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The study analogue highhigh-temperature heat generator Rossi

Parkhomov Alexander G. Paper presented at the seminar "Cold

fusion and Fireballs" in the People's Friendship University
December 25, 2014
High-temperature reactor Rossi The internal structure of the reactor The
author does not disclose. Appearance - cylinder Al based ceramics 2 0 3 2
cm diameter, length 20 cm protrusions improvers convective heat transfer.
On both sides of this cylinder ends with two Round tip of the same
diameter ceramic 4 cm 4 cm. On the tip are the conclusions of the three
heaters heat-resistant alloy "Inconel". In one of the ferrules has a hole
diameter of 4 mm. Through this hole being downloaded fuel. Once loaded
into the ceramic plug is inserted into the hole in which mounted
thermocouple probe hole is sealed aluminous cement

Increasing the power to the heating continued until the average surface
temperature of the reactor is not reached in 1260 about C in heater power
consumption of 810 watts. Operation in this mode lasted almost 10 days.
After that, the power was raised up to 900 watts. As a result, within a
few minutes the reactor temperature increased to 1400 about C. Further
work took place at about the power of electric heating 900 W up to a prescheduled time off (32 days after the reactor fuel ). Brief description
of the test reactor Rossi In the first stage for 23 hours the reactor was
operated without fuel, which made ??calibration measurements after This
fuel was loaded weight of about 1 g, which has the form fine powder, and
incorporated gradually rising heat.

Rossi reactor during the test on each side are three ceramic tube with
wires on which brings the power required for the preliminary heating the

Determination of the heat capacity, produced by the reactor Detailed

description of the ways to solve this problem of determining of the heat
produced in the statement given special attention. Produced power was
determined by measuring the temperature surface using a thermal reactor,
and based on this base energy loss due to radiation and convection. To
achieve this method had special calibration measurements reactor without
fuel heated by electric current. Calculations are made ?? for 16 annular
ones for consecutive two-second slots

The results of measurements and calculations of experts, Observe the

operation of the reactor Rossi Averaged over 2 day power consumed reactor
electricity (Top) power heat reactor over consumed electricity (in
middle) power ratio total heat to capacities consumed electricity
(Bottom). Registered excess heat on electricity consumption by 3.2 times
at 1250 about C and 3.6 times in at 1400 about S.

Analyses led to the following conclusions. Initial fuel mainly composed

of nickel powder as a granule size of several microns, having a natural
isotopic composition. Besides nickel is detected in the fuel admixture
Li, Al, Fe, and H. The ratio of Li and Al content corresponds to a
molecule lithium aluminum hydride Li [AlH 4 ]. Detect the presence of O
and C. The analysis showed the presence of mind, but did not notice the
presence of deuterium. Number of most elements differ significantly
across the granules. Spent fuel pellets has a different type than fuel
original. Elemental and isotopic composition of the granules is
different, so do not However, it is obvious that the isotopic composition
of Li and Ni in the spent fuel radically different from the measured
isotopic composition of the original fuel.

The isotopic composition of lithium and nickel in the source and spent
fuel (%), Measured by ToF-SIMS and ICP-MS, as well as natural isotope
ratio of these elements. The original fuel Spent fuel Nature ToF-SIMS

The ratio of the isotopes of lithium and nickel in the fuel source is
practically differs from the natural.
2. In the spent fuel has significantly increased the relative content 6
Li and decreased content 7 Li. 3. In the spent fuel greatly reduce the
content of all the isotopes nickel, except 62 Ni. The content of the
isotope increased from 3.6% to 99%.
What's inside the reactor at high Rossi temperature. When heated, the
decomposition of lithium aluminum hydride. 1 g of lithium aluminum
hydride 0.105 g ??allocates 1.17 liters of hydrogen, or (Under normal
conditions) Assuming the interior of the reactor - channel 4 mm in
diameter cavity volume of about 2 ml. 100 mg of lithium aluminum hydride
allocates about 100 ml hydrogen under normal conditions. If 100 ml
squeeze 2 ml, the pressure increase up to 50 atmospheres. Additional
growth pressure associated with heating. Therefore, when the temperature
1000 about C in a sealed capsule reactor Rossi pressure strand 100
atmospheres. At temperatures typical for working reactor Rossi, nickel
mixed with molten aluminum and lithium is in a hydrogen atmosphere and
lithium vapor. Balance air, reacting hydrogen, and lithium aluminum forms
a small admixture of nitrogen and ammonia, and oxides and nitrides
lithium and aluminum.

