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Chapter 1: At the Concert

I ve been a fan girl since I ve heard their song Sorry, Sorry on the radio. Tomorrow t
hey will hold another concert in my country and I m lucky I will now be able to wa
tch this concert. [Thanks to my father who bought the ticket for me because of m
y endless pleading]. I m really excited for this concert because this will be the
first ever concert that I will attend in my life. Even though, I will go there a
lone, I m sure that I ll meet some friends from my text clan and meet some other ELF
Before and after buying the ticket for the concert, I was really amazed with mys
elf because I ve stayed calm until now. I m wondering how I will react once I ve seen
Super Junior. [I get kind of hyper once I see them on television, what more if I
see them in person.] I was getting ready preparing for the things that I will b
ring tomorrow at the concert venue when my father called me from downstairs,
Ya~ your Korean boys are on TV .
I ve instantly came down to watch the news about them. It was the news saying that
some of the members have already arrived in the country and the other members w
ould arrive tomorrow. They ve captured the members who arrived today and one of th
em is my bias.
Wow! Sungmin is already here , I said.
The only reaction that my father made was, Where s Shindong? I can t see him. Will he
be at the concert too?
Ne~ he ll be at the concert, he ll be coming tomorrow , I ve answered. [By the way, Shind
ong is my father s bias in Super Junior because he said that Shindong is the only
member in the group who ll still look like a guy even in a woman s dress].
After the news, I climbed upstairs grabbed a pillow and I ve screamed. I really am
excited for tomorrow
The next day
Omo~ this is the day that I ve been waiting for.
I ve already brought my digital camera, my sign board, my light stick and some thi
ngs that I made for every member of Super Junior. [I will throw the keychain on
stage, hoping that they will notice it and keep it.] I will be wearing a shirt a
nd a hat that I ve bought in an online shop. I ve also made a pink shirt that I ve des
igned and hope that Sungmin will see it once I ve thrown it on stage.
While travelling, I was looking for some ELFs so that I can have some company in
my long journey from my house to the concert venue. While boarding the MRT, I s
aw someone wearing a Super Junior sapphire blue shirt. [The same as mine, the on
ly difference was, in her shirt Certified GAMER was written at the back while mine
was Certified VITAMIN .] I instantly approached her and we became friends already.
Having so many things to talk about, the long journey wasn t
boring. We ve talked a lot and got to know more about each other, we even exchange
d numbers and email addresses.
After arriving at the concert venue, there was only a short line of people. I gue
ss I was too early and excited . I ve stayed at the last person in the line and wait
ed for the gate to open. After waiting some time, the line was already long and
the gates will open soon. The MRT girl and I have different seats, so we said go
odbye to each other. Then, we entered the venue.
The venue was really big. I ve seat in my place and look around.
There are really many Philippine ELFs present today.
I ve exchanged smiles to everyone I saw. I ve talked to the person seated in my both
left and right seat. The one seating in the right was a Donghae-biased and the
one seating in the left was a Siwon-biased. I haven t had anyone close to me who i
s a Sungmin-biased. I was the only Sungmin-biased in our place. Most Sungmin-bia
sed was on the other side of the venue and some were 10-16 seats away from me. T
he place I was seated in was near the stage, I will be seeing a lot of Super Jun
ior members if they will pass on this side. While waiting for the concert to sta
rt, the song All My Heart , Marry U and No Other were played. All the other ELFs includ
ing myself sang along.

The concert started with Yesung screaming. Screams from the ELFs were heard. The
first song they ve sang was Sorry, Sorry . They were really great. I was screaming a
long with the audience while taking pictures and videos of their performances. E
very Super Junior member has a serious look while dancing and singing. After sin
ging three of their hit songs, they ve introduced themselves. They we re speaking in
Korean, I can t understand some of their words but I can still understand some of
the words that I know and there was English translations being shown on the scr
een. After their introduction, their solo performances followed. I was screaming
like crazy while Sungmin was performing alone. I died because of Kyuhyun s voice.
Donghae, Shindong and Eunhyuk we re really great dancers. Heechul was really good
-looking and he is really milky-white skinned. Leeteuk was singing while playing
the piano. He was really great. Ryeowook and Yesung s voice were really awesome.
Siwon singing an English song is really nice. I even sang along while Siwon was
singing because I knew the song. All of their solo performances were really amaz
ing and breathtaking. Then, group performances were seen. All of them were runni
ng all over the stage like crazy while singing and playing. Siwon passed in fron
t of us.
He s really cute , I thought. The girl on my left was screaming when Siwon smiled at
I thought, She might collapse because of too much happiness.
Sungmin was placed in front of us during the Our Love performance. He was really i
n front of us. I can t help but smile because I can really see him up close, take
pictures of him and wave at him.
While he was singing, I was screaming ??~??~ ??-??~ ???? ??~ (Oppa~ Oppa~ Sungmin
-oppa~ I love you oppa~) .
I was waving my light stick and hope that he will notice me. I reached out my ha
nd, hoping that he ll touch it just like the other members do. I was shocked becau
se he held my hand and sang his whole part of the song without letting my hand g
o. He was looking straight at me. I was looking straight at him too.
I thought, I might melt because of what he s doing to me. This short moment felt re
ally long to me. I can already die now because of happiness .
After singing his part, he let my hand go and smiled at me. I smiled back at him
and said, ????? ??, ??? (Thank you oppa, I love you) .
I waved my light stick to him and he waved back. I saw him talked to one of the
staffs of the concert. I didn t know what he said but I saw him looked at me again
. He even pointed his fingers at me and smiled again to me. I was really curious
why on earth Sungmin pointed his finger at me.
There was a video played on screen and the whole stage was dark.
The staff that Sungmin talked to came up to me. He gave me an I.D. and told me, Y
ou re a really lucky girl. Sungmin asked me to give you a backstage pass. You can
be on the backstage with Super Junior after the concert. Don t lose this ID and ne
ver tell anyone.
O~ O~ Okay Thanks
That s the only word I said because my mind went instantly blank aft
er hearing the word backstage pass.
I was like Omo~ a backstage pass? From Sungmin-oppa I really am lucky. Thank you Lo
rd. ?? ??? (Thank you very much...)
The concert continued, I screamed along with the audience not because of the per
formance but because of the once in a lifetime chance given to me to meet Super
Junior backstage. I enjoyed the performance while waiting for the concert to fin
ish. I saw Sungmin passing by our place most of the time. He was smiling a lot.
I took a lot of pictures of him and also Kyuhyun, Donghae and Yesung. I wasn t abl
e to take a lot of picture of my other biases like Eunhyuk, Heechul and Leeteuk
because they were moving fast and all I captured were blurred images but I didn t
deleted it. All performances were really energetic and we, ELFs were really hype
r and active just like our oppas. There was this video showed where in I really
ended up crying. All the other ELFs near me cried also. I don t know but I was tou
ched because of the video shown.
Then, our SuJu oppas where seated in different part of the stage for the All My H
eart performance. Sungmin was placed in front of us once again. This performance
was my favorite one among all other because All My Heart was my favorite song plus

