Checkpoint 5 Wednesday

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Jordan Vrhovac

RU El Ed Work Sample Unit Checkpoint 5 Fall 2014

Checkpoint 5 - Lesson Plan Format

Name: Jordan Vrhovac

Date: Wednesday, November 19

Lesson Title/Topic: Everyday Life in

Colonial Virginia

Grade Level: 4

Related SOLs: VS.4 The student will demonstrate knowledge of life in the Virginia colony by
a) explaining the importance of agriculture and its influence on the institution of slavery
Specific Observable Objective(s): The student will examine the significant influence agriculture had on
the institution of slavery in the Virginia colony. The student will define cash crop and identify tobacco
as a cash crop that was grown in Virginia and sold to England.
Essential Vocabulary:
Slave- a person who is owned by another and works against their will
Agriculture- the science of farming
Cash Crop- crop that is grown to sell for money
Dependent- decided or controlled by something else
Profitable- making money
Assessment: I know that my students will have mastered my objective by formally assessing their
fitting vocabulary responses and their correct cause and effect foldable. Informal assessment will
include noting oral responses to warm up activity and introductory discussion at the beginning of the
class period, and appropriate responses to L portion of OWL chart at the end of the class period.
Learner Considerations: The information will be represented in multiple different formats in order to
meet the various learning preferences for each student. These formats include multiple means of
engagement, representation, and expression. Additionally, in order to manage time and behavior, the
students will be provided with previously set up material and previously made groups.
UDL Solutions
(Engaging and sustaining student interest)
Activation of prior knowledge
Small group work
Individual work
Use of foldables
Use of graphic organizers
Use of laptop computers
Integration of primary sources

(Presenting content)
Use of maps

(Demonstrating learning)
Oral responses
Vocabulary answers
OWL answers
Cause and Effect

Materials, Resources, Technology:

-Interactive map of Virginia
-Labels of regions and immigrants
-OWL chart
-OWL graphics
-Vocabulary graphic organizer
-Cause and Effect foldable
-Laptop computers (
The Beginning (10 min.)
TTW place students in their groups as they get settled in from recess.
TTW hand out an envelope filled with primary resource pictures.
Okay class, thank you all for coming in so quickly and quietly from recess. The groups that you are
sitting in right now will be the groups that you work with for the rest of this class period. To start off
class today, I want us to take a look at what is inside these envelopes that I have passed out to each
group. In front of you, you might notice there is a sheet of paper that has three separate columns. The
first is called what I observe, the second is called what I wonder, and the third is called what I learned.
As a group, I want you to open up your envelopes and set out everything that is inside so you can see.
Without talking and just by observing, I want you to fill out the first two columns on your sheet with the
information that you observe about these objects, and information that you wonder about these
objects. I am going to set the timer for five minutes to complete the first two columns of this sheet.
TTW set the timer for five minutes and begin.
TTW walk around the class and informally observe student behavior and work.
TTW answer any questions the students might have.
As I was walking around, I noticed a lot of thoughtful observations as well as some good I wonder
questions you have about these pictures. Together, we are going to make a quick class chart of the
information we have written down. We will start with the observe column. Raising your hands, what is
something you observed about the materials that came out of the folders?
TTW call on students to give information they observed about the primary sources.
TTW informally assess student answers and record them on a graphic organizer under the Elmo.
Those were some very detailed observations. Now I want to know some of the things you wonder. What
are some questions you might have about these primary sources?
TTW call on students to give questions they have about the primary sources.

TTW record them on a graphic organizer under the Elmo.

Wow we have a great list of thoughtful questions to wonder about. Today, as we go through each
station I want you to keep these questions in mind, and I am going to challenge you to answer as many
as you can as part of our reflection at the end of class today when we fill out the last column of our
chart. I will leave this chart on the board for you to refer back to.
The Middle (35 min.)
Now, for the rest of class we are going to be rotating through three different stations. At each station
you will see a set of directions made up on a colored piece of paper. I would like for one person in each
group to read the directions to the rest of the members so everyone is aware of what they are supposed
to be doing at each station. I will start the timer, and you will have ten minutes to complete each
station. If you are not able to handle working in groups, you will go back to your desk and finish the rest
of your work there. Right now I want you to get started on the directions now, as I go start the timer.
(The three stations include: one station of laptops set up at the back table to a video about tobacco in
the English colony with a post-it note reflection, one station of vocabulary research using Frayer model
graphic organizers, and one station of a cause and effect foldable)
TTW start the timer for the first station as the students read the directions and complete the material
at each group.
TTW walk around and answer any questions the students have.
Wow those ten minutes just flew by! Quickly, I want everyone to rotate to the next station on the right.
So the back table will go to the side table, the side table will come up front, the front group will go to
the back table. As you quickly rotate, I will begin the timer for the next station!
TTW start the timer for the second station as the students read the directions and complete the
material at each group.
TTW walk around and answer any questions the students have.
Awesome job again, friends! Last time we all switched groups quickly and quietly. I would like for the
same thing to happen this time. In the same direction, please switch to the next group as I begin our
TTW start the timer for the third station as the students read the directions and complete the material
at each group.
TTW walk around and answer any questions the students have.
The End (5 min.)
Class I just want to say thank you again for all of the hard work that you showed me today! We got to
go through every station and everyone got all of his or her work turned in. Really quickly, the last thing
that we are going to do today is fill in that last column from our OWL chart. Please take three minutes
to fill in this last column as I set the timer.
TTW set the timer for three minutes.

Can I get a couple volunteers to share what they learned today?

TTW call on students to share what they learned about agriculture and slavery.
TTW record them on a graphic organizer under the Elmo.
So today we learned about how agriculture affected slavery. I am noticing some really good points you
all made about our lesson today, including ________. Tomorrow we will do an activity similar to the
one we worked on today. In groups, you will be creating a poster about one part of what we learned
this week. It is really important that you include good information on the poster because you will share
it with everyone at the end of tomorrows class and this will be our review for the test on Friday. Thank
you for all of your hard work today!

OWL Groups
Group 1: EV, Hillary, Trinity, Miles
Group 2: Devin, Sydney, Steven, Garrett
Group 3: Jaylen, Tomaria, Zoie, Mitchell
Group 4: Jaedyn, Paris, Malek, Walter
Group 5: Elijah Casey, Keely, Daniel, Max
Station Groups
Group 1: EV, Hillary, Trinity, Miles, Paris, Walter, Elijah Casey
Group 2: Devin, Sydney, Steven, Garrett, Malek, Keely, Max
Group 3: Jaylen, Tomaria, Zoie, Mitchell, Jaedyn, Daniel

Reflection Questions:
Did all of the students master todays objective? How do you know? (Use formative assessment data
to support your claims).

Based on the result of your assessment, what will you do tomorrow?

Can you go ahead as planned or will you need to reteach concepts from todays lesson? (Explain how
you will reteach and/or connect and feed forward.)

If you have to teach this lesson again, what might you do the same and what might you do differently?

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