template, we need to apply it to the road.
Step 35: In the VGE click on the
Design Data Form:

button to open the

Step 36: Expand Templates Data Heading and select the

existing template entry.
Change the Template Name to Rural Road 7m
and click on the Add/Update button.
The CSW will update to show the Rural Road 7m cross section template applied to the Princess Hwy


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Automatic Table Drains

Step 37: From the Design Data Form, select the Table Drains Data Heading and click on the
to add a new entry.


Step 38: In the Table Drain form enter the following:

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 10000m
Depth Tolerance = 0m
Start Right Section 1 Horizontal = 2m
Start Right Section 1 Vertical = 0.5m
Start Right Section 2 Horizontal = 0.5m
Start Right Section 2 Vertical = 0m
Constant Width = Ticked
Right Insertion Condition = When End of
Section 1 is in Cut
Click on Add/Update to apply the table drain to
the right of the road.

Step 39: Click on the

button to close the Design Data Form.

Cycle through the cross sections in the CSW to review the changes:

Step 40: Close the VGE and CSW by clicking the OK and


buttons respectively.

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Computing & Applying Superelevation
Step 41: Click on the Design Panel Superelevation

Command and select the Princess Hwy

The Superelevation Calculations form will open:

This form consists of two tabs

Design Inputs tab establishes the superelevation criteria to be applied to each curve.
Applied Superelevation tab displays the tabulated superelevation overrides for the road. Can
be edited as required.


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Defining the Superelevation Parameters

The Design Inputs tab defines the general design parameters to use for calculating the superelevation to
be applied to the road.
Step 42: Enter the following parameters in the Design Inputs tab:

Design Speed = 80km/h

Maximum Super to Apply % = 7%
% development length in curve (no spiral) start = 10%
% development length in curve (no spiral) end = 10%
Shoulder Rotation Controls:
o Left Side Code = LSH
o Right Side Code = RSH
Shoulder Rotation File = MatchMaxSuper.shRot
Superelevation File = ARD-AustRoads-Speed.txt
Chainage Rounding = 5

Step 43: Click Update/Apply to apply the settings and calculate the superelevation. A warning about
overwriting the data will appear. Click Yes to continue.
Superelevation has now been calculated in accordance with the superelevation and shoulder rotation
tables and using the parameters as defined in the Settings tab.

Editing a Curve's Superelevation

The superelevation applied to a specific curve can be edited to revised design parameters and applied to
the curve.
Step 44: Select a cell that contains an entry for Curve 1 and click on the Edit Selected Curve button
Step 45: The Edit Curve Details form will open. Change the Design Speed to 100km//h and click Apply
and Exit to make the changes and close the form.
The superelevation table will update to reflect the changes required for Curve 1, including adjustment of
all chainages and crossfall overrides.

You can type in to manually change the chainage and % crossfalls in the table.


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Step 46: Click Apply and Exit to close the form.

Step 47: Open a CSW by clicking on the Select Panel Open Cross Section


At the prompt select the Princess Hwy alignment and then select a chainage.
Review the changes made to the cross sections by the applied superelevation.

Step 48: Close the Cross Section Window by clicking on the


Grading the Left Table Drain

Create the Left Table Drain String
Step 49: Click on the Design Panel String/Profile
6.500 alignment.

Command and select the Princess Hwy-Left-

Refer to the previous information on applying String controls. To apply a string control in this case you
need to:

Create a String from the Princess Hwy-Left-6.500 alignment

Add levels on this string to describe the elevations required for the table drain invert
Open the Design Data Form for Princess Highway.
Add a Variation of Set Code Offsets &/or Levels to String and click OK
Set the Code LT1 to use the string Princess Hwy-Left-6.500 and set the Method to Hold Slope
Change Offset

Step 50: Close the Design Data Form by clicking on the


Step 51: Once you are satisfied with the vertical design of the Princess Hwy-Left-6.500 and
subsequently the left table drain, close all open VGEs and CSWs by clicking the OK and


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Long Section Plot
Step 52: Click on the Plan Production Panel Long Section
Hwy alignment.

Command and select the Princess

Pick the Selected Sampled Sections in the Select Sections to Plot dialog box and click OK.
The Long Section Plotting Controls for Princess Hwy will open.
Step 53: Click on the Load Style button, select Standard A1 Title 2012.lpl7 and click Open to load the
long section plotting style.
Step 54: Click on the Set Up Road Data button and from the Long Section Data Bands/Controls form
click on the Horizontal Geometry button.
In the Horizontal Geometry Band form change the heading to
Use the
buttons to place the Horizontal Geometry
entry before the Chainages entry.
Step 55: Add a superelevation band by clicking on the Superelevation
Change the heading to SUPER ELEVATION and click OK.
Use the
buttons to place the Superelevation entry before the Chainages entry and
after the Horizontal Geometry entry.


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Step 56: Finally add a cut & fill depths band by clicking Cut/Fill Depths button and entering the following:

Use the

Vertical Grading = Princess Hwy

Heading Line 1 = CUT
Heading Line 2 = FILL
Sign Convention = Fill + Cut
Click OK to add the entry and close the form.
buttons to ensure that the Cut/Fill Depths entry is last in the list.