the fact that Sungmin was seated in front of me. Our SuJu oppas let us, ELFs sa
ng the whole song and smiled after hearing that we know the song. I saw Leeteuk
and Eunhyuk crying. I was also crying because everyone was singing and the SuJu
members were smiling while singing along with us. I thought that Leeteuk and the
other member were touched because ELFs are still here after everything that hap
pened and ELFs still love and cherish them. [I am proud being one of those ELFs]
The concert came to an end, others ELFs excitement and energy were already drain
ed but I was still hyper because of what will happen in the backstage.
Chapter 2: My Backstage Pass
After the concert, I searched for the comfort room so that I can still prepare m
yself before seeing Super Junior in the backstage. There were really a lot of pe
ople and I got lost searching for the comfort room. I ended up going in the Supe
r Junior room. Good thing I still have the I.D. given to me by the staff and the
y weren t even making me go away. After searching for almost 7 minutes, I found th
e CR and in there I prepared myself and did a little retouch. After this, I retu
rned to the Super Junior room I found a little while ago. They aren t still here. W
here could they be? I want to see them so much I m really excited to see them up-cl
Because of me, being impatient, I went out and I ended up being on the stage. Thi
s is the stage where in they had performed earlier, the stage where in all the S
uper Junior members stood, the stage where in all ELFs want to be in and the sta
ge where in Super Junior members and ELFs meet. I am now standing on this stage.
Because of my excitement being on the same stage where Super Junior performed ea
rlier, I ran around the stage not minding someone who was watching me. I ran acr
oss the stage and even mimicked the Bonamana dance. Omo~ so this is how it feels to
be on stage. I really like it , I thought to myself.
There was really an unexpected thing that happened. I was standing near the stai
rs where Kyuhyun had surfaced up in their Don t Don performance, when I slipped.
Aw~ ??? (Aw~ it hurts ) I said while I was massaging my body part that hit the floor.
Good thing I didn t fell down the stairs so it didn t hurt a lot but it still hurts
Then I heard someone asked, ????? (Are you okay?)
When I looked up to the person who said that, I saw Ryeowook ?, ???? (Yes, I m okay ) [
so this is the right time to use my Korean. The language I had started to study
3 months ago.] He reached his hand and I grab it and he helped me stand up.
?? ????? (Thank you very much ) , I told it once again and even bowed my head in front
of him.
Then one of the staff came and she told me to follow her. I kept on looking at R
yeowook while we were walking. I still can t believe that I can be this close to t
hem. When Ryeowook saw me looking at him, I instantly smiled at him and he smile
d back at me. [His smile was really cute. Seriously, I m starting to feel that I m
ight collapse soon because this is all too much for me to handle. He really need
s to be in my bias list next time.]
The staff led us to a room, a room where in all the Super Junior members are the
re. Once I ve entered the room, I started to count them all. All members are here.
They are standing in front of me. I m in the same room with them. The entire Super
Junior members are here. Is this heaven? I kept thinking to myself. [This is rea
lly torture. I need to stay calm while being with them. I hope I can stay calm.
Please help me stay calm.]
Leeteuk saw me standing in the room and he called all the Super Junior members.
??? ?????? (We are Super Junior) [Omo~ they are saying their catch phrase, in front
of me torture!!!]
I smiled after hearing them said these words and because of my instinct being an
ELF, I ended up saying, ??? ???? (We are ELF). They started introducing themselves
to me. They even shook my hand while they were introducing themselves. [I was a
mazed with myself because I am still calm until now.]
After they introduced themselves, I introduced myself to them, ?????, ???-???. (H
ello, I am Lee Sunhi) .

I heard them talking once again, I don t understand what they were saying but I he
ard Eunhyuk said She can speak and understand Korean .
Then Heechul said, Yo~ man, touch me, baby . Everyone laughed including me. I never
saw Heechul like this again. He walked towards me and hugged me. [If this is wh
at torture feels, torture me more ]
They talked again and Siwon asked, Who do you like in Super Junior? [Siwon is one
of the best speakers in English.] Without thinking I instantly said, Sungmin-opp
a I saw Sungmin smiled when he heard this.
Then I remembered that there was something that I wanted to give to Sungmin pers
I walked towards Sungmin and said, This is for you, I hope you like it. Sungmin lo
oked at it and said, ?! ?? ???. ???? (Wow! This is so cute. Thank you) . Then, he hu
gged me. [I m going to die now because of too much happiness. I can really die now
. My dream finally came true.]
The other Super Junior members were jealous because of what I gave to Sungmin es
pecially Donghae. He was asking me to give something to him and he does a lot of
aegyo in front of me. [Donghae s aegyo is really cute. He really looks adorable.]
Because of Donghae s pleading, I gave everyone something that I prepared a while
ago. [I have a prepared a Super Junior member keychain for each of them.]
Even though, it was simple they we re really thankful to what I ve given to them. In
return, each of them gave something to me. They all signed the signboard that I
have brought and even the shirt that I am wearing. Some gave me pictures. The o
ther members gave me a cap and a shirt. The one that I really like was a small p
ink bunny stuff toy given to me by Sungmin. He told me to name it Minnie . [Yes~ I ll
treat this little stuff toy from Sungmin like my baby. This stuff toy seals our
love. Is this a dream? Don t wake me up!]
Given the opportunity of being with Super Junior, I instantly used this chance t
o take pictures with every single member.
May I take pictures with each one of you? I asked.
Siwon asked the other members and said, Yes, let s take a picture. Let s make this ni
ght memorable for you.
I took a picture with each of them. Some pictures were wacky while some were ser
ious. It was really fun. [I was really happy being with them. This was the lucki
est and happiest moment in my life.] The picture that I really treasure the most
was my picture with all of them. All of them were there and I was there too. We re
complete, an ELF and the Super Junior members, a picture that proves that anyth
ing can happen if you believe.
After 20 minutes of being with them, [these 20 minutes felt like forever to me,
I ll forever treasure this time] their manager called them and said that they must
return to their hotel so that they can rest because they will go back to Korea
in the afternoon. I said my goodbyes to them even if I still want to be with the
m. They hugged me again, one by one and said that they ll return again and wanted
to see me again.
The last words that I said to them was, ?? ????. ?? ?????. ??? ???? ???. ?? (Thank
you very much. I love you so much. I ll be an ELF forever. Goodbye.) [Saying goodb
ye to them was really hard. I wanted to stop the time while I was with them, but
I can t. I ll forever treasure my memories of being with Super Junior. Yes~ forever
, I ll be an ELF. That s what I promised to them and I ll do it.]
I wasn t able to take a look at the time and it was already 3 in the morning and i
t was raining. Omo~ how am I going to go home? It would be hard to have a ride ho
me because it s raining and there are no more vehicles passing by the concert venu
e. I asked myself.
I was waited for a taxi and for the rain to stop by the waiting shed [because I
haven t brought any umbrella], when the Super Junior van passed by. I looked at it
as it passed by me. It would be really great if I can be with them again.
Then, like an answered prayer, the SJ van stopped and Sungmin walked out from th
e van and walked towards me. [This is the usual scene in a movie where in the gu
y would kiss the girl. I was waiting for it but ]
Sungmin asked, ?????? (Was it fun?) .
?, ?? ?????. ????. (Yes, it was really fun. Thank you.) I answered.

Then he asked again, ? ?????? (What are you doing?)

I answered, ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ???? ???. (I'm waiting for a taxi so that I ca
n go home.)
Then he asked again, ??? ??? ??????? (Do you want a ride home?)
[This was better
than what I expected.]
???? ?, ??. ?? ?? (Really? Yes, I like that. Let s go home.)
Sungmin was the only one in the car plus the driver and a staff. Sungmin said so
mething in Korean and the staff translated it for me. We talked a lot and I ve got
ten myself comfortable with my bias. But as the saying goes all good things must
come to an end, the van was slowly reaching my house. [My happiness will soon end
. I hate it.]
Then, there I was standing outside the car and saying my goodbyes again, only to
?? ?????. ?? ?????. ??, ?? ????. ??! (Thank you very much. I really enjoyed being
with you. I really, really love you Goodbye!)
Then I waved my hands to them and made a heart sign before turning my back on th
I walked slowly to my house, thinking that if this was a dream I really don t want
to wake up anymore. I pinched myself a lot so that I can prove that this wasn t a
dream. When I reached our house, I still saw that the
van was still there and it was not moving. Knowing that they were still there an
d they can still see me, I made another heart sign and waved my hands again to t
hem. After that, the van s window opened and I saw Sungmin making a heart sign too
. [This is what you call happiness. I really love my bias.] After that, I saw th
e van slowly vanishing from my sight.
This was the best night ever! I shouted.
Then someone shouted back, You re too noisy! We re sleeping here! After hearing that,
I immediately entered our house because I m afraid that someone might get angry at
Chapter 3: Korea, Here I Come
*Super Junior s Hotel*[Since I can t translate this all in Korean, might as well wri
te this in English.]
The concert last night was great, especially meeting Lee Sunhi. Sungmin said to th
e other members.
Why did you give that Sunhi a backstage pass? If I know I can do it, I should hav
e given it to that one girl who caught my eye. She s really cute. Heechul commented
Ya~ it seems that our Sungmin here is starting to like someone. Leeteuk joined the
ir conversation. After hearing what Leeteuk said, Sungmin s face turned red and th
e other members joined in making Sungmin tell them the truth about Sunhi but Sun
gmin ran to the bathroom right away so that the other members would not be able
to interrogate him.
In the bathroom, Sungmin thought, What s wrong with me now? I don t understand why I
acted like that in the concert. I didn t know why I gave Sunhi a backstage pass. I
didn t know why I even bothered to take her home. It seems like in the concert wh
en I saw her; I instantly wanted to be with her. When I held her hand and looked
at her, I think I felt contented. Even though, it s just seconds, it seems like w
e have known each other for a long time. I know that we ll never be able to see ea
ch other again once I leave this country; I hope that I can still return here an
d be with her more. I think I am already starting to like her. What s wrong with m
Knowing that Sungmin was staying in the bathroom, Eunhyuk and Donghae started to
knock on the door very hard. Ya~ Sungmin-ah! What are you doing there? Eunhyuk ye
lled. Open up or we re going to break this door Donghae even threatened Sungmin.
Knowing that the two wouldn t stop yelling and knocking at the door, Sungmin final
ly opened the door and ran immediately towards their room.
At least, it is peaceful and quiet here. No one would disturb me again. Sungmin th
Then he saw Kyuhyun playing in front of the computer, Ya~ Kyuhyun-ah! Let s play Sun

