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Introduction: Value Education

Importance of Values in Life
Character Building
Building relationship

VE 106




Need for Value based education
Values inculcated through value education
Priority areas in value education

Try not to be a
man of success
but rather try to be
a man of values.

According to T.A. Mathias, Values are ideals, beliefs, Moral or spiritual principles which are
important to us and on which we base our living. Values come into full play whenever decisions
are called for. When a student decides not to smoke a cigarette or not to copy in the examination,
he is making a value decision. To sharpen this capacity to make a moral choice is the task of
value education. Indian Universities and colleges have laid stress on value education from the
very beginning in the early decades of 19th century. It is believed that education not only imparts
knowledge and skills but also the right values and attitudes, which lead to, balanced human

To understand who we are

To understand who God is
To understand what God has prepared for us
To understand the purpose of life
To develop better communication with God
To develop better communication with people
To prepare ourselves as successful human beings
To encourage value based individual behavior, public policies and social

interaction in


Value education inculcates certain values, which are very essential for a successful living.
The values are: Communal harmony, Respect for life, Sense of social justice, Selfreliance, Participation in social change, Integrity of character, Commitment to work for


Living as we do in a country that is a mosaic of contradictions being both democratic and
feudal, full of corruption, violence etc we need to challenge and revamp our values. Some areas
requires urgent attention which are dealt in value education course, they are

Respect for life

- Fundamental sacredness of life

- Preventing loss of life
- Becoming agents of social change
Issues of women

-Change of attitudes towards women

Faith in God
-Strengthening the spirit of man
-Developing relationship between God and man
-Seeing people of other groups as persons like us
Meaning of success
-Is it merely scoring marks? Is it getting a good job ? Making money or
Getting ahead of all costs
Ways for successful living

Life of Emperor Ashoka and Hitler

Emperor Ashoka was one of the greatest Indian rulers. But his early success was based on
much violence. He reached the throne after killing nearly 90 kinsmen. One day, in the
middle of the battle, he realized that there were no true victors in war because so many
died on both sides.. He served his people in wonderful ways. Even today, he is honored
and remembered. On the contrary, many leaders who gave up good values just to gain
power met with failure and death in the long run. Adolf Hitler, the head of the German
Empire was at one time the most powerful man on earth. But he misused his power to
confiscate land and money that belonged to others and to torture and kill millions. He
caused the Second World War. When defeat neared, did he face it bravely? No, he killed
himself. What do you think happened to his power then? It deserted him when he needed
it most because he had gained that power by throwing away all the good values from his
life. His power is just an external show. It was not inner strength.
Thus value education proves to be a road to success in each ones life because it teaches
us not only the values needed for life but also the way to live.



What are values?
Types of values
Value inculcation process
Trends of values
Change of Value system
Clarifying values
We are in the first phase of a new century. We dream of a society free from
corruption, evil forces, anarchy, immorality and so on. We believe in the possibility of a
new social order, despite many tragic situations gripping the world. We must however
remember that our dream of a new society will never be realized unless our young people
who form an integral part of our society, whom we educate have developed firm
convictions, sound morals and a clear value system. This could only be done, if our
society empowers the youth with values that an ideal society envisions to foster.
However, young people need help and guidance in the development of their
values and value system, today, more than ever before. They are confronted by many
more crisis than the previous generations. They are surrounded by a bewildering array
of alternatives. They are faced with many important personal and theoretical questions
that lead to crucial decision-making and solid actions.

Do we have to take to the streets, may be even violently, to bring

about political or social change nowadays?
Are we not justified in doing that?
Do I have to be honest always?
What is wrong with taking drugs?
Why cant I resort to abortion if the situation is serious enough?
What is wrong with pre-marital sex?
What occupation shall I choose to make life meaningful?
What can I do in the face of communal violence and religious
What is my responsibility towards society?
Does religion have any meaning in my life or is it nothing more than a
series of outmoded traditions, customs and rituals?

Here are certain questions to the youth of today. Unless the youth has a
clear value system they will find it extremely difficult to face these
questions and find adequate answers.

They are deep-seated beliefs about what is right and wrong, good and bad,
worthwhile and trivial.

Buried in the subconscious.

Silently guide, everything we say or do.

Values are standards that indicate the general good deemed desirable for an organized
life. They provide the ultimate meaning for our behaviors in life. The sense of value is an
essential attribute of the human consciousness. It is these senses, which prompts and
guides the quest of the common thread of goodness in the human being, the good society
and a good life. Thus the word value expresses the qualitative significance we assign to
ideas, feelings, activities and experiences. The value system we acquire and develop
affects our attitudes, preferences, goal and aspirations. Thus values are known to be the
very core of our behaviors and the driving force of our lives
Values are ideals and behaviors which we hold as important and
Desirable ones as:
Empathy etc
If we ask a person Are you a good person? The person will definitely reply I am a good
person, because I do not lie. If we start looking into his lifestyle we find that the person
may not lie but he/she may have other negative qualities. Hence the saying comes true
that No Man Is perfect because each and every person will have some negative
qualities within himself.
A Person with courage, compassion, integrity, empathy, humility, loyalty, etc is
known to be a good person. When our value system is not clear, getting what we want
can be a tragedy. Hence we should mind the stability of our values.
Values can only be learnt when a student engages in the exploration and thereafter
personalization of values.
Five steps have been identified in the internalization of values.
Step 1 - Receiving
Step 2 - Responding
Step 3 Valuing
Step 4 Organizing
Step 5 Characterizing
Change is inevitable, whether we like it or not we have to accept changes in our lives.
Similarly the trends of values have been changed, for instance there was a survey taken
among the college students in 1958 regarding their value system and the result was

Poor academic performance

Lack of responsibility
Shouting and running through the halls
Leaving the lights and fan on for several hours

In 1998 the same survey was taken among the college students and the net result was
Drug addiction, AIDS, Violence, Ragging, Eve teasing, Abortion and Rape. Hence from
the above instance it is evident that the value systems among the students have been
changing rapidly from bad to worse
With constant exposure what is intolerable becomes acceptable and translates into
involvement and eventually into habit that regulates our daily living, to the extent that we
begin to justify our values, however bad they maybe .We ought to remember therefore
that values and virtues are not hereditary but they are learnt and so the need to get our
priorities right.

Clarifying values:
Knowing yourself is an important criterion for improving the value system
By doing so we will have a clear picture about our principles and priorities to
focus on our future
By getting a clear picture of our principles and priorities we get a clear picture of
our personal foundation
Knowing about our personal foundation can strengthen our self-confidence, selfidentity, and a sense of security
For effective clarification of our values, make a list of values in life accordingly
prioritize the values as
A- Highly important
B- Medium
C- Less important
Commitment is the integral part of our value system; hence change in a value system
can be brought about only if we have a commitment to change. A lack of commitment
leads to the presence of the same character within us with the existing values, which
eventually leads to the undesirable consequences of Guilt, Broken homes, Poor
relationships, High stress levels
Unfulfilled life, Isolation, Depression
Hence we should resolve to inculcate values that lead to a complete life and stay
committed to it.


Character values
Character development
Results of having a good character
Trust, honesty integrity


Character is
what you are,
when you are in

Character is the aggregate of features and traits that form the individual nature of a
person, especially related to ethical or moral values. They make up the inner nature of a
person and usually refer to positive qualities. A person with negative, unethical, or
slothful attitudes is considered without character. There are a number of unwritten laws or
rules that suggest things to do, to have a good character. Having a good character will
help establish a reputation of being a person who can be trusted and counted on.
A question you may have included:

What are the various values that make up character?

Qualities or values that make up character include:


Character building is a process, it cannot be achieved in a single day, it can only be
acquired with a conscious effort put up by the individual himself, with the constant act of
examination of the qualities that we possess, renouncing some that do not conform to the
standards of humanity and adopting qualities that fosters the well-being of the community
as a whole and the individual as a person.

Result of having a good character

You gain the reputation of being an honorable, courageous and respected person.
People will feel they can trust you and count on you.
They want to interface and do business with you.
This also gives you the feeling or pride and self-confidence, knowing you are well
thought of.

In conclusion, Character consists of traits that form the inner nature of a person.
Unwritten laws or rules suggest things to do to have good character. Having good
character will help establish a reputation of being a person who can be trusted and
counted on.

Trusting another person has several meanings:
1. Trust means that you feel that the person is honest and will not lie, cheat or steal
from you.
2. It also means that you can count on the person to do as he or she promised and
that the person is reliable.
3. Finally, trust in a person means that you feel he or she can be counted on to do
something important, will not shirk from duties, and will take personal pride in
what he or she does.
An illustration of trust can be seen when you are on a trip, and you stop at a filling station
to ask the attendant for directions. You trust that he will not purposely give the wrong
directions. You also trust that he is competent and responsible in being able to give
correct directions. If he says he has to go in the back to get a map and will return right
away, you trust that he will do just that and not take off for lunch.
If you are caught lying or deceiving people, they will consider you an untrustworthy
character. It is then very easy for that bad reputation to spread. Once a person is
considered as untrustworthy by others, they will tend to be cautious in dealing with that
person or may avoid him or her all together.
Being trustworthy is an admirable character trait. It is being honest, reliable and
responsible. Others will respect you more and want to continue relationships and dealing
with you. Also, you will feel a sense of self-respect.

A person who does not lie, steal or deceive, but instead tells the truth and shows integrity
is considered to be honest. If you have a reputation of being honest, people will want to
deal with you more, because they trust you. You also have a sense of pride in your
A person who is considered honest is one who displays integrity, is genuine and not
deceptive or fraudulent. Honesty is characterized by truth and sincerity. Honesty denotes
the quality of being upright in principle and action. Honesty implies truthfulness, fairness
in dealing with others, and refusal to engage in fraud, deceit, or dissembling.
A person who is considered dishonest is disposed to lie, cheat, defraud, or deceive.
Examples of being dishonest include, stealing someone's pencil in school, not telling our
parents the truth, and not giving back something that a person has lost. Cheating on a test
is dishonest.
The benefits you get from being honest are that sometimes you get recognition and thanks
for an honest deed. But in general, honesty is not something that is directly rewarded. It is
a feeling you have about yourself. It is a feeling of pride and self-worth and character.
Honesty is telling the truth, returning lost goods, and not cheating or deceiving. People
like to deal with those they can trust. On the other hand, you can't always expect a reward
or recognition for being honest. At the very least, you feel good about yourself for your
"Integrity" comes from the same root as "integer" - "whole number" - and "integrate" "to bring together in unity." Integrity has something to do with wholeness, unity, or
completeness. Integrity requires three steps: (1) discerning what is right and what is
wrong; (2) acting on what you have discerned, even at personal cost; and (3) saying
openly that you are acting on your understanding of right from wrong.
On Carter's (Psychologist) understanding, integrity is thus just a matter of Knowing,
Doing Saying, Being, and Feeling. A person of integrity is a certain sort of person. He or
she is the sort of person who engages in enough moral reflection to discover and thus
come to know what he should do. He feels that this is the right thing to do. And he then
acts in accordance with his insight, doing so openly. Integrity is not just having
convictions but also having the right convictions.
Integrity means to be who you are. Being true to one's self, one's values, beliefs, and
standards is essential when it comes to spiritual success. Everywhere around us people
and situations are pulling at us to forget our priorities and fall back into old unwanted,
unsatisfying and unproductive ways. That is why is is difficult to make the changes we
would like. If we are to be, do and have what is important to us, we must be strong and
courageous and therefore hold our own in any and all circumstances
1. Integrity means treating people fairly and honestly
2. Integrity is giving your word and keeping it.


Integrity will protect you.

Integrity is more valuable than riches.
The Lord will test and judge your integrity.
The Lord hates lies and lack of integrity.
It may be difficult to maintain your integrity.
Bad company can corrupt your character.
Integrity will be rewarded.

10. Your integrity should set an example.

A person who upholds high standards of decent behavior can be considered as moral.
People don't respect those who are vulgar or act immorally. They would prefer to deal
with those who are decent and have high standards. The moral person feels good knowing
that he or she is respected.
A moral person is one whose conduct is good or virtuous, especially concerning sexual
and ethical conduct. It also means that you try to do what is right and ethical. Morality is
usually based on religious laws such as the 10 Commandments. One commandment states
that you should not commit adultery, but instead lead a decent life. Dedication to your
family is also important is being moral. Some people being very moral and pious, but they
are also self-righteous such that they look down at others who don't adhere to their
standards. The self-righteous may be moral, but are guilty of lacking character in other
A person who lies and cheats is not considered to be a moral person. This is especially
true for someone who deceives his or her spouse and has extra-marital affairs. A public
official who takes bribes is considered unethical or immoral. A major area in morality is
pornography, which are lewd and sexually oriented pictures. But also obscenity, hatred,
discrimination, and intolerance are moral issues. Being moral gives you self-respect. You
feel good about yourself when you know you are doing the right thing.
A person who does as promised can be considered as reliable. Reliability is an admirable
characteristic. People don't like to deal with those who are unreliable. They'd rather give
their business and rewards to the person they can count on. Also, the reliable person feels
good knowing that he or she is trusted.
A person at work is often late on completing assignments, either because they are too
difficult or he gets sidetracked with more interesting activities. His boss and fellow
workers consider him unreliable. You cannot count on a person who is known to be
unreliable to follow through on what he or she has promised to do. A person may promise
to pick you up at the airport but then not show up, because "he forgot." Or a person may
come to an meeting late, because she got involved in some other activity and lost track of
The benefits of being reliable are that people trust you and feel they can count on you. A
reliable person will get and keep friends much easier than someone who is careless in
personal relationships and can't be counted on to keep his or her word. A reliable worker

will be trusted to do the job as promised and can reap the rewards of raises and
promotions. A business that has a reputation of being reliable or making reliable products
will get repeat and new business, as well as reducing costs of rework or repair.
A determined person is one who has an earnest and unwavered purpose in life. He/she
will not give up in their goal nor get distracted easily by some external factors.
Determined person has the firmness of purpose .
But many times people tend to give up their determination, in spite of having a goal in
life. The reason for such a lapse is they think that the task is too difficult, or they have to
work hard to achieve something.
But the benefits of a determined person are, he/she can achieve something great, and the
person would get personal life satisfaction.





Defining conformity
Areas of conformity
Areas of non conformity
Improving relationship
Issues that hinder relationship
Tools for effective relationship

The best
relationship is the
one in which your
love for each
other exceeds
your need for
each other.

Conformity refers to a situation in which a person changes her/his belief, idea or
behavior in such a manner that it becomes more similar to that of the group members. It
involves more than one person imitating the behavior and expects that person to show the
specific behavior in the presence of the group members for example when a person
exactly imitates the dress worn by her/his friends so as to become a part of the group.


