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Lesson Plan:

Subject: English language arts
Theme: Terry Fox reflection

Date: 25th, September 2014

Time: During ELA
Duration: 90 mins

Cycle Level: Cycle 2- Grade 3

By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:

Group Size

26 students

Learn more about reflective thinking and writing


Terry Fox Video

Topic Stencil (p. 3)
Topic Stencil adapted (p. 4-6)

Subject Specific Competency:

Competency 2: To write self-expressive, narrative and information based texts

Cross Curricular Competencies:

Competency 3: To exercise critical judgment
Competency 9: To communicate appropriately

Teacher competency to work on:

Competency 6: To plan, organize, and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students learning and
social development.

Have the children write homework in their agendas and then move on to D.E.A.R. Check
agendas for correctly written homework and notes from mom or dad.


Ask the students to put their books away and clear their desks. Once I have all of the
students attention and no one is talking, tell the students that if they behave on their best
behavior, towards the middle of class they will have a chance to work in groups that I pick.
This will give them an incentive to not be chatty. Invite the students to walk quietly over to
the reading floor. Tell them that the Terry Fox Run is approaching and today we will be
reminding ourselves of who Terry Fox is and trying to relate our life to his.
Play the 4 min. video from YouTube:
(This video describes Terrys journey beginning from the moment he was
diagnosed with bone cancer. His inspiration, determination, and courage allowed
him to run a marathon across Canada)
Take 1 or 2 minutes to summarize the video and ask the children if they need any


The children can remain seated on the floor for the next part of the lesson. Show the

PowerPoint presentation, which will help guide the following group discussion. I will be
guiding the discussion, giving and asking for lots of examples from each slide so the
children have a good idea of what each question means.

In order to reinforce the meaning of these questions even more and to allow the students to
do some reflective thinking and discussing, I will separate the students into the same
groups as they worked on in science. I will ask them to go to the same places in the
classroom where they worked for science. They will have to discuss which question they
can relate to the most and means the most to them. Tell them to pick a subject/question that
could write and reflect about it later.
Before sending the students I will tell them:
They will have about 10 minutes to discuss.
Everyone should have a turn to talk and tell their story to their classmates.
They should offer help and suggestions to the person talking.
And they need to keep a respectable tone or group work will end.
Discussion questions will be posted on the smart board as well as on the handout they will
receive before they go into groups.
2-3 minutes before group work is over, I will go to each group and tell them to wrap up
their discussion in order to get them ready for the transition.


Have the students return to their desks and take out their reflection journal. Have them glue
their stencil on the teacher page. Guide them by opening a word document on the smart
board, how to write the date in short form and then fly across the margin to write their
name. Then tell them they will be writing a reflection. Explain what a reflection is. They
can respond to one of the subjects written on the stencil.
Students will write in their journal till Library.

Adaptations: For students that have more difficulty printing, I will give them the choice of
choosing a stencil with sentence starters. I will walk around the class while children are
writing and help the students who have trouble getting out their ideas while also making
sure they are on track.
Reflection: The kids had a lot of good ideas following the examples I gave them, which
we spoke about during our discussion. They also asked interesting questions connected to
the video. The map I had posted on the PowerPoint slide helped to explain these
questions. Once I handed out the stencils to the children, they began to write their entire
reflection in the small space I had provided for them. I had to clarify that they only had to
write their main points on this page, and their reflection would be written in their
reflection journal. With some guidance, the children were successful in writing their

Terry Fox Stencil
Choose one topic and write notes during your discussion.

1. Do you know someone you were close to that was affected by cancer? Who?
How did it affect you/ make you feel?
How did you get through this difficult time?
What was your best memory with this person?
My_____________________was/is affected by cancer ____________________

2. Who is an inspiration in your life and why?

How did he/she inspire you?
How do you wish to follow in his/her footsteps?
A person that inspires me is_______________________because _____________

3. When have you felt determined and why?

What were you doing?
What did you do to reach your goal?
How did you feel when you reached your goal?
I was determined when ______________________________________________

Name: ___________________
Terry Fox Stencil
1. Do you know someone you were close to that was affected
by cancer? Who?
How did it affect you/ make you feel?
How did you get through this difficult time?
What was your best memory with this person?
My___________________________________was/is affected by cancer.
This made me feel____________________________________________
I got through this difficult time by _______________________________
My favorite memory with this person is/was _______________________


2. Who is an inspiration in your life and why?

How did he/she inspire you?
How do you wish to follow in his/her footsteps?
A person that inspires me is_____________________because ___________

3. When have you felt determined and why?

What were you doing?
Who helped you reach your goal?
What did you do to reach your goal?
How did you feel when you reached your goal?
I felt very determined when I _____________________________________
My _____________________________________helped me reach my goal.
This person helped me by_________________________________________
This made me feel______________________________________________

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