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Letter of transmittal

December, 2014
Professor Sujit Saha
Professor, Dept. of Business Administration &
Director, Center for Training & Research
Subject: Submission of Peoples Insurance Company Limited
Dear Sir,
I take great pride and delight in presenting you the report on, Peoples Insurance Company
Limited. I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to you for giving me such an opportunity to
prepare this report. I hope this report will give you a comprehensive view about the Limited a
Non-life insurance company. I believe my efforts in preparing this report will prove helpful in
my future life. I will make myself available to clarify any point in this report, if required.
I therefore would like to request you to accept my report and oblige thereby.

Sincerely yours,
Imtiaz Anik
Md .Sohel Hossain
Md .Mustofa Mahmud
Md.Sohel Ahmed Tuhin

All praise is to the One to whom all Dignity, Honor and Glory are due, the unique with perfect
attributes, who begets not, nor is He begotten. He has not equaled but he is the Almighty,
omnipotent for preparing fruitfully this report. This report requires sincere co-operation from
various persons involved. While preparing this report all sorts of co-operation, I have gotten
that was unprecedented. Prof.Dr.Sujit saha Professor, Dept.of Business Administration, of IBAIS
University for his excellent guidance in establishing this report. He has kept vigilance of all
stages of my effort and has gone though all the written works with great patience. I am also
very grateful to Dr. Asif Kamal who have given various important suggestions and advices in
collecting information and preparing the report.But the main credit goes and I would like to
thanks Md. Alauddin Dulal Executive Director of Peoples Insurance Company Limited for
spending his precious time for our project and gave us ample of good ideas about the project.
I am ever grateful to them mentioned above and others who have helped me to prepare
Internship report.

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