A person conforms to group pressure only:
1. When the group members encourage such acts by a smile or promise an increase
in the status of the person in the group.
2. When the group members have the right to punish or apply sanctions such as loss
of status and position in the group.
3. When the person is judged in public or when he has a majority support.
4. When the person is totally exhausted and fatigued both mentally and physically,
he will give up his own ideas and accept the idea of the group.
5. When the person has a lower status than the group members.
6. When the person is uninformed, inexperienced and unfamiliar about the topic
raised by the group members such as fashion or opinions like caste feelings, job
reservation and so on.
7. When the person wants to have further interactions with the group members.
8. When the person wants to be liked and accepted by others especially by the
members of the group.
9.When a person is scared of facing social disapproval for disagreeing with the
members of the group.
Conformity situations arise in the form of regular informal rules such as fashion,
mannerisms and so on and in the form of formal rules such as rules of a game. The
above reason as to why a person conforms to group pressures is called as social

However there are times that a person does not necessarily conform whatever the
pressure might be. The person now depends on the personal modes or values, which
become more important than the social values.
A person does not conform to group pressure when:
1. S\he stands for a set of personal values, principles based on what is morally
right or wrong.
2. When s\he possesses expert knowledge about the topic in discussion.
3. When a person is mentally alert about events and situations that would not
lead to him\her get carried away by the group pressure.
4. Showing indifference to other group members.
Hence a person needs to learn values that are necessary to keep him\her away
from group pressures. Values such as determination, strength of the mind, confidence,
belief in one self, a high self-esteem, a desire for knowledge, presence of the mind
will help in this regard.
Human being is essentially a social animal. Our first relationship starts at home. A good
family leads to a good society and to a good nation. Therefore building strong
relationships within the family as well as in the society is very important. Today the cause
of several problems in the society is the weak bond of relationship.

TRUST Almost all relationships as parent/child/teacher/buyer/seller/are based

on trust. A personal bond grows stronger only when there is mutual trust.
LISTEN in a relationship there could be barriers as language and
comprehension. A good listener can break these barriers, listening shows caring.
When the other person feels he/she is being cared for he/she is motivated and
becomes more receptive to your ideas.
AVOID ARGUMENTS An argument is one thing you will never win .If you
win you lose and if you lose you lose. The best way to avoid argument is to avoid
it. An argument is an expression of temper whereas a discussion is an expression
of logic.
DEVELOP A SENSE OF HUMOR A sense of humor makes a person likable
and attractive. Humor helps one convey a serious message in a light manner,
taking the sting out of the bite.
DO NOT MAKE HASTY JUDGMENTS Hasty and baseless judgment is the
most dreadful enemy to relationship.


There are various issues and factors that hinder relationships, they are.
1. Individualism and independence
2. Irresponsible behavior
3. Bad habits as drinking and smoking

4. Not fulfilling certain obligations

5. Generation gap
6. Absence of appraisal
7. Peer group influence
8. Unhealthy competition
Here are some tools to help you create the deep levels of authenticity found in power
Tool 1. Relaxation
The more comfortable you are around others, the more comfortable they will feel around
you. It a natural human response to pull away from someone who appears nervous or
uneasy. The best way to immediately build communication rapport is to smile and relax
your body (and especially your face).This may seem simple, but is very important. A
genuine smile presents an open door to communication.
Tool 2. Power Listening
Effective communication is far more than just talking the real key is effective listening.
Power communicators focus on what the other person is saying, rather than worrying on
how they will respond.
If you have trouble communicating clearly with others, you may want to try the following
communication power tool: Mirror their thoughts back to them, and ask them if you
properly understood what they said. The simplest way to do is to paraphrase what they
just said to you, and ask them if you properly understood what they meant.
Tool 3. Provide Recognition
Words either strengthen or weaken trust. It is not always possible to consider the impact
of your emotions and words before you speak. In a tough emotion-packed situation,
sometimes the best response is to hold your response for a few seconds (or minutes, if
possible). One often overlooked, but extremely valuable power tool is the compliment.
People are hungry for recognition. If you compliment someone for the intelligence and
insights they've shared with you, you will encourage a relationship of mutual trust and
respect. This is such a powerful tool it may amaze you.
Tool 4. Provide Support
The ultimate emotional support tool is empathy.
Empathy is a foundation of power communication and simply involves seeing from
another person's perspective, regardless of your own opinion or belief. Genuine feelings
of empathy cement strong bonds of trust. Let people know that you respect them as a
person. Offer understanding and encouragement in times of difficulty, and you will build
even stronger bonds of trust.
Tool 5. Be Authenticity
Acting authentically with others basically involves acting with integrity. At its core,
authenticity is simply acting in keeping with your own values. It means being truly
honest with both yourself and others.
In a power relationship authenticity is based on being yourself, and avoiding acts that
create false appearances. You know how easy it is to spot someone that is putting on an
act we all have this intuitive capability. Being authentic creates deep levels of mutual
trust and true respect.

Tool 6. Acknowledge Generously

Look for and acknowledge other peoples positive qualities. Appreciating their strengths
and contributions builds strong bonds of trust. And remember to acknowledge your most
important relationship - the relationship with yourself. Recognize your own qualities, and
put them into action.
Tool 7. Take Action
Build a power relationship with your own self, and you will easily do so with others. Ask
yourself: What thoughts and behaviors will attract the kind of relationships I desire?
What one action can I take today to empower my current relationships?



Personality Development
Goal setting
Time management


Understanding human personality
Steps to develop personality



is born out of
pain; it is the
fire shut up in
the flint.

The dictionary defines personality as

1. The quality or state of being a person
2. The complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual
3. The totality of an individuals behavior and emotional tendencies
4. The organization of the individuals distinguishing character traits, attitudes or
Personality is the combined total of all that an individual is and of everything
that constitutes a persons physical, mental, emotional and temperamental make
Personality in a simplified form of What a person really is Gordon Allport

The main characteristic is Self consciousness. This social based trait centers
around making continuous adjustments to environment and to ones inner life.
The most commonly acknowledged dimensions of traits that constitute a persons
personality are one:
Moral character


We can understand the human personality through Cross section of the human
1. The behaviour level: - The outer most layer of our personality is the behavior
layer. Ultimately, everything about us is seen by our behaviour. In one time
acquaintance, one cannot judge a person. Therefore, behavior on the basis of one
or two interactions cannot indicate the true personality.
2. The feelings level: - Below the level of behavior is the level of feelings. Feelings
are a very powerful part of human personality. Behavior can swing like a
pendulum, dictated by feelings.

3. The attitudinal level: - Attitude is the seat of decision-making. Ultimately,

whether we let our feelings act upon our behavior or not depends upon our
attitudes. Positive attitude changes our feelings and our behavior where as
negative attitude produces the corresponding negative feelings and behavior.
4. The value level: - The value level is made up of the basic scripting on our lives.
The family upbringing, influence of our relatives and teachers, the word of God
and our own exposure to various external and internal experiences in our lives
determine our value system.
Values create attitudinal changes, attitudes change feelings and feelings ultimately affect
our behavior. Therefore values ordained by God can bring about powerful changes in our
Listen:It's possible to hear the words a person speaks without really listening to what she
says. When someone has a problem, she needs someone to confide in, someone to
understand. Develop the art of listening.
Don't jump to conclusions:You are not a mind reader. Try to think things out before you
judge a person. There is a big difference between imagination and reality.
Say "thanks" :Everyone needs to know she is appreciated. When someone is kind to
you or puts forth an effort to help you, say "thanks."
Pray: You will encounter problems all your life, but do not let them get you down.
Prayer fills one with humility and faith. It gives one courage to go on. Prayer will help
you live a happy, productive, loving life.
Think: Take a "think break" every day. It is at such times that ideas are born. Ideas,
when allowed to work, can change lives and accomplish much for God's kingdom.
Pleasing Personality: Be kind, loving, caring, thoughtful, sympathetic, and positive to
project self-image with confidence and firm in decision. A sunny nature with cheery heart
leaves no room for gloom on ones face. Your attitude, etiquette and manners project
your inner self and win many hearts. Neat, clean, well dressed with maintained physique
makes you confident, sure result oriented person. Cool disposition with maturity and
sensitivity adds to charm and beauty in making an impressive personality. These qualities
make you a different person - a cut above the others. Positive qualities once imbibed will
inevitably become a part of ones nature.
Cultivate a Smile: Be friendly and happy. A smile is the longest word in the world with
a mile between the first and the last letter. The smile is the shortest distance between two
people. People are more responsive to good-humoured person. A smile tension, eases
pain, leaves behind troubles. It enriches those who receive, create happiness in homes,
foster goodwill and business and is the countersign of friends. A smile reflects
genuineness, a curved line that straightens up things right. It invites friendship, affection,
and confidence and encourages the disheartened. A bubbling smile from the heart drives
away hovering dark shadows to coax the sun again to brighten up the path to reach the

Give Honest Appreciation & Avoid Criticism: Appreciation is demanding to encourage

enthusiasm in an individual. Every human craves for appreciation to develop his
personality and possess the superior complex with lavish praise. Sincere appreciation and
flattery are two different actions altogether. Appreciation means complimenting heartily
to make a person feel important and rise his spirits whereas flattery is lame which a well
aware persons heart fills with mulishness, egoism and harsh reality puts either of the two
involved in bitterness. Hence, appreciation with heart makes all the difference. Criticism
in turn, wounds hearts, arises inferiority, discourages a person and leaves scars of despair.
Tact should be implied instead of Criticism and all sarcastic remarks should be avoided to
forego grudge.
Tact: This is securely favouring position to make a person friendly. Avoid being irritated
but firmly and kindly speak your say without entering into an argument. Be optimistic in
views and avoid negative impacts of words.
Voice Modulation: A persons voice reflects his personality. The way one feels,
behaves, moods, attitudes are reflected through his voice. Soft, pleasant, husky voice with
low pitch, not harsh, dull or lifeless, but bold, confident, clear, well pronounce play a
vital role in self reflection. Mirror practice proves to be beneficial for better
pronunciation and also find yourself in a corner of a room and repeat your name often till
you find your voice clear, soft, but audible. Avoid shouting on top of your voice and
check yourself with spicy food habits
Correct Posture: Stand erect with an authority with lifted face, chin forward and
upward, face alert, shoulders straightened without standing stiff. Hand should not show
signs of consciousness but either with fists closed, not clenched or easy with hands folded
or at the back with slight one foot forward. Balanced in a natural looking way Tummy
should be in and not get distracted and have presence of mind by avoiding all ways like
scratching your nose, jingling keys or coins in pocket, rocking back & forth on your heels
etc. Walk should be graceful with proper strides, easy, feet moving parallel to each other
with arms swinging and shoulders relaxed. Palm should be towards the body. Sit erect
with hands on your legs, with neat curves of your dress falling at your knees or feet
together in a managed way.
Be an Interesting Person: Be zestful in life and enjoy thoroughly. Be creative, pour new
ideas and fill your life with Interest, hobbies, and ambitions, exhibit your talents. Develop
your tastes, your positive approach. Imbibe the habits of reading, music, creativity,
walking, socializing and workaholism. This will widen your visions, improve on personal
efficiency, concentration, and power of observation, optimistic and make you a lively
person. Personality will widen your horizons with Happiness and is really the ability to
strike a balance between an individual Lifestyle and art of living.




Leadership is
practiced not so
much in words
as in attitude
and in actions.

Leadership has played an important role in the human history since earliest times.
The historians have glorified heroes in battle a valued the importance of their deeds for
the future generations. The roles of politicians, statesman and emperors in the
development of empires, territories and nations have received considerable attention in
the imperial history. In the modern society too, there is a great emphasis on leadership.
There is a continual search for men with leadership qualities. The present day crisis in
India is the crisis of leadership, which can give new dimensions to the peoples zeal in
accordance with the concepts of democracy and socialism.
Leadership is a relationship of an individual to a group established in the interest of
achieving some goal. Often it emerges according to the needs and situation.
Leadership is a natural phenomenon in a group life, a dynamic process that emerges of
the relationship among the individual.
Autocratic leadership This is a powerful, aggressive and one way leadership,
where the leadership is a dominating personality
Democratic leadership A majority accepts the leadership. It is consultative,
delegating and there is two-way leadership where there is active participation of
the leader and his members.
Formal leadership The leader is officially elected, and holding a well defined
Informal leaders ship Though the leadership is not formal yet the leader is
influenced by his behavior
Popular leadership The leader is a famous personality and he has the ability to
mobilize people
Task leadership The leadership is of executive types, any task given to him
will be done in a perfect way.
Banyan tree leadership The leader is all providing, highly dominating, very
benevolent and does not allow anything to grow under it.

Principle of following unless one follows one cannot lead. We can learn to be leaders
and become leaders by being a role model. Gandhiji set a personal example for
eradicating untouchables in India by living in Harijan colonies and mixing with them.
Principle of Vision: if there is no vision there is no leadership. Leader should commit
oneself to act on the vision. Vision is the clear picture of what the leader sees his group
being or doing. A leaders commitment to act on the vision is called a mission.
Principle of Love Love sets a true leader apart from a power holder. There cannot be
true leadership without love. The love of the leader will allow others to draw towards
him. Love is the basic ingredient of an effective leadership.
Principle of Humility Humility gives strength to leadership. A humble leader is free
from pride or arrogance he puts himself in submission to others and is helpful and
Principle of Opportunity- When difficulties are faced, a leader should convert the
difficult situation into an opportunity for growth.
Principle of Energy- the energy of a leader is demonstrated through his physical vitality,
mental alertness, commitment and persistence, Energy attracts followers. Energy conveys
the ideas of authority, of excitement, of success and of purposeful activity.
Principle of Honesty- a leader should be honest in his work and delegation of
responsibilities to his members. Thus the nature of honesty is transferred to his group

Leadership is an important factor for making an organization successful

Without an efficient leadership the organization cannot function efficiently and
Organization is basically a deliberate creation of human beings fro certain specific
objective to fulfill the objectives effective leadership is essential.
Activities of the members should be directed in a certain way
Deviation from this way leads to the inefficiency of the organization
The members motivation is an important factor for work performance and an
effective leader motivates his members.
Creating confidence is done by directing them, giving advice and getting results
through them.
Building morale is the building of attitude of members towards the organization
for high productivity and stability in the organization

1. Authoritarian Technique: In this technique there is greater dependency on the
leader, there is marked inter -member irritability and aggressiveness, low
frequencies of suggestions for group action and group policy, dissatisfaction with
group activities and low quality of productivity.
2. Democratic Technique:
The leader encourages participation by members in
deciding group matters and behaves in a friendly, helpful manner to the members
giving technical assistance and suggesting alternative procedures.
3. Laissez-faire Technique: The leader allows complete freedom for decisions
and activity keeping his own initiative and suggestions to a minimum. There is

low incidence of inter-member

irritability and aggressiveness; there is great
satisfaction with group activities and an intermediate quality of production of high
Innate qualities of a leader:
Physical features, Intelligence, Emotional stability, High confidence
Should have empathy, Should have motivating skills effective human relations





What is Goal setting?
Need to set goals
Basis of goal setting
Types of goals
How to achieve goals?
Reasons to resist goals

Make no little
plans, make big
plans, and aim
high in hope
and work.