gmin told Kyuhyun. Sungmin wanted to clear off his mind because the thoughts of
Sunhi are currently bothering him.
While in the middle of the game, Kyuhyun asked, So what s the score between you and
that Sunhi yesterday?
Sungmin s eyes widened in shock, he didn t know that Kyuhyun also wanted to know abo
ut Sunhi. Just when he was about to answer, Ah~ Sunhi
I beat you hyung~ I won! I was only joking when I asked you about Sunhi Actually,
I was not interested in your love life at all. Kyuhyun shouted.
Ya~ you were only trying to break my concentration in the game when you asked abo
ut her. Ya~ Cho Kyuhyun! You re really unfair. Let s play again
Sungmin insisted.
Even if we play again, I will always beat you hyung~ Kyuhyun warned Sungmin.
Because of being defeated by Kyuhyun in the game, Sungmin lay down in his bed an
d started to think about Sunhi and what he really feels about the girl. While th
inking about her, Sungmin fell asleep and dreamt about Sunhi. The last sentence
that Sungmin said before falling asleep was, I ll do anything so that we can see ea
ch other again, I promise you Sunhi-ya~
*Sunhi s place*
Once I ve uploaded all the pictures of the concert last night, many of my online f
riends have messaged me and asked me how it happened that I have pictures with e
very single member of Super Junior.
I was really lucky. I didn t even know how it happened. All I remember was I was in
the room full of Super Junior members
Every ELF I ve known via online sites were really envious of what happened to me i
n the concert. They all wished that they would also be given the chance that was
given to me. [I really can t express how I felt that night. It seems like God ans
wered all of my prayers that night.] All the other VITAMINS I know were also jea
lous because I was able to spend the night with all the Super Junior members plu
s the fact that Sungmin even took me home and I was able to spend the time with
Sungmin alone. [plus the driver and the translator.]
I was watching the television for the news about the concert last night and abou
t the members going back to Korea when I saw an advertisement/contest about an a
ll-expense-paid trip to Korea. I felt really excited when I saw that because it
was really my dream to go to Korea when I became an ELF. I decided that I will j
oin that contest even if it takes anything. [Everything for Super Junior, I thou
The contest was open to any individual. The only thing you need to do is to stay
tune to that channel 24/7 and watch out for some questions flashing on the scre
en and send the answer to their website. You will also be able to bring 2 of you
r friends to your trip there.
This would be my chance to complete my dream. One of my dreams has already come t
rue, this one should also come true, I thought. [I will make this dream come true
. I will.]
I even asked the help of my 2 friends who I would pick to join me on Korea once
I win the contest. They were also excited and even stay tuned 24/7 so that we ca
n win the contest. [Our group work was really great here. Because of one goal, t
he hearts of 3 young ladies became one.]
There is still two days before the concert ends. I really need to win this.
May 24, the day that the winners of the contest would be announced; I wasn t able
to wake up early and watch the announcement of the winners because I stayed awak
e at 3am in the morning because of sending our entries so that we can win. None
of my 2 friends watched the announcement of winners because they weren t also able
to wake up early because of sending entries till midnight yesterday. [This is w
hat you call hard work. If we ll not win, it s just okay but if we ll win, then we ll go
to Korea!] So, none of us we re able to watch the announcement.
What if we won? How are we going to know it? I asked them.
Don t worry, they ll contact us. My friend told me.
During the afternoon, I was waiting for the call, wishing it was us who won the
contest when my phone rang [My ringtone that time was All My Heart by Super Junior]
. I jumped from my seat and reached my phone just to know that it was only my fa

ther who was calling me.

Sunhi-ya~ I saw your name on television a while earlier. I was trying to contact
you so that you can see it but your phone is out of reach.
Then, I answered ??? ??, (Sorry father), my phone was out of battery and I just c
harged it when I woke up. My name was on TV? Wow~ what channel?
He said, I forgot the channel, I just saw it while I was browsing channels a litt
le while ago. ???. (Sorry.)
It s okay. Thank you for informing me?? (father)
I waited for the phone call from the TV station but there wasn t a single phone ca
ll this day except from my father. My other friends didn t receive a phone call to
Maybe, we didn t win. I ll just save money so that I can still go to Korea. [My high h
opes of going to Korea were slowly crushing down as the day goes by.] When,
I was still watching the same channel when I saw my name flash before the TV scr
een; I even made it sure and read each character correct. ??? (Lee Sunhi). I jum
ped up and down because of a dream come true again and I even freaked out. I imm
ediately called my two friends to tell them the good news but they were already
in front of our house to congratulate me and our soon-to-be trip to Korea.
So our trip to Korea is only 3 days away, I am really excited for this trip. Sup
er Junior is staying at Korea again and I hope that I can see them again. [I eve
n searched for the address of Super Junior s dorm, wanting to see them once again.
I even brought a map to be sure. I even prepared another gift for them once I ll
be able to see them.] I already prepared everything that I need for our travel
there. We ll stay there for a week. This is really exciting.
3 days have passed; we re waiting in the airport for our flight. The wait was real
ly long but I am listening to my iPod which is full of Super Junior songs so the
wait is not that boring. After the endless waiting, we re already boarding the pl
ane for our trip to Korea.
Korea, here I come!
Chapter 4: Am I Really Lucky?
As the plane lifts up, I felt the feeling like being in a roller coaster ride, I
can t explain how it feels but I m really scared. [I m scared because this will be my
first time to ride a plane.] The whole production crew of the said TV Show was
with us all along. There were a lot of chit-chats while in the plane so the flig
ht wasn t boring at all. I have gotten close to a staff named Rica . She was cute and
lively and she can speak Korean which made me amazed at her. We became friends
instantly and chatted throughout the travel.
When we landed in Korea, the cold air greeted us. It was really cold unlike in t
he Philippines. Good thing we are all wearing a scarf and a thick jacket so we w
eren t cold at all. There was a surprise gift given to us by a production staff. M
y friends and I were given a cell phone each which we can use while in Korea. Th
e one I got was a pink-colored phone which was really cute. I instantly put the
song All My Heart as the ring tone.
We will be spending our whole week in a hotel in Myeong Dong. As we travel by a
car to go there, the people that we see as we pass by the different streets in S
eoul were really fashionable. Every winter outfit they wear was really great.
When we arrived at the hotel, it was already 6pm. I instantly lay in the bed wit
hout eating anything. I guess I was really tired because of the travel and I dec
ided to take a nap first.
I woke up at 11pm and saw everyone in the production team was sleeping including
my two friends. Seeing this opportunity to sneak out, I prepared my money and m
y things so that I can have a solo trip and stalk near the SM Entertainment buil
ding. [Crazy me, I still think about Super Junior during these times.] I rode a
taxi to get to Gangnam. Then, I rode a subway train and got off in Apgujeong, [I
memorized the places in Seoul before we left for this trip. I even brought a ma
p incase I will get lost.] I saw a Girl s Generation and a 2NE1 advertisement whil
e in the train. Then I rode a bus and walked for some time and then I saw the SM
Entertainment building right in front of my eyes.

