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Learn Japanese with 3DS Games: Youkai Watch 4


Free Learning Material
A TRUNKS Manga and R-chan collaboration
Approximate JLPT Level: N4-N3

Scene Transcript


In order of appearance in the transcript.




me (male)
slowly / soon
bug hunt
to think
bug net
bye bye

Grammar - Marked Scene Transcript

Amazing! I also want a watch like that.

(Huh? Which reminds me. Didnt I have a watch like that?)

This little, one-syllable ending is used to convey the feeling of a

person wanting something, or the feeling of the speakers admiration
towards something, either physical or an idea. It is very often used in
speech, especially when talking about hopes and wishes.
In our case here, Kaitou is admiring and wanting the Mega Watch as
something desirable, hence the use of this grammar.

This is a spoken grammar which is used when you think you know
what youre talking about, but are suddenly unsure. Weve all had
that time, at least once, when you know something and then, for
whatever reason, suddenly find yourself unsure about it. This is what
is expressed with this grammar.
In our case, Kaitou suddenly felt as if he had a watch like the one his
friends are showing to him, but he is unsure, maybe even confused
about it. It is rather like the English forms or was it? or or didnt I?

Hey, Kuma. We need to be getting along. Well miss our

appointment time (be late)!

This is the spoken form of the grammar that we use

when something has happened despite our best intentions. For

Oh! Ive (despite myself/accidentally) spilt the water!

Unfortunately, I failed the test (despite my efforts).

Well, then, lets go. We cannot keep Fumi-chan waiting.

This grammar form is used after verbs to show that something

cannot be done.

Eh? Youre meeting up with Fumi-chan?

Ah, were gathering at Triangle Park. We decided to go bug

hunting together.

This grammar shows in the intention of the speaker. It shows that a

decision was consciously made about something. It is made using the
volitional for of the verb and adding the .
Other example include

I plan to go to the beach in the summer break.

I think I will/I plan to study History today.

Cool. I also want to go there. Oh, but while I was at home my

bug net

Well, grab a net and come. Well go on ahead to bug hunt.

Well, well be waiting, Kaitou.

Bye-bye, see you later!

If you liked this lesson make sure you check us out at both TRUNKS
Mangas Youtube channel AND R-chans JSC posts for more of the same!
And remember
Have fun learning!

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