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Tomica Radivojevic, 080827, A


Learn Present Perfect

Teach Present Perfect
Asking and talking about things you have

Time Activity
Engage Ss
T-Ss, solo (S-S, SSS-SSS)
T speaks about his/her travels, what places he/she has been to, his/her achievements, talks
about his/her and gives texts about living famous people with their achievements. The Ss
need to guess which celebrity it is. They can also work in pairs or groups. T circulates and
helps where necessary.
Time Activity
Ss Study
T points out the form from the text and asks an S to try and explain the form and think of
the use. T writes the uses and form on the BB.
Anticipated problems and solutions:
The Ss cant guess the rule out of the previous activity T can hint (or tell alternatively)
the answer.
Time Activity
Activate & engage Ss
T makes Ss talk about their experience, what they have done, where they have been to,
what score they have achieved (in some competition). To make things engaging, an S
says one sentence and whichever S has done (or wants to do the same) makes his/her own
(new) achievement. T supervises the production and chooses the way to correct the
mistake depending on the situation. The point is to get most of the Ss produce at least one
sentence to check comprehension.
Anticipated problems and solutions:
Too complicated for Ss T can help out by pointing at the board.
Time Activity
Activate & engage Ss
The same activity only in random groups up to four or five. The Ss may choose their
group according to previous activity because of the interests. It is a good way of getting
to know one another. That way there is no problem with forming groups. T circulates and
helps where necessary.
Anticipated problems and solutions:
T cannot supervise all groups The groups are big and he is able to check most of them

and there is also peer correction

Only one or two Ss have production T can prevent that by making an (randomly chosen
after the activity) S report about his/her group.
T has extra time all this time can be spent for this activity for it is used to crystalise the
form along with its use. This time may be used for reporting back to the class about S
peers and their achievements.
Homework T suggests the Ss to play I have never when having a party
Materials text about celebrities

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