Every ELF dreamt of this moment and I am now living their dream. I am now standin
g in front of the SM Entertainment building waiting for another miracle to happe
n. I really wish that I ll see Super Junior again especially that guy that made my
heart beat again. LEE SUNGMIN, I am now here. I really wish to see you.
I stayed in front of the building for hours and waited but still there were no s
igns of any SME artists. I was really getting bored so I went for a walk and wan
ted to eat because I felt that I was so hungry not being able to eat from 6pm up
to now but I realized that my money was not enough. [Ever since, I really wante
d to try the one they call Dokbokki and Bulgogi but I can t right now because I don t ha
ve enough money.] Then, I saw someone went out from the SME building. He wasn t an
artist though, but he looks cute. I even forgot how my stomach growls because o
f his cuteness. I passed by the SME building hoping that I will see some artist
but I didn t saw anyone.
It was already 1am and the street lights in Seoul were really shining. I really
felt like that city was alive even though it s already in the 1 in the morning. Be
cause of being amazed by the lights, I walked and walked until I reached a place
in Seoul which I am not familiar with. There were many left and right turns. I
don t know which way I entered and which way to go out. I am getting lost right now
and I really am very hungry. I don t know where I am. I want to eat right now. I
want to go back to our hotel but I don t have any money to get there again. What w
ill I do? I asked myself. While turning into different corners, I felt like there
was someone following me. I felt afraid and even blamed myself for getting out
without telling anyone. Omo~ what will happen to me? I am really scared now. Plea
se someone help me. I was already screaming in my mind.
I was already panicking then, suddenly, I heard All My Heart playing. At first I t
hought, There s an ELF nearby, maybe I can ask her help. Then, I realized that it wa
s only coming from my phone. My phone is ringing someone is calling me I can be sav
ed I thought. But as I get my phone from my back, someone touched my shoulder and
when I turned around, I saw someone but then everything went black. [Because of
being tired and hungry, I collapsed.]
When I woke up the next morning, I was in a bed and there were too much pink stu
ff in the room. Even the bed, the blanket and the pillows were all pink. I thoug
ht, maybe a girl saved me from last night. But then I heard too much noise from
outside the room. It seems like there were many people talking and it was really
too noisy.
I wanted to get up but I heard my stomach growling again. I haven t eaten since las
t night , I thought. I remembered everything that happened. I was strolling alone
and I collapsed because of being tired and hungry at the same time. I was trying
to find where my phone was but then I heard someone walking and opening the doo
r of my room. I pretended to be asleep.
While pretending to be asleep, I can hear loud voices from outside the room. The
y were speaking in Korean and I can t understand some of their words. The person t
hat entered the room was quiet. I think that he must be observing me. I can t pret
end to be asleep for a long time because I can really feel the hunger so I start
ed to pretend to be waking up and to my surprise the person who is now in the ro
om was
Lee Sungmin? I was shocked. My eyes became really big and I even blink many times
to make sure that I am not dreaming. He was there. He was really standing there.
Lee Sunhi, ??, ????? (Hello, are you alright?)
Chapter 5: ???? ??? ??? (What to Do? What to Choose?)
?, ? ??? (Yes, yes I m alright.) This is the only answer that I have in my mind b
ut not even a single word come out from my mouth. I guess this is from the shock
because Lee Sungmin is in front of me asking if I m alright and maybe from the st
ress that I ve felt because of what happened last night.
Before I answered Sungmin s question, I saw someone standing in front of the
door holding a tray of food. It was Lee Donghae.
???? (Are you alright?) The same questioned was asked by Donghae; still I hav
en t had the courage to speak. You eat. Okay. Donghae said in English and do the ges

ture of eating.
that s when I have the guts to answer.
Donghae left the tray in front of me and left the room but Sungmin stayed. E
at Sungmin also said and nodded.
[Since I can t translate this all in Korean, might as well write this in English.]
I started to lift the spoon in front of me, but I felt like every move of m
e was being watched. I started to eat slowly but I felt like Sungmin is watching
my every move and because of that I felt conscious of my every move. I looked a
t him like I was irritated but I can t help to smile because his expression while
looking at me was so cute. He looks like a rabbit asking for food. You want some?
I asked him.
No, I ve already eaten my breakfast. He told me. Then I heard Leeteuk shouting
from downstairs, Yah~ Sungmin-ah! You re food here is getting cold. Are you still g
onna eat this? Eunhyuk wanted to eat more food so badly! He says he wants your f
ood. Then Sungmin s tummy made some noise. We looked at each other and laughed toge
While I was with Sungmin, the boys downstairs are discussing something Teuk~
stop shouting! Don t disturb Sungmin and his girlfriend. Heechul ordered. Yah~ Sung
min hasn t eaten since last night, he didn t even sleep because he was guarding Sunh
i. I m just afraid that he might get sick. Leeteuk defensively explained. I think Su
ngmin will not get sick or anything. I think he feels happy now that he s with Sun
hi. Ryeowook added. So, he finally found a girl. I m kind of jealous. Eunhyuk jokingl
y said. You re only mine Hyukjae. Don t be jealous. Donghae assured Eunhyuk. Yah~ stop
that nonsense talk. You re giving me the creeps. Yesung said to the EunHae couple. H
yung is actually investing a lot of emotions to a girl he doesn t even know yet. H
e just met her twice and she is now here in our dorm and in Sungmin s room. What i
f that girl do something to Sungmin, we don t know her well yet. Kyuhyun seriously
uttered. Yeah~ Kyuhyun is right. We should always be alert and watch Sungmin s acti
on. But let s also give him some private time with that girl. Maybe that girl isn t
that bad as we think she is. She s an ELF. Heechul said. Yeah~ every ELF is not bad.
They actually care for every one of us. I hope I find the ELF of my life. When
I found her, I would spend the days of my life being with her. Leeteuk added. Gros
s! You re such a loner Leeteuk-hyung! Kyuhyun laughingly said.
Back in the room, I shared my breakfast with Sungmin and start talking abou
t each other. It feels like that we re actually friends while talking. I almost fo
rgot that I was a fangirl and I was fangirling about this guy.
Sungmin and I talked while we were eating when someone disturb our conversa
tion. Eunhyuk went inside the room and talked to me. He asked me to get up becau
se he will tour me around the dorm. Okay, let s go I agreed. Then out of nowhere Don
ghae said Okay, we can! he was so adorable and cute.
EunHae and I walked around the dorm. The last place that we went to was the
ir dance room. The room where their dance practices happened. Everything, every
dance was planned here. Eunhyuk went to the side and turned the music on and Don
ghae immediately went in the middle and danced to the song. I was staying on the
side and watched EunHae dance. Then somebody went inside the dance room and joi
ned EunHae in the dance. He was Shindong. Wow! He looks slimmer in person. I tho
Then suddenly, Donghae pulled me towards them and asked me to dance togethe
r with them. Good thing, I know some of the Super Junior dance that is why I was
able to dance together with them.
Suddenly, I noticed that all of the Super Junior members were there, togeth
er, dancing with me. Well, not all because Siwon wasn t there because he was busy
in the filming of his drama. But imagine, 9 members with me, dancing altogether.
It was the best dance floor ever. The best dance ever.
When all of us were tired, we stayed in the living room and watched some Ko
rean drama series. Suddenly, my phone rang.
???? ??? ? ?. ?? ?? ??? ? ?. ???? ???.
?? ?? ? ???, ??? ??,
? ??? ??? ??. ?? ?? ??? ??.

?? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ?? ?.
(I still can t saying that I m falling head over, tingling to say that word Love you
more than anyone else Only you and me and me, and me, and me
I m really happy in this moment Really thank you for coming to me Thanks for the o
ne who loves me Only you and me and me, and me, exactly you,)
Everyone looked at me. Yah~ you have our song as your ringtone. Eunhyuk said.
Yes, because I m an ELF I proudly said. I went outside and answered my call. Yah~ Su
nhi, where are you? The whole staffs here are so busy looking for you. You ve miss
ed the taping of one of their episode here. Where are you? You need to come here
quickly. We re going to Lotte World. my friend said. Suddenly, I felt disappointed
. Ever since I heard of Korea, my dream was to go to Lotte World but can t it wait
. I m in heaven now. Can I just go back some later time? I thought. But I have to
choose now, whether to stay here in Super Junior s place or go to Lotte World.
What to do? What to choose? Super Junior/Lee Sungmin or Lotte World, this is
indeed a hard decision to make
Chapter 6: Best Vacation Ever...
So here I am in Super Junior s dorm, *the dorm that every ELFs want to visit
and stay, the place where you will feel like you re in heaven, the most precious p
lace in the whole wide world* but I have a big decision to make, a decision wher
e in my whole life depends upon.
Who called? Sungmin asked.
My friend, she s asking me to go back to our hotel because we will start to fi
lm one of the episodes of the TV show. I answered, not looking at him. I was stil
l looking disappointedly at my phone and wanted to curse at myself for turning t
he damn phone on. So, this concludes the happiest moment of my life. Darn this ph
one! I thought.
TV show? You re an actress? Donghae joined the conversation.
Ah~ no, it s the television show where in I won that s the main reason I m here in
Korea. I answered.
Wow! You re a lucky girl. Kyuhyun said not looking at me because he was focusin
g on the television because SNSD s music video was being played.
So, I need to go. I still don t want to go but I have to. Thank you for taking
care of me since last night especially you Sungmin. Thank you very much. I will
never forget this. I said. I wasn t finished with my goodbye speech when Lee Hyukj
ae grabbed my hand and he started dancing. The music video of Mr. Simple was cur
rently being played on the television. They all started to dance. I too danced w
ith them again. They re hyper as ever. Personally, I like them to stay like this. T
hey re not even brothers by blood but treat each other like one. They re the best gr
oup ever. I mean the best family ever and I m happy that I ve been a part of this fa
Because I naughty, naughty Hey! I m Mr. Simple
?? Mr. Simple, Simple
Sungmin followed me until I was outside their dorm. So, I ll go now. Thank you
very much for everything. Goodbye Sungmin, I really hope to see you again. I sai
d and bowed 90 degrees to him and turn around. I can t face him because I was havi
ng a hard time saying goodbye. I continued to walk and turned around and waved m
y hand to him. I saw him waved back and do another heart sign just like what he
did when I bid him goodbye last time. I wanted to turn around again and see him
for the last time but when I turn around, he was running towards me and embraced
me so hard.
S-Sungmin? I was shocked of the sudden hug but didn t resist his hug. I even hu
gged him back.
So you really like me
I don t know if he was asking a question or stating someth
ing but being in his embrace feels like we ve entered our own little world.


I nodded my head and he ruffled my hair. That s when I broke from our emb

Yah~ stop ruffling my hair I ordered.
He didn t answer. He just smiled and laughed a little. Aw~ he s so cute. How can
I not like this guy?
You still didn t answer my question. Sungmin frowned a little.
I like you, okay
then, he embraced me again.
Then, we parted ways, he returned to their dorm and I board a cab to Lotte
Lotte World was the best amusement park ever. It has everything. The rides
were exciting and amazingly designed. Too bad I was with my friends rather than
Sungmin. Well, this is better than staying at home with my father. I m so thankful
for this chance.
Yah~ let s ride this
that was the statement mostly used during our time in Lotte
World. The merry-go-round was enjoyable while we were imitating the scene from St
airway to Heaven . It would be better if Sungmin was with us. We tried the roller
coaster, I forgot the name of the ride but that ride left me breathless. I would
never ever want to try that ride again. I was screaming all the time, I can t con
trol myself. When the ride was done I ended up getting dizzy but good thing that
I didn t vomit.
Eating time! This was my favorite of all. Finally, I ve tasted the Korean foo
ds that I wanted to try a long time ago such as Kimbab, Dokbokki, naengmyun and
Bulgogi. Then we toured the streets of Seoul and tried the fish cake on a stick.
It was yummy and it comes with a soup which is very good for the cold weather.
Another happy treat that I ate was my favorite ice cream. Korean ice cream is bet
ter than in our country. Hmm where can I find this at home? I asked myself.
After the long hours of enjoying and filming, we arrived at our hotel and r
This was really enjoying. Thank you for this. By the way, where we re you this
morning? Everyone was surprised when they found out that you we re missing. They
thought you were kidnapped My friend asked me.
Kidnapped? Here in Seoul? Hahaha You re making me laugh I joked.
No joke, where we re you this morning? she asked again.
I toured Seoul. I wanted try to travel alone but I got lost. Good thing I me
t a Filipino here and help me find the quickest transportation to Lotte World. I
Don t do that again. You made us all worried. She said and hugged me.
After a week of travelling and filming, it s now the time to go back to our c
ountry. It s now time to leave Korea. But before leaving Korea, our last stop is t
he Han River.
Watching the Han River, I felt magical. It feels like watching this will m
ake any dream come true.
After some hours, here we are boarding the airplane to go home. I thought o
f Lee Sungmin, the time with Super Junior, the happiness I ve felt with them, all
of that will be in my memory and I might never see them again. It hurts but I mu
st face reality. An idol falling in love with a fan girl only happens in stories
and the fairytale that I wanted might not happen. Goodbye Korea, goodbye Super J
unior and goodbye Sungmin. I ll miss everything , I thought while I was waving goodb
ye with some of the staffs that will stay in Korea.
The encounter with Super Junior and Lee Sungmin was the best thing that hap
pened in Korea. But I never told anyone about that. I ve only kept that intimate m
eeting in my mind. I ve no one to spazz that about but keeping it a secret is much
better than telling anyone about that and have them jealous of you. They might
also not believe me if I told them my encounter so I ll keep it a secret.

I never imagined that we can do so many things in so little time. Travellin

g Korea for free while being with your friends and being with Super Junior and s
taying in their dorm was really fulfilling, this was the best vacation ever. Dae
bak! Hope this would happen again.
Chapter 7: Realize
So now, here I am back to my original place and far from where my rightful
place is *beside Lee Sungmin*. I am now back again to fangirling, watching fan c
ams of Super Junior and reading fan accounts. But I still can t forget the feeling
of being with Super Junior. To have a remembrance of that miraculous event, I d
ecided to write a fanfic about that. Many readers of the fanfic dreamt of them b
eing in the fanfic that I have written. Some even asked me if that really happen
ed to me because every events was very detailed. None of them knew that I alread
y experienced the same event written in the fanfic. I just don t have the courage
to tell them because they might not believe me and might cause Super Junior a co
After 3 months,
*Super Junior s Dorm*
So are you over that Lee Sunhi? Kyuhyun suddenly asked Sungmin while he was l
ying in his bed. Sungmin was busy playing in the computer.
No, not yet~ Sungmin answered.
Hyung~ three months have passed already and you don t even have any communicat
ion yet you still have feelings for that girl?
Sungmin didn t answer.
Yah~ hyung, what s wrong with you? Answer me! Kyuhyun ordered.
Instead of answering Kyuhyun, Sungmin stood up and walked out from the room
. He continued walking out of the dorm.
Something s really wrong with him. He s love sick
Kyuhyun thought while shaking hi
s head from left to right.
Sungmin continued to walk outside not knowing where he is going. He was sti
ll stunned by Kyuhyun s question a while ago. You still have feelings for that girl
Do I still have feelings for that girl? Am I really crazy? Even I don t know w
hat I must do. I m getting confused. Lee Sunhi, what have you done to me?
*Sunhi s Place*
I was currently eating when I accidentally bit my tongue. It really hurts s
o much. Yah~ someone must be thinking of you my friend suddenly said.
If that s true then, who might be the one thinking of Sunhi? my other friend as
Give me a number
Hmm~ 19
19 A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S S? Maybe it s Sungmi
n! she suddenly guessed
Sungmin? Why would he think of me? Maybe he already forgotten our encounter
in their last concert here *and in their dorm* I told them.
Yah~ don t be sad. You ll meet Sungmin again. she assured me.
I hope so. I really hope so.
6 months have already passed after my meeting with Lee Sungmin in Seoul and
I have nothing to do but spazz about Super Junior and other KPOP groups. I fell
in love with B2st and Kara. Other biases arose just like Yoseob and Dongwoon fr
om B2st and Seungyeon and Jiyoung from Kara. That two KPOP groups caught my atte
ntion and I m slowly being a B2uty and a Kamilia. I m currently searching for facts
about them when an article about Lee Sungmin suddenly popped out in my news feed
Lee Sungmin from the group Super Junior is dating someone from his agency.
After reading the article, tears slowly fell from my eyes. I can t do anythin

