Grammar Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan: (Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement).

Learning Objective/ Outcome:

Upon successful completion, students will be able use pronouns with the appropriate
antecedents in number, gender and person.
Listening, English grammar and composition, editing
Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to identify the difference between singular and plural
2. Students will be able to use the correct antecedent with any noun.

3. Students will be able to use their knowledge in speaking as well as writing.

4. Recognize singular and plural indefinite pronouns.
5. Understand and use correct subject-verb agreement for singular and plural
indefinite pronouns.
6. Identify antecedents to indefinite pronouns.

1- Copies of worksheets.
2- Copies of rules.
3- Copies of exercises.
4- PowerPoint.
Time Required:
60-120 minutes is required for the lesson (one to two class sessions).

Questions To Set the Lesson:

1- What is a pronoun?
2- What is antecedent?
Lesson (Teacher-Student interactions):
1. Ask students if they know what antecedent and how it is related to pronoun. If
some students know what a pronoun-antecedent agreement is, follow-up by
seeing what they think should and should not include on the structure.
2. Instruct students to complete the Worksheet 1.
3. Before presenting the PowerPoint: Hand out Rules of pronoun-antecedent
agreement to students.
4. Give the Student a time period of 3 minutes to skim through the handout quickly to
cover the most highlighted points during the PowerPoint presentation.
5. Start presenting the PowerPoint about pronoun-antecedent agreement, which
focuses on the definitions and rules . (15-20 minutes). (Note: allow student to
ask question during slides and after the presentation)
6. After the PowerPoint Presentation, students should be able to start practice using
correct pronoun-antecedent worksheet. (Note: Discuss the practice with
7. Review with students list of indefinite pronoun worksheet.
Students will pick an editing exercise to practice the structure.
SUGGESTED FOLLOW-UP: Students could conduct a peer review of pronounantecedent agreement correct the errors worksheet.

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