Step 57: Click on the Apply and Exit button to close the form and then click on the
button to update the plot preview.
Step 58: Plot the long section to paperspace by clicking on the Plot to Layout button.
The plotted long sections will look like:


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Road Networks
Before you Start Open the Road Network.dwg training file.
The training files can be found by running the Help Panel Help Dropdown Open Tutorial


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Establishing Typical Cross Sections

Create the Minor Road Template
Step 1: Click on the Templates Panel Create Edit Section


You will be asked to confirm intersection details for two alignments that cross each other:
Stawell Rd and Sydney St.
Step 2: Select Stawell Rd to be the Side Road Alignment and click OK.
The template editor will open
Step 3: Use the
buttons to
navigate to the Local
Metric Road 6m SM
We will now make a copy of this
template to represent the 'minor'
roads in the subdivision.

Step 4: Click on the Template Options button - from the list of options select Copy Current Template
to Local Library to make a new copy of the current template in the local library (current project).
Step 5: Name the new template Metric
Road 5m SM and then click on OK.
A new template named Metric road 5m SM is
now created, adopting the
offsets/levels/slopes/subgrades from the
previous template.

Step 6: Modify the horizontal distances (widths) for the following elements:

LEB = 2.5m
REB = 2.5m
LFPO = 1m
RFPO = 1m


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Step 7: Click on the OK button to accept all the edits to the template and close template editor.
Now that we have our 'typical' cross section templates, it is time to assign them to specific road

Set Road Defaults - Setting up the Roads before Creation

Step 8: Click on the Design Panel Create/Edit Road Dropdown Set Road Defaults
The Defaults for Road Design form will open:

Step 9: Fill in the following (as shown above):

*Default alignment:
o Template: Metric Road 5m SM
o Subgrade: Metric Road 5m SM
o Kerb Subgrade: Metric Road 5m SM
o Cut 1: 2
o Fill 1: 2
Carins St, Delawn St & Sydney St alignments:
o Template: Metric Road 6m SM
o Subgrade: Metric Road 6m SM
o Kerb Subgrade: Metric Road 6m SM
o Cut 1: 2
o Fill 1: 2
o VC Cut Factor: .5
o VC Fill Factor: .5
o VC Min Length: 20
Brisbane St alignment:
o Template: Metric Road 5m SM
o Subgrade: Metric Road 5m SM
o Kerb Subgrade: Metric Road 5m SM
o Cut 1: 1
o Fill 1: 1
o VC Cut Factor: .5
o VC Fill Factor: .5
o VC Min Length: 20

Step 10: Click OK to create save the settings and exit the form.

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Creating Multiple Roads

Step 11: Click on the Design Panel Create/Edit Road Dropdown Auto Roads Creation...
This will display the Add Road form:
The Alignment/Road Name is set to (Auto Road Creation) - the
actual template and batter conditions will be assigned from the Set
Road Defaults settings.
You can adjust the sampling frequency as desired for the new roads.
Step 12: Click Create/Update button to create all the roads in the

The minor roads (Brisbane St, Canberra Ct, Darwin Ct, Hobart
Ct, Perth St, Melbourne Dr, Adelaide St, & Stawell Rd) have all
been created with the Metric Road 5m SM template. The batters for all except Brisbane St have been
overridden with a 1:2 cut/fill batter slope. Brisbane Sts batter slope have been set to a 1:1 cut/fill slope,
as defined in the Road Defaults form.


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Intersection Interaction Between Roads

Step 13: Click on the Select Panel Open Vertical Grading

Command and select the Marin St

Step 14: Repeat step 15 to open the VGE for Stawell Rd.
Step 15: Open a Cross Section Window (CSW) for Marin St by right clicking around chainage 110
Arrange the VGEs and CSW so that you can review both VGEs, the CSW and the drawing (showing the
intersection of Marin St and Stawell Rd) at the same time

Step 16: Experiment by adjusting an IP on Marin St to change the levels in the intersection.
Step 17: Repeat steps 15 and 17 to open the VGE and a CSW for Sydney St.
Step 18: Close all open VGEs and Cross Section Windows


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Changing the Vertical Curve 'Ease' at an Intersection

After you create your road, you can readily change the vertical curve 'ease' controls by clicking on the
After you have created your road(s), you can readily change the intersection vertical curve ease controls
by running the Edit Panel Automatic Ease Properties
This will display the Set Auto VC Ease Properties form enabling you to select any road, and change the
vertical curve ease parameters along the road length. This will be immediately reflected once you review
the road in the VGE or proceed to plotting or modelling of the roads.

Kerb Return Design

Default Kerb Return Settings
Step 19: Open the Active Drawing Settings by clicking on the Settings Panel Active Drawing
Command and change to
the Kerb Details tab.
Change the Cut and Fill Default Slope to
Click on Save and Exit to apply the
settings and close the form.

Creating a Kerb Return

Step 20: Click on the Design Panel Kerb Return
At the prompt Select Kerb to Edit [Locate Point
Near Kerb Location for New Kerb]: click
somewhere immediately north-east of the
intersection of Marin St and Stawell Rd.
This will open the Kerb Definition form and mark the
kerb return in the plan:


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Step 21: Enter the following in the Kerb Definition form:

Select Single Arc tab as the kerb return horizontal geometry type
Set the radius = 12m

Step 22: Click on the Create/Update Alignment button.

Step 23: Click on the button Display Vertical Grading button to display a static of the vertical grading of
the kerb return.
This VGE will be static, that is no editing can be preformed until the Kerb Definition form is closed.
Step 24: Click on the Close button to close Kerb Definition form and make the VGE active.
The kerb return reads the levels and
grades incoming to and outgoing
from the kerb return to ensure that
there is a match at each end of the
kerb return.

Step 25: Experiment by opening both the VGEs for Marin St and Stawell Rd.
Move the levels of Marin St up/down near the intersection - note that both the Stawell Rd levels
are adjusted at the intersection and the kerb return levels are also updated.

