Semester Project-Simulation: Comparison OF Upscaling AND Sector Simulation

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As you know simulation models now have tens of thousands to 100s of thousands grid blocks. Even with
fast computers and more efficient algorithms, time is still money. Consequently, ways of reducing time
and still maintain acceptable results are still extremely important.

The main aim of this project is for you to compare upscaled models and sector models and decide
which way (which one) is better.
Compulsory activities:
1) You may choose one sand of a reservoir and the main properties of a field. Group 1: Tapis,
Group 2: Baronia
Group 3: dulang
Group 4: Angsi
2) Use data from the particular field to create a synthetic reservoir however,
a. Faults and shale streaks must be honoured
b. Aquifer present must be honoured
c. Size and OOIP must be honoured
d. Porosity and permeability must be synthetically generated to create a heterogeneous
e. Relperms if unavailable must be derived using equations
f. Fluid properties, Swi, Pi must be honoured
3) You may consider minimum of 10 wells
4) Minimum 50x50 grid blocks or 2500 grids
What to study:

Use simple averaging methods to upscale the reservoir

Use capillary equilibrium method to upscale the reservoir
Choose sectors to represent the reservoir
In your final report, it should follow good technical report format. The simulation results that
you get using the 3 methods above should be compared and the best method should be chosen
to predict the reservoir behaviour. The results should be discussed.

10% of the course, marks will be given to journal keeping, final report and peer assessment.

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