g. My eyes were still glued to the screen looking at a picture of Sungmin and th
e girl. Yah~ why are you crying Lee Sunhi? It s just a picture Sungmin didn t even co
nfirmed it yet. Don t cry. You re not even in the position to be this affected. You ve
only met Sungmin twice and you ve already felt that he loves you already. Wake up
! That girl from his agency must have been close to him that he decided to date
her. But~ but, why am I hurting? Why? I don t understand.
2 days passed, but I still didn t have the guts to surf the net. I m still afra
id that I might break down and cry again once I see the article again. I know it s
not confirmed but still it hurts. Every fan girl knows the feeling and I might
not just be able to accept this fact.
My friends visited me to console my broken heart and we decided to watch Exp
loration of the Human Body again for the 10th time. For the whole time we we re al
l laughing but I can t still say that I am totally okay. I ll just enjoy this moment
with my friends, no Sungmin in my mind today. Must erase him forcefully
*Super Junior s Dorm*
Yah~ Sungmin, you re dating her? Eunhyuk asked Sungmin.
Hell no Sungmin answered irritably.
Then, why is there an article like this? There s even a picture of both of you
Sungmin would never ever date that girl because he is madly in love with som
eone! Kyuhyun retorted.
In love with someone? Who? Tell us
Donghae and Eunhyuk asked at the same time.
He s not ready to answer yet. Let him discover his true feelings Kyuhyun explai
ned. And would you please stop entering our room without permission! Yah~ both ou
t you get out! Kyuhyun ordered and dragged Eunhyuk and Donghae outside.
Thank you Kyu~ Sungmin said.
Yah~ it s nothing. Just figure out your own feelings. It would be hard for her
not knowing how you feel for her.
Yeah~ I ll think of it
Well, think faster. Maybe she s hurting now because of that stupid article tha
t someone made. Go to her and explain everything to her.
As if I can do it
Hyung~ you can do it. You re not a kid anymore. You know what you must do. You
are just not following what your heart tells you to do.
Sungmin was shocked. He didn t even know that this magnae would have such ama
zing solutions to his problem. He didn t think that this guy could help him. He th
ought that Kyuhyun was of no help at all but he was wrong. Kyuhyun helped him a
lot. Kyuhyun made him realized what his true feelings are.
Kyu~ you re right Thank you so much for the help. I really appreciate it. Sungmi
n said and hugged Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun broke from the hug and
Yah~ my advices are not for free. You must buy me pork chops because I am re
ally hungry. Kyuhyun amusingly commanded Sungmin.
Oh~ that s the main reason for this. But still, thank you Kyu~
Chapter 8: We Meet Again
After a week of not surfing the net, my friend suddenly called me Yah~
guess who s coming back here
I don t know Who s coming back? I asked, unaware of my friends excitement on the other
line. Kya~~~aren t you reading the news? Are you still under that article about Sun
gmin? I didn t answer her question. The truth is I am still hurting about that arti
cle. I was still thinking that he already forgotten this lucky fan girl who he m
et twice and made her believe in love at first sight.
Hey~ LEE Sungmin s coming back here. And guess what? He s coming with my bias! Yu
ri, my friend, shouted. A smile suddenly crept up my face. Sungmin is coming bac
k. I m going to see him again. I m so lucky.
Hey, why aren t you answering? Did something happen to you? Are you so excited abou

t the news? You re going to see Sungmin again. Ask him about the issue about her a
nd that girl. It s your chance! she said but still
I don t know what to do. Yes, I am really happy but something in me feels weird. I
don t know what to do. Something s really bothering me and I don t know what that is.
*Seoul Incheon International Airport *
Yah~ hyung, thank you for letting me join this tour. I am really excited and
I really want to see her again. Sungmin asked while they were waiting for their
You owe me big time. Leeteuk said.
Yeah, I know. I ll treat you when we get back.
*Sunhi s Place *
Wear this so that he ll notice you immediately Ellie insisted.
But I m not comfortable with that. I might as well wear jeans and a t-shirt I s
Okay then, let s go. We still have an airport to go to. Yuri excitedly announce
When we arrived at the airport, lots of fan girls were surrounding the arri
val place. They we re all there hundreds of fan girls waiting for Sungmin and Leet
euk to arrive. Sapphire blue dresses and banners filled the airport. It was like
the concert I ve been to. It was really amazing how these two people attract so m
any fans, wild fans to be exact.
Every fan was holding their own camera and lots of flashing here and there
happened when the two arrived. Many were waving their banner hoping someone woul
d notice it. Yeah~ someone noticed it, not them but me. My energy suddenly boost
s up when I saw Sungmin smiling to every fan he saw. Yeah~ I m back to spazzing ag
ain. My fangirl mode is signing on.
Sungmin and Leeteuk entered their van once they arrived. And my friends sud
denly dragged me along with them inside a car and followed their van. Yah~ do you
know where we re going? I suddenly asked. Yes, we ll just follow that car and it will
take us to that place. Yuri answered still focusing on the van in front of our c
ar. Hey~ what if we got lost? I suddenly asked. Then, we ll just sleep in their place
. Ellie suggested *She s the one with the most imaginative mind in the three of us.
* I can t argue with them further more so I just shut up my mouth and just look at
how this car race will end up.
We arrived in the hotel and followed them inside but there were still a lot
of people that s why I got lost. I was alone and I can t find anyone of them in thi
s sea of people. Then, while I was looking for the both of them, I spotted Sungm
in. He was in the middle of many people taking pictures of him but there were no
security to guard him. He was struggling to get out of that many people and whe
n I saw that I realized how far we really are in terms of status. He was an idol
. I was a fan. Yeah~ simple but it s hard.
I was still thinking about our status gap when, he saw me. I was standing t
here thinking of something, not knowing that he was walking towards me. Yah~ long
time no see. Sungmin suddenly said that made me wake up from my day dream.
I saw some fan girls glare at me. They were whispering something about me. Y
ah~ who s that girl?
Is that Sungmin s girlfriend?
I thought he was dating one of his la
bel mate? I heard everything. I was thinking of running away when he suddenly hel
d my hand. Yah~ where are you going? he asked. I was stammering to answer when, th
e fan girls took him away from me. I was left frozen there.
I still wasn t able to find my friends; that s why I stayed outside the hotel,
away from the fan girls and away from Sungmin. I entered a convenient store and
eat something to fill my stomach because the car chase made me hungry. I was sit
ting there and looking at the hotel and I saw that the securities are slowly sen
ding the fan girls out of the hotel.

It s finally my chance to search for my friends. But after 10 minutes of find

ing, I spotted none of them. I just stayed outside the hotel not knowing where t
o go because I haven t been in this place before. It was slowly getting dark and I
have no one to be with. That s when he showed up, again, like a knight in shining
armor, like a prince saving a damsel in distress.
Yah~ we meet again he said tapping my shoulder lightly. *Thug, thug, thug, my
hearts beating so fast. I don t know what to do.*
Yeah~ my short answer
So what are you doing here outside? Are you following me, Sunhi? he asked *Om
o~ he still remembers my name*
You~ do you still remember me?
Yeah~ you re the fangirl that I gave back stage pass and the one I met in Seou
l a few months or weeks ago
he answered. *Yeah~ he still remembers me even every s
ingle detail of our meeting. He still remembers it. I m so happy and lucky at the
same time.*
So what are you doing here? he asked again. *Tell him you re lost and don t know
where to go to so that he ll offer his place to you. Tell him. Tell him.* -inner
fangirl thought attacksAh~ I m just looking for someone.
Oh~ You're not here to see me? But what were you doing in the airport a whil
e ago? *So, she isn t here to see me. Such an unlucky guy...*
"Oh~ airport? I was waiting for someone and he's staying here at this hotel
. It's such a coincidence to meet you again here" *Yah~ Sunhi, what are you actu
ally doing? You're lying to him. Tell him that you're here because you got lost
because you followed him. Tell him about everything and ask him about that artic
le that broke your heart*
"Oh~ so you're looking for someone. I thought that you knew that I was comi
ng back here." sadness was felt in his tone of voice.
"Oh~ I didn't even know that you'll be coming back. I thought you we're sti
ll in Japan promoting your Japanese album." He didn't answer back so I said, "So
~ I ll just go. I hope to see you again. Goodbye~ trying to end our conversation. I
was slowly turning my back to him and walking straight ahead even if I don t know
where to go when he suddenly held my hand and whispers to me, I came here for yo
A smile crept up my face. And I suddenly blushed. Good thing he was behind
me and he can t see how red my face is right now. *He s here because of me. Because
of me yeah~ he s actually here because of me, Lee Sunhi *
Chapter 9: Real or Dream?
After he said that, all things happened so fast and I was already inside Su
ngmin s room. His room number was 1222. Stay here for the night, okay? Sungmin asked
. Hmm~ I don t know I must go home because my parents would be worried for me I tried
to make reasons so that I could go home because I can t relax because of the fact
that I m staying in Sungmin s room and we re the only ones here. OMG!
Sungmin brought foods and drinks and we ve started to talk about each other.
We finally get to know about each other s personality and attitudes as well when
Yah~ Sungmin-ah! someone was knocking on his door. He opened the door and it
was Leeteuk. He talked to Sungmin and saw me inside the room. He dragged Sungmin
to his room and left me alone in Sungmin s room. I ll be back, don t go yet~ Sungmin sa
id before being dragged along.
Yah~ what s that girl doing there? Leeteuk asked him
I saw her here. She s lost and don t know how to get home that s why I offered a p
lace to stay for the night. Sungmin explained.
So, this is all coincidence again. Maybe that girl is stalking you.
She doesn t seem like one.
Just be careful, I don t want to see you hurt again, dongsaeng~
Yeah~ I will. I know she wouldn t hurt me.
5 minutes passed and Sungmin isn t back yet so I decided to leave before he r

