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when I was born they called me 189

2 X chromosomes
wrapped in a pink sheet it was 4lb 6
its temperature often 101.5, trips
to the doctor 3 times a month.
as papers came back 90 became
the limit, 3.97, the fine line between fear and joy
the print decided.
It became 5192608;
year after year, the ticks increased
one inch too short
one too many Xs on the tag
until they started slipping
13 14 15 16 17 18
170 147 133 120 99
100 98 86 74 61
once a week
the 0s on the bills looked like 3 pairs of hollow eyes
one scar too many
worth the value of your most prized treasure.
your possession
just for one time, not even once did u think of
not the green it cost
not the security it brought
but the flesh and blood I was made of.

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