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f $0.5 Bie Biology 180 Student name: Hunter SAP IK LA _~ Exam 1: October 10", 2014 TAnameci pp: _ Mike © | 4. Practitioners of Feng shui hypothesize that certain arrangements of physical objects influence the flow of — usually translated as “ife force" or “ife eneray’—and that asa resut, welldesigned home or office environments * 5 have beneficial effects on the people who inhabit them. Glendocclaedl, objective Lanes cil ef feasks\ - ‘ zed, olf + tfyou were testing the PATTERN componentofthe Feng. =tle-fepateal Lenefiei| off on peeele ‘ shui theory experimentaly, suggest a repeatable and accurate Ry wen \ ; satery apo ore reese t,o ne or Ace ear + Imone sentence or less, describe the process component ofthe theory: The proccss. comparen of te Fags AS Hleery States drat the Flos fos can Nour enekaral eects an ppl when certain arrargemente Febrysaal abedh of® + How would a scientist citcize the process component of the hypothesis? ~) / J “et eseah ore 3 Neo vow te objectively neas ve chonges Mave Clas eG 2. To test the hypothesis that women are exceptionally self-otical about their appearance, a research group had a randomly selected woman describe her appearance to an artist fram behind a curtain. Without ever seeing her, the artist drew the woman's portrait based on her self-description. Then a randomly selected stranger was asked to chat with the women for several minutes and later describe her to the artist, who drew another sketch based on the stranger's description, The artist was aware of the hypothesis being tested; the woman and the stranger were not The outcome variable was a comparison of the two sketches \ (14 ps) + What isthe null hypothesis? C\ The petson Ae q Feojpearares lias no ERRch da tie result of te ( ath ssl e + What is the prediction of the hypothesis being tested? Tra woman desmnlees perecl$ to a pat olre tet, Shawl Le mad, more key her ox well eahral Aten a stanger dhotes + The researchers had the same artst do the same types of paired sketches using many different women and many different strangers, on the same day. Explain why this is important. A large sample Size Coswex Fegults are nok soldy Lasccl l J OCLUTTENELE 0 olf + State one flaw in the experimental design. —() The ortist many have a pactionlar (afFesteal by wunds of valeg or alyle of pelts, vik, roy skew cesulls 3. While doing fieldwork on a spécies of plant, you fina that, on average, individuals have more trichomes (har-l Siruturs tat deter piant-eating insecisn places where there are more planteatng insect, 3 ‘Sa. Explain how the process of Lamarckian evolution would cause this pattern, 3.5 Ladi \g S EeUnemey, glock that (iGehimne to dele m thes a sing ther acquired taibe + fini of fopring ierpoung te gperss, ond fb: Expiai hepiie process efatiral selection wouldtcale: tnsipatien Sp ory etek Choise Gch Corte induidualy have a heritable vanratontihich ponies tram wth mar nee indviducals e Long ow tethomes. £ more oRpl 4g (ngucfves * hase Atagring also have tc qene Sor mon trichomes ord thus, as ares (F218 on * AiGferent a peprehsto succenspatural lectin, cave on tiulo« ‘ re etl Name Biology 180 4, Define evolution, in one sentence or less. (41s) “) Changes } on ec TES COWS se Nadu eelec Z 4 procluc UCLESS, ot (Gslo— J cart bastee vats thal leak fe qceater tepredashessiciesson ACS 5. SCD is a potentially fatal genetic disease in humans caused by a recessive allele (a). Well use A to represent the dominant allele associated with the normal, non-disease phenotype. Allele a occurs at its highest frequency in ae regions of the world where a certain parasite is common. Key observation: when cells of Aa individuals become , infected with the parasite, they die before the parasite can reproduce. (11 pts) 3 Fi 3 a Sige neste g evicingt aia of ais so high n regions where the parasite is common Gy Because, SOP is caused ae ssiallele "a’ rt Glys her tle ra gg and isbetleable tp avoll dehwal lectin mcterceugers inctweuals Hus F », A cesearcher creates three populations of cll that are identical, except that each hs the genotype AA, Aa, or 22. She then exposes each group of cells to equal amounts of the parasite, Why Isit important that he cells are _f i a identical, other than their genotype at the A gene y 1 All varias: mush Le cont called eMeept-tle independent yarralles Otrarwisr-vAe cells ensurtatregults will Le Laged an tine Mdeperdent yam . The results of the experiment are graphed to the right. 