eturns again and make me change my mind. I was gonna go out the door when I saw
Sungmin running towards the room. He was so fast that he bumped on me causing me
to fall but he caught me. Oh~ sorry, you re already going to leave? he asked with s
uch an aegyo feel. Hmm~ I was gonna find you because you ve been gone for too long.
I thought you ve left me I explained. Oh~ sorry for making you wait. Let s go back to
the room and talk again if that s okay for you.
Yeah~ that would be the best. We ret
urned to the room and continued talking while listening to random Super Junior s
ongs from his iPod.
It was already 9:30pm in my watch when I remembered that I turned my phone
off that s why I wasn t receiving any calls from my friends since we got separated.
I turned my phone on and after that I saw 36 unread messages and 15 missed calls
. How can I be so forgetful? How did I even forget to turn my phone on? Ah~ but
this scenario with Sungmin is much better than expected but I can t still feel at
ease. Something is still bothering me but I still don t know what that is.
Sungmin saw me looking at my watch and asked me, Just stay here for the nigh
t. Something bad might happen to you if you go home at this time. Promise, I wil
l not do anything to you. He said slowly. Ah~ okay, I m not bothered it s just~ I can t c
ontinue because I might cry if I continue to say that someone might get angry if
I stay here. To think that Leeteuk even saw me here, one of your label mate mig
ht get angry at me. Why? Is something wrong? he confusedly asked. Oh~ nothing, can
I use the comfort room? I tried to excuse myself. Oh~ there he pointed the directio
I instantly entered the room before I start to cry. Good thing, I was able
to hold back my tears a while ago before seeing him and while talking to him. I
will say goodbye for good later. I will stop being a fangirl and return to my or
iginal boring life. Sorry Sungmin. Sorry and goodbye.
When I got out from the room, I saw Sungmin looking at his laptop. I though
t he was playing games but when I came close, I saw his label mate s picture there
. He was looking at it. Oh~ you re back he said when he saw me standing behind him. Y
-yes, hmm, my friend called me and asked me to come home now. She s gonna pick me
up here. I pretended. Oh~ so you re gonna go? As in right now? But I still want to b
e with you. Please
just go home tomorrow. Stay here for a while first. Please he asked. But~ I was gonn
a lie again but he embraced me suddenly. Please stay her. Just for now. I came he
re for you and I don t want to go without you knowing why I came he explained. What a
re you gonna say? What do you want me to know? Say it to me now before I complet
ely let you go I was screaming in mind but I can t scream right now because I can t.
I might say something I might completely regret when I say something right now.
For some time, we stayed in that position. He was hugging me and never let
ting me go. But I break free from his embrace and said, Let s stop this. Nothings g
ood is gonna happen if we continue this. Let s just continue being a fan and an id
ol. Let s go back to the time when we haven t known each other yet. Please~ it would
be better for us I turned my back to him but
I don t want that. I still want to be w
ith you~ after saying that, he walked towards me and kissed me. Take note: he kis
sed me on my lips ? yes~ then, I died
Chapter 10: A Kiss That Started Forever
I stood frozen there after he kissed me. I don t know what to do. I can t look
at him because I just can t. I think my legs just turned into jelly because I m actu
ally melting from the inside out. Well, stop the metaphor here. I just can t expla
in how I feel and I can t still recover from the fact that he, Lee Sungmin from Su
per Junior kissed me, Lee Sunhi, an average fan girl.
If you say that again, I don t know what I might do next Sungmin said amusingly

What are you thinking right now, Lee Sungmin? I can t read your mind
I stayed quiet and frozen in that position, not looking at him talking. He
walked towards the laptop and commanded me to sit beside him, but it feels like
I can t move my legs now.
He stood up, walked near me and held my hand and guided me beside him. We s
at together side by side while he was looking for something in his laptop. A pic
ture of him together with his label mate popped out from his laptop. Aw~ my hear
t is hurting again :( Why do I need to suffer all this?
You see her? he asked.
Yeah, I m not blind~ She s the main reason why my heart aches right now.
She s my ex-girlfriend
So, she s his ex-girlfriend, his past love They really did have a relationship
, just like what the article says. The hell I care, why is he telling me this?
I was keeping quiet the whole time and not making any reaction to what he
was saying.
We were together for a year but our relationship didn t work out. It turns out
she was only using me as a way for her to get into our entertainment. Good thin
g, Leeteuk-hyung found out about that and revealed the whole thing to me. I didn t
believe him at first but it turns out that she is really using me.
So, what if that happened? Since you ve had a past relationship with her, ju
st like what the article says, you re together again? What if you re only making tha
t up? What if you re only saying this to get my trust again? Why do you need to ea
rn my trust again? We re not even friends yet. We re not that close. I m a fan, you re t
he artist, that s the relationship we have but why are you telling me all this? Wh
y? I really don t get it. Are you
starting to like me? Hey! Sunhi-ya! You re really dreaming, how can he, Lee Sungmi
n like you? You re not even in that great compared to that girl. But he kissed me?
Why did he kiss me? Why? And why is he telling me this?
I really wanted to ask him these questions but I can t. I m not yet in the pos
ition to ask him that. I must stay like this because I think that he needs someo
ne who can listen to his feelings. But I still can t understand the reason why he
is telling me all this.
Yah~ you ve been quiet for too long. Say something, I don t want to be the only
one talking here he said making me wake up from my day dream.
I said without looking at him. My eyes were fixed in the screen; I m sti
ll trying to comprehend everything that he said.
Yah~ What s bothering you? You re like that since I came back from Leeteuk's roo
m. What s wrong?
I don t know. I don t exactly know what is wrong with me
Let s just call it a night. Let s now rest okay. You sleep on the bed and I ll sle
ep on the couch. Okay
Okay~ but why did you tell me about your past relationship with her? What is
this all about? I can t get any of this. You ve been way too friendly for an idol t
o treat me like this. Why are you treating me like this? Why do you want me to s
tay here? Why? while I was walking towards the bed, all the questions that I ve bee
n keeping inside suddenly burst out.
Hmm~ I, I don t know. I really don t know why
that s the only thing he said.
That s what I thought you d say... Let s end this, okay. I can t stay like this with
you not knowing anything why are we like this. I can t understand why we are this
close even if we only meet three times. I don t know what situation we have right
now. We re not that close to be called friends and we re not that romantic to be ca
lled lovers. I don t want to be staying like this not knowing where we ll end up, ok
ay. I m getting tired of this.
He held my face with his two hands and makes me face him while he looked in

