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NX6 Modeling Tutorial

John K. Layer, Ph.D., P.E.
August 26, 2008

1. Getting Started with NX6

USB Drive
Always use your own personnel USB Drive, do not use the hard or network drive.
Construct separate directories for each NX homework assignment.
Gateway Application
Screen Layout
Top Menu Bar
Middle Top: Status Bar
Left Menu Bar
Graphics Window
Workflows: other applications Modeling, Design Simulation, & Manufacturing
Go to Left Tool Bar
Select Roles
Select Essentials
OK to overwrite
Customize: Right Click in Toolbar area to add/delete toolbars
Dialog Boxes: positioned by the Dialog Rail
Command Flow within Dialog Boxes: proceed top to bottom
Red Asterisk:
selection/input required
Green Asterisk:
selection/input completed
Orange Highlight: current active selection step
Green Highlight:
next suggested selection step
OK/ Apply/ Cancel
Part Navigator, located on Resource Bar, pin to keep open
Part Navigator
Assembly Navigator
Operation Navigator
Items saved as parts (.prt file)
F1 Key on any function in any application
All Programs/ UGS NX6.0/ NX6 Documentation
Set up Defaults
Customer Defaults
Gateway/ General/ Part: Inches
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2. Creating a New 3-D Model (rectangular block with a hole):

Gateway Application (NX Start/ All Applications/ Gateway):
New Dialog
Model Tab:
Units: Inches
Drawing Tab:
Units: Inches
Simulation Tab:
Units: Inches
Manufacturing Tab:
Units: Inches
Select Model Tab:
Select Template Name: Model
Input: New File Name: Block.prt
(use Choose New File Name Icon)
OK (Note: Top Menu Bar reads, NX6-Modeling-Block.prt(Modified). You are
now in the Modeling Application.

on XY

Sketch Icon (create 2-D sketch in the XY Plane that you will extrude in the Z Plane)
Create Sketch Dialog
Select Planar Face or Plane: (left click on the XY Plane)
Select Horizontal Reference: (left click on X Axis)
OK (You are now in the Sketcher Application)
Rectangle Icon
Rectangle Dialog
Rectangle Method: Select 3-point (Note Status Bar prompting to Select
the first point of the rectangle)
Cursor Select point (0,0) for first point
Cursor Select second point
Cursor Select third point
Circle Icon
Circle Dialog
Circle Method: Select Circle by Center and Diameter
Cursor Select the center of the hole
Cursor Select the radius of the hole, or input/enter the diameter.
Inferred Dimensions Icon (always dimension in the sketch aids revisions)
Cursor Select (left click) a single line of your sketch. Move dimension to
desired location and left click
Repeat for all critical line dimensions
Cursor Select a single circle radius, and move dimension to desired location.
Cursor Select a single circle center, then Cursor Select a line. Move the
distance dimension to desired location
Finish Sketch Icon (automatically returns you to the Modeling Application)

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Extrude Icon
Extrude Dialog
Select Curve (left click on the sketch in the XY Plane)
Select Vector (Note the Reverse Direction Icon for direction in the Z Plane)
Input Distance (the thickness of your block in the Z Plane)
Apply/ OK
File/ Save

3. Miscellaneous Modeling Aids

Reference the Top Menu Visualization Tools:
Fit Icon
Zoom Icon
Zoom In/Out Icon
Rotate Icon
Pan Icon
View Icon (trimetric, top, left, etc)
Reference Model Editing Functions
Right click on the model to edit the 3-D Extrusion Function. There are two options:
Select Edit Parameters (edit in current model state)
Input new Distance (thickness in the Z Plane)
Select Edit with Rollback (edit in prior model state)
Input new Distance (thickness in the Z Plane)
Cursor highlight and right click on original sketch in the Graphics Window to edit the
2-D Sketch Function. There are three options:
Select Edit (opens the Sketcher Application)
Modify dimensions that were created using the Inferred Dimensions
Finish Sketch
Select Edit Parameters (edit in current model state)
Left click Inferred Dimension to be modified
Input modified dimension
Apply/ OK
Select Edit with Rollback (edit in prior model state)
Opens the Sketcher Application (the prior model state in this case)

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4. Adding an Extrusion to an Existing Model

Modeling Application (NX Start/ All Applications/ Modeling):
File/ Open: Open an existing Model
Extrude Icon:
Extrude Dialog
Select Curve (left click on the Model planar face that you wish to place the
additional extrusion). You are now in the Sketcher Application
Line Icon
Line Dialog
Select points of the line (Note Status Bar prompting to Select the first
point of the line). Sketch a triangle.
Cursor Select first & second point of line 1
Cursor Select first & second point of line 2
Cursor Select first & second point of line 3
Inferred Dimensions. Construct critical Dimension Lines.
Finish Sketch. You are now back in the Modeling Application.
Select Vector (Note the Reverse Direction Icon for direction in the Z Plane)
Input Distance (the thickness of your block in the Z Plane)
Apply/ OK
Unite Icon (unite the two extrusions into a body)
Unite Dialog
Select target body (Cursor Select the main body)
Select tool bodies (Cursor Select secondary bodies that you wish to unite
with the target (main) body)
Apply/ OK
File/ Save
5. Create a 2-D Drawing:
Gateway Application:
New Dialog
Select Drawing Tab:
Select Template Name: A-Views, Units: Inches, Reference Existing
Input: New File Name: Dwg_Block.prt
(use Choose New File Name Icon)
Input: Part to create a drawing of:
Choose New File Name Icon
Select Master Part Dialog
Part Name Dialog
Select Block.prt (Select the 3-D model that you wish to make a
drawing of)
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OK (You are now in the Drafting Application, with a 3-view, A-Sheet
drawing of your model)
Apply Dimensions (Dimension all critical attributes)
Center Mark
Horizontal Dimensions: (Cursor Select two points of reference)
Vertical Dimensions: (Cursor Select two points of reference)
Hole Dimensions
Section View
Select Parent View
Select Cut Position
Indicate Center of Section View (orientation of view)
Parts List
File/ Save