Mans success in his life depends on the vision in his life. He should have a clear
vision with a clear focus and he should continue to sharpen it. He should set well-defined
goals that work towards the achievement of the vision. The person should be careful
about his motive and should refrain from wasting the time on non-essentials. Goal setting
is a feeling of success. It would make each day easier to live. The man who sets a high
goal and strives for its attainment inspires everyone who knows him. He climbs steadily
and others will follow him. The feeling of success and satisfaction comes from achieving
it. Life becomes exciting when we pursue goals.
Vision in life requires a commitment to act and it is called a mission well defined,
steps required to meet the vision is called goal. A person should constantly sharpen the
focus of the vision by effective goal setting. When there are no goals there will not be any
direction in life. Goal setting is like programming a computer. Goal programme should
be put in place and should be followed faithfully. Goals should be reviewed frequently to
bring in readjustment to changing situations. Constant review and change keep the goals
in good footing and the vision in sharp focus.

We spend our life asking various questions as:

- Will I get a job?
- Will I complete my arrears?
- Will I be supportive to my parents etc?
We hope that we ourselves will answer the questions in our life.
We hope that things may happen on their own
Today will be like yesterday unless we put in effort
Things will happen only if we work hard
We can be what we choose to be, but it is the matter of goal setting by deciding
what we want to achieve and what are the skills we want to develop.
To make things happen in life we have to

Identify the goals

Work towards it
Personal commitment is essential to work towards the goal.
Should make a structured plan.


A SMART goal setting would have the following criteria:

The steps of goal setting should contain specific details of the

designated tasks. This will help the person to maximize his
efficiency in achieving his vision.


The steps of goal setting should be measurable so that the person

would know about the work done and also would have satisfaction
of accomplishment as he continues his task giving him sufficient
impetus to maximize his potential.


The steps of goal setting should take into consideration the

capacity of the person, the practicality of the task involved and the
situation in which it is carried out.


The goal setting must be realistic. It calls for imagination the basis
of creativity, but it just be within the realm of reality.


As each one performs the tasks assigned in each steps of the goal,
the outcome should be tangible and perceptible.


TANGIBLE GOALS are goals, which we can perceive through the senses. They
are the easiest to measure and we can generally tell when we are losing or

INTANGIBLE GOALS are goals for internal changes, this often helps us to
reach tangible goals

LONG TERM GOALS are usually goals that require several months or years to
accomplish. Its a projection of what you can make happen.

SHORT-TERM GOALS are goals that generally lead you towards your longterm goals or goals that give you quick satisfaction. Successful short-term goals
are the best reassurance that goal setting works.


Each goal should be specific
Goal should be ambitious but achievable, within your grasp and ability
Think in terms of opportunities to be capitalized on rather than in terms of vague
Written goals can be changed

The measure of a mans success in any endeavour is determined by the extent to

which he sets his goals and develops a plan for their attainment.
Goals should require you to do more of something or to do it better or differently.


Man has been created with uniqueness and hence the task performed by him should
also be unique. Everyone is given specialized talents and God expects all to find his plan
for them. Hence before starting to work out all the goals in life, it is essential to consider
two points:

Pray By praying, we can find out Gods vision and the steps to fulfill that
Receive guidelines Man has been provided with common sense and intelligence,
hence these faculties should be used. Wisdom can be received from people who
are well experienced, and with that wisdom it is easy to set goals.


The benefits of goal setting are neither mystical nor hazy. They are real and significant
values to be gained from practicing goal setting

Improves the self-image

It makes you aware of the strengths, which can be used to overcome obstacles and
provide solutions to problems.
Written goal s helps to visualize, actionize, and actualize
Gives a track to run
Make you responsible for you own life
It defines reality and separates it from wishful thinking
Wise goal setting enhances the fulfillment of vision
Goals simplify the decision making process
Goal setting provides a system of measuring so that you may enjoy the feeling of
A person who is an efficient goal setter generates respect and would have good
By effective goal setting life opens to you as you have dreamt.


Write the goals in detail and state them positively (Be systematic)
Make sure that the goals include positive behavioral changes.
Make the goals personal and refrain from living on borrowed brain.
Even if 2 complicating goals loom before you, you should be able to prioritize the
You should be determined determination helps to overcome obstacles.
You should be consistent you should start working from the first day.
You should have self-control.
Avoid stress
Periodical check up is necessary for a good clarity of work.
Accept setbacks.


Although most people intellectually accept goal; setting as an important element for
success, they internally fight goal setting for the following reasons

Predictability Many people feel threatened by change. They resist goal; setting
because it may be temporarily uncomfortable while moving from the Rut to a
higher Plateau.

Conditioning We are conditioned people. After we have done something a

certain way, it becomes a habit. A habit is automatic or reflexive. Therefore the
biggest threat to habit change is the current habit

Miracles Many people are caught in the Waiting for the fairy Godmother trap.
They sit back and wait for the miracles instead of taking Action Steps to set
and accomplish goals.

Fears of losing Many people do not set goals because they are afraid that they
will be criticized for not reaching their goals.

Over expectations Many people inadvertently fight goal setting by continuously

setting their goals too high. This enables them to say I know I cant reach the
goal, so I wont even try

Look at problems as a challenge:

Even if we work on problems / obstacles in life, but we should have the attitude of
accepting the reality and face the problems as a challenge. Biographies of great achievers
say that they were always viewing their problems as a challenge E.g.: Milton He was
blind, but in future he became a great writer Beethoven He was deaf, but in spite of his
handicap he was able to compose music
These people converted obstacles to opportunities
They learnt from their unfortunate experiences
They released creative energies from their problems
Hence we have to think about them when problems entangle us, the thoughts of
these achievers surely release creative energies, and we should take their lives as a
testimony for perseverance and determination.




Effective Time Managers


Man who dares

to waste one
hour of life has
not discovered
the value of


TIME management strategies fulfill a number of functions. One purpose is to plan
activities and schedule time for completing them. The strategies help one to predict when
one will be most busy so that plans to get things done may be made ahead of time. A
second purpose is to help people become more punctual. Time management strategies
also aid in remembering obligations such as meetings, appointments and special events.

Time management strategies dont take much time to implement. For example
semester planners for students can be completed in about one hour and weekly
grids in only 15 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes each week to keep schedules
up to date making additions and revisions.
Strategies are every easy to use and require little instruction from facilitators.
People tend to experience fewer stressful situations resulting from procrastination
and overextending (trying to do too many activities)
To some management strategies give a sense of control over their lives.
It serve as a useful memory aid, reminding one of the obligations that must be met
at certain times in the day or week or month.
Help to organize certain aspects of ones life as well.


Changing time management habits takes time and effort and it is always much easier
when you have a simple system of practical rules and hints that are easy to keep in mind.
This is exactly what the tips are for
Learn to see the difference between urgent an important
The important tasks are those that lead you to your goals and give you most of the
long-term progress and reward, those tasks are very often not urgent. Many urgent
tasks are not really important.
Know and respect your priorities
Aim to do the important thingsfirst.80% of reward comes from 20% of effort. One of
the aims of time management is to help you refocus your mind to give more attention
and time to those most important 20%.
Plan your actions for achieving your goals
Planning can lower the time spent on routine maintenance tasks leaving more time on
what you like to do or for what you think is important for your long term success.

Convert your goals onto a system of specific actions to be done. The first significant
point of planning is the planning process itself.
Schedule time for your tasks
Most often there is no way to get those things out of your mind expect
either doing them or scheduling them in a trustable system convincing your mind that
they will be done in due time.
Know how you spend your time
Keep a time log during some time interval like a week and then analyze it to see
where your time goes.
Identify best time for studying
Everyone has high and low periods of attention and concentration. Use your power
times (night or day) to study, use them down times for routines.
Study difficult subjects first
When you are fresh you can process information more quickly and save time as a
Use distributed learning and practice
Study in shorter time blocks with short break in between. This keeps you from getting
fatigued and wasting time.
Make room for entertainment and relaxation
College is more than studying .You need to have social life yet you need to have a
balance in your life.
Make sure the surroundings are conducive to study
This allows you to reduce distractions, which can waste time. If there are times in the
residence halls or your apartments when you know there will be noise and commotion
use that time for mindless tasks.
Try to combine activities
If you are spending time in the garden take some simple notes to study if you are
standing in a queue try to recollect some of your lessons.

Be proactive:-taking initiative, not waiting for others to act first and being
responsible for what you do
Begin with the end in mind: - plan your work. Take time to write your goals and
then list the steps to achieve them
Put first things first: -make sure to distinguish the goals that are truly important
from those that may seem urgent but are really not important. Every activity we
do in a given day can be put into 4 quadrants as:


Quadrant 1

Quadrant 2

Pressing problems
Quadrant 3

Important/Not Urgent
New opportunities
Long term projects
Quadrant 4

Not Important/Urgent
Popular activities

Not Important/Not Urgent

Phone calls
Time wasters

Look ahead: - The essential of being proactive as opposed to reactive is to project

ahead. One way to effectively do this is to keep a calendar for each month of the
semester. Note the important dates of assignments, time of exams, financial aid
deadlines etc. In filling out their calendars, note the times of the semester that will
be difficult for you and begin to develop a plan to address the difficulties you

One of the best methods of using time effectively is to plan when you will do
specific study tasks. Planning does not mean following a rigid, military like schedule
rather it means making intelligent decisions about when it is easiest and most efficient to
get your work done. When writing an action plan to achieve a particular goal the
following steps are to be followed

Clarify your goal

Write a list of actions
Analyze and prioritize
Organize your list into a plan
Monitor the execution of your plan and review the plan regularly

Time management skills are not to be put in your mind but you should plant them in
the mind. You prepare the soil and sow the seeds you take care of them until they form
strong roots. Thus these strategies give you the seeds of solid time management
principles. It is unto you to decide to start that planting process and give it some time to
form string roots of effective personal time management habits.


Selecting best communication method


The basic building

block of good
communications is the
feeling that every
human being is unique
and of value.

Interpersonal communication is the foundation of human interaction. Its
importance for innovation and change can hardly be overemphasized. In this
section, communication from different viewpoints including listening and
speaking is explained.

To introduce communication and to demonstrate the importance of

communication in a variety of contexts including that of the manager of
innovation and change.
To evaluate and discuss the characteristics of good communication and how to
improve our communication.

Communication is a two-way process of giving and receiving information through any
number of channels. Whether one is speaking informally to a colleague, addressing a
conference or meeting, writing a newsletter article or formal report, the following basic
principles apply:

Know your audience.

Know your purpose.
Know your topic.
Anticipate objections.
Present a rounded picture.
Achieve credibility with your audience.
Follow through on what you say.
Communicate a little at a time.
Present information in several ways.
Develop a practical, useful way to get feedback.
Use multiple communication techniques.

Communication is complex. When listening to or reading someone else's message, we

often filter what's being said through a screen of our own opinions. One of the major
barriers to communication is our own ideas and opinions.

There's an old communications game, telegraph, that's played in a circle. A message is

whispered around from person to person. What the exercise usually proves is how
profoundly the message changes as it passes through the distortion of each person's inner
Environmental factors
Communication can be influenced by environmental factors that have nothing to do with
the content of the message. Some of these factors are:

The nature of the room, how warm it is, smoke, comfort of the chair, etc
Outside distractions, what is going on in the area.
The reputation/credibility of the speaker/writer.
The appearance, style or authority of the speaker.
Listeners education, knowledge of the topic, etc.
The languages, page layout, design of the message.


10% of what they read

20% of what they hear
30% of what they see
40% of what they hear and see

Feedback (Listening)
Getting and giving feedback is one of the most crucial parts of good communication.
Like any other activity, there are specific skills that can enhance feedback. Listening is a
key part of getting feedback:
Listen to the Complete Message. Be patient. This is especially important when
listening to a topic that provokes strong opinions or radically different points-of-view. In
these situations, it's important not to prejudge the incoming message. Learn not to get too
excited about a communication until you are certain of the message.
Work at Listening Skills. Listening is hard work. Good listeners demonstrate interest
and alertness. They indicate through their eye contact, posture and facial expression that
the occasion and the speaker's efforts are a matter of concern to them. Most good
listeners provide speakers with clear and unambiguous feedback.
Judge the Content, Not the Form of the Message. Such things as the speaker's mode
of dress, quality of voice, delivery mannerisms and physical characteristics are often used
as excuses for not listening. Direct your attention to the message--what is being said-and away from the distracting elements.
Weigh Emotionally Charged Language. Emotionally charged language often stands in
the way of effective listening. Filter out "red flag" words (like "liberal" and
"conservative," for instance) and the emotions they call up. Specific suggestions for
dealing with emotionally charged words include

Take time to identify those words that affect you emotionally.

Attempt to analyze why the words affect you the way they do.
Work at trying to reduce the impact of these words on you.

Eliminate Distractions. Physical distractions and complications seriously impair

listening. These distractions may take many forms: loud noises, stuffy rooms,

overcrowded conditions, uncomfortable temperature, bad lighting, etc. Good listeners

speak up if the room is too warm, too noisy, or too dark. There are also internal
distractions: worries about deadlines or problems of any type may make listening
difficult. If you're distracted, make an effort to clear your head. If you can't manage it,
arrange to communicate at some other time.
Think Efficiently and Critically. On the average, we speak at a rate of 100 to 200
words per minute. However, we think at a much faster rate, anywhere from 400 to 600
words per minute. What do we do with this excess thinking time while listening to
someone speak? One technique is to apply this spare time to analyzing what is being
said. They critically review the material by asking the following kinds of questions:

What is being said to support the speaker's point of view? (Evidence)

What assumptions are being made by the speaker and the listener? (Assumptions)
How does this information affect me? (Effect)
Can this material be organized more efficiently? (Structure)
Are there examples that would better illustrate what is being said? (Example)
What are the main points of the message? (Summary)

Sending Messages
Messages should be clear and accurate, and sent in a way that encourages retention, not

Use Verbal Feedback Even If Nonverbal Is Positive And Frequent. Everyone

needs reassurance that they are reading nonverbal communication correctly,
whether a smile means "You're doing great," "You're doing better than most
beginners," or "You'll catch on eventually."
Focus Feedback On Behavior Rather Than On Personality. It's better to
comment on specific behavior than to characterize a pattern of behavior. For
example, instead of calling a colleague inefficient, specify your complaint: "You
don't return phone calls; this causes problems both in and outside your office."
Focus Feedback On Description Rather Than Judgment. Description tells
what happened. Judgment evaluates what happened. For example, in evaluating
a report doesnt say, "This is a lousy report!!" Instead, try: "The report doesn't
focus on the information that I think needs emphasis," or "This report seems to
have a lot of grammatical and spelling mistakes."
Make Feedback Specific Rather Than General. If feedback is specific, the
receiver knows what activity to continue or change. When feedback is general,
the receiver doesn't know what to do differently. For example, in an office
situation, instead of saying "These folders are not arranged correctly," it's better
feedback to say, "These should be arranged chronologically instead of
In Giving Feedback, Consider the Needs and Abilities of the Receiver. Give
the amount of information the receiver can use and focus feedback on activities
the receiver has control over. It's fruitless to criticize the level of activity, if the
decision to grant the necessary monies for materials, personnel or technology is
made at a different level.
Check to See if the Receiver Heard What You Meant to Say. If the
information is important enough to send, make sure the person understands it.
One way of doing this is to say, "I'm wondering if I said that clearly enough.
What did you understand me to say?" or "This is what I hear you saying. Is that

Concept of God
Nature of God
Communication with God-Prayer
Concept of Man
Sin and Temptation




Understanding God
Characteristics of God
Nature of God
Names of God


God offers to
every mind its
choice between
truth and repose.