to my eyes and say, I-I like you, okay~ I don t know why but I like you it seems lik
e I have the urge to be good to you ever since I saw you. I wanted to protect yo
u. I wanted to be with you all the time. I want to see you every day. I don t know
why I m feeling this but all I know is that I like you and I m already starting to
fall for you. I like you. I really like you.
My heart jumps twice for joy and it couldn t stop beating so fast. My body fe
lt like melting. He was gazing into my eyes while he was saying that.
No more questions run to my head right now. With what he said made me feel
like I m the luckiest girl ever. He likes me and he s starting to fall for me. Just
like a dream I said, I-I like you too~ without thinking twice.
After he heard me said that, he embraced me so tight and he ruffled my hair
. I tried to stop him but he held my hand and walked me towards the couch. He st
arted to tell me how he was able to figure out what he feels for me and I starte
d to forget what happened earlier. So, this is all Kyuhyun s fault, if he hadn t told
you what to do, you wouldn t have figured out what you feel for me and I might ha
ve let you go I said. Thanks to Kyuhyun because we ended up like this. I like our
situation right now even if we don t know where we ll end up. I like us just being l
ike this because today we re not in the fan-idol relationship, it s a deeper relatio
nship than that he concluded.
Suddenly, I felt like leaning my head on his shoulder. After he felt my he
ad on his shoulder he said, Let s stay like this for tonight and wrapped his arms ar
ound me. Yeah~ just like this I added. Then before I fall into sleep, I heard him
singing A Day .
?? ? ?? ? ? ???
? ??? ??, ?? ? ??
?? ?? ?? ? sunshine ???
?? ? ?? O.K. ??? ?
(I think of you just once a day It can t be more, because I m saving you up
The sunshine of a hard day If only you are here, it s OK that s all I need)
Chapter 11: Forever Happy Together
5 years have passed since Sungmin and I have been together. He is currently
on his military service and I ve been waiting for so long for him to come back. E
ven if he visits us whenever he has a vacation, I still miss him. I wanted to be
with him so bad. I ll only wait for only 3 months before he return back to my arm
s again.
I suddenly reminisced how we ended up being together like this. We have fac
ed many problems when our relationship was revealed to the public. Many fan girl
s didn t approve of our relationship and threatened to ruin us together but we did
n t give up. If I was still a fan girl at this point, I might not approve anyone o
f Sungmin s relationship to anyone. Good thing, I am the one with him.
Some fan girls approve of our relationship and made Facebook pages like SunSun couple and many more. I like that kind of fan girls because they are supporti
ve of their bias and idols.
Some fan girls changed their bias and said that they don t like me, and they
should be the one with Sungmin. They also compared me to Sungmin s past girlfriend
and said that they re much better than me, causing me to have heartaches because
of what they re saying. But Sungmin was always there telling me that it s okay and c
omforting me.
Sungmin s group, Super Junior, continued to dominate different countries and
they have travelled a lot with me. Some of the members we re jealous of Sungmin ha
ving a girlfriend and are starting to find someone to be with them also.
One of the most memorable part of our relationship happened in one of their
concert. It was Sungmin s solo and after he performed told the crowd, I m happy righ
t now. I want you all to meet the reason of my happiness. She s Lee Sunhi, my futu

re wife. Please accept her because I am happy being her . Then he walked towards t
he back stage and held my hand and we walked to the center stage and he said, She s
pretty, right. I want to spend the rest of my life with her but I don t know if s
he feels the same way. So I am now asking her if she ll marry me. The crowd went wi
ld, some fans we re crying and some fans we re cheering for Sungmin. I was shocked b
ecause I don t that he ll say this in front of many people and in front of millions
of fan girls. Then, he looked into my eyes and said, So, will you marry me? Tears
welled up my eyes. I just nodded my head in
agreement and said, Y-Yes, I ll marry you! Screams from the crowd filled the whole c
oncert arena and all I can feel was full happiness. Then, from the backstage Sup
er Junior members started to come out and sang All My Heart
Baby, it s all in my heart, babe
My hearts filled with you
Give me your hand put it on my chest
And feel its beating
You re everything in my head
Within the difficult day in the world
You make me alive in the tiring day
After wondering for a long time (alone)
I ve been stranded without you (without you)
Now I gradually feel peaceful and suddenly smile
Bind up the dark curtain (far away)
Hold up the feeling (your feeling)
I still can t say that
I m falling head over, tingling to say that word
I love you more than anyone else
Only you and me and me, and me, and me
I m really happy in this moment
I really thank you for coming to me
Thanks for the one who loves me
Only you and me and me, and me, exactly you
Rap: Baby boo my hot little figure
Whom I was searching anywhere on earth
When I almost collapse with exhaust
I just eye on you, my beloved Venus
It feels like a dream so don t wake me up
We so fine, do you want to fly to the sky?
I mean no one can interfere between us
Both holding hands will never let you go
I admit, I promise that everybody will envy us
Babe, this is what I m begging baby
Can I be the only guy who stay with you and holds your hand?
My significant thing is you
I m afraid that you would leave
I wouldn t let your go
How can I keep you this way?
Big money or nice car (for me)
They re not what I m satisfied (satisfied)
Your existence is special
Nothing can be measured
The more I get to know you (closer)
I completely fall (head over)
Having dream is a little delight

Drawing to see you

I still can t say that
I m falling head over, tingling to say that word
I love you more than anyone else
Only you and me and me, and me, and me
I m really happy in this moment
I really thank you for coming to me
Thanks for the one who loves me
Only you and me and me, and me, exactly you
To unfold my only crumble wish
Within my wish, you and I may be together
You re very far away
Whenever you comeback closer, yeah~
I m having my tears yeah~
I still can t say that
I m falling head over, tingling to say that word
I love you more than anyone else
Only you and me and me, and me, and me
I m really happy in this moment
I really thank you for coming to me
Thanks for the one who loves me
Only you and me and me, and me, exactly you
Then after singing the song, he asked for my hand and he inserted a ring th
ere. All I did was cry the whole time. I can t believe that my dreams actually com
ing true. I will be Sungmin s wife starting now.
Please support us, not only me and Sunhi but also Super Junior, okay? Sungmin
asked the crowd. YES~ everyone answered. And after that he and I and all the Super
Junior members bowed 90 degrees in front of the
crowd. Then, the lights went out and he kissed me in the dark. We ll stay happy tog
ether! he shouted before going to the backstage.
That was the happiest part of our relationship and we ll make more happy memo
ries together. I was still holding to his promise before he entered military, he
told me, I ll prove to you that I love you more, you ll have to stay by my side till
I was playing Super Junior songs in my computer when our daughter, yes, Sun
gmin and I had a daughter and she s 4 years old.
Mom, what are you listening to? she asked
My favorite song. Why? You like the song? I asked her back
Hmm~ the song s good but I can make a much better song than that. By the way,
who sang that?
Super Junior
The group has a nice name. Did they have a successful career? How many membe
rs do they have? Do they have many fans? she continuously asked.
Yeah, the group did have a very successful career and was able to be known
around the world. They did have many fans and I was one of their fans. They have
15 members all in all
Whoa~ 15 members, that's a lot! May I see the members?
I let her see the pictures of every members in the computer when he saw Sun
gmin, Mom, this looks just like dad. He said
Oh~ he did look a lot like your dad. But your dad is better than him.
Mom, what happened to their group? Where are the other members?
The group is still in the entertainment industry but they re not that active b
ut you can still see some of them.

Oh~ mom, I want to see them. I m starting to be their fan too.

You ll see them. I ll invite them on your birthday. Do you know what the name of
their fan club is?
Oh is that really true, mom? Yes~ I ll see Super Junior. Yeah~ what s their fan
clubs name?
ELF I answered
Elf? Just like the small creatures, like dwarfs?
No, ELF means a lot than that. It means Ever Lasting Friends
Whoa~ they re great mom, I m really excited to meet them. I hope it would be my
birthday again.
3 months passed, this would be the day that he ll return. We ll meet each other
again after many days of not being together. My daughter and I we re preparing fo
r Sungmin s comeback and cooked a lot of food for his return but he didn t return on
time. I was really worried because he should be back on this day but he s not yet
here. I let my daughter sleep first while I wait for him but due to the prepara
tion that happened earlier, I felt sleepy so I stayed in my room and took a rest
when suddenly I felt someone entered the room.
I missed you~ sorry I m late
he said and kissed me on the forehead.
My eyes we re kind of blinded by the darkness but I know who he is. I missed
you too. I really wanted to see you. and I hugged him back.
Just like what I told you, I ll be back~ there s no one who can separate us onc
e again. I ll stay here by your side once again. And I ll never ever leave he assured
I know and kissed him on the lips.
Authors note:
I really enjoyed writing this fanfic. Hahaha
Thank you so much for reading this.
Thank you also for the encouragement.
This was my first ever 11-chaptered fanfic.
I really thank you for liking it
Thank you! Thank you very much~
Maraming salamat
Arigatou gozaimasu~

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