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Step 26: Review the cross sections of the kerb return by right clicking in its VGE to open a CSW.

Step 27: Close all open VGEs and CSWs.

Automated Kerb Return Creation

Step 28: Click on the Design Panel Kerb Return Dropdown Auto Kerb Returns...


The following form will open:

Step 29: Type in 12m as the Default Radius and then

click OK.

You can review any of the kerb returns by using the

Design Panel Kerb Return

Command or the

Edit Panel Open Vertical Grading

and selecting the kerb return alignment.



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Surface Output
Step 30: Click on the Modelling Panel Surface Model Dropdown Auto Model


The software will process all the ARD Objects and form a single ARD surface model of your roads and
kerb returns named TotalModel.


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Creating the Cul-de-sac

Horizontal Geometry
Step 31: Click on the Design Panel Cul-de-sac


At the command prompt Select Culde-sac to Edit [Enter if Creating a New

Cul-de-sac Alignment]: press Enter.
The Cul-de-sac Definition form will open:
Step 32: Start defining the cul-de-sac by
entering the following:

Cul-de-sac Name = CDS-Marin

Incoming Road = use the
dropdown list to select Marin St
Match to Code = use the dropdown
list to select EB
Select End = End

Step 33: Ensure that the Circle tab (horizontal

layout parameters) is selected and click
on the
button next to Start
The focus will switch back to the drawing and you will be prompted Click on Required
Chainage, Alignment is Marin St:
Click somewhere around chainage 190
This will populate the chainage you have selected back into the Start Chainage on the form:
Step 34: Now we need to set up the
parameters to define the horizontal
geometry, enter the following:

Start Chainage = Ensure that

this is between 190 and 195 you can type in a value if
Radius 1 = 15m
Radius 2 = 8m
Radius 3 = 15m

Step 35: Click on Create/Update Alignment

to generate the alignment:


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Vertical Geometry
Step 36: Click on the button Vertical Grading Controls button to set up the vertical design controls for
the cul-de-sac:
Step 37: Use the dropdown list to set the Cul-de-sac Template to Auto - this will result in the cross
sections being automatically generated from the adjoining road (similar to kerb returns)
Step 38: Click on the Display Vertical Grading button.
Step 39: Click on the Close button to
exit the Cul-de-sac
Definition form and obtain
full control over the cul-desacs VGE.
Step 40: Experiment by opening both
the VGE for Marin St and
CDS-Marin St-E cul-de-sac.

Cross Sections
Step 41: Review the cul-de-sac cross sections by opening a Cross Section Window (right click in CDSMarin St-E VGE or run the Select Panel Open Cross Section
Step 42: Close all open VGEs and CSWs by clicking on OK or the

Knuckle Design
Knuckle Cross Section Template
Lets review the template that we will apply to
the knuckle:
Step 43: Click on the Templates Panel
Create/Edit Section
Command to open the template
Step 44: Click on the button Select
Template and choose Local Metric
Kerb-R SM from the list.

Step 45: Click on the Right Side button and change the
Cut/Fill Slope to 1:2
Click the OK button to apply the slope and close the


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Step 46: Click on the OK button to close the

Template Editor

Creating the Knuckle

Horizontal Geometry
Step 47: Click on the Design Panel Knuckle


At the command prompt Select Knuckle to Edit [Enter if Creating a New Knuckle Alignment]:
press Enter.
This will open the Knuckle Definition form:
Step 48: Start defining the knuckle by entering the

Knuckle Name = KN Sydney

Select Adjacent Road = use the
dropdown list to select Sydney St
Match to Code = use the dropdown list
to select EB

Step 49: Ensure that the Knuckle 1 tab (horizontal

layout parameters) is selected and click on

button next to Start Chainage

The focus will switch back to the drawing

and you will be prompted Click on Required
Chainage, Alignment Sydney St:
Click somewhere around chainage 175.
This will populate the chainage you have selected back into the Start Chainage on the form:
Step 50: Repeat step 56 to select the End Chainage value around chainage 195.


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Step 51: Now we need to set up the

parameters to define the horizontal
geometry, enter the following:

Start Chainage = Ensure that

this around chainage 175 - you
can type in a value if required
Radius 1 = 10m
Radius 2 = 8m
Radius 3 = 10m
End Chainage = Ensure that
this around chainage 195
Select Apply to Right Side

Step 52: Click on Create/Update Alignment

to generate the alignment:

Vertical Geometry
Step 53: Click on the button Vertical Grading Controls button to set up the vertical controls for the
Step 54: In the vertical grading tab set the

Select Yes - Compute VC

from Adjacent Road
Extend Start Distance = 4m
Extend End Distance = 4m
Ensure that Insert Mi-Point is
ticked ON
Ensure that Reverse Slope is
ticked ON
Section Spacing/Frequency =
Select Template = use the
dropdown list to pick Metric
Kerb-R SM template
Select Add New Code
(LNUK/RNUK) and Set Code
to use Knuckle Vertical

Step 55: Click on the Display Vertical

Grading button.
Step 56: Click on the Close button to exit
the Knuckle Definition form and
obtain full control over the
knuckles VGE.


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Step 57: Open both the VGEs for Sydney St and KN-Sydney St.
Move the levels of Sydney St up/down near the end of the road and note that the knuckle
incoming and outgoing levels adjust to maintain connectivity with Sydney St.
Step 58: Close all the open VGEs by clicking on the clicking OK.