6. Adding Features to an Existing Model

Modeling Application:
File/ Open: Open an existing Model
Hole Icon:
Hole Dialog
General Hole
Specify Point: (Cursor Select the planar face that you wish to put the hole).
You are now in the Sketcher Application.
Coordinates: Absolute: (Input X and Y Coordinates of hole)
Finish Sketch
Form: Simple (Note, you could select Counterbored, Countersunk, etc)
Diameter: (Input value)
Depth: (input value)
Apply/ OK
Chamfer Icon:
Chamfer Dialog
Select Edges to Chamfer: (Cursor Select all necessary edges)
Cross Section: Symmetric
Distance: (Input value)
Apply/ OK
Edge Blend Icon:
Edge Blend Dialog:
Select Edges to Blend: (Cursor Select all necessary edges)
Radius: (Input value)
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Apply/ OK
Construct a cutout or pocket.
Extrude Icon:
Extrude Dialog
Select Curve (left click on the Model planar face that you wish to place the
additional extrusion). You are now in the Sketcher Application
Rectangle Icon
Rectangle Dialog
Select Rectangle Method by 2-points
Cursor Select first & second point
Inferred Dimensions. Construct critical Dimension Lines.
Finish Sketch. You are now back in the Modeling Application.
Select Vector (Note the Reverse Direction Icon for direction in the Z
Input Distance (the depth of your pocket in the Z Plane)
Apply/ OK
Subtract Icon ( subtract the tool body from the target or main body to form a
cutout or pocket)
Subtract Dialog
Select target body (Cursor Select the main body)
Select tool bodies (Cursor Select secondary bodies that you wish to
subtract from the target (main) body)
Apply/ OK
File/ Save

7. Adding Features to a Datum Plane Orientation: (Add a angled tube extrusion onto a
Modeling Application:
File/ Open: Open an existing Model
Datum Axis Icon:
Datum Axis Dialog
Select objects to define datum axis:
(Cursor Select a model edge)
Apply/ OK
Datum Plane Icon: (Add angled Datum Plane)
Datum Plane Dialog
Type: Inferred
Select objects to define plane:
Cursor Select Datum Axis
Cursor Select a Model Face
Angle (Input Angle between Model Face and intended datum plane, pivoted
about the Datum Axis)
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Apply/ OK
To change the Datum Plane angle
Right Click on the Datum Plane
Edit Parameters
Change Angle values
Datum Plane Icon: (Add model Center Line Datum Plane)
Datum Plane Dialog
Type: At Distance
Select planar object:
Cursor Select the bottom of model (planar face)
Offset Distance (Input half of the Model Thickness to form a center datum
Cursor Select and hold down on corner of the Datum Plane. Enlarge
plane to intersect with the angled Datum Plane.
Apply/ OK
Sketch Icon:
Sketch Dialog
Type: On Plane
Select Planar Face: (Cursor Select the Angled Datum Plane)
OK (You are now in the Sketcher Application)
Circle Icon
Select the center point of the circle: (Cursor select the center to be on the
Center Line Datum Plane)
Diameter: (Input value)
Finish Sketch
Extrude Icon:
Extrude Dialog
Select section geometry: (Cursor Select the circle on the Angled Datum
Specify Vector
Start: Value
End: Through All
Unite Icon (unite the two extrusions into a body)
Unite Dialog
Select target body (Cursor Select the main body)
Select tool bodies (Cursor Select secondary bodies that you wish to unite
with the target (main) body)
Apply/ OK
File/ Save

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8. Creating Revolved Extrusions: (Create a shoulder around a cylinder)

Gateway Application:
Create a new 3-D Model of a cylinder (circle sketch on XY Plane centered at (0,0),
extrude in Z Plane). You are now in the Modeling Application.
Create a Datum Plane on the YZ Plane located at X=0 (make certain to extend the
Datum Plane so that it intersects the model at your point of interest)
Sketch Icon:
Sketch Dialog
Type: On Plane
Select object for sketch plane: (Cursor Select the YZ Datum Plane)
OK (You are now in the Sketcher Application)
Line Icon
Line Dialog: (create a rectangular shoulder)
Select points of the line (Note Status Bar prompting to Select the first
point of the line). Sketch a 3-sided rectangle.
Cursor Select first & second point of line 1
Cursor Select first & second point of line 2
Cursor Select first & second point of line 3
Finish Sketch. You are now back in the Modeling Application.
Revolve Icon
Revolve Dialog
Section: (Cursor Select sketch of the shoulder)
Axis: (Cursor Select the Z Axis)
Angle: 360 Deg.
Unite Icon (unite the revolved shoulder into the main body)
Unite Dialog
Select target body (Cursor Select the main body)
Select tool bodies (Cursor Select secondary bodies that you wish to unite
with the target (main) body)
Apply/ OK

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