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CITY OF SOUTH EUCLID, o1110 RESOLUTION NO.:_ 69-14 December 22, 2014 INTRODUCED BY: — Miller REQUESTED BY: _Miller ARESOLUTION A RESOLUTION PUBLICLY CENSURING AND ADMONISHING ‘COUNCIL MEMBERS EDWARD ICOVE AND RUTH GRAY. FOR VIOLATING THE RULES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH EUCLID REGARDING THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF DISCUSSIONS HELD WHILE IN EXECUTIVE SESSION, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY ‘WHEREAS, the Council ofthe City of South Buclid, pursuant to Section 4 “Council “Meetings” of Article I! “The Council” of the Charter of the City of South Euclid and Section 121.22 (G) — “Public Moetings-Excoptions” of the Ohio Revised Code, may hold an executive session of City Council regarding certain permissible topics; and WHEREAS, its « well recognized rule ofthe Council ofthe City of South Bucid that ‘matters diseussed in executive session are confidential and not subject to discussion outside of the cexceutive session; and WHEREAS, in the absence ofa written rule regarding such procedure, and pursuant to ‘Ohio Administrative Code Section 111,22 “Absence of Rule,” Robert’s Rules of Order apply upon ‘any matter of procedure of this Council; and WHEREAS, per Rule “60 Disciplinary Procedures” of Robert's Rules of Order itis. ‘understood that members are required to be of honorable character and reputation and may heve codes of ethics to enforce and to refrain from conduct injurious to the organization or is purposes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Rule 9 “Executive Session” of Robest’s Rules of Onder, “a ‘member ean be punished under disciplinary procedure 60 ifhe/she violates the secrecy of an ‘executive session; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of South Euclid held an executive session of Council ‘on November 24, 2014 for the purpose of discussing pending court action; and WHEREAS, after ssid executive session Councilman Teove contacted a member ofthe ‘media and did diselose to that person the subject matter ofthe discussion in executive session in ‘lear violation ofthe rules ofthe Council of the City of South Euclid and Robert's Rules of Ordes; and WHEREAS, atthe Council mosting on December 8, 2014 Councilwoman Gray did publicly disclose the subject matter ofthe discussion in executive session held on November 24, 2014 in eleer violation of the rules ofthe Council of the City of South Euclid and Robert's Rules of Order; and WHEREAS, itis the desire ofthe majority of the Council ofthe City of South Euclid to formally censure and admonish Councilman Edward Ieove and Councilwoman Ruth Gray for violating the rules ofthis Council and Robert’s Rules of Order for disclosing the confidential {iscussions held by this body in the executive session on November 24, 2014 to individuals ‘outside ofthe council membership, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of South Euclid, Ohio: ‘That Councilman Edward Teove and Councilwoman Ruth Gray are hereby formally censured and admonished for violating the rules of the Council of the City of South Buclia and Rober’s Rules of Order for publicly disclosing and discussing matters deemed Confidential as discussed in the executive session of the Council of the City of South Euclid, Ohio ‘on November 24, 2014, Section 2: That tis hereby found and determined that all formal ation ofthis Counel conceming and resting fo the pastage ofthis Resolution were adopted in an open meeting of tis CCounct, an that all deibrations ofthis Counc and any ofits committees on or afar November 2, 1975, tat resulted in such formal action were in mestings open. tothe pubic in compliance ‘wih all legal requirements, including Secon 121 2 ofthe Ohio Revised Code. ‘Section 3; Wherefore this Resolution shall tke effet and be in force from and after the ‘earliest period allowed by law and upon signature ofthe Mayor. Passed this___22na___day of__ecamber 42014. SD) aust B Mths David B. Miller, President of Council Welo, Mayor

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