Roundabout Design
Adjust Kerb Returns to Accommodate Roundabout
Click on the Design Panel Kerb Return


At the prompt Select Kerb to Edit [Locate Point Near Kerb Location for New Kerb]: click
somewhere immediately north-west of the intersection of Sydney St and Stawell Rd.
This will open the Kerb Definition form for the Sydney
St-Stawell Rd-START-L-P1 kerb return:
Step 59: Change the Radius to 12.5m and click on the
Create/Update Alignment button.
Step 60: Click on the Close button to close the form.
Step 61: Repeat Steps 65 67 to change the radius of
the Sydney St-Stawell Rd-END-L-P1 (southwest) kerb return to 13m.
Now the intersection is ready to create the roundabout!


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Creating the Roundabout

Step 62: Click on the Design Panel Roundabout


At the command prompt Select Roundabout (Alignment Must

Exist):pick on or near the Inner Island alignment at the
intersection of Stawell Rd and Sydney St.
The Roundabouts form will open:

Step 63: The first step is to establish the outer edge of the roundabout as well as the cross section
template to be applied and the frequency of sampling to be used.
Enter the following:

Ensure that Inner Island is defined as the Centre Island Alignment (if not, then click Cancel
and repeat step 69)
Select Metric Kerb-L SM as the template
Select Outer Circulating Carriageway from the Outer Alignment dropdown list
Section Spacing = 1m

Affected Roads & Kerb Returns

Next we need to define which roads and kerb returns
are to be included in the intersection this can be an
automated process by clicking on the


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Modelling the Roundabout

Step 64: Tick on the option to Include Roundabout in Total Model Surface Model this will ensure that
the Auto Model will dynamically update to include the roundabout.
Step 65: Click on the Create Intersection Model button to build a model of the roundabout including the
trimmed portions of Sydney St and Stawell Rd and the four kerb returns.
You may get messages about batter reports, simply click OK to dismiss these if they appear.
The software will now sample the roundabout and build the underlying surface that the roundabout is
draped on, followed by a surface incorporating the roundabout.
Step 66: Click OK exit the form.
A view of the output is as follows:

This vertically exaggerated 3D view clearly shows

the roundabout and circulating carriageway
affecting levels in the intersection.


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Roundabout Redesign
Step 67: Click on the Select Panel Open Vertical Grading
alignment or press Enter and select it from a list.

Command and select the Inner Island

A VGE will open with the capacity to adjust the roundabout levels:

Step 68: Click OK to close the VGE for the roundabout.


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Multi Setout
Step 65: Click on the
Plan Production Panel Multi Setout
In the following form enter the name Setout if
not already populated and click on OK.

Step 66: Turn off the kerbs, Cul-de-sacs & knuckles in the list by clicking on the deselect buttons, these
are the buttons without a tick that is beside the respective road object.

To turn back on click on the tick button.


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This list can be reordered by clicking on the

To Edit the setout options of an individual road;
Step 67: There are some predefined styles that come preinstalled with ARD, to load click on the Load
Setout Style
button and select the LEB+REB Codes - P dwg + PENZD
table.setOutStyle file.
This sets up a complete style for setting out both the left and right edge of bitumen codes for the

We have to change the setout surface from the Existing Surface (NS) to the design
surface (TotalModel)
Step 68:

In the right panel of the Object and Code Selection tab highlight the
first row LEB NS and click on the Edit
button and in the edit form
change the Reference Surface to TotalModel.

Step 69:

OK to exit and repeat for the REB NS row.

Step 70:

In the right panel of the Object and Code Selection tab

click on the Add


Step 71:

Choose C.L. from the pulldown for the setout code

Step 72:

Set the Reference Surface to TotalModel.

Step 73:

Click OK to exit.


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Step 74:

Using the Up Arrow

button move the C.L. code to the middle row.

Step 75:

Set the numbering method to By Section.

The resulting edits should be the same as the form below.

Step 76:

On the Table Output Tab tick on the option to Add Road Name to Title.

Step 77:

With all the output options ticked, click on Create Setout and choose a location for each
table in the drawing.

Once completed click on Exit to exit the setout form


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The point file is saved to the Project\Drawing Name-Data\temp folder.


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Road Reconstruction
Before you Start: Open the Road Reconstruction - Resheeting.dwg training file.
The training files can be found by running the Help Panel Help Dropdown Open Tutorial


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Active Drawing Settings

Before we create any of the roads/strings we need to check the Active Drawing Settings.
Step 1: Click on the Settings Panel Active Drawing


The Active Drawing Settings

form will open:
Step 2: Switch to the
Modelling tab.
Step 3: Set the following if not
already set (as shown
in previous image):

Tick On Save the 3D

polylines used to build
the model.
Tick Off Create mesh
for imported faces.
Tick Off Show Model
Report Messages.

Step 4: Click the Save and

Exit button to apply
the changes and
close the form.


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Create the Template

Step 5: Click on the Templates Panel Create/Edit Section


Create a new template by click on the Templates Options button and selecting the Create New
Template in Local Library option.
Name the new template Delawn and click OK.
Step 6: Create a new section by clicking on the Create
Section button.
Enter the following:

New Code = EB
Width of Section = 3.5m
Applied Slope (%) = -3%
Layer Depth-1 = 0.03m
Layer Material-1 = Asphalt
Leave the default to apply the new section
to Both sides of the template
Tick On the option to Plot Codes?

