Orcina Brochure

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Professional software for engineering professionals

The Company








hydrodynamic consultancy services to the offshore oil and gas sector.

OrcaFlex was produced in the same year and has been continually
developed ever since. OrcaBend and OrcaLay were initiated in 1989
and 1998 respectively. Our work on OrcaFlex vortex induced
vibration analysis tools started in 2002.
Since then the company has grown to become the world leader in
delivering user-friendly software solutions for the dynamic analysis
of offshore systems. Consequently, we have for many years regarded
ourselves essentially as a software house - our primary business aim
is to enable others to undertake dynamic analysis through software
supply and associated support.
The key to our success is our approach to software development - one which relies on close teamwork
between a variety of disciplines: engineers to define the requirements, mathematicians to apply rigour
and generality, and software engineers to implement robust and reliable code. Above all we recognise
that productivity is essential for our clients - consequently we devote considerable effort to make our
software robust, intuitive and user-friendly. All our products are fully Windows compatible and come
with context-sensitive help files. This combined approach results in highly productive software which
allows engineers to focus on developing solutions rather than running software.
However, delivery of best-in-class software is only one part of what we do. A very important feature of
our business is our ability to work with clients to enhance their productivity. Our team of analysts does
this through a mix of technical support, delivery of courses, User Group Meetings and project support.
This aspect of our work is highly regarded by our clients and is something that we consider an essential
part of our business.
We hope that you will take the time to look through this brochure. If something catches your attention,
then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Our Software....

(all Windows compatible with fully interactive GUI)

The industry leading tool for the dynamic analysis of offshore marine systems, including
all types of marine risers, mooring systems, installation procedures and towed systems.
OrcaFlex is the only tool with fully integrated access to Shear7, VIVA, time domain
wake oscillator models and time domain vortex tracking.

Efficient pipelay optimisation tool.

Allows efficient planning and
optimisation of pipeline & umbilical lay

Software for fast,

efficient design of
elastomeric bend

Full technical specification, applications and other info can be found at


Delivering 1st class software solutions relies not only on producing the best software in the industry, it
also involves developing long term post-sale relationships with clients. Much of our technical support,
which our clients regard as the best in the industry, is provided by our highly experienced team of
analysts. Their job is to keep clients productive through fast turn-around of technical questions, delivery
of open, bespoke and advanced courses, running our very successful User Group Meetings and by
working alongside clients on their projects.
The robust and hugely versatile nature of our software means our analysis team sees an enormous range
of modelling challenges. In solving these, we develop detailed modelling insights for complex and novel
systems. This experience is hugely beneficial when brought to bear on new and unusual problems, and
is a key reason why our support is held in such high regard.
Our analysis team also undertakes consultancy studies on a wide range of marine dynamic systems and our
innovative and flexible approach to these studies is highly valued by our clients. A key feature of our
approach is to recognise that analysis requirements often evolve during the course of a project. Taking a
realistic and flexible view in these circumstances ensures that the ultimate aims of the project are best served.

Software Licensing
OrcaFlex is available in two versions (statics-only or full dynamics).
OrcaFlex is not modular, representing a very cost-effective software solution.
OrcaFlex includes clearance and contact analysis, modal, fatigue and VIV analyses at no extra cost.
OrcaLay and OrcaBend are stand-alone programs.
Purchasers benefit from a tiered discount schedule for multiple copies of the same program.
Initial purchases include 12 months maintenance, upgrade and support (MUS).
MUS contract available for continuing software upgrade and engineering support from our consultants.
Highly flexible leasing (1 month min.), with credit accrual for optional conversion of lease to purchase.

Documentation, QA and Validation

A full user manual is supplied in printed form, with updates supplied electronically. The full manual is
also provided in the form of context sensitive help. This includes parameter definitions, model
description and formulation, technical assistance and application notes.
Our software is written in a highly structured modular language, and is developed under a professional
revision control system which controls and records all software advances. Each new software release is
put through a comprehensive formal test suite which checks the new program results against a wide
range of theoretical test cases and with results from previous versions.
We publish validation against analytical and other numerical solutions where these exist. These clearly
demonstrate that the underlying physics is being accurately captured by OrcaFlex - with many other
analytical tests being very straightforward for the user to set up and independently verify.

Dynamic analysis of risers, moorings, installation procedures

and towed systems, with multiple facilities for VIV analysis.


Tensioned marine risers

Flexible risers and umbilicals

Hybrid Riser systems

OrcaFlex is used to model a workover riser deployed from semi-submersible drilling vessel.
The lubricator assembly is suspended in the drilling derrick and the riser hangs below it,
with much of its weight supported by a pair of tensioners hung off the drill floor.
Clearances are tight where the riser passes through the drill floor. Riser-Drill floor contact
is a possibility, and OrcaFlex is perfectly capable of modelling intermittent contact and
post-contact behaviour.

The above example shows a series of jumper lines between a riser tower and the riser
gantry on a FPSO. The coupled dynamics of the system are fully modelled as is the
interaction with the bellmouths. The clearances between the lines are critical, especially
with current normal to the lines, and lines with different specific weights - clearances are
a standard results variable in OrcaFlex.

Here OrcaFlex is used to model a disconnectable turret system. The configuration of the
pliant wave flexible risers, key mooring lines and turret is shown a few seconds after
disconnection. The disconnection process is fully modelled in OrcaFlex, including
hydrodynamic loads on all lines and the turret. Of interest here is riser curvature, particularly
in the sagbend, contact between the lines and seabed, and clearance / contact between the
risers and moorings all of which can be checked during the simulation and / or replay.