God is not like us. When we were originally created, we were
formed to replicate God in every way. Yet, even then, there was no basis for
comparison between Him and us. He is our "uncreated" Creator; and we will
always be His "created" beings.
Throughout the ages humankind has struggled to become gods. From Adam and Eve,
who ate the fruit "to become like God," to New Age enthusiasts who believe that one day
humans will reach their final evolution in reincarnation to become gods, mortals have
been striving for the security found in being unlimited in terms of knowledge, power,
space, and time.
We tend to place God into the context of our humanity, and then attempt to label and
categorize Him, based on what we know about ourselves. God's creation will never know
the depths of the mind of their Creator. All we can know, is what He has chosen to reveal
to us

Holiness - God is spirit, and His primary characteristic is holiness. Holiness is

defined as "absolute purity," and is the entire unique substance, which is God.
Because God is uncreated (a concept which can be baffling to created beings), we
cannot say that God is "made" of holiness. The "person" of God (meaning he is a
personal being, not merely some type of impersonal force,) is holy, and holiness is
the "person" of God.

We could describe God as a bar of pure gold (except, even the most refined gold still has
an infinitesimal amount of impurity in it; a quality which cannot be assigned to God).
When someone asks, "What is the substance of that yellow bar?" we can respond
confidently that it is "gold." The same can be said for God. When someone asks us,
"What is the substance of God?" we can respond to them confidently that He is
"holiness." He is unique, uncreated purity. Similarly, if someone were to ask you, "What
are you made up of?" you might respond, "Flesh and bone;" but in the same manner, God
would answer them that He consists of "holiness."
Holiness is also God's moral substance. Who He is, determines the laws of the Universe.
Because God is uncreated and unchanging, His laws can never be changed. Who He is
(holiness) defines what is right and wrong, moral and immoral.

Righteousness - God is unique, unchangeable purity. Therefore, who God is,

determines what is right, and again by default, what is wrong. When God's
creation "agrees" with who He is and follows His ways, they are "right;" hence the
word, "righteousness." However, when God's creation chooses to disagree with
who He is, they are wrong.
Justice - Because who God is defines the guidelines of morality and universal
law, God Himself will not violate any of His laws. (God cannot contradict
Himself in this manner, because it would mean He would have to change who He
is. God is unchangeable, because He is uncreated). Because morality is defined by
who God is, the person of God is also defined by His morality. Neither the
"person" of God nor morality can be separated from the other. They are the same

It would be like trying to say that the "bar" was not "pure gold," or that the "pure
gold" was not the "bar." They are each other at the same time. If the "bar" desired to
change the substance of the "pure gold," the "bar" would end up also changing itself.
Thus, if the "bar" is unchangeable, the "pure gold" is unchangeable as well. From this
we see that God's justice is consistent, always fair (He does not waver because He
likes one person better than another), and never changing.
The names used to describe God tell us much about His character and being. This is why
we can call on God's name (Ps 18:49). A name is used synonymous with the one it is
attached to. This is why we are not to take it in vain (Ex 20:7).
Adonai "Lord": (Gen 19:2) meaning master or owner, authority and supremacy. This is
why "lord" is also used as a title of men (John 4:11 "sir").
Kurios is the New Testament Greek equivalent of Adonai.
Elohim "God(s)": (Gen 1:1) The source of all creation, the powerful one. It is a plural
Hebrew word . . . a plural of majesty that could not be expressed in the singular (which
also has interesting Trinitarian interpretations). This became a generic word for deity but
could also be used for angels, men, idols and false gods.
Theos (Jn 1:1) is roughly the New Testament Greek equivalent of Elohim but is never
used for any being other than God Himself.
El "God" plus some descriptive term is often used:

El Shaddai: (Gen 17:1) pictures the Almighty standing on a mountain for comfort
or chastening.
El Elyon: (Gen 14:19) the Most High God.
El Olam: (Gen 21:33) the Everlasting God.
El Roi: (Gen 16:13) the God who sees.

Yahweh "the Lord": (Gen 4:1) God's self existence presence. "I am who I am" (Jn 3:14).
From the word YHWH with the vowels supplied from the substitute word Adonai.

Yahweh Jireh: (Gen 22:14) the Lord will Provide.


Yahweh Nissi: (Ex 17:15) the Lord is my Banner.

Yahweh Shalom: (Jud. 6:24) the Lord is Peace.
Yahweh Sabbaoth: (1 Sam 1:3) The Lord of Hosts (the armies of Heaven).
Yahweh Maccaddeschcem: (Ex. 31:13) the Lord your Sanctifier.
Yahweh Roi: (Ps. 23:1) the Lord my Shepherd.
Yahweh Tsidkenu: (Jer 23:6) the Lord our Righteousness.
Yahweh Shammah: (Ezek 48:35) the Lord is There.

Yahweh Elohim Israel: (Jud 5:3) The Lord God of Israel.





God is omnipotent -- Omnipotent refers to all-powerful. He has total

power and control over His creation:. Does this mean that God can do
anything? No. God cannot do something that violates His nature, or that
results in a logical contradiction. For example, God cannot lie; nor can God
force one of His creatures to love Him since, by definition, love is something
that cannot be forced. The attribute of God that describes his ability to do
whatever He wills. God's will is limited by His nature, and He therefore
cannot do anything contrary to His nature as God, such as to ignore sin, to sin,
or to do something absurd or self-contradictory. God is not controlled by His
power, but has complete control over it; otherwise He would not be a free
being. To a certain extent, He has voluntarily limited Himself by the free will
of His rational creatures. This means that if God says something will happen.
He has the power to make sure that it will happen. . Just as He cannot sin, He
has the power to forgive those who do.
God is omnipresent. Omnipresence refers to God's ability to be fully
present everywhere at all times. God exists independent of His creation -- time
and space are part of that creation. Therefore, when man is sinning God is there. If
a child is doing something a parent has told him not to do, God is there. There is
no place where man can go to hide from God. The attributes of God by which He
fills the universe in all its parts and is present everywhere at once. Not a part, but
the whole of God is present in every place
God is omniscient. God has full knowledge of all aspects of His creation;
His knowledge is absolute: The attribute of God by which God perfectly and
eternally knows all things which can be known, past, present, and future. God
knows how best to attain His desired ends. This, like omnipresence, demonstrates
that man cannot hide from God because God knows all things. He knows the
number of hairs on each head, He knows the heart and thoughts of every man.
Just because no man is around to see us do wrong doesn't mean nobody saw it
happen - God did God knows our intentions in the things we do. We need to be
sure that our attitudes are congruent with our actions because God knows when
we are doing things for the wrong reasons or motives.
GOD IS LIFE - Life is the vital principle, or breath of life, which God imparted
to man, making him a living soul God has absolute life in Himself and is the
source of all life. Since God is life anything other than God is death. God can
think and act to protect His people. He can give life to those who seek Him. When
His people pray to Him, He is able to hear them and He does answer them.
GOD IS SPIRIT - God is a non-material personal being, self-conscious and selfdetermining. God is someone we can get to know. He, unlike ourselves, doesn't
need to be told what to do. On the other hand He tells us what to do and how to
live in a manner pleasing to Him. Just because He can't be seen by the human eye
doesn't mean He is not there and therefore should be ignored. His creation

demonstrates His existence. Also, since he cannot be seen, we need to devote

ourselves to study everything that has been written about Him so that we can get
to know Him like He wants us to and begin to live our lives in a way that pleases
GOD IS LOVE - The very nature of God is God is love. Love includes
patience, kindness, and protection, trusting, hoping and persevering. Love is not
envious, boastful, proud, rude, self-seeking, easily angered.
GOD IS TRUTH the concept of truth is derived from the character of God and
is the exact opposite of the concept of lying. It is impossible for God to lie. When
he says about what will happen will actually take place. The secondary attributes
of God also include that God is compassionate, comforter, provider, guide, father,
friend in times of need.

Biblical References:
1. God is Omnipotent (All-Powerful): (Gen.17.1; 18:14) (Isa .40:27-37).
2. God is Omniscient (All Knowing): (Job 38:39; Rom.11:33-36)..: Job 37:16.
3. God is Omnipresent (Everywhere): (Ps 139:7-12). (Gen 18:25).
4. God is Spirit: (Jn 4:24).
5. God is Changeless (Heb 11:12)

6. God is eternal (2 Pet 3:8)

7. God is Holiness (Isa 6: 1-3; Eph 4:24)
8. God is Righteousness (Gen 18:25; Deut 32:4 ; Rom1:16,17)
9. God is Love (I Jn 4:8,16)
10. God is Truth (Jn 4:24; 14:6)
11. God is Wisdom (Ps 92:5, 136:5; Rom 11:33)





What is Prayer?
Why should we Pray?
Steps in Prayer
Reasons as to why God speaks?
Methods God uses to speak
Why Prayer are unanswered?
Why dont we Pray?

Prayer is not
conquering God's
reluctance, but
taking hold of
God's willingness

Prayer is simply talking to God just like how you would talk to your very best
friend. Prayer is not to inform God of something, which he may not be aware of,
or to try to convince Him to love us more. He already knows our needs. Prayer is
turning our hearts toward God and receiving His love in turn.
Purpose of Prayer To assist us in building relationship with God.
Prayer opens the channels of Gods blessing. You are on one side of a closed
door and on the other side is God. When you pray you are turning the door knob.
Prayer gives God the permission to do what he has been longing to do all time.

Bring the problem to Gods attention. Always keep the problem

God centered and not problem centered.
Supplication A very honest and clear confession that you need
his help.
Focus on God and not on the problem
Always pray with thanksgiving

God is wanting to talk to you, not in words, but through your mind and your heart.
The true child of God can hear God speak just as clearly as if God was standing
right alongside of them verbally talking to them.
4 RESONS WHY God speaks to you

God desires to have fellowship with us. We are his most

precious creation and he loves us dearly.
God knows that we constantly need direction in our travels
through life.
To provide comfort to us through trials.

God wants us to get to know him.


7 things to ask yourself each time when you Pray.

Will the thing I am praying for meet my Godly personal

needs & will it fit in the righteous life style?
Will I gladly accept whatever God is willing to give me.
Am I submissive to Gods will?
If my Prayer is answered will the result honour God?
Will it harm / hurt/ interfere in another persons life?
Will it please God or will what you Pray for delight God?
Does my request contradict word of God?
Will what I Pray for bring me closer go God?

3 important things when you Pray FAITH, OBEDIENCE, PATIENCE

We center on problem and not on God. we tell God what to do. Unfortunately
when people Pry there is no Praise, Glory, Honor. We tend to focus on positive
aspects and power of God than negative aspect. Dont Pray for the problem but
rather the solution of the problem.
We are too busy to spend time in Prayer. We expect immediate solution as
well as we reason out things and some of us are too busy with others. We are
like small infants who wants to put the colorful and glittering piece of broken
glass. Talking to God makes us comfortable and we dont want to give up those
sins and have a fear that he may just change our attitude. We miss the pleasures
those sin bring us.





Man as trinity
God as trinity
Creation of Man
Jesus the Son of Man and Son of God

Man was created

last, and what was
created last is the
basis of all things.

Man is a complex being. Bible teaches that man is a Trinity consisting of spirit, soul and
body. Thus 1 Thess: 5:23 says, "May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly, and
may your spirit, soul and body be kept sound and blameless." Very often the spirit and
the soul are confused because of their close affinity and characteristics. However
Hebrews 4:12 says, "for the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two edged
sword piercing to the division of soul and spirit; of joints and marrow; discerning the
thoughts and intentions of the heart." Thus soul and spirit are distinct entities as the joint
and marrow are or thought and the intentions of the heart are.
SOUL is associated with the personality of man, his intellect, mind, wisdom, emotions
etc. Soul is the field of ideas where experiences are analyzed, stored and interpreted on
the basis of previous experiences. Without it events becomes meaningless. Relationships
are perceived by the soul. Laws of nature (material and spiritual) are derived in the soul.
The observed facts of physical world are simply matter and its motion. Soul therefore is
the real person as we think of a persons personality. It is the soul that sin and is held
responsible for mans behavior. Thus the soul is generated, inherits the generic
experiences and then goes on to grow as the person grows.
BODY offers no confusion and exists in the three dimensional material world as well as
in time.
SPIRIT is very similar to the soul. It is the life principle. It is the spirit that gives the
body its life. Spirit is the life-giving go-between between soul and body. It is the spirit
that acts as a cohesive force, the glue or communicator between the other two
dimensions. Without the life giving spirit, body and soul cannot coexist. When the spirit
leaves the body (i.e life foes out) the soul separates from the body.
If however the spirit, the soul and the body existed in entirely different dimensions, they
could not have interacted as it really does. It should therefore be assumed that they share
at least some dimensions with each other. Just as any two perpendicular lines share one
common point, or two perpendicular planes share one common line, the three fields of
spirit, soul and body must be sharing some points together, either together or pair wise.
As the body (which is material - corporal) exists in space-time, soul and spirit must be
having their own dimensions of existence. Time is one dimension is common to all the
three - or at least by soul and body.

A crude model of man, therefore, can be constructed as in fig.1 Each reality

exists in several dimensions of their own and shares one or more dimensions with each
other. Intense interactions take place between these three fields thus constituting man.