Step 7: Click on the Assign Layer Controls button:

Step 8: Make the first subgrade layer copy the existing surface
by entering the following:

Match Depth to Surface = Yes

Minimum Layer Depth = 0.03m
Maximum Extra Depth = 10m

Click Apply and Exit to apply the subgrade controls.

Click OK to create the section.

The created section

will look like (when
the Show in Fill
option is selected):


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Step 9: Click the Create Kerb button.

The Add Kerb form will open.
Step 10: Enter the following (as shown):

Invert of Kerb:
o Width = 0.45m
o Depth = -0.04m
o Code = INV
Top of Kerb:
o Width = 0.04m
o Depth = 0.15m
o Code = TK
Back of Kerb:
o Width = 0.11m
o Depth = 0m
o Code = BK
Kerb Depth = 0.2m.
Subbase Extension = 0.15m
Subgrade 1 Depth = 0.13m
Kerb Material = Concrete
Layer 1 Material = FCR Class 3
Select Side to Apply = Left
Side Only, as we only want this
on the left

Click OK to create the Kerb.

Step 11: Click the Create Section button and create the follow sections (two in total):
Verge section details:

New Code = FPI

Width of Section = 1m
Applied Slope = 2.5%
Select Side to Apply = Left
Plot Code = Ticked

Footpath section details:


New Code = FPO

Width of Section = 1.5m
Applied Slope = 2.5%
Subgrade Layer 1:
o Depth = 0.1m
o Material = Concrete
Select Side to Apply = Left
Plot Code = Ticked

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Step 12: Click on Left Side in the Create Batter

Conditions area of the template form.
Switch to the Slope Batters tab and set
the Cut Slope and Fill Slope to 1:1.
Click OK.
The completed template (shown in Cut) will look like:

Step 13: Click the OK button to save the template and close the template editor.


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Create Delawn Road

Step 14: Click on the Design Panel Create/Edit Road

Command and select the Delawn St

The Add Road form will open:

Step 15: Using the Select Template dropdown
list, select the Delawn template.
Change the Arc Segment Spacing to
5m (better modelling around the
Click OK button.


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Widen the Left and Right Pavement Edge

Step 16: Open the Design Data Form by clicking on the

button (or Select Panel Design Data

Command and clicking on or near the Delawn St alignment in the drawing).

The Design Data Form for Delawn St will open:

Step 17: Select Variations Data Heading in the Design Data list and click on the

button to add a new

Select Set Code Offset to Alignment from variation list and click OK.
Step 18: In Set Code Offset to Alignment
editor fill in the following details for
the REB code variation:

Code = REB
Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 10000m
Widen Method = Change Offset
and Level
Alignment = Delawn_REB

Click the Add/Update button.

The Set Code to Alignment Editor will remain open for another entry.
Step 19: Fill in the following details for the
LEB code variation:

Code = LEB
Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 10000m
Widen Method = Change Offset
and Level
Alignment = Delawn_LEB

Click the Add/Update button.

Step 20: Click the

button save the data and close the Design Data Form.

Step 21: Open a CSW by right clicking in the VGE (if a CSW is not already open)


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The CSW should immediately show the LEB/REB Codes widened to match the offset for the alignments,
as shown below:

Create the Overlay Design

Step 22: To create the overlay click on the
in the VGE.
Step 23: Click on the Resheet button.
Step 24: Using the dropdown lists, select
Delawn_LEB for the Left Side Alignment and
Delawn_REB as the Right Side Alignment.
Enter the Minimum Overlay Depth as 0.03m.
Click OK.
Step 25: Click Apply Exit to compute the new vertical
design for Delawn St and return to the VGE.
The software will open a VC Report in Notepad This
report contains the details of how the new vertical
design for the road was computed.

Step 26: Review and dismiss the VC Report by

closing Notepad.
Step 27: Open the Design Data Form by clicking on the

button (or Select Panel Design Data

Command and clicking on or near the Delawn St alignment in the drawing).

The Design Data Form for Delawn St will open:

Step 28: Select Design Constraints Data Heading in the Design Data list and click on the
add a new entry.

button to

Select From Resheet from design constraint list and click OK.
Using the dropdown list, select Yes to use the resheet and click the Add/Update button.


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Step 29: Delete/Edit the IP's to

achieve the desired
smoothed vertical
design for the road
ensuring that you
achieve the minimum
30mm overlay depth.

Add the New Full Depth Pavement to the Subgrade

Step 30: In the Design Data Form, select Variations Data Heading in the Design Data list and click on

button to add a new entry.

The Variation Selection List will open:

Step 31: Select Insert Section with Interpolated Levels and click OK.
In the Insert Section with interpolated
Levels form enter the following:

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 1000m
Before/After = Before Selected Code
Code = LEB
New Code = LSAW
Method = Relative to Code
Offset = -0.6m
Click on Add/Update to apply the entry

Step 32: Close the Design Data Form by click the


Step 33: Click on the Templates Panel Create Edit Section

Use the

Select Template

Command to open the Template

buttons to make the Local Delawn template current.


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The subgrade for the new section between the C.L. and LSAW code will be the 30mm overlay.
Step 34: Click on the Set Subgrade button to create a subgrade
between two user defined codes.
Enter the First Code as C.L. and the Second Code as LSAW

Click Apply and Exit.

