EXAMPLE: She Has Cleaned The House

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1. Jill is having her birthday party next week. She has to do a lot of things today. Here is her list.

She has ticked what she has already done. Write in complete sentences what she has done and
what she hasnt done yet.
EXAMPLE: She has cleaned the house.
Clean the house

Do the shopping
Phone Granny

Buy new plates

Visit Jane
Help Mum with the housework

2. Complete the sentences, using the Present perfect Simple form of the verbs in brackets:
EXAMPLE: They have had a good game of tennis. (have)
a. Steveany cake. (not eat)
b. SomebodyMikes camera. (break)
c. Kate..a lot all evening. (dance)
d. They.the windows. (open)
e. Weany new friends at the party. (not make)

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