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Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

BICT Assessment Cover Sheet

Assessment Details:

Semester A 2014-2015

Course No.

GSP 5203

Assessment Title

Assessment 1


Rhea Fitzpatrick


10 %

Due Date

9th Nov, 2014

Course Title Market Yourself


4:00 pm

Student Details:
Student ID


Student Name

Marwa Alsabbagh

By submitting this assessment for marking, either electronically or as hard copy, I confirm the
This assignment is my own work.

Any information used has been properly referenced.

I understand that a copy of my work may be used for moderation.

I have kept a copy of this assignment.


Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Interview.......................................................................................................................................... 4
Independent Research .................................................................................................................... 6
Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 8
APA referencing ............................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix........................................................................................................................................ 10


Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

Teaching is one of the hardest jobs around the world. The teacher needs to have a range of
different skills as well as several qualifications and experience. Also, teachers are responsible of
the building good generations and societies. I choose an ICT teacher job because I like teaching
as well as programming and ICT related subjects. However, this Report will represent required
skills and needed qualifications for teaching job. The information of this report has been
gathered from an interview with Ancy Cheriyan An ICT tutor at Bahrain Polytechnic and a
research from several websites on the internet. The reason of choosing Teaching job is because
teachers build generations, motivating their students by inspiring them and helping them to be
something important at the society.


Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

I interviewed Ancy Cheriyan - an ICT tutor at Bahrain Polytechnic since 2012. She applied for
the job when she heard from her friends about an ICT tutor job vacancy at Bahrain Polytechnic.
The interview was arranged on Monday 20/Oct/2014 - 11.30 A.M at polytechnic Campus. We
spent around 30 minutes at the interview. All my questions were about the job environment
overall and required skills to clearly understand the nature of the job. (Appendix1)
My First question was about the job environment and whether she is working under a boss/
individual or within a team. She clarified that she is working at ICT department under a
manager. At ICT department there are teams and each team has a course coordinator.
Currently, Ancy working with Database tutors team and they have to discuss everything related
to the course they are teaching with their course coordinator. Although she is working with a
team, she works independently as she is teaching her classes and students by herself without
relying on others. Thus, a person needs to be flexible and have the ability of working individual
or with a group. Moreover, from my questions I found that communication skill is the most
important skill for this job. Tutor needs it to communicate with other tutors and students. Also,
self-learning, organizing/planning and time management skills are needed for the job. However,
tutors at polytechnic work 8 hours a day/ 5 days a week and they have 50 days off academic
leave. Also, polytechnic offers insurances for tutors, as well as promotions for this job when the
tutor upgrades him/herself by getting a master or PHD. I also found out that teaching can be a
Career for life and not just a job, for instance the tutor/teacher can be promoted to be a course
coordinator, manager, an assistant professor or a professor. However, a degree/ Master/ PHD
related to ICT field would be needed as an experience for a person to be qualified for this job. In
addition, a language and a previous experiences working before are also important to get this
job. Ancy also has an Oracle certification which helps her to be with Database team. Ancy did
not face any major difficulties or problems at her job but she mentions that issues and problems
are a part of daily life and no one has a life free of problems and issues. The last issue she faced
was last semester with one of her students. The student never submits assignments on time and
he brings excuses about his assignments each time. Other students on his class get angry and
envy this student. Ancy contacts her course coordinator to solve the problem. The coordinator
decided to not giving him any chances there are no excuses will be accepted. Thus, a person
needs to have the ability to solve any problems he/she faced in a-correct way. However, from

Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

the interview I found that any previous-job/experience would be helpful to improve and
enhance someones personality. Because of her previous and current job, she has improves her
professionalism, being more organized, knows how to deal with different cultures and learned
how to read students eyes and faces to realize whether they get what she is teaching or not. In
addition, she mentions that teaching is one of the best jobs because students usually give
feedback, communicate and appreciate their tutors, while most of other jobs missing this
communication feature. Lastly, Ancy said that she loves her job as well as her independently at
her work and she mention that she can easily balance between her own-life and job.


Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

Independent Research
I researched on many websites about teaching and I found that teaching is one of the most
stressful Careers. The teacher needs to have a range of different skills to be suitable for this hard
job. Most of other jobs focus on a small range of personal skills and depend on the person
knowledge and how well the person is smart and good at the field while teaching job depends
on both; personal skills and his/her knowledge. From my research i found that most websites
agreed that communication and leadership skills are the most important skills for teachers
(TeacherCertification, 2014). Teachers must enjoy helping others and behave well to be a good
example for their pupils. Tutors need to know how to communicate with their pupils, other
tutors and pupils parents. Also, they need to know how to control and be patient with their
students. Most teenagers and kids are Kinetic and naughty, thus controlling would be highly
needed so the teacher can teach and students concentrate well. To control, the teacher requires
being confidence because standing in-front of group of students needs an amount of courage
and confidence (TeacherCertification, 2014). Moreover, a person required to be organized and
have the ability to plan collectively to be a good teacher. A good teacher must know how to
build good relationships with others as well as motivating and inspiring them. One teacher said
I became a real teacher because one day a student got a head of me. Therefore, being a
motivating, helping and inspiring others would make a person become a real and good teacher
(Monk, 2012). I also found that creativity and imagination is a key to make the teacher unique,
special and efficient. Creativity can help the teacher to create and invent new and different
teaching styles by using different materials. At the end, enjoying being with young people and
enjoying the subject helps the teacher to love his/her job more.
In order to be an ICT teacher, a degree relevant to ICT sector is needed as well as a teaching
qualification. Also, an evidence of continuing professional development is required. In term of
experience, the person should have a language e.g. English/Arabic, successful experience of
teaching and an evidence of excellent teaching and classrooms management (teacher
Certification, 2014). Also, there will be more chances to be an ICT tutor when the person
develop and enhance his/her knowledge by getting more certifications related to ICT such as
ICDL, oracle certifications and knowing many computer languages. However, in many cases a
person needs to be trained for few months or a semester before being a teacher to be examined
and being sure if he/she can handle the job well. (O net Online, 2012)

Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

There are many similarities between Ancy and the research findings, maybe because Ancy is a
good teacher and she knows exactly what this job required. She has the same qualifications
experience, language, and a degree. The reason of that is teaching job has static qualifications
around the world as it is one of the oldest jobs. However, Ancy and the research agreed that
communication and management are important skills for teachers because their knowledge
would be useless without communication between them and their tutors and it is the key skills
that connect between both actors (teachers/students), while managing is needed by teachers to
manage and plan courses, time, exams and spent each minute with student usefully.
However, the research shows additional skills like controlling, being confidence, patient and
creativity. The reason of this is might Ancy mentions specific skills because she usually focus on
those skills and she is trying to develop these skills in her personality, while she has the other
extra skills from the research but she is not aware of them because sometimes some of our
skills became a second nature/ habit for us. Thus, Ancy did not mention leadership, controlling
and creativity because they are parts of her character. Additional skills from research are
important as communication is important. For instance, teachers knowledge would be useless if
he/she could not control the class/students.
From my interview, Ancy focused a lot on the communication skills and social part related to
this job, also she highlights the way of teaching as an important key for teaching job while most
of websites I found did not mention this as a requirement. The reason of that, Ancy was talking
about her experience and the important thing she likes at this job while websites usually shows
an overview about jobs. However, I completely agree with Ancy because no matter how smart
and good you are at a specific subject, and how many certifications and computer-languages do
you know, you may not defined as a good teacher if you dont have the ability to reach the
information/knowledge for someone else.
After the interview and research I found an important fact about teaching job; one skill can
make a huge difference and define a person as a bad or good teacher. Leadership, control,
confidence, patient, motivate, communication and time management would not be enough
without having the ability of giving the knowledge for someone else. Also, without having a
controlling skill, the rest of skills and knowledge would not help the person to be a good
teacher. Therefore, teaching is one of the hardest jobs and it requires a full package of skills and

Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

After the research and the interview I found that teaching is a demanding and a hard Career. It
requires many skills and a good knowledge. However, one year later I would have a degree
related to ICT field; therefore I would need a teaching certification to be qualified for this job. I
will enroll at Education collage at Bahrain for one semester to get the teaching certification.
After that, the collage would train me for a few semesters, therefore I would get fulfill the
experience requirement. Also, I have two languages and I usually teach some of my relatives
many subjects for their schools which make me realize that I can be a teacher because I can
explain information for them.
Based on Career voyage test, Teacher-Special Education/Support and RehabilitationCounselor are suitable jobs for my personality as I am a social person and like to help and
motivate people.
Moreover, while studying at Bahrain Polytechnic I worked individually, group with teammembers from my choice and teams members I did not choose, I discover that I am a flexible
person and I can work on my own as well as with others which would help me at teaching. The
reason of that, the nature of teaching job required flexibility skill as the tutor would work with a
team and teach individually. However, I think I am suitable for this job as I am a social person
and I have a range of skills such as; time management, motivated, communication, leadership,
patient and creativity. Because practice makes perfect my skills would enhanced through
experience therefor I will try teaching strange people this year to verify my ability of explaining
information, controlling and the other required skills.

At the end, what encourages me to think about this job is that teaching is one of the Nobel jobs.
I can give what I have and mostly love for others. Seeing people developing and learning on your
hands is a great approach. Teachers are building generations by raising, motivating and giving
them the knowledge they need. Moreover, teaching can be a career for life and usually it does
not effect on teachers personal life, therefore I can have balance in my life.


Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

APA referencing
ICT Teacher job description. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2014, from
Job Details for Assistant Teacher (Head Start). (2014, January 1). Retrieved October 29,
2014, from

Monk, C. (2012, April 24). ICT teachers need to focus on the teaching, not on the ICT.
Retrieved from
Nine Useful Skills for Teachers. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2014, from
Summary Report of Teacher Assistants. (2012, January 1). Retrieved October 26, 2014,


Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

List of Questions:

Have you worked before?

Yes. I was a tutor in a small institution.

Current Job:
1. Describe work environment overall (under a boss? Individual or with team )
I am working at ICT department under a manager. At ICT department there is a
team for Database tutors and each team has a course coordinator. We need to
discuss everything related to the course we are teaching with our course
coordinator. Although I am working within a team, I work independently as I am
teaching my classes and students by myself without relying on others.

2. What skills required for this job?

# Communication
# Self learning
# Time Management
# Creativity

3. What problems/ difficulties you faced at your current job? How did you
overcome these problems/difficulties?
I did not really face any major problems at my job. However, I faced a small issue
with a student I had last semester. The student never submits assignments on time,
and then the student brings excuses each time. Other students on his class gets
angry envy this student. I contact with my course coordinator to solve the
problem. The coordinator decided to not giving him any chances there are no
excuses will be accepted.

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Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

4. How many working hours at your job? How many Holidays you have per
year (approximately)?
8 hours a day/ Friday and Saturday off. 50 days academic leave.

5. Are there any promotions offered at your job?

Yes. You have promotions when you upgrade (do degree, master, and PHD)

6. Are there Health insurance offered from your company or any other types of
Yes, there is.

7. What kind of experience a person needs to be qualified for this job?

You need to know how to explain things to students.
Even if we know the language well, at times what I tell you, you might not
It is about giving the knowledge to someone else.

Oracle certification.

A degree related to IT / Master / PHD.

8. There is a chance to be promoted? ((many kind of jobs are not good to be a

Career for life - waiters))
Yes, it is suitable to be a Career for life. Can be Assistant professor and professor

9. From your perspective: What are the best things of your job?
I can be independent in the sense. I just need to know the subject and teach.

Should always keep on track

Get to know a lot of students better social life. You feel good when see your
students at good positions and had feedback from them. They appreciate you and
give feedback and had a good relationship

10. Can you balance between your job and your own life? Or is it difficult?
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Marwa Alsabbagh - 201101638

Oct 2014 Market Yourself

Yes, as long as you manage and plan your time and work.

11. Lastly, while working at this job what have you learned/gained?

Improve professionalism.

Being more organized

How do you deal with different cultures

Better standing of teaching (traditional way, poly is all about practical)

Understanding the sense (the level of your students)

Mingle with different cultures of students

Can read the students faces and release if they get what I teach or not.

12. Do any of your previous jobs help you at your current job?
Yes, all previous jobs no matter what job is it help people to improve their
personalities and selves.

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