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[CalamityBlue] (CalamityBlu@user/CalamityBlue): CalamityBlue

[CalamityBlue] #anxiety #gaymers #WritingPrompts #WTFRPG
[CalamityBlue] :Snoonet Client Leaf
[CalamityBlue] is logged in as CalamityBlue
[CalamityBlue] idle 00:00:33, signon: Sat Dec 27 16:00:09
[CalamityBlue] End of WHOIS list.
<CalamityBlue> Somewhat rusty Bahasa.
<CalamityBlue> Been away for three and a half years.
<snoo> where did you live during your time in Malaysia?
<snoo> i live in Sabah
<CalamityBlue> KL suburbs.
<snoo> oh KL, a lot of jobs. even a factory worker got a higher salary than here in
<CalamityBlue> KK?
--- jj1 (jj1@user/jj1) has Quit (Quit: Bye)
<CalamityBlue> Yeah, but hell, KL is cheap compared to a lot of places.
<snoo> yes kota kinabalu
<CalamityBlue> For some reason, my mind keeps telling me that a plain roti is RM
0.80, but it's 1.50 now. =P
<snoo> its bad here, you need an 'insider' or a connection to get hired in any
company here, without it, enjoy your jobless days
<snoo> yeah things getting expensive
<snoo> next year a new tax system will be implemented
<snoo> everything is taxed
--- jpm (jp@user/jpm/x-00051837) has Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[snoo] (snoo@Snoonet-b22.fa1.0vhjrl.IP): snoo
[snoo] is connecting from snoo@
[snoo] #anxiety #kpop #subredditdrama
[snoo] :Snoonet Client Leaf
[snoo] is using modes +iwx
[snoo] idle 00:00:37, signon: Sun Dec 21 04:27:36
[snoo] End of WHOIS list.
<CalamityBlue> Let's hope it isn't just a Birkin tax. =P
--- Molly1 (Molly1@Snoonet-5ud.vuk.s219pe.IP) has Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
<snoo> heh, where do you live ow?
<snoo> now
<CalamityBlue> But if you're getting a message from the company about testing,
that's probably for the job.
<snoo> i have a dream to migrate, Europe prolly

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