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Individual Assessment Cover Sheet

Assessment Title:

Assessment one Report

Programme Title:


Course No.:

GSP 5203

Course Title:

Market Yourself

Student Name:

Zahra Abdulhasan

Student ID:


By submitting this assessment for marking, either electronically or as hard copy, I confirm the

This assignment is my own work

Any information used has been properly referenced.
I understand that a copy of my work may be used for moderation.
I have kept a copy of this assignment

Student Name : Zahra Abdlhasan

Assignment Title: Assignment1 Report
Tutor: Dr. Rhea Fitzpatrick
Due Date: 9/11/14
Word Count: 1,561

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3
The interview .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Independent Research ............................................................................................................................. 5
Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Reference List ......................................................................................................................................... 7

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Student Name : Zahra Abdlhasan

Assignment Title: Assignment1 Report
Tutor: Dr. Rhea Fitzpatrick
Due Date: 9/11/14
Word Count: 1,561

The aim of this report is to discuss and search about a job chosen upon interest. First, the job is an IT
teacher in elementary school. Secondly, an interview with Zainab Radha will provide information
about the job. Then, findings form research will be demonstrated to explain more about that job.
Lastly, a compression will be made to compare between the interview and the research findings.
This report will help to understand the work nature of being an IT teacher here in Bahrain.

The interview
This interview is between Zainab Radha and I, the interview where held in her house at 4 pm
on the 26th of October. Zainab is an IT teacher in an elementary school since 2011.

Why did you choose to be an IT teacher?

I choose this job because I love IT and I love to teach people at the same time. Also,
because the salary is great and the teacher gets a lot of holidays.

How did you get the job?

I applied for it in the ministry of education.

What are the requirements for this job?

The applicant must have an ICT degree from the university.

Did they ask for experience?

No they did not.

Do you prefer to work for the government or for the private sector? And why?
Off course the government, simply because the government provides a lot of
luxuries. For example, the salary is much better and as I mentioned perversely there
are a lot of holidays. Also, after two years the teacher gets an increment in the salary
and the employment grade.

How many hours/days you work? Can you be more precise about the holidays?
Well, I work from 7:10 to 1:15 from Sunday to Thursday. The main holidays we have
as teachers are the spring holiday in February, mostly two weeks and the other on is
the summer holiday which is approximately two months. Also, we have the
maternity leaf which is for 2 months.

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Student Name : Zahra Abdlhasan

Assignment Title: Assignment1 Report
Tutor: Dr. Rhea Fitzpatrick
Due Date: 9/11/14
Word Count: 1,561

Do you love your job? And why?

Yes I love my job because I learn new things all the time and I pass that knowledge to
the other teachers. Also, the working hours are very suitable for me, because I have

Do you consider changing your job in the future?

Defiantly no, I will not change it.

Can you describe the work environment?

Well, the nature of my works demands that I have to communicate with the other
teachers. In general my colleagues are very collaborator and helpful. Sometimes it is
hard for them to learn fast but I am patient with them. I am very happy and
comfortable in my school. Also, I prefer to teach adults instead of kids but when I go
to work shops to learn new technology, other IT teachers are very noisy and they do
not take the session seriously and it annoys me.

So you teach teachers instead of students? Please give an example?

Yes I teach them new technology. For example, the ministry of educations sends me
to a work shop to learn how to use the smart board. Then, I go to the school and
establish a class for the other teachers to teach them to use the smart board.

What skills do the person needs for this job?

First, the person needs to be patience with others. Secondly, having good
communication skills is necessary. Thirdly, the teacher must have at least basic IT
skills. Fourthly, have the ability to learn new things all the time. Lastly, the person
should have the basic knowledge of English for reading, writing and speaking.

Did you face any kind of difficulties or problems in your job?

No I did not.

What recommendations do you have for me to get this job?

I recommend you to improve the skills I mentioned perversely, in order to get the
job and to be good at it.