FIG. 1


When God decided to create man God said, "Let us make man in our image after our
likeness." "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God, he created him;
male and female he created them." Gen.: 26-28 thus man should in all respects reflect the
Trinitarian God, apart from the male and female aspect. Jesus in Matthew 28: 19 gives
the authoritative exposition of Trinity as: "in the name of the Father, and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit."
The picture of FATHER is one of a person who does not have a form (Deut. 4:15) yet he
asserts himself as the great "I AM THAT I AM" - the YAHVEH - the Soul of God, the
personality of God. (Ex. 3:14). It is the Father who directs the actions and controls as the
great supreme person in the Godhead. So the father sends the Son into the world. (Jn.
12:19) The Father did sent the Holy Spirit into the world. (Jn. 15:26)
SON is the Word of God out of which all things were created. "He is the image of the
invisible God, the first born of all creations; for in him all things were created, in heaven
and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or
authorities - all things were created through him and for him. He is created before all
things, and in him all things hold together." Col. 1:15-17 "In him we live and move and
have our being." (Act. 17:28) "By faith we understand that the world was created by the
Word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things that does not appear." Heb.11
:3 The implication is that Jesus is the pre-matter - the body aspect of God. So as in
creation the Word became the matter, the later the Word became flesh." Thus the
recreation of the world and the redemption of bodies from decay and death, Jesus has the
creative role. He provides the resurrected body, but sanctification and acceptance of
mans soul will have to proceed from the Father himself. (Heb. 10:10)
The HOLY SPIRIT is the spirit aspect of God. The spirit is the life giving force - the
creative force which acting on matter gives birth to life. Thus in Gen. 1:2 "the spirit of
God moved upon the face of the earth" in the creation to bring forth life. "Body apart

from spirit is dead." (Ja.. 2:26). "Being put to death in flesh, but alive in spirit" (1 Pe.
3:18) "the written word kills, but the spirit gives life to your mortal bodies also through
his spirit which dwells in you." (Rom. 8:11). The Holy Spirit, which is coeternal and
coequal with Father and Son, is the cause of the awareness of the Trinity as unity.
This model of God will be as in Fig. 2.



Gen. 2:7 describes the act of creation of man thus: "Then the Lord God formed man of
dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a
living soul." The body of man is created out of matter the essence of which is Jesus, in
whose image it is created and by the Word of God (i.e Jesus - the Logos) Then God gives
the spirit, the breath of life, the essence of which is the Spirit of God. And man became a
living soul. God did not create the soul - it came into existence as a result of the
interaction of the spirit on matter.
We can see here why man is the likeness of God. The soul belongs to man alone in that
he has the right to be what he wants to be. It remains that man was created with a free
will which God respects.

The soul is thus a qualitatively new entity evolved out of the interaction of matter
and spirit and has an existence by itself. Once generated it grows, gathering more
and more experiences.
The mind of man stores up all the experiences and its analysis by the intellect for
future reference. It is like an immense computer. Human brain contains some ten
to the power ten nerve cells, which can act in ten to the power eight hundred
ways. Compare this with the total number of atoms in the universe, which is
estimated as ten to the power one hundred only. Thus each human mind is capable
of storing the entire data for recreating the entire universe. But soul is not the
brain. Brain is only material - a part of the human body. It is the hardware. The
soul never decay or die (2 Cor. 5:1), but is "renewed every day". (2 Cor. 4:16).

The spirit of man, returns to God who gave it. (Ec. 12:7). So at the cross Jesus
committed his spirit to God. (Lk 23:46) The spirit is also the seat of wisdom.
While the soul is the total compendium of all experiences and intermediate results
of analysis and interpretations in the conscious and unconscious mind, the spirit
exhibits the final conclusion derived not only from the external experiences but
also from the spirit world experience and inferences. Thus the spirit can be broken
(Pro. 15:13; 17:22) vexed (Ec. 2:11), haughty (Pro. 16:18), humble (Pro.16:19),
wounded (Pro. 18:4), wise, understanding, judging, counseling and mighty (Is.
4:4; 11:2) Heart is considered as the seat of the spirit (Pro. 15:13)


As in the Genesis creation of the man, Jesus was also taken out of the flesh of man, which
was originally taken out of the dust, through Mary, in whom the enveloping
(overshadowing) of the Holy Spirit created a living soul. The differences here are first the
material was not plain dust, but flesh; second that the spirit within Jesus was Holy Spirit.



Temptation is not sin. If temptation were indeed sin, then Jesus would not have led a
sinless life. But as the Bible says, Jesus was "tempted in all things," yet without sin (Heb.
Still temptation should not be taken lightly. That's because it is the gateway to sin.
Temptation is often strongest when we are at our weakest. In fact, the longer we allow it
to brew in our thoughts the more dangerous temptation becomes. Therefore, we must
learn to recognize temptation and keep it in check.
Temptation is one of the enemy's most powerful "schemes" for misleading God's people
(Eph. 6:11, 16). It causes us to focus on the "passing pleasures" (Heb. 11:25) of sin
instead of the rich rewards of serving God with a pure heart. The Bible says, "Each one is
tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust. Then when lust has
conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death"
(James 1:14,15). Thus, our own lusts give temptation its power over us. Temptation says,
"It's okay to sin just a little bit." But nothing could be further from the truth (Num. 32:23;
Prov. 15:3). In God's eyes, there are no "small" or "big" sins (James 2:10). The wages of
sin is always death (Rom. 6:23).
When we are tempted, we often convince ourselves that we can hide our sin. But as men
and women since the beginning of time have discovered, there is no hiding from God.
"Thou hast searched me and know me." David said. "Even before there is a word on my
tongue, behold, O Lord, thou dost know it all" (Psalm 139:1,4). Our tempting thoughts
also try to undermine or twist the meaning of the Scriptures. When Jesus was "led up by
the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted" (Matt. 4:1), the tempter twisted God's Word

in an attempt to lead Jesus astray. Ultimately, temptation tries to silence the voice of the
Holy Spirit, whom Jesus promised to send to "guide you into all truth" (John 16:13). By
tuning out the Holy Spirit's voice, we fool ourselves into thinking that we can make it on
our own.
THE WAY OUT - Temptation can be difficult to resist. But God has not left us as
helpless victims of temptation. He has promised a "way of escape" (1 Cor. 10:13) to all
who trust in Him. The "way" is not a program, but a person: Jesus Christ. Jesus not only
cleanses us from sin, He also understands our temptations (Heb. 4:15-16). That's why we
can come to Him for help. If you have not yet placed your trust in Jesus as Lord and
Savior of your life, no matter how "good" your life is, you will never be able to overcome
temptation and sin (Isa. 64:6; Rom. 3:23). First, you need to find new life in Christ (John
3:16-17). Simply believe in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead and confess
with your mouth that "Jesus is Lord" and the Bible says you will be saved (Rom. 10:910).
STANDING FIRM - Battling temptation is a daily walk. Even the most loyal followers
of Christ can be tempted (Heb. 12:1). That'' why the Lord's prayer instructs us to ask God
to "lead us not into temptation" (Matt. 6:13).
The following principles can help you fight-and win-against temptation.
1.Be honest with God. At the time of temptation, don't debate the issue. The longer we
wrestle with tempting thoughts, the closer we get to committing the sin. Flee from the
temptation as soon as you recognize it (2 Tim. 2:22).
2.Recognize your enemy. Understand that this is serious business! You are engaged in a
battle for your very soul. There is an enemy, the devil, who "prowls about like a roaring
lion, seeking someone to devour" (1 Peter 5:8). This enemy will use any temptation to
draw you away from God.
3.Resist through Jesus! Go to the Lord and receive mercy and grace in your time of need
(Heb. 4:15-16). Remember, you are not alone in your struggle. Satan tries to discourage
us through isolation, telling us our temptation is unique. This simply isn't true (1 Cor.
4.Give Thanks. In the midst of the struggle, thank God for the opportunity to experience
the victory through Him (Rom. 5:1-5). Thank Him for providing a way of escape.
GOD'S WORD ON TEMPTATION - "No temptation has overtaken you but such as is
common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what
you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, that you may be
able to endure it" (1 Cor. 10:13).
James 1:2-3, 13 -- We grow as we overcome temptation
Ephesians 5:15-21 -- Keys to walking uprightly
Hebrews 12:1-13 -- Encouragement in Christ





What is Holy Spirit?

Activities of the Holy Spirit

The Spirit is the

Energy of God
in creation.


Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost [ghost, i.e., spirit, a translation of Gr. pneuma=breath,
air], in Christian doctrine, the third person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is sometimes
defined as the aspect of God immanent in this world, in human beings, and in the church
What are some of activities of the Holy Spirit as helper or comforter? Let me
suggest several to you and include scriptural references for you to study. More certainly
could be added but these are the basics.
1. He guides us into all truth. (John16.13) - But when He, the Spirit of truth
comes, He will guide you into all truth for He will not speak on his own initiative
but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to
come. The role of the Holy Spirit is to show us that we are sinners and to point
us to, and guide us to, a clear understanding of who Jesus Christ is, leading us to a
commitment to Him. He also helps us to understand Gods word and its
application in our lives. He is the Spirit of truth and will only reveal to us.

2. He assures us that we are Gods Children. Romans 8.16- The spirit himself
bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Its is like having an
eternal binding contract with God that the Holy spirit seals, confirming that we
are secure in our family relationship with the Father
3. He gives us hope. Romans 15;13-Now may the God of hope fill you with all
joy and peace in believing , that you may abound in hope by the power of the
Holy Spirit. The expression the God of hope means the God who inspires
hope and imparts it to his children. He can be counted on to fulfill what still
remains to be accomplished in us. He is not finished with us!
4. He strengthens us. Ephesians 3.16- Paul tells us to be Strengthened with the
power through the Spirit in the inner man. The strengthening of the inner person
comes when Christ takes up His permanent residence in us. So the strength is the
presence of Christ in our lives Christ desires to bring us His strength if we will let
Him. To be honest, there are times when I feel weak, and I ask the lord to be
strength through me and He has always provided that needed strength.
5. He equips us to serve others. Ephesians 4:11&12 And he gave some as
apostles, and some as evangelists and some as pastors and teachers for the
equipping of the saints for the work of service, to be building up of the body of
Christ. The role of the Holy Spirit is to equip us for the work that we have been
called to do in Gods Kingdom. For example; some in the choir, to teach
preschoolers, help keep the church clean, go out on visitation, participate in short
term mission trips Etc. I know that God has given to each of us one or more gifts
to be used in the work of the Kingdom. It is up to each one of us to discover our
gifts then use them in the Work of the service, to be building up of the body of




What are Spiritual Gifts?

Why Gifts?
Who is given Spiritual Gifts?
Categories of Spiritual Gifts

"A Gift is as a
precious stone in
the eyes of him that
hath it


Spiritual gifts are not our natural talents. God, through the Holy Spirit, gives
them. They cannot be inherited. The spirit filled believer has a responsibility to function
in the body of Christ, where God has set him. All believers have a definite function. You
are a special instrument in the hands of God .Are we available and willing to be used?

Hoe can we face the devil and his demonic hosts without the gifts of power such
as the gifts or miracles and healings? The body of Christ badly needs these gifts today.
We need them so that

We can demonstrate the power of the Gospel

We can build the body of Christ
We can meet the needs of others
Serve better and more effectively
We can discover Gods purpose in our lives.

Hence spiritual gifts can be defined as drives, opportunities, and results given to
us by the Godhead to achieve God's supernatural goals. Each person who is born again
into God's kingdom takes on a "debt of love" which is designed to motivate a believer to
fulfill the law of God. Thus, we are instructed in Romans 13:8 to "Owe no man any thing,
but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." You see, God
gives us spiritual gifts so that we may pay our debt of love.
When you know your gifts you will begin to understand how the Holy Spirit
operates thro you. When you know what your spiritual gift is you will understand what
your ministry is and what your ministry is NOT. You will experience an inner spiritual
fulfillment and you will be more sensitive to the needs of others.
Every Christian is given a spiritual gift as soon as he or she becomes born again.
At that very moment the Holy Spirit will unite with that person's spirit (Romans 8:16-17).
When we are born physically, we possess certain natural abilities. When we are born
again spiritually, God takes these natural abilities and turns them into the means by which
He can work through us supernaturally. Jesus "gave gifts unto men ... For the perfecting
of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all
come in the unity of the faith..." (Ephesians 4:8, 12-14).
Three Categories of Spiritual Gifts



Gifts of the Father

Romans 12:6-8


Gifts of the Son

Ephesians 4:11
I Corinthians 12:28


Gifts of the Holy Spirit

I Corinthians 12:7-11


1. The gifts of the Father (gifts of administration)

2. The gifs of Christ (five fold ministry gifts)
3. The gifts of the Holy spirit

1. Word of Wisdom.
2. Word of Knowledge.

3. Discerning of spirits

4. Speaking in Tongues
5. Interpretation of Tongues
6. Prophecy


7. Faith
8. Healing
9. Miracles




Purposes of the Gifts
Gift of Wisdom
Gift of Word of Knowledge
Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Gift of Faith
Gift of Healing
Gift of performing Miracles
Gift of Prophecy
Gift of Speaking in Tongues
Gift of Interpretation of Tongues

When the gifts are

displayed, it publicly
confirms that you
are a true believer,
an ambassador of

The gifts are the spiritual senses of the Church. Just as we have five physical
senses that allow us to function in the natural realm (world), so we also have nine gifts of
the Holy Spirit (the "spiritual senses") that enable us to function properly in the spiritual
These gifts are identified in I Corinthians 12:8-11
"For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word
of knowledge by the same Spirit; To another faith by the same Spirit; to
another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; To another the working of
miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another
diverse kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: But all
these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man
severally as he will."


Spiritual Maturity: You cannot strengthen someone who is weak unless you are
mature yourself. Spiritual gifts help you mature so you can edify the Church and
strengthen others (I Corinthians 14:12).
Edification: Spiritual gifts are used for the edification of the Church and are tools
that bring us into spiritual maturity: "Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of
spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church." (I Corinthians
Credentials: A credential is having evidence or testimony concerning your
authority. When the gifts are displayed, it publicly confirms that you are a true
believer, an ambassador of God: (Mark 16:17-18,20)
Spiritual Prosperity: I Corinthians 12:7 declares, "But the manifestation of the
Spirit is given to every man to profit withal." The gift of the Holy Spirit can be
compared to a precious stone which brings prosperity. Proverbs 17:8 says that "A
gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth,
it prospereth."


