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book on the occasion of the Centenary Celebration 5 father and Guruji Sri. NV Ragh@vachary (Meena 2). c take this opportunity to expres my thanks to my fas for their suggestions. 1 would like to acknom—e Mr 7K Raghunathan, Mrs, Hemalatha, Ms, Satya ==3 and Sri S, Babu Rao who Fead the manuscrif> "ts offered helpful corrections. Special than kc Sri V.S Kalyana Raman, Dr, T.S Vasan, Sri, AV Sun M appreciation on this work. [also thank my wife Mrs. UsI-2.<3 and daughter Ms Satya Sree R for their untiring assis ©: Tamdedicating this work With humility and jO37y father and Guruji Sri NV Ragbavachary (Meena 2-) o pray God to give me enough strength to decipher e Naadi secrets in the years to ome and present thw enthusiastic students and astilogers. 1 am offerims book at the Lotus feet of His Holiness the 45th Su Azhagiyasingar & 46th Stimad Azhagiyasinei Sri Ahobila Muth and seek their blessings. Mate ‘Almighty’s blessings be bestowed Upon all of you. “ GOD'S BLESSINGS TO ALL” pe. Secunderabad 15 \e 23rd March 2013 ProfNVRAR ‘Junior Meer xvi CONTENTS CHAPTERS Page No. INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER - 1 The Truth About Amsa Divisions By Meena 1 7 CHAPTER - 2 Significance Of Nakshatras Ww 1). The Vedas Say: 18 2) Role Of Nakshatras 20 3) Key Significance Of Meena System (Stellar Astrology) 21 4) Stellar Effects- Bhava and Bhava Karaka 23, 5) Stellar Effects-One Or Two Planets Controlling A Native 26 Example No:1 29 Example No:2 35 Example No:3 38 6) Stellar Effects- Uttamadrekkana (Superior) 42 7) Stellar Bffects- Analysis On Timing Of Events 48 8) Stellar Effects- Binnapada Theory 56 9). Stellar Effects- Rahu & Ketu Theory 59 CHAPTER - 3 Stellar Effects-Digbala 64 CHAPTER - 4 Stellar Effects - Jeeva & Sareera 83 xix CHAPTER - 5 Stellar Effects The Gunas In Prediction CHAPTER - 6 Gunas ( Planets ) in Three Phases CHAPTER - 7 Kalamsa Subdivision Kalamsa Table CHAFTER - 8 Predictive Principles - Stellar Effects Kalamsa - Gunas CHAPTER - 9 Kalamsa Gunas, Jeeva & Sareera, Digbala Chart Analysis INTRODUCTION ‘The Nakshatras are the source of energy and car represent one person's journey from birth to death. The stars always explain or indicate inner energy of a person. Ir Vedic Astrology Jyothis means 27 constellations. ‘These 27 groups or constellation are known as 27 Nakshatras “Naks” means sky, Akasha Shethra or sky map. In Jyothise Sastara without the knowledge of Nakshatra is called ¢ person without eyes. A Daivagna should know the meaning and significance of a constellation. The judgement o} horoscopes totally dependent on Nakshatras. Ifthe planets are moving towards a group of constellation, then the planets get into the grip of constellation and starts giving the significance Letus take Punarvasu Nakshatra for instance. In the most ancient culture, these Punarvasu stars were seen as, supreme twins and the roof of Jupitarian energy is linked to the constellation in the arc of Gemini. The names of the Nakshatra were fixed by our ancient so finely that it gives the meaning to the star. The star Punarvasu brings wealth and hence the name where Vasu means angel or demi god possessing desired qualities and Punar means again. This star also indicates positive energy or light which can help us to get over the darkness. The constellation Punarvasu represents energy and resources at one's command. While arriving or decoding the characteristics or significance of a constellation, we have to link the significance of the "constellation’s Lord and the sign in which the constellation Lord is placed. 