This interview has shown that basic knowledge of ICT would allow the person to be
an IT teacher at school here in Bahrain. Working as an IT teacher has a lot of benefits
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Student Name : Zahra Abdlhasan

Assignment Title: Assignment1 Report
Tutor: Dr. Rhea Fitzpatrick
Due Date: 9/11/14
Word Count: 1,561

such as: learning new technology and having long holidays. Also, an IT teacher can
teach other collages or teachers, not necessarily just students.

Independent Research
These are information collected from multiple websites which is about the
qualifications and the skills required by education organizations around the world.
For an IT teacher having a good basic qualification such as an ICT degree is the initial
step towards being accepted to teach. Also, the applicant must read, write and speak
English fluently and to have basic knowledge about mathematics. Also, most
organizations ask the applicant for prior teaching experience.

An ICT teacher must adapt to changes and to have the ability to learn. First, the IT
teacher must have the needed IT certificate, it is necessary for him /her to have the
wide range of knowledge about information technology and the curriculum.
Secondly, the IT instructor needs to have good communications skills with others.
This skill is very necessary for the teacher to deliver a course material to the students
in varieties of ways. Also, it is need to have the ability to learn and develop the
knowledge over the years, because technology is always changing. Time
management is critical; the tutor must organize the time properly. It is essential that
the course schedule is followed precisely so there will be no delay in delivering the
course criteria. In addition, problem solving is required in order to indentify the
problems and to solve them. For example, the teacher is explaining for the students
to write a code in Java. Then the tutor asks them to write similar code, one student
has an error in him / her code. The tutor will try to fix the error quickly. To add, this
job demands that the person has interpersonal skills such as: the ability to be calm
during stressful situations and to be patience with the students. Next, being
collaborative person will make it easier to work with others.
Working in school is more productive than other places. For teachers in general
working in schools make it easier for them to be creative in a peaceful place. It is
more interesting for people to work with children or other teachers. School
environment usually have collaborative atmosphere and very supportive which
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Student Name : Zahra Abdlhasan

Assignment Title: Assignment1 Report
Tutor: Dr. Rhea Fitzpatrick
Due Date: 9/11/14
Word Count: 1,561

makes most people consider teaching for a living. Although, this job sometimes may
become very demanding during exams and preparing for the teaching materials.
Basically, the IT teacher must have the same skills and qualifications as the regular
teacher but including the IT knowledge and experience.

In this part a comparison will be made between the information found in the
research and the information collected from the interview. First of all, regarding the
skills and qualifications they are the same form both sources. Except that here in
Bahrain the interviewee implies that the applicant only needs Basic English
qualifications. In the normal IT teacher position, the teacher teaches students but in
Zainab Radha case it is different. Zainab the interviewee teaches her other
colleagues to use technology. She is teaching adults which sometimes may become
difficult. The research has shown that most teachers do not come cross with a lot of
problems during teaching which indicates thats it a very secure job.
On one hand, as she mentioned the ministry of education in Bahrain did not ask for
a prior teaching experience. On the other hand, the research shows that most
organizations demand that the applicant has an experience in the teaching field. In
the gulf region working in the government as a teacher has a lot of benefits. While in
other countries the private sector provides more luxuries for teachers rather than
the government. Also, here in Bahrain most of teachers dont switch to other jobs.
In foreign countries it is more common to change from being a teacher to another
job. For example, Zainab will remain in here job until she retires the she will receive
the retirement salary.

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Student Name : Zahra Abdlhasan

Assignment Title: Assignment1 Report
Tutor: Dr. Rhea Fitzpatrick
Due Date: 9/11/14
Word Count: 1,561

To sum up, the information collected from the interview and the research implies that I am
very suitable to be an IT teacher. I have the skills and the qualifications mentioned in the
interview and the research. Although, I need to finish my IT degree first then I will be a
good candidate for the job. Also, in my opinion I feel that I need to have experience in
teaching so it will increase my chances to get the job. For example, volunteering in the Pass
leaders program in Bahrain Polytechnic or in my community center. In addition, I would like
to improve my English skills especially the writing.

Reference List

BASIC TEACHING SKILLS. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2014, from

Skills Knowledge & Experiences Needed to Become a ICT Teacher. (n.d.). Retrieved
October 31, 2014, from

Teachers skills. (n.d.). Retrieved October 30, 2014, from

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