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Espaol 1: Examen del Midterm

Interpersonal Speaking & Presentational Speaking

Date of interview:

40 points Total for Speaking

! For this portion of your exam grade you will have an interview in Spanish. Your interview questions may be taken
from the list on the back of this sheet. You will also be asked to describe a picture(s) related to the grammar and
vocabulary topics from this semester.
! You will be responsible for responding in full sentences in Spanish to any of the following 25 questions.
Be prepared to expand on your answer! Please show me what youve learned by using as much vocabulary and
grammar as possible!
! On the day of your interview, you will be asked to respond to at least 3 interpersonal questions and to describe
1 visual/graphic. You will not know your exact questions or see the picture/visual until the time of your interview.
! Each question will be repeated 2 times (if needed) and then you will be expected to respond.
! Each student will interview with a teacher in person or using the RIA tools on the computer.
The interview take approximately 5 minutes.

Rubrica para el examen oral: (20 pts. for Interpersonal/20 pts. for Presentational)




Very fluent, no breaks, no

English is used. You self
correct in Spanish
when needed.
Excellent pronunciation.

Correct grammar. All

grammar points are

Elaborate & complete vocab.

Most vocab that has been
covered is used & extra

Answers are relevant

to the question.
Clear communication of
information with details

Fluent, some breaks.

You are looking for words
Good pronunciation.

Mostly correct grammar.

Complete vocab, but

somewhat basic.

Well presented, you get your

message across.

Some hesitation.
You self-correct in English
Some errors in pronunciation.

Some mistakes in essential

grammar points.

Mostly basic vocab; some

essential vocab is missing.

You communicated your

ideas, but it is vague or
sentences are incomplete.

Many breaks, some English

or "Spanglish" is used.
Many errors in pronunciation.

Several few mistakes.

Missing essential grammar.

Vocab is incorrectly used.

Essential vocab is missing.

Difficult to follow what you

are trying to say. Answers
were not entirely relevant to

Many hesitations or
quiet pauses.
Difficult to understand
due to pronunciation.

Many mistakes, which

interfere with your ability to
express yourself clearly.

Very few vocabulary words You do not get your message

from unit or lesson are used.

Total Points


" Any questions regarding the following questions must be

asked before the day of your interview!

Interpersonal Speaking Questions:


Leccin Preliminar:
Cmo te llamas?
Cmo ests? Qu tal?
Qu tiempo hace?
De dnde eres?
Cul es tu nmero de telfono?
Qu da es hoy?

Unidad 1:
7. Qu te gusta hacer?
8. Te gusta (dibujar)?
9. A quin le gusta jugar al ftbol?
10. Qu te gusta ms, nadar o correr?
11. De qu color son tus ojos?
12. De qu color es tu pelo?
13. Cmo eres t?
14. Cmo es tu mejor amigo?
Unidad 2:
15. Cundo es el almuerzo?
16. A qu hora llegas a la escuela?
17. Cmo es la clase de ingls?
18. Cuntas clases tienes en tu horario?
19. Qu hora es?
20. Adnde vas cuando tienes que estudiar?
21. Adnde vas despus de la clase de espaol?
22. Qu tienes dentro de tu mochila?
23. Qu necesitas para la clase de matemticas?
24. Dnde est la cafetera en la escuela?

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