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Practical Paper - Watershed Hydrology ( CE 204 )

Marks 20




Date: 10/12/2014

Roll Number

Lysimeter is used to measure

(a) Infiltration
(b) Evaporation
(c) Evapotranspiration
(d) Vapor pressure
Influent streams are
(a) more common in arid regions
(b) more common in humid regions
(c) only found in areas of permafrost
(d) sinkhole
The average annual rainfall over the whole of India is estimated as
a) 189cm
b) 319cm
c) 89cm
d) 119cm
The surface Run-off is the quantity of water
a) intercepted by buildings and vegetative cover
b) that reaches the stream channels
c) absorbed by soil
d) required to fill surface depressions
Pick up the correct equation from the following
a) Run off = Surface run off + Ground water flow
b) Run off = Surface run off - Ground water flow
c) Run off = Surface run off x Ground water flow
d) Run off = Surface run off / Ground water flow
The Double mass curve technique is adopted to
a) Check the consistency of rain gauge records
b) To find the average rainfall over a number of years
c) To find number of rain gauge required
d) To estimate the missing rainfall data
The mass curve rainfall of a storm is a plot of
a) Rainfall depths for various equal durations plotted in decreasing order
b) Rain fall intensity vs time in chronological order
c) Accumulated rainfall intensity vs time
d) Accumulated precipitation vs time in chronological order.
A plot between rainfall intensity versus time is called as
a) Hydrograph
b) Mass curve
c) Hyetograph
d) Isohyets
The Thiessen polygon is
a) A polygon obtained by joining adjoining rain gauge stations
b) A representative area used for weighing the observed station precipitation
c) An area used in the construction of depth-area curves
d) The descriptive term for the shape of a hydrograph.
An isohyets is a line joining points having
a) Equal evaporation value
b) Equal barometric pressure
c) Equal height above the MSL
d) Equal rainfall depth in a given duration
The standard height of a standard rain gauge, is
a) 10 cm
b) 20 cm
c) 30 cm
d) 40 cm
Precipitation caused by lifting of an air mass due to the pressure difference, is called
(a) convective precipitation
(b) cyclonic precipitation
(c) orographic precipitation
(d) None of these

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