The Edit Subgrade for Section form will open:
Step 35: Enter the following:

Layer Depth-1 = 0.03m

Layer Material-1 = Asphalt

Step 36: Click on the Assign Layer Controls button and

enter the following:

Match Depth to Surface = Yes

Minimum Layer Depth = 0.03m
Maximum Extra Depth = 10m

Click Apply and Exit to assign the subgrade

Click Apply and Exit to create the section.
The subgrade for the section between LSAW and LEB will be full depth pavement as defined in the
project introduction.
Step 37: Click on the Set Subgrade button to create a subgrade
between two user defined codes.
Enter the First Code as LSAW and the Second Code as LEB
Click Apply and Exit.
The Edit Subgrade for Section form will open:
Step 38: Enter the following:

Layer Depth-1 = 0.03m

Layer Material-1 = Asphalt
Layer Depth-2 = 0.1m
Layer Material-2 = FCR Class 2
Layer Depth-3 = 0.2m
Layer Material-3 = FCR Class 3

Click Apply and Exit to create the section.

Step 39: Click OK to save the changes to the template.
Now the 600mm width of full depth pavement will be included in the model as can be seen in the CSW:


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The slope/crossfall of the LEB code can be adjusted without causing a grade break in the LSAW code, its
level is adjust to ensure the origin grade of LEB.

Volume Report
Step 40: Click on the

button in the Delawn St VGE.

The summary volume report will be opened in a Notepad file with each material listed.


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Road Reconstruction - Intersection Reconstruction

Before you Start Please start AutoCAD Civil 3D 20XX and open the Road Reconstruction Intersection.dwg training file.
The training files can be found by running the Help Panel Help Dropdown Open Tutorial


From the Windows Explorer that opens, double click on the drawing file to open it.

Note: 20XX represents the version of AutoCAD Civil 3D you are running.

Create the Kerb 'Road'

Step 1: Click on the Design Panel Create/Edit Road

Command and select the Kerb alignment.

The Add Road form will open:

Click the Create/Edit Road icon.
At the command line prompt to select the alignment, click on or around the Kerb alignment.
The Add Road form will open:
Step 2: Change the spacings to 1m for tight sampling (the Add
Extra Sampling button to alternately be used)
Leave the Template to the default
for now we will create and apply
an appropriate Template shortly.
Click Set Section Widths and set
the Left Width to 5m and Right
Width to 1m.
Step 3: Click OK to exit the Set
Sampled Section Width

Step 4: Click Use Layers. Select Layer EXTOK from the layer list and apply a
Search Offset of 10m any lines or
arcs on layer AR-TOK within 10m of
the Kerb alignment will be analysed
to add extra section sampling.
Step 5: Tick on the options to add the extra
sampling from this layer as well as
the other sampling set, then click
Apply and Exit.
Step 6: Create the Kerb 'Road' by clicking on the Create/Update button.


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Create & Apply Kerb Template

Step 7: From the VGE form, click Create/Edit Template


Create a new template by click on the Templates Options button and selecting the Create New
Template in Local Library option.
Name the new template Kerb and click OK.
Step 8: Click the Create Kerb button.
The Add Kerb form will open.
Step 9:

Enter the following (as


Invert of Kerb:
o Width = 0.45m
o Depth = -0.04m
o Code = INV
Top of Kerb:
o Width = 0.04m
o Depth = 0.15m
o Code = TK
Back of Kerb:
o Width = 0.11m
o Depth = 0m
o Code = BK
Kerb Depth = 0.2m.
Kerb Material = Concrete
Select Side to Apply = Left
Side Only, as we only
want this on the left
Click OK to create the Kerb.

Step 10: Click the Template Options button and select Materials List and click OK.
Choose L to edit the local settings and click OK
The Material List defines all the available materials that can be assigned to
the subgrade of a Code in your templates.
Step 11: In the first blank line add a new material called Infill.
Step 12: Click Apply and Exit to save and close the form.


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Step 13: Click on the Create Section button.

Enter the following details (as shown right):

Enter MATCH for New Code

Set the Width of Section to 0.001m
Tick ON Vertical Distance
Set the Vertical Distance to 0m
Select Left for the Side to Apply
Tick ON Plot Code
Make the Depth of the first Subgrade Layer 0.1m
Set the Material for the first Subgrade Layer to
Set Slope Datum Adjust Method to Use Value

Step 14: To make the Infill subgrade layer follow the existing surface, click Assign Layer Controls. We
need to set the Infill material up so that it fills the gap behind the back of kerb.
Step 15: Make the first subgrade layer copy the
existing surface by entering the following:

Match Depth to Surface = Yes

Minimum Layer Depth = 0m
Maximum Extra Depth = 10m

Click Apply and Exit to apply the subgrade controls.

Click OK to create the section.
The created section will look like (when the Show in Fill option is selected):

Step 16: Save the template by clicking on OK.

Step 17: From the VGE form, click the Design Data Form



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Step 18: Exapand the Templates

heading in the Design
Data list and click on the
existing Template entry
in the list
Step 19: The Template details
will display on the right
panel. Change the
Template Name to
Kerb and click on
If desired, click on the

button to display the updated cross sections for Kerb.

While we have the Design Data form open, lets set the LMATCH code to sit on the surface at the position
of the existing back of kerb. The alignment named Kerb-LMatch matches the existing back of kerb.
Step 20: Select Variations Data Heading in the Design Data list and click on the

button to add a new

Select Set Code Levels to Match Surface from variation list and click OK.
Step 41: In Set Code Levels to Match
Surface fill in the following details for
the LMATCH code variation:

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 10000m
Surface = NS
Options Alignment = KERBLMATCH

Click the Add/Update button.

The cross sections will now look like the following:

Step 21: Close the Design Data Form.


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Set the Kerb Levels to Match the Surface

Step 22: To drape the vertical grading onto the existing surface click on the

button in the VGE.

