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I will never leave you Rama were the only words that

echoed through her mind even when she was in this

She was in the intensive care unit.
With the multiple fractures on her limbs, she was strictly
restricted to the bed and also to her thoughts. She could not
think beyond him. Thoughts- that had the capability of
tearing her apart and at the same time, making her revisit his
It was not long ago that she was merrily dreaming about her
perfect life. Her life which consisted of her family, her
husband and her happiness, was now shattered and nothing
could glue the pieces back together now.
She was woken up by the voice of a nurse who was the only
caring being in her broken life. She had come to ask her
about how she was feeling. Every time she came to visit her,
Rama thought of hugging her and crying for hours but
something always stopped her.
How does she trust people again?
She was recovering slowly and steadily but could she recover
from the wounds that were on her heart? She will never be
able to forgive Rakesh. Numerous promises were also broken
along with her limbs.

1 year ago
Rama! Remember to come back home early today, shouted
She was the only one in Ramas life whom she could call her
own. Rama would share everything with her. When her
parents left her at a very tender age and went to heaven, all
she was left with was granny. She nurtured her and Rama

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