The above screenshot shows 3 SCRs hanging from a SPAR host. The critical issue here is
fatigue damage in the hang-off and touch-down areas. OrcaFlex is used to find the
necessary dynamic stresses in these locations and then to post-process these using builtin fatigue analysis facilities. Cumulative fatigue damage in any region is thereby easily

Installation Analysis

Steel catenary risers

All forms of analysis for installation, operational intervention and decommissioning

In this example, OrcaFlex is being used to model the lowering of marine equipment to the
seabed, guided by a system of tensioned wires. The guide system is fully modelled
allowing the interactions between the guides and guide wires to be realistically accounted
for. All the results of interest, line tension, lateral loads on the guide wires, loads on the
object, etc are then readily obtained.

Here a 3-stage articulated stinger is modelled in OrcaFlex - a rigid hinged stinger is a

simpler variant of this example. The relative movement between the pipe and stinger is
fully accounted for, with intermittent roller lift-off and contact handled as a matter of
course. Roller boxes can be set up with arbitrary geometry and full information on
clearance, contact load and contact energy, is provided as standard output.

Global Analysis & Moorings

Mooring systems (spread, turret, SPM, etc) Other (Ocean, Aquaculture & Jetty, etc)

The above screenshot shows a fully coupled model of a TLP, spread moored FPSO and an
offloading CALM system. Modelling this level of detail allows accurate assessment of the
relative clearance of these structures as well as the loads throughout the system.

Towed Systems

Bundle dynamics

Siesmic arrays

In towed fish problems, a very useful feature is the ability to control the wing orientation
with time in order to achieve some desired objective. In this example a PID controller,
shipped with OrcaFlex, is being used to alter wing angle to achieve a user-specified target
depth. The graph shows the time history of depth for the fish, with the target achieved
after some period of active wing control.

Here the OrcaFlex model shows a shallow water CALM buoy with an offloading tanker
connected. The dynamics of this fully coupled system are completely accounted for, allowing
ready determination of the loads and clearances for each mooring line, as well as the hose and
connection hawser. Shown above is the curvature envelop for the hose.

Towed Bodies

The above screenshot shows the port side of a 12 streamer array. As well as the streamers
and guns, all the connection rigging and the 'diverter' are fully modelled. Key issues are
the maintenance of diverter lift to keep the array spread, especially whilst turning. Loads
within the rigging are also important failure here can lead to a collapse of the array and
significant levels of downtime.

Other Systems

Minesweeping studies
Ship-to-ship replenishment
Dunking sonar modelling
Helicopter landing systems
Floating protection booms and nets

Hose Systems
Under-buoy hoses
Offloading hoses
Floating hoses

Buoy Systems


CALM buoys
SPAR buoys
Mid-water arches
Metocean buoys

Renewable Energy

Seabed stability analysis

ROV footprint analysis
Sea fastening design
Aquaculture nets
Carousel and reel loading

Wave power systems

Offshore wind farm installation
Wind turbine modelling
Power cable take-off
Full technical specification and other info can be found at

Efficient pipelay optimisation software

For post-processing, any available variable can be plotted against any other as shown above. As with all our software, the graphs can be copy/pasted into
other applications. Spreadsheet compatible results as shown inset are
obtained at the click of a button.

The above screenshot shows a view of the line, vessel and the constraints imposed. Also
shown is the data form for the line, where the user sets, amongst other data, the relevant
code to check against, and the properties of the line.

Full technical specification and other info can be found at

These screenshots show the data required for running multiple cases in
initiation, lay and laydown stages. For initiation, multiple pipe payout cases
are specified. During lay, multiple water depths and seabed slopes can be
defined, and for laydown, multiple cases of wire payout may be defined.

Optimised Bend Stiffener design

OrcaBend designs the bend

stiffener to meet a range of
user defined loadcases
these are tension-angle
combinations obtained from
a global analysis program
such as OrcaFlex. For each
loadcase it is then possible to
see the deflected shape (as
shown). The two shapes
represent the response of the

This screenshot shows the basic GA of the resulting bend stiffener design. It also shows the
protrusion of the flexible beyond the end of the bend stiffener. OrcaBend checks for bend
radius infringement not only at every point along the bend stiffener, but also in the flexible
just beyond the bend stiffener tip.

Full technical specification and other info can be found at


OrcaBends design solution
(tension-angle combinations)
for two different material
states. The chart presents the
capability of the bend
stiffener, where the solid
lines show the limits of
acceptable performance at
Superimposed are the points
representing each of the
user-defined load cases,
allowing a visual check that
the design satisfies those

For further information, please contact either:


Dave Thomas

Colin Blundell

(Business Development Manager)

(Consultancy Manager)

Tel: +44 (0)1229 584 742 Email: orcina@orcina.com

Web: www.orcina.com
for local technical and sales support agents in
N. America, S. America, Scandinavia, S.E. Asia, Korea and India

At Orcina we have a policy of continual product development in

order to give the best service to our clients. Consequently
products may differ factually from the descriptions herein.
Latest information is maintained on our website.

Orcina Limited
Daltongate Ulverston
Cumbria LA12 7AJ UK
Tel: +44 (0)1229 584 742 Fax: +44 (0)1229 587 191
Email: orcina@orcina.com Web: www.orcina.com

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