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Oral Topics for Level 15

1- Body Language:
a) Detecting personality types and characteristics through body language and face reading.
b) Body language as an important part of communication.
c) How to know when a person is lying through body language?
d) Importance of body language in job interviews.

2- Street attacks
a) What to do to avoid being attacked in the streets?
b) Martial arts as a way of self defense in street attacks.
c) Causes of street attacks.

3- The Olympics:
a) Positive and Negative aspects of the Olympic Games.
b) The Olympics: Origin and History.
c) Sports that should be included or excluded from the Olympic Games.
d) Use of drugs at the Olympics.
e) Politics and the Olympics.

4-Multiple intelligences and I.Q Tests:

a) What are the different types of intelligence or learning styles and how can they make learning more effective?
b) The multiple intelligence approach vs the tradicional approach.
c) Advantages of using different learning styles in the classroom.
d) Reliabilty of IQ tests.

5- Life Expectancy:
a) Factors that can increase life expectancy.
b) Life expectancy in men and women.
c) Changes to make in your life style to increase life expectancy.

6- Beauty and the Media:

a) Unhealthy consequences on women caused by the obssession with beauty perfection and the media. .
b) Unrealistic beauty perception imposed by the media.
c) The beauty industries and their manipulation to buy their products.
d) Negative influence of the media on peoples self-esteem.
e) Relevance of beauty contests in our society.

7- Job interviews:
a) Tips and strategies for winning a job interview.
b) How to dress for a job interview?
c) Being honest or dishonest during job interviews.

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