1 When a planet gets into the grip of Nakshatra, the planet may start giving results like Jupiter such as contentment, happiness, simpl spiritual living, works hard to remove any ne energies which may affect the growth of native. Sin Jupiter is lord, it will energise the native for spi practice meant to upgrade once selfand get enlight This Nakshatra is most suitable to perform ausp activities like marriage, Gruha Aramba, Gruhapra etc. Similarly we should know the significance of all and in which sign they are placed to know the cha: the person dominated by the constellation. constellation has got a specific name, symbol, deity, mode of functioning, caste, gender, the body directions, Gunas, vowels and alphabets, We all len Lord Sri Rama's Moon is in Punarvasu constellation, know Lord Sri Rama denotes contentment and auspiciousness wherever he goes. When birth takes place, degree or nakshat | _ which the Moon is situatedortransitings at the time in one's birth star or Janma Nakshatra. There is « confusion among astrologers to fix the time of birth & | __know first ery ofthe baby marks the entry ofthe elene (vayu) into the lungs of the baby and is called the birth Hence the Nakshatra at the time of birth is the maker for the native. Guruji Sri NVR mentioned a m: || oftimes that atthe time of birth the degree flagna ‘n lagna Nakshatra Pada. Depends on its strength, ¢ 2 — Jord may lead the person to success or failure. In this book, Ihave elaborately mentioned about Nakshatra’s behaviour. Guruji used to say repeatedly that a planet posited in a sign ‘may not give expected result. But its star lord has a say in deciding the result of that planet. Astrology and astronomy are dynamic in nature. Hence the results or the Phalitha depend solely on transits of planets ona particalar star. When planets are moving, one's results, whether positive or negative, are also dynamic in nature. This indicates that one’s suffering and enjoyment is also dynamic in nature. The said results are solely dependent on strength of the planets and their character waich is blended ‘with the sign itis posited in. Later in this book, I have given the principle tofind out the strength and Digbala of planet if they are in group or in a sign, In the running chapters, I have sufficiently explained the methods to find out Digbala of a planet, the ‘strength of a planet, how they snatch power from other planet, stellar theory, the flow chart given to identify Digbala. This may be useful for identifying strength easily. ‘The concepts of stellar astrology, advocated by Meena 2, ‘was totally based on the star lord and the Cunas obtained iby the planets, Digbala , the status and Uttamadrekkana, above all Jeeva and Sareera of the planet of the Bhava . On. linking all the above, one can arrive at the strength of a iBhava or planet or likely event. I have explained the significance of Nakshatras in detail in Chapter 2. How it alters the results of a bhava or 3 planets, how retrograde planet playsarolein giving behaviour of Rahu and Ketu in slar astrology, iden! and the Gunas extracted from “Practical stellar Astrology” by Guruji Sri NV Raghavachary, The s8™* placed* book for easy use. Guna of planets with example charts, er which dis Next comes an important ChaP' 5: about how to arrive at the Kalamsa lord with the e charts and the table for easy use. Generally there aré™ software packages readily available for casting ' which can be used to find out the Kalamsa/Sv! without much difficulty. Here, entire analysis of cl? based on Lahari ayanamsa, In early 1950s, the Meenas were world! Nakshatras and Amsa Division and they found out ©” Amsa Division gave good result. as explained that we consist of 30degrees, so if birth takes place in a degree, it gives results pertaining to that particular: Here, our approach towards the subject is different: wwe have to modify our thinking, keeping the base * and work further onit Here, we have deviated from normal at principle to stellar astrology principle based on Kale sub. Taking