Core Competencies of Whirlpool

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Core competencies of Whirlpool:


Innovation :competitive advantage

Operational excellence :continuous improvement of the product & process
Customer excellence : excelling customer expectations
Strong Global Leadership

Innovation training / education programs:

Build an ecosystem of activities supporting Innovation including: unstructured time,
innovation jams, training, lean start-ups, innovation awards, and innovation tools.
Expanding the resources and activities associated with their innovation programs to form
fully developed corporate ecosystems that support and drive innovation.
Encouraging innovative thinking throughout the organization. Here are the examples to
train their employees around innovation
1) Send them out to practice their new skills within the organization (cross functional).
2) Access to funding pool for new idea development
3) Exclusive access to materials, reports and information
4) Exclusive challenges/ contests
5) Networking groups and forums (such as an annual conference)
6) University collaborations and knowledge hubs
7) Incubation Centres

Global leadership Training and development

Whirlpool Enterprise is a global organization that focuses on each attribute in the leadership
model and includes a 360-degree assessment based on the attributes for each participant.
Present them with most pressing business issue and develop a 100-day plan to resolve it,
which will reinforce classic leadership development and provide additional feedback for the
development of next level global leaders.

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