2 + Do the data test the same hypothesis that you stated in part a), or do they test a different hypothesis? (circle one) Different + ifthe data test your hypothesis, state whether they support or cont nie ay tanta erent ype expla vy ve He Ra indiodvell ore Late alae To KU oolied 2 aagte, ; ths geting letter ness and pase sotlea Una pie 4. In regions of the world where the parasite is common, state whether the frequency of a wll increase, decrease, or stay the same if + Acure forthe parasite is introduced: (SOS ( + Aneffective treatment for SCD is introduced: ACCIEASE reproduces successfully ‘% cells where parasite 6. Consider an experiment in peas. Parental phenotypes: axial lowers x terminal lowers (both pure-breeding) Fs (when Fs self-fertiize): mostly axial flowers, some terminal flowers In his experiment wich resut supports the hypothesis that inhertance i Spertciste” Exon (48) haan elgorly expresse| fhe axa\ Qase-qe types 4 mn b tie Ceculbshows tial mfarchmoe “patil! Becaree +h £ gener a Vlerded camemabor ote t Biology 180 Name jax 7. Consider the following cross in fruit fies, Dominant alleles are \ » uppercase; recessive alleles lowercase. (v6p15) = ie Parental genotypes A003 Hand X*Y hh a. In the cifcle to the right, draw the female parent's chromosomes when homologs synapse in Meiosis |. Label the alleles on the chromosomes. v b. Crossing over occurs with a frequency of 10% between the D and E genes. List the genotypes and proportions of all female gametes. (Assume that crossing over doesn't occur anywhere else.) \VE b0e oD DE Aol Ne y Ae Pey abd rm Qa : & a { «. Now assume that no crossing over at all occurs, Predict he genotypes observed inthe F, offspring (female AND male) and their frequencies. S Bede Vt % hb MY) ‘ yheve Agde, \ AWE ear ee | Q 4x 2% fh Xx ade, ABS Loe abVe \ AEN A, Ee Ab | \D 2 Te folowing tale eros he percentage of recombinant in experimental crosses in fit es (ro a) Map the genes on the line. Write the gene name (e.g. *se") and the map position (a number) for each gene. - cu [al v zp be 2 ed zi i 1119.2 26 aan ea, 3 | — | T 7 st 18 6 27 | 248 b) When meiosis occurs, which two genes in part a), above, are most likely to violate the principle of independent 4 assortment? Explain why. Poi and VN oe mest likely ty y ciple & independ at asscortmesh SeeoeeOs APoMmer ous us CR : ie hyeen meanbig fh cl shy linbec wusstly than any of te atler pals s devng MOR md mat He 26 + \ logy 180 Name 9. State whether the following observations are examples of co-dominance, gene x gene interaction, gene x environment interaction, incomplete dominance, linkage, multiple allelism, pleiotropy, or sex-linkage, You may use the same term more than once, if needed. But use only one term for each line, pts) Epil roe wees the Exianst garel an Sow coer (lock or rod} ei + Certain alleles predispose humans to skin cancer. This risk can be reduced by lifestyle changes, including avoiding exposure to sunlight gota xcerwrrooment fnkéraetinn + Peas have an enzyme called DNA polymerase whose function is somewhat 9 similar to HIV's reverse transcriptase. If an individual's genotype is Dd, both Codommonc, forms of the enzyme are present in cells. ae ESTE, 10. Consider the cell to the right. (120) Le What is the haploid number? 2. S hs ‘What is the ploidy? a a ‘Write its genotype: Av ‘Are chromosomes replicated or unreplicated? _(2 al =. Is it undergoing miosis or freosis circle one) a 11. This pedigree is for a human genetic disease. (ps) AA wR a. The allele that causes the disease is (circle one) Unatiected pat) eee sutosomaty, Xainked | > Jane Doe b. The allele that causes the disease is (circle one): ece8Sve., dominant | . Using A to represent the dominant allele and a to represent the recessive allele, what are the most likely genotypes for: aa Th alec alate op of hopes? = Nuns ON = The “affected femal aA at the top of the pedigree? ‘The individual identified as “Jane Doe"? wxH a seceeeseennintertetseeeeenteet” Please tum YOUr exam in to your T.A, ‘ttttttinweeeeeenegenenewene

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