The wisdom of God (I Corinthians 2:6-7)

The wisdom of the world (I Corinthians 2:6)
The wisdom of man (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18)

The gift of the word of wisdom is the application of knowledge that God gives us.
(1 Cor. 2:6-7) This type of wisdom is a gift which cannot be gained through study or
experience and should by no means try to replace them. The gift of the word of wisdom
is seeing life from God's perspective. As the Christian exercises this gift, he begins to
develop a fear of the Lord. This is the "beginning of wisdom" according to Proverbs 1:7.
The gift of the word of wisdom is also the revealing of prophetic future; it is
speaking hidden truths of what is not known. Furthermore, this gift involves having a
sense of divine direction, being led by the Holy Spirit to act appropriately in a given set
of circumstances, and rightly applying knowledge. The gift of wisdom is the wisdom of
God. It is the supernatural impartation of facts; it is not natural. You can't earn it. It is
received from God through prayer (Ephesians 1:17). The gift of the word of wisdom
works interactively with the other two revelation gifts: knowledge and discernment.
A word of knowledge is a definite conviction, impression, or knowing that comes
to you in a similitude (a mental picture), a dream, through a vision, or by a Scripture that
is quickened to you. It is supernatural insight or understanding of circumstances,
situations, problems, or a body of facts by revelation; that is, without assistance by any
human resource but solely by divine aid.
Furthermore, the gift of the word of knowledge is the transcendental revelation of
the divine will and plan of God. It involves moral wisdom for right living and

relationships, requires objective understanding concerning divine things in human duties,

and refers to knowledge of God or of the things that belong to God, as related in the
Gospel. The gift of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge function together;
knowledge is raw material and wisdom builds on it.
Discerning of spirits is the supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit to
perceive the source of a spiritual manifestation and determine whether it is of God (Acts
10:30-35), of the devil (Acts 16:16-18), of man (Acts 8:18-23), or of the world. It is not
mind reading, psychic phenomena, or the ability to criticize and find fault.
Discerning of spirits must be done by the power of the Holy Spirit; He bears
witness with our spirit when something is or is not of God. The gift of discerning of
spirits is the supernatural power to detect the realm of the spirits and their activities. It
implies the power of spiritual insight - the supernatural revelation of plans and purposes
of the enemy and his forces. It is a gift which protects and guards your Christian life.
How to Test a Spirit?

Observing what a person does. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus explains that false
prophets are known by their fruit - by their conduct and actions
Observing whether or not a person exalts Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as
Lord and Saviour (I Corinthians 12:3).
By listening to what a person says (I John 4:1-3). Does their confession line up
with the truth of God's Word?


The gift of faith is the supernatural ability to believe God without doubt, combat
unbelief, and visualize what God wants to accomplish. It is not only an inner conviction
impelled by an urgent and higher calling, but also a supernatural ability to meet adverse
circumstances with trust in God's words and messages.
This gift not only operates in healings and in miracles, but in the realm of the
impossible as well. Saving faith produces the active faith of the fruit of the Spirit which,
in turn, produces the gift of faith. When the gift of faith is empowered, the results are

The gift of healings refers to supernatural healing without human aid; it is a

special gift to pray for specific diseases. Healing can come through the touch of faith
(James 5:14-15); by speaking the word of faith (Luke 7:1-10); or by the presence of God
being manifested (Mark 6:56; Acts 19:11-12).
The Bible speaks of "gifts" of healing because there are three types of healings:
physical (diabetes, blindness, cancer, deafness, etc.), emotional (jealousy, worry,
discouragement, and other destructive attitudes), and spiritual (bitterness, greed, and

guilt, etc.).
Although there are three main types of healings, there is much diversity with the
gift of healings. While one person might have the gift of healing to rid a person of cancer
or perform a creative miracle, another person might have a diversity of the same gift to
correct lower back problems or remove a root of bitterness).


A miracle is the performance of something, which is against the laws of nature; it
is a supernatural power to intervene and counteract earthly and evil forces. The word
miracles comes from the Greek word dunamis which means "power and might that
multiplies itself." The gift of miracles operates closely with the power gifts of faith and
healings to bring authority over Satan, sickness, sin, and the binding forces of this age.
Miracles can also be defined as supernatural intercessions of God. God exhorts us
with energy to do something that is not natural or normal to us. Just as the ministry, gift
of miracles is the expression of prayer, so is the function of the Holy Spirit to direct our
prayers (Romans 8:26).
However, the greatest miracle (and often least talked about) is the miracle of
salvation. Sure, it doesn't appear as spectacular as parting a sea or even raising a person
from the dead, but then again, we as human beings are truly impressed by the
manifestations of outward signs and wonders. God, on the other hand, isn't so concerned
about outward appearances and flamboyant showmanship but rather a person's heart
condition. It is God's desire that believers utilize these spiritual gifts to combat unbelief
and bring non-believers to repentance in order that spiritually dead people can be
transformed into new creatures in Christ Jesus.

The gift of prophecy edifies, exhorts, and comforts (I Corinthians 14:3); helps us
build up or strengthen; and should lead us to the Word of God. It is the ministry of the
Holy Spirit to convict of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment to come (John 16:8-11).
Prophecy is divinely inspired and anointed utterance; a supernatural proclamation
in a known language. It is the manifestation of the Spirit of God - not of intellect (I
Corinthians 12:7), and it may be possessed and operated by all who have the infilling of
the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 14:31)
Intellect, faith, and will are operative in this gift, but its exercise is not
intellectually based. It is calling forth words from the Spirit of God. The gift of prophecy
operates when there is high worship (I Samuel 10:5-6), when others prophets are present
(I Samuel 10:9-10), and when hands are laid on you by ministers (Acts 19:1-6). There is a
ministry of the prophet, but not everyone is a prophet.


Supernatural utterance through the power of the Holy Spirit in a person that
manifests as spiritual language. The Holy Spirit energizes the tongue to edify believers
through language and music. Diverse Tongues is the most misunderstood and dynamic
gift. It is not your prayer language, but it can surface through intercession, or through the
Supernatural utterance in languages not known to the speaker; these languages
may be existent in the world, revived from some past culture, or "unknown" in the sense
that they are a means of communication inspired by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 28:11; Mark
16:17; Acts 2:4, 10:44-48, 19:1-7; I Corinthians 12:10, 13:1-3, 14:2, 4-22, 26-32).
The Spiritual Gift involving the ability to speak in foreign language(s) not
previously studied or to respond to experience of the Holy Spirit by uttering sounds are
those, which cannot be understood without the gift of interpretation. At Pentecost the
church received the gift to communicate the gospel in foreign languages (Acts 2). God
gave His Spirit to all His people to empower them to witness and prophesy. In Corinth
some members of the church uttered sounds the rest of the congregation did not
understand (I Corinthians 12-14). This led to controversy and division. Paul tried to unite
the church, assuring the church that there are different gifts but only one Spirit (I
Corinthians 12:4-11).
Interpretation of tongues is a supernatural verbalization and subsequent
interpretation to reveal the meaning of a diverse tongue. This gift operates out of the
mind of the Spirit rather than out of the mind of man.
It is important to note that "interpretation" of tongues is not the same thing as
"translation" of tongues, for the interpreter never understands the tongue he or she is
interpreting. For example, the message in tongues may be long and the interpretation
short because the interpretation only gives the meaning. On the other hand, one may
speak a short time in tongues and then given a lengthy interpretation. Yet still, at other
times, the interpretation is almost word for word. The Word of God says that if you pray
in tongues, you should pray that you would also interpret - not only for the benefit of
others - but for your own benefit as well.
If someone speaks in tongues, you can ask God to move through you to give the
interpretation so that others will understand, but you can also do this in your private
prayers for your own personal benefit. You can pray, "Father, help me understand what
I've just said to you in the Spirit," and the Lord will give you the interpretation.
The gift of interpretation of tongues is the second of three inspirational or vocal
gifts of the Holy Spirit. When combined with the inspirational gift of diverse tongues, the
miraculous and supernatural phenomenon known as prophesies results.




The tree is known

by its Fruits.


Kinds of Fruit
Characteristics of Fruit

There is an obvious difference between the work and the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
The work of the Holy Spirit is the direct result of the spirits active Ministry
The fruit of the Spirit is the outcome of His indwelling and our yielding to Him.
Gal.5: 17-23 is a sharp contrast between the works of the flesh and the fruits of the spirit.
The works of the flesh (17 of them) are the natural outcome of the Adamic nature .The
fruits of the Spirit is the result of the Holy Ghost operating on the new life.
The book of Galatians identifies the Christ-like qualities that God wants to produce in our
lives: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,
faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." --- Galatians 5:22-23
Gal 5:22-23 lists the NINE graces as a single unit one fruit
The First THREE fruit focus on our RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.
The Second THREE fruit focus on our RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS.
1. LOVE: This is Divine Love, an attribute of the indwelling God. 1 John 4:16; 1 Cor 1:3
2. JOY: Not the so-called happiness of the world but deep, deep gladness Phil 4: 4
3. PEACE: This is the peace of God that satisfies the soul completely Col 3:15
4. LONG SUFFERING: (Patience) the natural man is impatient. Saints are the opposite
5. GENTLENESS: (Kindness or Graciousness). Jesus was known by his graciousness
6. GOODNESS: (Benevolence). This virtue makes the believers full of good works
7. FAITH: (Faithfulness) .He is dependable .He can be relied on all things.
8. MEEKNESS: (Mildness of Temper). He is humble, particularly true of us. 2 Tim 2:25
9. TEMPERANCE: (Self Control) Moderate in appetite, dress, habit and fashions.
These nine are all opposite or contrary to the filthy natural works of the flesh. These nine
graces were beautifully portrayed in our Lord Jesus Christ for He was spirit filled.



Fruit is an evidence of Life: John 12:24 unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and
dies, it remains alone: if it dies it produces much grain. If we are not dead we will merely
bring forth the works of the flesh, because self has not been crucified.
Fruit is necessary: John 15:2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes
away Luke 13:9. And if it bears fruits, well: But if not after you can cut it down.
Fruitlessness and Favour with God cannot live together.
Fruit affords identification Matthew 12.33 The tree is known by its fruits. Very often
our lives are a paradox of cursing and blessing, sweetness and bitterness figs and olives.
James 3:9-12 .Is it any wonder that the world is perplexed?
Purpose of the fruits: Matthew 21:34 He sent His servants that they might receive
fruits Fruit is not exclusively for the tree. Others see our good works and glorify God.
Source of the fruit Hosea 14.8 I am like a green cypress tree; your fruit is found in Me
The source is in God. John 15; 4 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it
abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
Fruit is the source of the propagation Genesis 1:11 Let the earth bring forth grass, herbs
that yields seed and the fruit trees that yield according to its kind, whose seed is in it
The seed is the fruit. If there is no fruit there is no seed or reproduction.
If there is no spiritual fruit in our lives, then we cannot reproduce.
Rather than being a blessing, our lives become a hindrance to the Gospel.
Lets consistently bear fruit and use gifts of the Holy Spirit since both are equally
important. Be balanced. Example: (wings of a bird). Gods purpose in choosing us at all
is to manifest the same features of His son Jesus Christ.



(1) GEORGE MULLER (1805 1898)

A servant of God has but one master.

George was born on September 27, 1805 in what was then called Prussia. He was
raised in a wealthy family who had little or no time for God. He was the favorite son of
his father who spoiled him and excused or overlooked all manner of evil behavior in
young George. Pierson notes, Before he was ten years old he was a habitual thief and an
expert at cheating; even government funds entrusted to his father, were not safe from his
hands. He continued down this wayward path to the point that he spent the evening of
his mothers death in drunken carousing through the city streets
However, God had other plans for this wayward life and in his 21st year, George
Muller came to know the saving power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Somehow he found
himself at a worship service where a simple servant of God knelt in prayer to ask Gods
blessing on the meeting. It was the first time George had ever seen any kneel to pray and
it made a profound impact. This would not be true for long; in the years ahead, he would
excel in the discipline of prayer and it would become the cornerstone of all his life work!
Two years later, in 1827 Muller applied to the London Missionary Society to
serve as a missionary to the Jews and traveled to London to prepare. He remained in
preparation for the better part of eighteen months. In 1829 he wrote to the Society and
declared his intentions to serve only on the condition that he serve without salary and that
he labor only where and when the Lord should direct. This was unacceptable to the
Society and so his missionary endeavor was cut short before it officially began. In 1830
Muller became the pastor of a small church at Teignmouth. He insisted in taking no
salary trusting only on Jehovah-Jireh for his daily provision. It was here that Muller set
down as a firm life principle that he would never receive a fixed salary for any service

rendered to Gods people. At the end of his life he would summarize this decision in
these words: I have joyfully dedicated my whole life to the object of exemplifying how
much may be accomplished by prayer and faith.
The orphanage
For over sixty years he saw God provide for five large orphan houses and for the
daily needs of over 10,000 orphans. During that time he personally gave over 110,000
British pounds to Sunday schools and day schools where over 150,000 children were
instructed. He gave an additional 90,000 pounds for the purchase and circulation of over
2 million Bibles and 3 million books and tracts. Besides all this, he gave over 260,000
pounds to missionaries in foreign fields. When you add all the money that was given to
him for the orphanages to this amount, he gave away almost 1.5 million pounds to the
Lords work!
(2) AMY CARMICHAEL (1860 1950)

One can give without loving, but one cannot love

without giving.
Prior to her life as a missionary, Carmichael had grown up in a prominent North
Ireland family. Shortly after her father's death when she was 18, her family experienced
financial pressures due to unpaid debts owed her father's estate, and the family moved to
Belfast. This was a providential move, for in Belfast Carmichael became involved in city
mission work that awakened in her a desire for missionary service. Upon making her
decision known to Mr. Wilson, the chairman of the Keswick Convention, he gave her his
blessings, and Carmichael was on her way to the mission field.
Responding to God's call on her life, Carmichael headed for Japan at the age of
24. Working with the Keswick Convention, she took off running only to be halted by her
health and the Japanese climate. It took her a little over a year to decide that God did not
want her in Japan and she headed for Sri Lanka without the prior approval of her board.
She was not able to stay long though, since she was called back to Ireland to care for Mr.
Wilson, her "second" father, who was seriously ill. Carmichael was a nonconformist from
the start, yet a person of such fine character that it was hard to find a detractor among her
fellow workers. Returning to the mission field after caring for Mr. Wilson, she arrived in
Dohnavur, India, which would be her home for the next 55 years. It was there that she
realized her life's work-rescuing children from the "secret" Hindu practice of temple
Dohnavur Fellowship, the name of her organization, was soon actively involved
in the rescue, care, feeding, and education of hundreds of children. She and her
coworkers, primarily converted Indian women, adopted Indian dress and voluntarily
forsook marriage for the sake of their work. This eventually became the Sisters of the
Common Life-a Protestant religious order. The women were not bound by vows and
could leave if they later decided to marry.

