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A Perfect Guide To Hydraulics Technology

The basic result to be achieved through the use of this technology is to produce a greater force with a
little pressure. Present day hydraulics is based on the use of compressible fluids, such as oil or water, to
transmit force.
The evolution in hydraulics systems
The technology has so much become a part of our life that we do not realise its presence around us.
Service Trolleys, Heavy Land Diggers, Transport Hydraulic Systems, Car Parking Systems, and
Electromechanical Actuators such as electronic beds used in hospitals, rising tables are few of the
applications of hydraulics system.
Besides, "hopping cars" or "dancing cars" as they are popularly known as, also uses the same
technology in the form of hydraulic lift kit to raise and lower the car. This action makes the car look as
if it is dancing. Besides, most of the aircrafts use the marvels of this technology in landing gear and
braking system.
The hydraulics technology can be classified as follows:

Hydraulic Cylinders: Hydraulic cylinders use the pressure applied on the fluids (usually oil),
to produce the required force. The force thus acquired is used to power the machines of turbine,
car brake and many bulldozers that work on similar technology. These cylinders also employ
pistons to exert pressure on the fluid, to achieve the desired force.
Hydraulic Pumps: Hydraulic pump caters to the supply of fluids to the essential parts of a
system using the same technology. The power generated by such a pump is about ten times than
that of an electric motor.
Hydraulic Press: In this process, the pressure of exerted to a full extent. The setup involves
two cylinders with varying diameters and two pistons. To generate a powerful pressure, the
basic law of Pascal is followed. The pressure is produced by applying force and exerting the
smaller piston into the cylinder thereby pushing ht e fluids through the connected pipes to the
larger cylinder until the desired pressure is achieved. The hydraulic press is used in the car
crushing machines. For this purpose, a motor is used to power the entire press. A car crushing
system, designed on the same technology, can apply a force of about 200 tons and generate
2500 pounds per square inch (psi).
Heavy duty hydraulic cylinders: Heavy machines such as excavators that may weigh around
30 tones, and are often seen at construction sites make use of heavy duty hydraulic cylinders. A
land digger or excavator has a motor to power each of its track and a motor for moving its huge
arm, all these run on the systems of hydraulics. Another common example of the use of such
cylinders is the garbage dump trucks; however, garbage trucks use telescopic cylinders to attain
the desired result.

Precautions to be taken while handling hydraulic systems

The components of such a system should be operated very carefully. It is not safe to touch the hydraulic
machine even if the system is not operating as the fluids may still be flowing with great pressure. In
any case, if the hydraulic fluid is found leaking, one should not attempt to touch it as the pressure of the
fluid can harm your skin.

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