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Giant. Thrym was the ruler of the giants in Jtunheim (Jotunheim). He had stolen Mjollnir, the magical
hammer of Thor <aesir.html>. Loki <aesir.html> found out from the giants, that Thrym will return the
hammer to Thor, if he was allowed to marry Freyja <vanir.html>. It was Thor who dressed himself in
bridal gown that went to Jtunheim, instead of Freyja.
During the feast, Thrym and the other giants was stunned when they saw Thrym's bride (Thor) ate an
ox, eight salmons, and three large tankards of mead. Loki made a silly excuse, telling Thrym that Freyja
had not eaten in eight days, because she was excited to be wedded to the king of giants. When Thrym
peeped under his bride's veil, the giant was taken back by the fire in Freyja's (Thor's) eyes. Again, Thrym
demanded explanation from Loki; Loki answered that Freyja was just excited about the wedding.
When Thrym had the hammer brought in and placed it on his bride's laps, Thor threw off his disguise and
attacked Thrym. Thor killed Thrym and all the giants within the hall

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