this Kalamsa as q sensitive point, applied Jeeva Sareera and Gunas for the Kelam¢, while arriving at results for that bpsawa oF Karaka pl explained in my earlier book, SteiLar Effects in A* Jeeva and Sarcera, the result of praava totally dep® 4 jeeva and Sareera planets. In this book, Jeeva Sareera and unas are applied to the Kalamsa Lord and my consequent servation is that if the Jeeva and Sareera planets are inely placed and Guna obtained by the Kalamsa lord is esirable to the planet and also to the Bhava lord then the hava flourishes very well. If any Bhava or a planet gets ne Sathwic quality irrespective of whether the planet has ‘hamasic or Rajasic Guna then that Bhava gives the juired smooth results. If Kalamsa lord gets mixed Guna, results are also ‘ined in nature. Here I have used the term called major juna which means that the Kalamsa lord gets two same unas of the three step Gunas and third one will be Jifferent. This type of application will be useful for jentifying the status ofa person or status and strength of at particular Bhava or planets. ‘The significance of Nakshatra Padas is also plained. When a planet is in Binnapada, then that the 1et gives the result of the preceding or succeeding juses. This concept was deeply studied and explained by [eena 2 in “Practical Stellar Astrology”, a chart may be ontrolled by one or two planets through stellar lordship or mon Bhava lordship. This means that the planet which trols has got a say in delivering the results of a Bhava or raka. Itwas very interesting to note while analyzing some the charts a pure Thamasic planet of a Bhava or Bhava rd or Kalamsa Lord acquired pure Rajasic Guna and jelivered wonderful results. How could this happen? As 5 per Gunas, Thamasic planet should not get Rajas and vice versa. But during analysis, it was found tt ‘Thamo Guna of a Bhava Jord and Kalamsa lord ¢ Rajo Guna but delivered good results because all th or Karaka are controlled by one Rajasic planet the the entire chart became Rajasic. Hence the Kalams Guna RRR has given good result. We are blending and Guna to judge whether a Bhava is going tod good or bad result. Similarly, if a Bhava lord ge Guna through the Kalamsa lord and if the Gu desirable to both of them, then the native gets ther particular Bhava very easily. Similarly, ifa Bhava obtained contrast Guna through the Kalamsalordt native will struggle to maintain significance of the The application theory of Guna and Digbala to thet Lord may help to analyse the results of Bhava ©: and the likely time when the results are expectec! the readers of this book to go through this book chs and understand the concepts of stellar astrology: the second chapter tofix the strength of planet, the of applying stellar Dighala and arrive at sensitin Jeeva and Sareera, and then find the Guna obtair= Kalamsalord to arrive at a correct result or Phala t= or Karaka planet. THE TRUTH ABOUT AMSA DIVISIONS BY MEENA 1 ‘The essence of Kalamsa or Sub lord theory exposed Astro world is reproduced here for your reading, the most portant sub divisions of a Nakshatra proportionate to fimsothari dasa system and given the name as Kalamsa or 1b lord theory. Once we appliy Stellar concepts like junas, Jeeva and Sareera planets and Digbala to Kalamsa xrd, we may know the strength of a Bhava or planet to ve at timing of events. With the blessing of both Sri. RG jeenal) and Sri. NVR (Meena 2), I had taken up ypplication of the Kalamsa/Sub Lord theory based on nas, Jeeva & Sareera and Digbala to arrive at strength timing ofevents. Naadi Astrology gives much importance to the fargottama positions. The strength of Vargottama is ivalent to Swakshetrafown house). Further, all fargottamas are not to be considered as good. They are be classified under three stages: Sathwika, Rajasa and jamasa Vargottamas. ‘There