This will open the Vertical Curve Initial Design form. From here you can choose a variety of methods to
create the vertical design of your road.
Step 23: Click on the Match to Surface button.
Step 24: Set the following:

Start Chainage = 0
End Chainage = 10000
Surface = NS

Click OK.
Step 25: Click Apply (&) Exit to apply these vertical curve settings to
the Kerb. A form will display confirming the vertical grading
aplied to the string, and the vertical grading will be adjusted, as
shown below:

At every cross section the kerb is matching the existing surface levels.


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Surface Model
Step 26: To create a Civil 3D surface model of just the Kerb 'Road' click on the
Contours button).

(Create Road

An ARD surface model of the Kerb 'Road' will be created in the drawing which will look like:

Step 27: Click OK to save all the data and close the Vertical Grading Editor.


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Create the Roundabout

Create the Roundabout Profile/String
Step 28: Click on the Design Panel Create String/Profile

Command and select the Roundabout

The Add Road form will open:

Step 29: Change the spacings to 1m for tight sampling (the Add Extra Sampling button to alternately be
Leave the Template to the default for now we will create and apply an appropriate Template shortly.
Click Set Section Widths and set the Left Width to 5m and right width to 10m.
Step 30: Click OK to exit the Set Sampled Section Width form.
Step 31: Click OK to make the string and open the VGE

Create & Apply Roundabout Template

Step 32: From the VGE form, click Create/Edit Section


Create a new template by click on the Templates Options button and selecting the Create New
Template in Local Library option.
Name the new template Roundabout and click OK.
Step 33: Enter the following direcly in the Template Data List for the left side.

Top of Kerb Section:

o Width = 0..19m
o Vertical Distance = .125m
o Plot (Y/N) = No
o Code = LTK
Back of Kerb Section:
o Width = 0.11m
o Vertical Distance = 0m
o Plot (Y/N) = Yes
o Code = TK

Step 34: Click the Edit Kerb button. Click OK at the prompt to Select Kerb to Edit click on either of the
two sections in the display window.
You are now able to select any two codes between which a kerb
type subgrade will be applied.
Step 35: Set Label 1 to be C.L. code and Label 2 to be the LBK
Step 36: Click OK to assign a subgrade.
The Edit Subgrade for Kerbs form will display:
Step 37: Enter the following (as shown, right):

Set the Kerb Depth to 0.2m

Set the Kerb Material to Concrete


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Click Apply and Exit to set the subgrade for the kerb.
Step 38: Click on the Create Section button.
Enter the following details:

Enter MATCH for New Code

Set the Width of Section to 5.1m
Set the Applied Slope to 0%
Select Right for the Side to Apply
Tick ON Plot Code
Make the Depth of the first Subgrade Layer 0..03m
Set the Material for the first Subgrade Layer to Asphalt

To make the Infill subgrade layer follow the existing

surface, click Assign Layer Controls. We need to set the
asphalt to regulate down to the existing pavement.
Step 39: Make the first subgrade layer copy the existing
surface by entering the following:

Match Depth to Surface = Yes

Minimum Layer Depth = 0.03m
Maximum Extra Depth = 10m

Click Apply and Exit to apply the subgrade

Click OK to create the section.
The created section will look like (when the Show in Fill option is selected):

Step 40: Click OK to create the Roundabout template.

Step 40: Save the template by clicking on OK.


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Step 41: From the VGE form, click the Design Data Form


Step 42: Exapand the Templates heading in the Design

Data list and click on the existing Template
entry in the list
Step 43: The Template details will display on the right
panel. Change the Template Name to Kerb
and click on Add/Update

If desired, click on the

cross sections for Kerb.

button to display the updated

Drape the Circulating Carriageway (RMatch) onto the existing surface

Step 44: Select Variations Data Heading in the Design Data list and click on the

button to add a new

Select Set Code Levels to Match Surface from variation list and click OK.
Step 42: In Set Code Levels to Match
Surface fill in the following details for
the RMATCH code variation:

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 10000m
Surface = NS

Click the Add/Update button.

The cross sections will now look like the following:

Setup Design Constraints

Step 45: Select Design Constraints Data Heading in the Design Data list and click on the
add a new entry

button to

Select From Code Design Surface from the list and click OK.

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Step 43: Set up the following constraints:

Name = Min Max

Start Chainage = 0m
End Chainage = 10000m
Interpolated Data on Road =
Lower Crossfall = -3%
Upper Crossfall = 5%
Lower Colour = White
Upper Colour = White
Selectable and Display ticked ON
Lower and Upper Active set to

Click the Add/Update button.

The cross section and VGE windows will update to display the design constraints:

Step 45: Successively add IP's so that the crossfall of the circulating carriageway is satisfactory around
the whole length of the roundabout island, the start and end levels are the same and the grades at the
start and end are within acceptable limits.
Graphically move IPs up and down and use the Edit IP command to set IP elevations and positions


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Surface Model
Step 46: To create a Civil 3D surface model of just
the Roundabout click on the
(Create Road Surface Model button).
A surface model of the Roundabout will be created
in the drawing which will look like:
You may have to adjust the view settings of the
surface. To do this click on the Control Surface
button in the VGE and set the
parameters as required.
Step 47: Click OK to save all the data and close
the Vertical Grading Editor.

Create Splitter Islands

Create the Island 1 Profile/String
Step 48: Click on the Design Panel Create
Command and select the
Island 1 alignment.
In the Add Road form set the following:

Arc Segment Spacing = 0.1m

Spiral and Tangent/Straight Segment Spacing = 1m
Left & Right Section width = 1m

Click OK to create the Island 1.

