Abdulla Ali 20900550 Assessment 1 Part 1

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Assessment Cover Sheet

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Assessment Title

Assessment 1 Part 1

Programme Title:

Bachelor in international Logistics Management

Course No.:

GSP 5203

Course Title:

Market Your Self

Student Name:

Abdulla Ali

Student ID:



Eman Al Shamlawi

Due Date:


Date submitted:


By submitting this assessment for marking, either electronically or as hard copy, I confirm the

This assignment is my own work

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Do not write below this line. For Polytechnic use only.


Date of Marking:

Abdulla Ali 20900550

............................................................................... 1
The Job: .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Interview ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Research ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Job Title and description ................................................................................................................................ 5
Skills & Traits required for the job: ................................................................................................................ 5
Comparison (research to interview findings): ................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion: Analysis of my qualifications for the job, With examples .............................................................. 7
My qualifications so far:................................................................................................................................. 7
Academic:................................................................................................................................................... 7
Work Experience: ....................................................................................................................................... 7
My skills:......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Academic/career: ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Personal: .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Abdulla Ali 20900550

The Job:
Title: Hotel Sales Manager/Director
Why: I have always been interested in the Hospitality industry, specifically the Hotel business.
Whenever I visit a Hotel with my family, I get to share a new experience from my stay. Everything
seems much more interesting in a hotel; and the service, the food, the rooms. And the residents
are always treated with great kindness; thereby ensuring their full satisfaction when they leave.
To better analyze the job and get a thorough understanding on a hotel sales managers working
experience; I have decided to request an interview from Ms. Fowzia Zubari, Director of sales in
Gulf Hotel; a 5 star hotel located in Adliya, Manama. She was the first ever female Bahraini in
Hotel Management. She has worked and served for the Gulf hotel for more than 25 years (1986),
and has started from the entry position. She entered with a college degree, which is the same
point where I am at the moment thereby making her a perfect source of information. We decided
to sit down at a nearby coffee shop on the afternoon of the 9 th of November, as it would provide a
much quiet and comfortable surrounding for an interview. The following is the findings from her
Why become a Hotel Sales manager? Ms. Fowzia describes, that unlike other jobs being a Hotel
Sales manager involves moving around, visiting and meeting new people in person, rather than
just sit at the desk all day.
The main Job functions and responsibilities of a Sales Manager in a hotel involve creating new
business opportunities and bringing in revenue for the Hotel, by continuously reaching out to
more customers. Each sales manager has a sales target to reach (Ex: Number of rooms/month or
monthly and annual revenue produced to the hotel.), and or a sector to focus on (government,
sports, airlinesetc.)
You have to maintain strong relationships with main customers (companies and individuals), and
follow up on their service feedback and maintain their satisfaction and loyalty.
You start as a sales representative and work your way up by; developing your communication and
management skills, as well as increasing the number of loyal clients you generate for the hotel.
The higher you reach; the more valuable youll become to the hotel.

Abdulla Ali 20900550

Skills & Traits

According to Ms. Fowzia; much of the skills and traits required involve interpersonal and
communication skills, its all about presentation. You have to look nice and appear professional,
speak clearly and confidently, be very persuasive with the client and close the deal. The job
requires you to make a personal connection with the customer, and work with them and
understand their point of view. And you have to be patient with the customers and always
Working in this job will even develop new personal skills and traits, you will build strong character
and be able to adapt to any work environment.

Education and requirements

What surprised me in my interview is when Ms. Fowzia explained that; education would be
beneficial, but that its not necessary the vital part of getting a sales job, because much of the
daily job requirements come from the persons experience and selling skills. A skilled salesman
does not need academics to be successful.

Challenges The job is tiring, and it could get in the way of your leisure and relaxing time, Ms.
Fowzia insists that it isnt an easy job, it demands your time and energy; even on your weekends.
Another challenge is that you face a lot of rejection, and it takes patience to deal and follow up
with clients. And clients dont always agree to meeting requests, especially if you are new at your
job and they dont know you.