is much difference between a Sathwika fargottama and Thamasa Vargotama. Particularly, the saracter of the natives and status differ widely. Further, rgottama division alone cannot produce one and the e result, as it depends on the stellar strength, Sri Rama has his birth in Cancer and in Vargottama .a. Ravana had his birth in Libra and in Vargottama 7 Lagna. Sri Rama's birth falls in Purarvasu 4th qua, Jupiter’s Sathwika constellation. Gana ofthe conste, is Deva Gana. This clearly indicates the character ag, to Sri Rama Ravana's birth falls in Chitha 3rd quay constellation of Mars(Thamasa) whose Gana is Rak, Therefore, the character of Ravana differs from Rim his end was also a bad one. The strength and pusityy constellation Lords play a prominent part. In the Rama, the lagna was occupied by the waxing Mong with Guru in exalted position. No doubt there isms-y of having Vargottama Cancer Lagna almost ec, but Moon cannot be had in one and the same po, Admitting that Moon can be had in the same Vigc, position once in 27 days, Jupiter cannot be in tha, degree closer to Moon as said before. This can ory by, in 12 years, but the positions of other planet w.. remain the same as in Sri Rama's chart, which ej once in 60 years with various changes in padas ad yp years with difference in Kalamsas. To have jay, positions like Sri Rama is only possible in nexttu,, Lord Krishna says in Gita that His avatar will bine , Yuga “Sambhavami Yuge, Yuge" Varied results in Birth Divisions due to the jellar Lords: In Chart No 1: The stellar Lord of Uttarashadha, viz., sun) is along with Jupiter. This combination of 1,4 and 9 rms a Raja yoga. This native is a Rajapramukh. (oon Ketu | Mars | |!! ° | Le ‘Lagna ‘Sun 12 se Chart No.1 |_JUP ae Rast Sat] > q iS wa iat aga] nana fats \ Santas Vargottama Lagna In Chart No 2: This birth also is in Vargottama lavision. The stellar lord Sun is along with the lord of 10 inyasi and a famous philosopher devoid of family 9 comforts. The cause is due to Sun's situ, int Sathrukshetra (enemy's place) along with the Lf 4 Venus. Sat sun |i op Chart No.3 Rasi Lagna Ket Vargottar In Chart No3: This division. The stellar lord Sun remains single with association of good planets to strengthen they’! position. This native is notin good status. Varied results of planets in Vargottama division Four planets are in Vargottama position (Saturn, fenus, Sun and Mars). The native is not in good status. 1e cause for this is Saturn the Lord of Land 2 is in Tamasa fargotama, Sun is in Sathru Vargottama, Venus the Lord f Sth and 10 is in Asubha Vargottma (Sun is the Lord f 8, Ashtamadhipathi). .e Kalamsa pos (This is the duration of each sub-division of a a ps constellation in proportion to the Dasa periods of the Sub Rahu!| chart No.4 rd) aer| Patt ‘onstellations: Aswini, Makha, Moola -Ketu Dasa Ven Mar Lagna| Bhukthi Kalas Vikalas _l Sat (Sub period) (Minutes) (Seconds) Marsisin Vargottama Ket 36 40 Mars, the Lord of 2and 7, is placed in Ve Venus 133 20 The stellarlord Sun is afflicted by Rahu. Thaugh 4 Sun. 40 00. Moon 6 70 married twice he lost the first wife in Sun Dase 10 " Mars a x Saturn 136 40 Rahu 120 a Mercury 113 20 Jupiter 106 a Kethu 46 40 Satur 126 a Venus 133 20 Mereury 113 Total Kalas 300 Total Kalas om ot Constellations: Rohini, Hastha Sravana - Moon Dasa Constellations: Bharani, Pubba, Poorvahsadha- ga Bhukthi Kalas Vilkalas Eatin Kalas Vik (Sub period) (Minutes) (Seconds) (Sub period) (Minutes) (Sec = — a Vers 133 = aa 20 — Rah 120) 00 at = Supiter 106 40 —- — }—__ ‘Saturn 126 40 = i Mereury 113, 20 Jupiter 106 wees a a —— 126, Veaus 133) 20 Mercury 113; ve 1s a Kotha = Total Kalas 300 Total Kalas 800 Constellations: Krithika, Uthiram, Uthiradam-S Constellations: Mirgasira, Chitta, Dhanishta - Mars Dasa Bhukthi Kalas Vilkalas Bhukthi Kalas Vile (Sub period) (Minutes) (Seconds) (Sub period) (Minutes) (seo _ = se Sens ae = = = Rahu 120 00 Sun 0 Jupiter, 106 40, Moon $6. Saturn 126 40 Mars sasaeatat 46 Mercury, 113 20 Eau. 120. Kethu 46 40 upter 106. Venus 133. 