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Business analytics (BA) is the practice of iterative,

methodical exploration of an organizations data

with emphasis on statistical analysis. Business
analytics is used by companies committed to datadriven decision making.

Why did it Happen

Will it happen Again

What else does the

data tell us that never
thought to ask

What will Happen if

we Change X

Mobile Data Marches to the Top

Mobile video is the

fastest growing
segment of mobile
data traffic.

All the Brands need

to think carefully and
strategically about
engaging with
consumers on their
mobile devices.

Mobile internet is
predicted to take
over desktop Internet
usage according to
Microsoft Tag.

Consumer monthly
spending on mobile
content and services
is $1 billion

Analytics in Cloud Computing

Innovations such as the cloud data

warehouse platform from
Amazon, Red-Shift, will gain
ground and set new standards in
self-service BI, enabling scalable,
fast, and secure solution at very
affordable prices.

The robustness of this platform

will allow businesses to save on
infrastructure design, setup, and
management costs

Human resource consulting is an $18.4 billion industry that has

emerged from management consulting and addresses human
resource management tasks and decisions. HR Consultants are
responsible for assisting clients with strategically integrating
effective HR processes, programs and practices into their daily

The Need of the Hour:

Diversity &


are racing
to replace legacy
HR technologies
with integrated

Scarcity and
distribution of
skills in the

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