Though a serious fall left her an invalid, for the remaining 20 years of her life,
Carmichael continued to appeal for her children and write books. She died in Dohnavur
in 1951. The following time line will help you relate Amy Carmichael's life to other
events in the world:
Born in Millisle,
Ireland in 1867

Called to the Mission
Field in 1892

Began her ministry
among the children in
Dohnavur, India in 1901

Died at
Dohnavur in

(3) DR. IDA S. SCUDDER (1870 1905)

Vellore Christian Medical College & Hospital, known simply as "CMC", is one of
those unique organizations that you fall in love with at first sight. At its heart is the story
of the founder, Ida S. Scudder, and the thousands of dedicated men and women who have
followed her at CMC in India.The story of Ida Scudder's visionary mission begins in the
late 1800's when she was a young American girl reluctantly visiting her medical
missionary father, John Scudder, at his post in Tamil Nadu, South India.
One fateful night, Ida was asked to help three women from different families
struggling in difficult childbirth. Custom prevented their husbands from accepting the
help of a male doctor for them and being without training at that time, Ida herself could
do nothing. The next morning she was shocked to learn that each of the three women had
died. She believed that it was a calling and a challenge set before her by God to begin a
ministry dedicated to the health needs of the people of India, particularly women and
children. Consequently, Ida went back to America, entered medical training (practically
unheard of for women at that time) and, in 1899, was one of the first women graduates of
the Cornell Medical College.
Shortly thereafter, she returned to India and opened a one-bed clinic in Vellore in
1900. Two years later, in 1902, she built a 40-bed hospital, the forerunner of today's
1700-bed medical center. In 1909, she started the School of Nursing, and in 1918, her
fondest dream came true with the opening of a medical school for women. (Men were
admitted in 1947). With the training of these women as doctors and nurses, Indian
women would now begin to have access to health care professionals. This was the
beginning of the vision of Ida S. Scudder that continues to grow to this day.
In addition to the care of women, Ida Scudder saw the need for bringing health
care to the poor, the disabled, and the neglected of India. She traveled regularly to
outlying villages, bringing medical care to the doorstep of poor villagers, many of whom
had never seen a real doctor or nurse, starting CMC's first "roadside" dispensary in 1916.
Over the years, these roadside dispensaries have developed into extensive rural health
and development programs that have become internationally acclaimed in the
Community Health field. These dispensaries have attracted members of the medical
community from around the world, from young medical students to nurses to highly
skilled surgeons, to study and contribute their skills.

The 100 years since Ida Scudder opened the first small clinic have seen
remarkable growth. Here is an example of the daily activity that goes on there today:
2,000 outpatients per day, 1,000 inpatients, 43 operations, 22 clinics, and 16 births. Ten
Bible Classes are held each day and a Chaplain visits 380 patients. In addition their work
includes going to the village and rural areas bringing methods of disease prevention,
health care and community empowerment to tens of thousands more. Started with one
woman and her vision, CMC employs over 4300 people today. In the words of Ida
Scudder, "; we thank God for the way He has led us in the past and look forward to an
even greater future.
(4) WILLIAM CAREY (1761 1834)


English Baptist missionary to India. Born in England in 1761. Pastor before
going to the mission field, he spent an active forty-one years serving the Lord in India,
including translating the Scriptures.
"Shoemaker by trade, but scholar, linguist and missionary by God's training,"
William Carey was one of God's giants in the history of evangelism!
Carey was born in a small thatched cottage in Paulerspury, a typical
Northamptonshire village in England, August 17, 1761, of a weaver's family. When about
eighteen he left the Church of England to "follow Christ" and to "...go forth unto Him
without the camp, bearing His reproach." At first he joined the Congregational church at
Hackleton where he was an apprentice shoemaker. It was there he married in 1781. And
it was in Hackleton he began making five-mile walks to Olney in his quest for more
spiritual truth. Olney was a stronghold of the Particular Baptists, the group that Carey
cast his lot with after his baptism, October 5, 1783. Two years later he moved to Moulton
to become a schoolmaster -- and a year later he became pastor of the small Baptist
congregation there.
It was in Moulton that Carey heard the missionary call. for at twenty-one years of
age Carey had mastered Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Italian, and was turning to Dutch and
French. One well called his shoemaker's cottage "Carey's College," for as he cobbled
shoes along with his preaching he never sat at his bench without some kind of a book
before him.
The more he read and studied, the more convinced he was "the peoples of the
world need Christ." He read, he made notes, he made a great leather globe of the world
and, one day, in the quietness of his cobbler's shop -- not in some enthusiastic missionary
conference -- Carey heard the call: "If it be the duty of all men to believe the Gospel ...
then it be the duty of those who are entrusted with the Gospel to endeavor to make it
known among all nations." And Carey sobbed out, "Here am I; send me!"

Thus Carey wrote his famed Enquiry Into the Obligations of the Christians to Use
Means for the Conversion of the Heathen. In this masterpiece on missions Carey
answered arguments, surveyed the history of missions from apostolic times, surveyed the
entire known world as to countries, size, population and religions, and dealt with the
practical application of how to reach the world for Christ!
Careys spiritual Mantra
And he prayed. And he pled. And he plodded. And he persisted. And he preached
-- especially his epoch-producing message, "EXPECT GREAT THINGS FROM GOD.
ATTEMPT GREAT THINGS FOR GOD." The result of that message preached at
Nottingham, May 30, 1792 -- and all the other missionary ministries of Carey -- produced
the particular Baptist Missionary Society, formed that Fall at Kettering on October 2,
1792. A subscription was started and, ironically, Carey could not contribute any money
toward it except the pledge of the profit from his book, The Enquiry. It was in 1793 that
Carey went to India. At first his wife was reluctant to go -- so Carey set off to go
nevertheless, but after two returns from the docks to persuade her again, Dorothy and his
children accompanied him. They arrived with a Dr. Thomas at the mouth of the Hooghly
in India in November 1793. There were years of discouragement (no Indian convert for
seven years), debt, and disease, deterioration of his wife's mind, death, but by the grace of
God -- and by the power of the Word -- Carey continued and conquered for Christ!
When he died at 73 (1834), he had seen the Scriptures translated and printed into
forty languages, he had been a college professor, and had founded a college at
Serampore. He had seen India open its doors to missionaries, he had seen the edict passed
prohibiting sati (burning widows on the funeral pyres of their dead husbands), and he had
seen converts for Christ.
Francis was born in 1182, the son of a wealthy cloth merchant. His early years
were frivolous, but an experience of sickness and another of military service were
instrumental in leading him to reflect on the purpose of life. One day, in the church of
San Damiano, he seemed to hear Christ saying to him, "Francis, repair my falling
house." He took the words literally, and sold a bale of silk from his father's warehouse to
pay for repairs to the church of San Damiano. His father was outraged, and there was a
public confrontation at which his father disinherited and disowned him, and he in turn
renounced his father's wealth--one account says that he not only handed his father his
purse, but also took off his expensive clothes, laid them at his father's feet, and walked
away naked.
He declared himself "wedded to Lady Poverty", renounced all material
possessions, and devoted himself to serving the poor. In his day the most dreaded of all
diseases was something known as leprosy. (It is probably not the same as either the
modern or the Biblical disease of that name.) Lepers were kept at a distance and regarded
with fear and disgust. Francis cared for them, fed them, bathed their sores, and kissed
them. Since he could not pay for repairs to the Church of San Damiano, he undertook to
repair it by his own labors. He moved in with the priest, and begged stones lying useless
in fields, shaping them for use in repairing the church. He got his meals, not by asking for

money so that he might live at the expense of others, but by scrounging crusts and
discarded vegetable from trash-bins, and by working as a day laborer, insisting on being
paid in bread, milk, eggs, or vegetables rather than in money. Soon a few companions
joined him. Dante in his Paradiso has Aquinas say of him:
In 1219, Francis went to the Holy Land to preach to the Muslims. He was given a
pass through the enemy lines, and spoke to the Sultan, Melek-al-Kamil. Francis
proclaimed the Gospel to the Sultan, who replied that he had his own beliefs, and that
Muslims were as firmly convinced of the truth of Islam as Francis was of the truth of
Christianity. Francis proposed that a fire be built, and that he and a Muslims volunteer
would walk side by side into the fire to show whose faith was stronger. The Sultan said
he was not sure that a Muslims volunteer could be found. Francis then offered to walk
into the fire alone. The Sultan who was deeply impressed but remained unconverted.
Francis proposed an armistice between the two warring sides, and drew up terms for one;
the Sultan agreed, but, to Francis's deep disappointment, the Christian leaders would not.
Francis returned to Italy, but a permanent result was that the Franciscans were given
custody of the Christian shrines then in Muslims hands.
Back in Italy and neighboring countries, the Order was suffering from its own
success. Then, as now, many persons were deeply attracted by Francis and his air of joy,
abandonment, and freedom. What is overlooked is that these were made possible only by
his willingness to accept total poverty, not picturesque poverty but real dirt, rags, cold,
and hunger, and lepers with real pus oozing from their sores and a real danger of
infection. Many idealistic young men were joining the Order in a burst of enthusiasm and
then finding themselves not so sure that such extremes of poverty were really necessary.
When there were only a few friars, they were all known to Francis personally, and the
force of his personality kept the original ideals of the Order alive in them. Now that the
Order was larger, this was no longer enough. In 1220 Francis resigned as ministergeneral of the Order, and in 1221 he agreed to a new and modified rule, which he did not
approve, but could not resist. He died on 4 October 1226. The Franciscan split into the
Conventual Franciscans, who held a limited amount of property in common, and the
Spiritual Franciscans, who disavowed all property. They taught that Christ and the twelve
apostles had held no property, singly or jointly. This view offended those who held
property, and was declared to be heretical (proof text, John 18:10; Jesus said to Peter,
"Put up thy sword...."). In 1318, several Spiritual Franciscans were burned at the stake in





The first sign of

a society that is
still alive is that
the end justifies
the means.


Corruption is the evil desire to exploit the unfortunate, the defenseless and the
vulnerable. The heartless intensity of corruption is often the result of devious planning.
In a corrupt society, laws are like spider webs that catch the weak and the poor but can be
destroyed by the rich and the powerful.
In a corrupt system, laws are made for self interest not public interest, and most
importantly, corrupt and incompetent men will get appointed to positions of power.
Public revenues are squandered, the rights of citizens violated and ignored. When the
government itself breaks the law, it breeds general contempt for law in society.
With degradation of values, ill gotten wealth become the criteria of status and
respect. When corruption becomes a way of life, freedom loses its meaning. A society
succumbs when corruption attains epidemic proportions.
BAD LAWS AND MAD MEN: Nothing destroys respect for the government
more than having laws in place that cannot be enforced. Bad men, much more than bad
laws are responsible for corrupt practices because, after all, it is they who create bad
laws. In a society, there are people of:
High moral values
Low moral values
Experience shows that a small percentage of people, no matter how bad the laws
are, practice ethical behaviour. In a good system, a corrupt person has a hard time; where
as, in a corrupt system, a honest person has a hard time. Corruption thought cannot be
eliminated can be minimized. When people who lack moral values obtain positions of
power they endanger society. That is when corruption becomes rampant.
1. Scarcity Corruption can result from scarcity of essential goods where demand is
high and supply is low. This imbalanced function of demand and supply may be
real or artificially created for ulterior gains.
2. Abject Poverty For the sake of survival, a person has to resort to corrupt
3. Acquire wealth To meet the objective of luxurious living, people resort to
corruption. Wealth attained by foul means helps people achieve high positions in
a corrupt society and they are actually looked up to. When crime starts to pay, as
it does in a corrupt society, it is given a more respectable name.
Gifts an official accepting gifts given with the objective of influencing him to
give undue advantage to the giver.
Extortion the demanding of gifts or money by an official is extortion. The
official is saying unless you pay me, Ill make your life hell!
Embezzlement siphoning of funds.

Regardless, of its form, corruption involves:

1. Subordination of public interest to private gain
2. Breach of trust
3. Secrecy; lack of transparency
4. Violation of duty and public welfare
5. Deception
6. Disregard of national welfare.
Corruption devastates smooth administration
Corruption is the cause of brain drain.
The morale of the nation and its citizens is adversely affected.
When corruption grows, so does crime.
Corruption does not let its citizens either live or die with dignity
Corruption leads to lack of humanity and compassion.
Concerned citizens must come in to decision making positions and
Pledge their commitment to eliminate corruption and injustice
Create strong and honest leadership who will guide the citizens and the nation
through this process.
Check the lure of easy money and power through a strong judiciary.
Must feel the absolute need to work towards enhancing their moral character and
destroying the evil influences of corruption from the root.
Form and support honest pressure groups to bring transparency and accountability
in to the system.
Create national movement against corruption by educating citizens of their social
Be prepared to sacrifice in the struggle for humanity, as opposition will come
from vested interests.
The fight against corruption is a struggle for survival between the corrupt and the
patriotic. Strong public opinion needs to be created against this social disease. Good
citizens have to come out of their apathy and become intolerant of corruption.



The first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820! In 1820, Joseph-Marie
Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, produced the loom. This device allowed the
repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. This resulted in a fear
amongst Jacquard's employees that their traditional employment and livelihood were


being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage to discourage Jacquard from further
use of the new technology on computers in modern life.
Computer crime can involve criminal activities that are traditional in nature, such
as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all of which are subject to the Indian
Penal Code. A simple definition of cyber crime would be "unlawful acts wherein the
computer is either a tool or a target or both".
Let us examine the acts wherein the computer is a tool for an unlawful act. This
kind of activity usually involves a modification of a conventional crime by using
computers. Some examples are:

Financial crimes - This would include cheating, credit card frauds, money
laundering etc. To cite a recent case, a website offered to sell Alphonso mangoes
at a throwaway price. Distrusting such a transaction, very few people responded
to or supplied the website with their credit card numbers. These people were
actually sent the Alphonso mangoes. The word about this website now spread like
wildfire. Thousands of people from all over the country responded and ordered
mangoes by providing their credit card numbers. The owners of what was later
proven to be a bogus website then fled taking the numerous credit card numbers
and proceeded to spend huge amounts of money much to the chagrin of the card
Cyber pornography - This would include pornographic websites; pornographic
magazines produced using computers (to publish and print the material) and the
Internet (to download and transmit pornographic pictures, photos, writings etc).
Sale of illegal articles - This would include sale of narcotics, weapons and
wildlife etc., by posting information on websites, auction websites, and bulletin
boards or 167 simply by using email communication. E.g. many of the auction
sites even in India are believed to be selling cocaine in the name of 'honey'.
Online gambling - There are millions of websites; all hosted on servers abroad,
that offer online gambling. Many of these websites are actually fronts for money
Intellectual Property crimes - These include software piracy, copyright
infringement, trademarks viol
Email spoofing - A spoofed email is one that appears to originate from one
source but actually has been sent from another source. E.g. Pooja has an e-mail
address Her enemy, Sameer spoofs her e-mail and sends
obscene messages to all her acquaintances. Since the e-mails appear to have
originated from Pooja, her friends could take offence and relationships could be
spoiled for life.
Forgery - Counterfeit currency notes, postage and revenue stamps, mark sheets
etc can be forged using sophisticated computers, printers and scanners.
Cyber Defamation - This occurs when defamation takes place with the help of
computers and / or the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about
someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory information to all
of that person's friends.
Cyber stalking - The Oxford dictionary defines stalking as "pursuing stealthily".
Cyber stalking involves following a person's movements across the Internet by
posting messages (sometimes threatening) on the bulletin boards frequented by

the victim, entering the chat-rooms frequented by the victim, constantly

bombarding the victim with emails etc.
Unauthorized access to computer systems or networks - This activity is
commonly referred to as hacking. The Indian law has however given a different
connotation to the term hacking, so we will not use the term "unauthorized
access" interchangeably with the term "hacking".
Theft of information contained in electronic form - This includes information
stored in computer hard disks, removable storage media etc.
Email bombing - Email bombing refers to sending a large number of emails to
the victim resulting in the victim's email account (in case of an individual) or mail
servers (in case of a company or an email service provider) crashing.
Data Diddling - This kind of an attack involves altering raw data just before it is
processed by a computer and then changing it back after the processing is
completed. Electricity Boards in India have been victims to data diddling
programs inserted when private parties were computerizing their systems.
Virus / worm attacks - Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a
computer or a file and then circulate themselves to other files and to other
computers on a network. They usually affect the data on a computer, either by
altering or deleting it. Worms, unlike viruses do not need the host to attach
themselves to.
Logic bombs - These are event dependent programs. This implies that these
programs are created to do something only when a certain event (known as a
trigger event) occurs. E.g. even some viruses may be termed logic bombs because
they lie dormant all through the year and become active only on a particular date
(like the Chernobyl virus).