20 Me 13, Sun 0. 0 ynstellations: Pushyami, Anuradha, Uthrabhadra- Saturn das: ‘Moon 66 40 Bhukthi Kalas Vikalas Total Kalas 800) (Sub period) (Minutes) (Seconds) Constellations Aridra, Swathi, Satabhisha) Rahu Das, Saturn 126 40 Bhukthi Kalas Vikat Mereury us 20 (Sub period) (Mimates) (Second Kethu 46 40 Raku ai a Venus 133; 20 Jupiter 106) 40 Sunt eu oo) aati se fa Moon 06 20 a ira ar Mars 46 30 Ketinn fe a Rah 120 00 eas 133 ae ‘Iupiter 106 40 ou a a “Total Kalas 800) Moon 66 © nstellation: Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revathi - Mercury Dasa Mars 46 # Bhukthi Kalas Vikalas ‘Total Kalas 800 (Sub period) (Minutes) (Seconds) Constellations: Punarvasu, Visaka,Poorval Mercury, 413 20 nr = Kethus 46 40 (Sub period) (Minutes) (Seonds, Vente 138 a0) Jupiter 106) @ — = -- = ie 7m Moon 66 30 Mercury 113, » Mars. <6 #0 PET 7G 5 Rah 120 00 aaa 75 < Jupiter 106 40 a a 5 Saturn 126 40 = = 7 Total Kalas 00 aaa ae 5 ‘The explanation is simple: Suppose the longitude of, ae = = .Y, Mars 108.12 0r Cancer 18.12. This means Mars is in 1¢ constellation of Ashlesha, having passed in at 1.32 or sia a tellati lesha, having passed in at 1. in Aslesha upto 113.20 the sub division of Mercury 14 5 lagna | sat a as SIGNIFICANCE OF NAKSHATRAS Mer ae PORTANCE OF NAKSHATRAS zim To understand and appreciate the depth and mars | 2°? iniqueness of Vedic astrology one must encounter and lore the nakshatras. Nakshatra literally means “that. shich never decays.” The nakshatras reflect the primordial 1d level of the zodiacal belt, which lies beneath the twelve sic signs. In comparison to the signs for rasis as they are smed in India, the nakshatras reveal the deeper, more found effect of the constellations. lasts. Therefore Mars is in the sign of Cancere constellation of Mercury (Ashlesha) and the stb diy’ Mercury. (Lord of 10 Saturn in Punarvasu 3rd quarter, Jupiter Dasa (Jupiter's constellation) Verus j Kalamsa, i.e. in the sub division of Venus) Saturn the lord of 10, is in Vargottama. Dug the native was in a good official status getting ahigh But we find that we cannot stop only with the goo, due to the vargottama situation of Saturn, The Adhipathya of Dasa Jupiter (brd ¢ constellation] is 8(astamadhipathi) and the Bhtkthy the constellation sub division ) is Venus who it the 6th (Sastathipathi). This is a bad yoga. (Asthenai dasa and Sashtadhipathi Bhukthi Kala) As Saturn, bad situation the native was sent out of his jo> ix ¢ Dasa, Venus Bhukthi. The native could not onp, full service. ‘The native entered no further sevies, this we have to infer when planets get isto Vargottama and kalas (sub divisions of nakihai, particular bhava gets disturbed In the Vedic or Hindu system of astrology, the lakshatras play a prominent role in the art of prediction. In \ct, the mysterious and ancient Naadi leaves are based on \¢ Nakshatras. Vedic astrology retains its root in a more cient lunar zodiac that reflects an earlier stage of human ture and intuition. This Nakshatras system remains the illar on which it is based and serves to uphold its many ‘sights and great predictive power. To understand both the ‘gins of the zodiac and our most primal connection to the jeavens, it is the dominant archetype. The Vedic Nakshatras arose from such a spiritual ception of the cosmos. The Nakshatras represent the bodes into which the fruits of our labour, our Karma, are Reprinted from January 1955 issue of THE «Sta, MAGAZINE. My sincere thanks oDe. BV. Ramanfor peso icy 16 3 Nakshatras-The Lunar mansions of Vedic Astoagy- Dennis M Harness 2000 7

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