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Curriculum Vitae

Name-Surname: Gheorghe Iacobuti Halici



Place and date of birth: Romania,Constanta- 13 aprilie 1971

Languages: Greek, English, Romanian
- 2008 - 2009 Photograph School, Private School in Greece
- 1992 1994 - Sc.Pro.CFR Constanta
- 1986 1990 Humanistic Highschool Cobadin, Constanta

Dear Madam / Sir

With deep respect, and without the intention to exaggerate, I dare to present myself through my knowledge
and past experience which will follow. If you believe I represent a good match for your requirements I will happily
be of use to you with all the dedication and professional experience listed below::
A . Maintenance, contruction and design:
1. Foreman in the following domains:masonry, plaster, tile placement, painting art decoration
and venetian stucco, mural painting and more(CSCS card holder).
2. I grew up within a family of constructors and worked in this field in Romania and Greece, gathering
precious knowledge which you can put to good use.
3. Metal and electric welding (electrode, MIG, TIG,), having a rich experience working in the
Constanta, Romania Shipyard and Perama, Greece Shipyard.
B. Painting, photograph, web-design
1. Love for Christianity made me love Byzantine painting. As a small child I had the priviledge of being close to
church painters from who Ive learned the wonderful craft of iconography.
2. Photography is also a part of my life, I've mastered everything that has to do with shooting methods and I
collaborated with various organizations such as: National Geographic, Discovery, etc.; and mass-media as a
freelancer photoreporter.
3. I also posses good skills in: HTML, JAVA SCRIPT, PHP, CSS, PHOTOSHOP, PREMIERE and WEB-DESIGN.
To all this I add my capacity to be a man of integrity, a family man, married since 1996, father of two children,
Helen and Emmanuel.
That being said, me and my experience are at your disposal and I am convinced we will have a fruitful
collaboration which will serve your interests, with all due respect,
Gheorghe Iacobuti Halici

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