Create & Apply Kerb Only Template

Step 49: From the VGE form, click Create/Edit Section


Since the Kerb Only template is the same as the Roundabout template minus the RMatch
Code, we are going to make a copy of the Roundabout template and modify it to suit.
Step 50: Use the Select Template button to select the Local Roundabout template for editing.
Step 51: Click on the Templates Options button and select the Copy Current Template to Local
Library option.
Name the new template Island and click OK.


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Step 52: Click on the first line of the template on the right (with Code RMATCH) and click on the
At the prompt to confirm deletion of the highlighted section, click Yes

Step 53: Click OK to exit the Template Editor. Now to apply the new Island template to the Island string.

Step 53: From the VGE form, click the Design Data Form


Step 54: Exapand the Templates heading in the Design Data list and click on the existing Template entry
in the list
Step 55: The Template details will display on the right panel. Change the Template Name to Island and
click on Add/Update

Set the Island Levels to Match the Surface

Step 56: Click on the

button in the VGE.

This will open the Vertical Curve Initial Design form.

Step 57: Click on the Match to Surface button.
Step 58: Set the following:

Start Chainage = 0
End Chainage = 10000
Surface = NS

Click OK.
Step 59: Click Apply (&) Exit to apply these vertical curve settings to the Kerb. A form will display
confirming the vertical grading aplied to the string, and the vertical grading will be adjustedto
match the NS surface at every sampled section.

Create Island 1 Surface

Step 60: Create the Island 1 surface by clicking on

(Create Road Surface Model button).

Close the Vertical Grading Editor by clicking OK.

Similar to the Roundabout surface model, a Hide boundary will have been applied to the mask the
internal area of the island.


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You may have to adjust the view settings of the surface. To do this click on the Control Surface Display
button in the VGE and set the parameters as required.
Step 61: Edit the Boundaries of the ARD-Island 1 surface to delete the BDY-1 hide boundary.
Rebuild the surface.

Create Island 2 and 3

Step 62: Repeat Steps 50 to 62 (inclusive) to build the splitter Islands 2 and 3 (Alignments Island 2 and
Island 3 respectfully).

Final Surface Model

(Civil 3D Only)
Step 63: Export all of the newly created surfaces to Civil 3D by clicking on the Export ARD surface to

button. Tick on all surfaces to output and click OK.

Step 64: Create a new Surface in AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Name it Final and change the Style to Contours - Design 0.1m
Step 65: Hide all the other Surfaces from displaying in the drawing by setting their Surface Styles to No
Step 66: From Edits in the Definition of Final, Paste all of the design surfaces (they will all have prefix
Originally the NS surface had a boundary applied to it, however since it was the first surface to be pasted,
the boundary was ignored.
Note: Internal hide boundaries will be applied to each of the
surfaces that form islands. You can expand the surface definition
for each surface and remove the Hide Boundary applied.
You can plot cross sections though this surface model, or you
could take a more advanced approach to cutting sections of the
design model, as noted below.
You should review and complete the below example.


Copyright Civil Survey Solutions Pty Ltd

Extra Example - Cross Section Plots Through a

Step 67: Turn ON the layer _PLOTTING.
Step 68: Using AutoCAD Civil 3D, create an Alignment from the polyline that runs along the centreline of
the through road, with the following parameters:

Name the alignment Setout

Tick the option to erase the existing polyline.

Create the Setout String

Step 69: Click on the Design Panel Create String/Profile

Command and select the Island 1

At the command line prompt to select an alignment click on or around the Setout alignment.
In the Add Road form set the following:

Arc, Spiral and Tangent Segment Spacing = 5m

Left Section width = 15m
Right Section width = 35m

Click OK to create the Setout string. As this string is only being used as a reference location for the cross
section extraction, the vertical design does not matter.
Step 70: Close the Vertical Grading Editor window.


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Create the Combined Model

Step 71: Click on the
Model Builder icon.
Step 72: Click on the Create New Model button and enter Final as the model name then click OK.
Step 73: .Click on the Include/Exclude button. This will expand out the toolbar, tick on the select all
button at the top of the form then untick the Setout alignment

Step 74: Next click on the Build button to create a surface. A surface will be created and shown in the
Step 75: Exit the Model Builder by clicking on the


at the top right of the form.

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Plot the Cross Sections

Step 76: Click on the Plot Cross Sections icon.
At the command prompt to select an alignment click on or around the Setout alignment.
Select All Sampled Data.
Step 77: Click on the Load Style button.
Select the Tutorial - Intersection reconstruction.xxp7 and click OK.
Note: When loading a Plot Parameter file the software will automatically update the preview display based
on the settings selected.

This has setup the section widths, layers and titleblock to be applied to the cross section plots, however
we need to add the Combined model.
Step 78: Change to the Row Options tab on the Plot Controls form and click on the Set Row
Information button.
Step 79: Click on the Add Model/Surface button.


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Step 76: Enter the following (as

shown left):

Model Name = BM-Final

Heading = Levels
Left Offset = -35m
Right Offset = 35m
Apply Masking = Ticked
Plot Figure = Ticked ON
No. of Decimals = 3
Active = Ticked ON

Click OK.

Step 80: Go to the formatting tab and from the Layout Format choose "No Offsets" from the pulldown
Step 81: Click Update Display
Step 82: Click on Plot to Layout to plot the cross sections.
The outputted Cross Sections plots will look like:


Copyright Civil Survey Solutions Pty Ltd

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