Transmission process
AIDS in India
AIDA stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. People with HIV
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) can look and feel well. As the virus attacks the
immune system, an infected person will be open to a large number of illnesses. This
means there are a wide variety of symptoms. HIV usually leads to Aids, which is
diagnosed when a person has developed one of several opportunistic diseases associated
with the virus as well as underlying immune problems. The diseases include pneumonia,
Kaposi's sarcoma - a form of purplish skin cancer not normally seen in young people
before the advent of Aids - and dementia.

The search for the origins of Aids has been dogged by political controversy.
According to the latest theory, published in Nature magazine in February and widely
supported by leading experts in the field, the Aids virus first passed into people from a
particular sub-species of chimp in the Central African rainforest.
Human infection occurred in the first half of the century as a result of people
hunting and eating the chimps, the scientists believe. This practice continues today.
The international team, led by Dr Beatrice Hahn of the University of Alabama,
say genetic tests show the main human virus, HIV-1, is closely related to a virus that
infects chimps but does not make them sick.
They are now studying how common the virus is in chimps in the wild, but they
face problems because the sub-species in which they found the virus - the Pan troglodytes
- is endangered. Experts say there is evidence that HIV may have transferred to humans
throughout history, but only became an epidemic in the 20th century, possibly because of
increased sexual promiscuity, civil unrest and movement of people to cities.
Last year (2003), researchers said they had found the first known case of Aids - in
a Bantu man who died in 1959 in the Belgian Congo, now the Democratic Republic of
Congo, and home of the sub-species of chimps.

HIV is relatively difficult to transmit, as it does not live for long outside the body.
It is carried in the semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk and blood. The main transmission
routes are through sharing needles, sex, blood transfusions, transplants, getting infected
fluid into open wounds and breast-feeding.
High risk groups or behaviour Certain groups are believed to be at higher risk of
developing the virus. These include those who share needles and children who are breast
fed with infected milk. As the disease began in the West in the gay community, gay men
are at higher risk than heterosexuals. Sex workers and those who have multiple sexual
partners are also at higher risk than average. People with other sexually transmitted
diseases are also thought to be more likely to contract HIV than others.
There are two primary ways a person can become infected.

HIV/AIDS is most frequently passed through sexual intercourse with an infected

person. Unfortunately, it is not the only disease passed in this manner. If a person
has one of the other sexually transmitted diseases, they are at greater danger of
contracting HIV. The HIV virus is present in some body fluids and can enter the
body through contact with mucous membranes or cuts on the body.
Many people infected with the virus show no symptoms and often have not been
tested. The most predominant reason for not being tested, in almost one-fourth of
the population, is that they are afraid of a positive test. That's why it is so
dangerous for people to have unsafe sex. The one and only way to be absolutely
certain of avoiding infection via sexual contact is through abstinence from sex, or
sexual intercourse only with someone who has been tested and has not engaged in

risky sexual behaviors in the past six months, and is in a mutually committed
HIV/AIDS is also spread by sharing needles. Sharing needles with an infected
person, even once, is very risky. Many people have become infected with HIV
and other germs this way. HIV from an infected person can remain in a needle or
syringe and can then be directly injected into the body of the next person who
uses it. Sharing any needles, including needles used for drugs, steroids, vitamins,
ear piercing, or tattooing, is very dangerous.
One other mode of transmission is through blood or blood products. This mode of
transmission is so rare these days that it is often not even counted as a possibility.
Blood donors today are very carefully screened before they can even donate, and
once they donate, all blood products are tested before they are used. One very
important thing to remember is: You are not now, nor have you ever been, in
danger of contracting AIDS/HIV from giving blood. The needles are used once,
and only once, then they are destroyed.


If you want to know if you have HIV, you should contact your doctor or a
sexually transmitted disease clinic about a blood test. They will usually suggest
counselling before you take an HIV test to make sure you are prepared for all the
implications of the result, including the impact on life insurance and mortgages. Aids
organisations have reported that, in some cases, just taking the test can be enough for
some companies to refuse you insurance or a mortgage.
If you test positive for the virus, there are a range of treatments you may be
offered. The most popular is combination therapy, a cocktail of different anti-Aids drug,
including AZT. The drugs can have powerful side effects, such as anaemia, and not
everyone responds well to them.
Because of the way HIV is transmitted and the groups it has affected most including drug users, gay men and people immigrant communities, it has attracted much
media attention and prejudice. This has often made it hard for sufferers to come forward
for testing. The all-parliamentary group on Aids says tackling the stigma of the disease is
vital for reducing its impact.
Reducing the risk
The main advice from health promotion units includes using a condom for sexual
intercourse. Injecting drug users are advised not to share needles. In many areas of the
UK, health officials operate a needle exchange scheme where clean needles can be
obtained free of charge.


1. Don't do drugs of any kind. Sharing needles can infect people. Drugs can cloud
judgment and place individuals at higher risk of engaging in risky behavior.

2. Lead a healthy, self-controlled life. Make right choices and turn from the things
that damage your sexual lives. ONLY YOU can make the decision to live in
PURITY or temporary PLEASURES.
3. When you decide that sexual intercourse is appropriate, only do so with a partner
who has been tested and has not engaged in risky sexual behaviors in the past.
You should also be in a mutually faithful, long-term relationship.
4. If sexual intercourse outside of a mutually exclusive relationship is chosen, use a
latex condom and nonoxynol-9, according to package directions, each and every
5. Premarital Sex is risk taking. There is no way you can get around it. As you
ponder all the reasons to WAIT, ask your self IS HAVING SEX BEFORE
6. The results of premarital sex are not always seen at first. They often are not even
thought about because a relationship can feel so right. But how we feel doesnt
change the consequences. The wise author or Proverbs talks a lot about sexual
relationships, for example: Stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is
pleasant. (Proverbs 9:17) yet he concludes that the eventual consequences
are neither sweet nor pleasant.
7. Abstinence is the only SURE protection from HIV AIDS WAIT UNTIL

An estimated 1% of India's one billion population has HIV. However, experts
believe the true figure may be substantially higher. There are also fears that the number
of new cases could rise rapidly in the years ahead unless public awareness of the disease
improves. However, the figure masks huge variations in different parts of the country.
Knowledge of HIV is particularly weak in rural areas and among women.
A major challenge for India now is that of rapidly expanding the coverage
of HIV/Aids programmes to all vulnerable groups


1.5 million people in India are estimated to be currently infected with HIV/AIDS.
As of September 1994, the government reported that 15,692 individuals tested
HIV positive.




Substance abuse is a universal problem. It is a habit that is becoming very
popular with the younger generation. Eventually this has become a campus problem as
well. Consuming alcohol and hardcore drugs have become part of the campus culture.
But studies show that in India, though it is not a major problem in rural and semi-urban
colleges, it has become a major problem in City Colleges.
The term substance abuse was earlier used as drug abuse and it referred to
taking a drug without prescription from a physician for non-medical purpose and it
included alcohol. The term Substance abuse is more favoured as a lot of substances
other than drugs are abused. Substance abuse is any chemical used by a person for
altering mood. It includes alcohol, tobacco, psychoactive pharmaceuticals, hardcore
drugs like brown sugar or cocaine, and even substances like petrol and glues.
It may be noted that many turns to drugs/alcohol even when they are in their teens.
Availability can be considered as the major reason. In India alcohol is a legal
drug and is easily available in the market. Many of the hardcore drugs are
sold by peddlers. The law enforcing and legal systems have not been very
successful in keeping the drugs away from the youth.
Curiosity is yet another driving force. The youth have a tendency to experiment
with the unknown and naturally they will be curious to know how it will be
when one takes drugs.
Taking alcohol or drugs is considered a part of youth culture and fashion.
Peer pressure has been the major cause for substance abuse. Students in college
think that one should experiment with drugs to get social acceptance and
taking alcohol is a sign of sophistication.
Media has played havoc in sending wrong messages about drugs. Media,
especiall6y the television and the cinema has enormous influence on the
younger generation. The modern films and TV serials present alcohol as part
of sophisticated life and drugs as an acceptable part of youth culture.
The background of the person and his/her culture also serve as contributory
factors. a young person from a family of addicts is more prone to turn
towards drugs. In some families drinking is no taboo and alcohol is taken in
family and social functions.
In some communities consuming alcohol is part of religious rituals.
There are many wrong role models for the youth. Elders, who are bound to
show the way to the youth very often serve as stumbling blocks.
Many people get trapped by addiction out of ignorance. They experiment with
it believing that they can stop and come out of the habit anytime they want.
The growing unemployment problem, the competitions in society and also the
academic load can be cited as some of the causes for the tension. Many youth
turn to substances as an escape from this world of tensions.


Some believe that alcohol is a health tonic and after a days hard physical or
mental work, it is good to take it.
Some believe that it enables one to forget worries.
There are many who believe that it enhances manliness and sexual power.
Some believe that it enhances creativity and claim that Cole ridge would not have
written his KublaKhan if he had not taken opium.


Addiction affects the total person absolutely. It is the health of the individual,
which is, affected worst consequent to addiction. Drugs affect ones physical
and mental health. It leads to ulcers, cancers, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure,
heart attacks, and depression. Addiction among the female is all the more
dangerous as it can affect even the fetus.
A lot of money is wasted on drugs so it affects the economy of India. In a
country like India, where millions live under the poverty line and yearn for one
square of meal a day, it is indeed ad that much of our money is wasted on drugs.
Addiction is also the root cause of many maladies like domestic violence, broken
families, suicides, sexual immorality etc. An addict fails to give the required
attention to his family and due to his disorderly behavior the atmosphere in the
family is lost. Addiction is the major cause for broken homes.
Some believe that taking substances increases ones efficiency. This is not at all
true. Addiction spoils concentration and thereby affects the efficiency of an
Addiction has its impact on the ethical values of a person and naturally it affects
the self-respect of a person. When a man becomes slave, he resorts to unethical
ways to find money for his habit. Lying gambling, stealing, misappropriation,
pawning, indiscriminate borrowing are some of the means adopted by an addict
to get money for his habit.
An addict loses his power of judgment. It is the major cause behind industrial
and road accidents. As judgment is impaired, an addict is bound to take wrong
decisions that are catastrophic.


Addiction has invaded many of the college campuses. It has become a menace in
many campuses as it disrupts the peace and tranquility of academic life. many young
people who come to colleges a with desire of giving shape to their future, take drugs and
leave the portals of the institutions with shattered dreams. There are two types of
victims in our campuses : those direct victims who become addicted to substances and
the indirect victims or those who come from homes where addiction is a problem.
Campuses shape the personality of a youth and hence the young people require a
drug free campus. Many of the students out of their ignorance of the evil effects, very
easily become a prey to substances. Drugs find an easy entry in to our campuses during
elections and celebrations. Addictive substances are sold in and around the campuses.
In the campus, there are canteens that sell panmasala, tobacco and cigarettes. Peddlers

frequent the campus and hard-core drugs are made available to our students. In short,
attention is not paid to keep drugs away from students. It is a fact that not much attempt
is taken in our campuses to create awareness among students.

Students should be told to say No to drugs.

To equip the students awareness programmes should be organized in the campus.
In value education classes, the teachers should freely discuss the evil and make
the students realize how drugs alienate one even from God.
The students should be encouraged to come forward to declare the campus drug
The students should be trained to spot or detect direct and indirect victims.
If students can be motivated to form groups and get involved in campaigns/
action programmes against addiction, an effective war can be waged against drug

Professional ethics concern ones conduct of behaviour and practice when
carrying out professional work. Such work may include consulting, researching, teaching
and writing. The institutionalization of codes of conduct and codes of practice is common
with many professional bodies for their members to observe. Any code may be
considered to be a formalization of experience in to a set of rules. A community adopts a
code because its members accept the adherence to these rules, including the restrictions
that apply.
Professional engineering is:
Any act of desigining, composing, evaluating, advising, reporting,
directing or supervising.
Where in the safe guarding of life, health, property or the public welfare is
concerned, and
That requires the application of engineering principles, but does not
include practicing as a natural scientist.
Like medical or legal professional, professional engineers are licensed, and are
accountable for their work. Their duty is to serve and protect the public welfare where
engineering is concerned. Professional engineers subscribe to a strict code of ethics and
practice standards.
Codes of Ethics are concerned with a range of issues, including:

Academic honesty
Adherence to confidentiality agreements
Data privacy
Handling of human subjects
Impartiality in data analysis and professional consulting.
Professional accountability
Resolution of conflicts of interest
Software piracy


A code of ethics enables us to:
Set out the ideals and responsibilities of the profession
Improve the profile of the profession
Provide guidance on acceptable conduct
Raise awareness and consciousness of issues
Improve quality and consistency
A code of ethics generally appears when an occupation organizes itself in to a
profession. Usually, the code is put in writing and formally adopted. Even when
formalization is put off, however, the code may still be a subject of frequent reference,
whether explicitly, as in That would not be proper for one of us A code of ethics is
primarily a convention between professionals.

A profession is a group of persons who want to co-operate in serving the same
ideal better than they could if they did not co-operate. Engineers, for example, might be
thought to serve the ideal of efficient design construction, and maintenance of safe and
useful objects. A code of ethics would then prescribe how professionals are to pursue
their common ideal so that each may do the best she can at minimal cost to herself and
those she cares about. The code is to protect each professional from certain pressures by
making it reasonably likely that most other members of the profession will not take
advantage of her good conduct. A code protects members of a profession from certain
consequences of competition.


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