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that high-temperature reactor

Rossi, in fact, just sealed heat-resistant ceramic cement tube in which
the nickel powder LAH addition of about 10% by weight. To initiation of
the process tube to be heated to temperature 1200 - 1400 about S. If this
assumption is true, to create analogue Rossi reactor, it is necessary to
create a device withstand high pressures at high temperature inside the
powder mixture comprising nickel and lithium aluminum hydride. This
problem Rossi decided ingeniously simple, without the traditional bolts
flanges and seals.The design of the reactor For the manufacture of
reactors used tubes Al ceramics 2 O 3 length 120 mm an outer diameter of
10 mm and an inner diameter of 5 mm. Wound on the tube electric heaters.
Inside the tube is 1 g Powder Ni + 10% Li [Al H 4 ]. On the outer surface
tube contacts thermocouple. The ends of the tube are sealed heatresistant cement. Likewise coated cement the entire surface of the
reactor. Photo of the reactor, prepared for the experiment

Measurement of heat released The reactor is closed metal vessel. This

vessel is immersed. When the water boils part of its leaves as a vapor.
By measuring the decrease of water, the well-known the value of the heat
of vaporization it is easy to calculate the separated heat. Correction
for heat loss through the insulation can be calculated as cooling rate
after shutdown reactor. Used by experts at verification technique for
reactor Rossi based on thermal readings too complex. In this experiment,
used a methodology based on the amount of water boiled out. This
technique worked and repeatedly verified in experiments Yu.N.Bazhutova.

During operation of the reactor removed the cover from the thermal
insulation and the vessel reactor
Complex equipment From left to right: the power supply of the reactor,
the meter count rate meter Geiger, ammeter, signal amplifier thermocouple
temperature indicator reactor, a computer recorder PCLAB-2000 digital
voltmeter. Right reactor in the calorimeter. On the cover - a Geiger
counter SI-8B, on the side surface dosimeter DC-02. In the background - a
computer that registers the temperature in the recorder mode reactor and
the count rate of a Geiger counter.

Temperature change in the heating process The power supplied to the

heater stepwise varied from 25 to 500 watts. Tysyachegradusny level was
overcome after 5 hours of heating. On the same diagram shows the count
rate Geiger counter SI-8B. This counter responsive to alpha, beta, gamma
and X-rays. It is seen that all during heating, the radiation situation
is not very different from the background. A slight increase in

temperature is noticeable only about 600 and 1,000 about C. Follow

studies have shown that this chance or regularity. Dosimeter DK-02 is not
found during the experiment set dose within the measurement error (5 MP)

There is shown in more detail in the temperature change of the heating

power 300, 400 and 500 watts. It can be noted that for the same heat
output there is a gradual increase in temperature, particularly strong in
the last site. At the end of the site with the highest temperature is the
temperature oscillation. This section ends with the termination of
electric heating as a result of Heater burnout. Thereafter, at the
temperature for 8 minutes kept at nearly 1,200 about C, and then begins
to fall sharply. Is This indicates that in the reactor at this time heat
is produced at kilowatt without any electric heating. Thus, heat
generated from the already seen that the reactor is capable of generating
a lot of heat in excess of electric heating.

Determination of the extracted heat and coefficient of thermal At

temperatures of 1150 about C and 1200 -1300

about With the heat of the reactor greatly exceeds the energy consumed.
During his time at These conditions (90 minutes) of electricity consumed
in excess produced about 3 MJ or 0.83 kilowatt-hours of energy.
Calculations made ??for three modes of operation with a temperature of
about 1000 about C about 1150 about C and 1200 - 1300 about From
Output Experiments with analogue high-temperature heat source Rossi,
loaded with a mixture of nickel and lithium aluminum hydride, showed that
temperatures of about 1100 about C or higher. This device does produce
more energy than it consumes.

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