Payment Fowzia explains that the pay is fairly adequate in relation to the job hours (8
hours/day), even though its a difficult job
Starting salary ranges from 800 1100 BHD

Abdulla Ali 20900550

Job Title and description
A Hotel sales manager is responsible for attracting new guests and bringing new business to the hotel,
helps planning sale targets and innovating new sale promotions. The sales manager has to develop
relationships with the guests and promote all the latest promotions, facilities and features of the hotel.
The Sales manager has to plan and attend business deals for the hotel and other organizations in order to
discuss business opportunities. Creating agreements with large organizations from different sectors
around the country helps maintain long term- heavy income for the hotel. A sales Manager has to assess
the sales data from the statistics of his/her whole team in order to evaluate the overall performance of
the sales department. (education-portal.com, 2014)
Traditionally the job takes 40hours a week, and the Salary = $30,334 - $58,892 Annually (U.S estimates)
= 940 1885 BHD per month
(payscale.com, 2014)
(education-portal.com, 2014)

Skills & Traits required for the job:


Persuasion & strong negotiation skills

Persistence & Handling rejection

Maintaining connections and relationships with customers

An outgoing and likable personality will benefit a lot in attracting customers and

Confident speaker

Empathy with the client, this means understanding the clients point of view and needs, by working
with them, not against them.

Strong communication skills with people at all levels

Management, managing and training staff, giving guidance to reach the organizations objective

Delegation, assigning tasks and projects to other employees

Teamwork skills, and being able to support others in the work team
(mymajors.com, 2014)

Abdulla Ali 20900550

Comparison (research to interview findings):

Based on the aforementioned findings from both the Interview and Individual research I could honestly say
that the whole research on the job was successful. The findings from the interview match those brought
from the research, and thus prove that much of the information that could be found on Hotel Sales
Manager is essentially relevant to the actual job here in Bahrain.
But I couldnt help notice that the interview gave me more insight of the job, from a personal point of view,
Ms Fowzia Zubaris interview gave me much more details of the job than any website or job ad. For

An Education is essential but its not the biggest asset we look for in a potential employee This
means that experience and sales skills are the most valuable part of getting a hiring chance and
being good at the job.

Personal appearance was not given much importance in websites as I was told in the interview,
according to Ms. Fowzia; the

From the interview I was able to relate what skills required were essentially attributed for. I
found out that communication skills were put to use in talking to both colleagues and customers,
but mostly put to use in socializing and making strong connections. Persuasion is actually most
vital in the act of negotiating and closing the deal.

The payment in the Hotel Sales Manager by U.S and worldwide standards, do not match the salary range
given by Ms. Fowzia. But that may be in regards to the different living costs , and taking into account the
amount of taxes in other countries (U.S especially)
Overall there are a few different details between the two methods of research, and the end result gave me
two synchronized perspectives of the job, The internet research gave me a broad and generic
understanding, but the interview expanded them further and gave me practical examples of the valuable

Abdulla Ali 20900550

Conclusion: Analysis of my qualifications for the job, With examples

My qualifications so far:

High School Diploma from Naseem International School (2009)

CILT Certificate in Transport & Logistics (2013)

BILM (Bachelors in International Logistics Management) at Bahrain Polytechnic (2009-present)

Work Experience:

3 months training in Purchasing department (as well as Financial control, Storage and
warehouseetc.) at Gulf Hotel (2013)

My skills:

Great team work player, always ready to perform my task.

Initiative, I have always offered help to other friends in assignments and projects

I have shown good leadership skills in leading groups and dividing tasks between members

I have a good background on the Hotel industry, from personal experience, as well as job training in
Gulf Hotel in 2013, which gave me great insight on the needs and daily routines of a successful

I am able to communicate clearly with people of all levels, I can be very patient and persistent in difficult
times, and I am very passionate about my career and ambitions. I tend to self-educate myself at home on
any topic of interest (ex: astronomy, IT, biology, history and archaeologyetc.)

There are many traits I regard about myself, but I still cannot ensure whether this job would be fit for me,
because I do have my weaknesses, such as; time management and keeping up with deadlines, I am not
very outgoing , therefore establishing relationships with clients might be difficult for me. However before I
disregard the job, I plan on taking Ms. Fowzias advice; and try getting involved in activities and events to
develop my social skills, as well as take training opportunities in order to get a better understanding and
test myself at the job.

Word Count: 1529

Abdulla Ali 20900550

education-portal.com. (2014).
Hotel_Sales_Manager_Job_Description_Requirements_and_Career_Overview. Retrieved 11 9,
2014, from education-portal.com: http://educationportal.com/articles/Hotel_Sales_Manager_Job_Description_Requirements_and_Career_Overview.
mymajors.com. (2014). hotel-sales-manager/skills. Retrieved 11 9, 2014, from mymajors.com:
payscale.com. (2014). Hotel_Sales_Manager Salary. Retrieved 11 9, 2014, from payscale.com:

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