Season's Greetings 2014

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Karin Richter Fine Art

Seasons Greetings 2014

Calgary by Night, Photograph

I have looked over a few older newsletters of mine and noticed

that I always seem to start with a comment about the weather!
Isnt that curious? I guess weather is more on our minds than we
think. How much of what we do is shaped by the weather? It is a
reported and researched fact that Canadians complain more
about the weather than any other winter nation. Other countries
such as Norway and Sweden celebrate the cold season but
Canadians dont seem to be able to embrace it. The reason could
very well be the fact that as a young nation a lot of us aliens
come from milder climates and we might need a few generations
before it becomes natural to us! I actually love winter minus the
driving challenges of course. To me light and snow are just two

irresistible combinations and I never leave home without my


Karins Backyard, Photographs

Like squirrels, winter is the time where we feed off and process
what we gather during the other three seasons. I like to be in my
studio overlooking the sleeping yard and browse through my
reference material, a quiet time when ideas for paintings and
shows become reality.
Artists are always travelling in their minds, even when they just stay in the studio doing
nothing (Takashi Nakazato)

Snow paintings are also some of my favourites. Winter Blanket,

Acrylic 12x14 was recently chosen by the Toronto Printing
House for their Charitable Greeting Card Campaign which raises
funds for important causes in Canada.

My images have graced

their cards on several occasions and I am proud to be part of it.
Talking about cards, it is quite a phenomena. In this day and age,
I am always surprised and elated to see how many people buy
cards to send personal messages. It certainly helps us artists to
showcase our art and people love receiving a card specifically
chosen for them.
The end of the year always lends itself to reflection. Did we
accomplish what we set out to do? Did anything got scratched off
the bucket list? I hope that is the case for you personally. When
you look at the world, however, it seems we are taking one step
forward and two steps back. I often wonder how relevant art is
when there is so much sorrow around us. How do artists process
this kind of news? Many insist that we need more beauty in this
world and therefore paint beautiful paintings meant to uplift the
soul. Others feel compelled to depict the horror or make their art
into a statement hoping to invoke a response. I do have great
respect for artists using their art as a vehicle for change but
somehow I am not that kind of artist. I need beauty to remind me
of the incredible world we live in, I like to see hands that shape,
hold a brush, mould the clay and chisel the stone to celebrate the
wonder that is creation. Beauty elicits an emotional response. It

has the ability to uplift and give hope. Art is in that enviable
position produced from the heart - given to the world to bring joy
and deep connection on every level. I would like to share this
poem by Mike Svob which reflects my sentiment exactly:
The energy of colour,
The reason to create
To stir an emotion
Of a time and a space
The life long adventure
To slow down the pace
To capture the moment
A person, a place
Let the work open your soul
To this visual state.

There are certainly changes in the art world, we all feel it. There is
a movement called Art is Dead but also a counter movement to
bring back painting. Artists are also now finally claiming
remuneration for their contribution to the culture they live in. Has
the Artist Been Paid is a fight that has recently been won at the
Supreme Court of Canada by CARFAC (Canadian Artists
Representation). The agreement outlines minimum standards for
how the National Gallery of Canada will pay artists for exhibitions,
use of images etc. This will surely have wide-reaching effects.

When planning your activities for the New Year, do consult my

website to see what I have scheduled. My next painting holiday to
the Lot Valley in France is now a reality and there are a few spots
left. If you are interested, check or
contact me directly. This is truly a place to soothe the soul. The
food is renowned to be exceptional. Le Vieux Couvent has

comfortable accommodations and a lovely setting. We have 24hour access to their studios and will paint/sketch plein air in the
quaint villages and surrounding countryside.

I am also pleased to announce that after a successful run for the

benefit of Ducks Unlimited Canada, I am now able to sell my
artist-proof prints to the general public. The lithograph is a limited
edition, full size at 12 x 24:

Quiet Bay Pastel

My last show Soul Summits which was recently on view at the

Rosebud Theatre is now moving on to the Kerry Wood Nature
Centre in Red Deer, Alberta where it will be featured for the
month of January

View Through the Trees, Acrylic 12x16

I am also now represented by Candler Art Gallery in Camrose,

Alberta. I am honoured to be featured on their ad in the upcoming
spring issue of Galleries West Magazine:

My website has all my updated workshops and classes listed and

my blog keeps you updated on current happenings like exhibitions
as well as this newsletter.
Best wishes for a peaceful celebration whatever kind it may
be and a very Happy New Year!


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