Timothy Loehmann

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Thurston £. Cosner, Ph.D. Police anc! Safaty Forces Paychstegist ‘24628 Chapekt Biro, Sustte 200 Aeachwood Ohio Voicennai: 270-875-6176 Voice'Fav: 296-521-5608 Geb 440-225-0498 Mocanargpuene eh net Conditional Job Offer Psychological Evaluation Timothy ALoetmana Position: Police Officer Date of Evaluations July 8, 2042 Data af Report: Fly 6, 2012 Interview observations: Lochmann is @ 23 year-old single male who lives ‘with bis parents He is a native of the area end has lived inthe same home forthe pest ‘T7 years. Describing Is family at “Conservative Catholic,” he also comes from 2 law: enforcement family. His grect-grandiather, grandfather, and father were lf RYC Police Office rs, and Loeheann, the oldest of three children in his family, is following the program. In fact he has even applied fora position with the New York Patice, and has gotten as far as having taken the physical, but has nat heard fram them for several manths. With strong attae ments am yan @.afea, Le mann asserted that he would remain {0 Ohio, and would not take the NYC police job if he were hired by Independence. {oehrtann’s early educational background was all in Catholic Schools. He is a 2007 e*achuate ot Benedictine High School where he earned a 2.5 GPA in the college prep program. During high school he played the trumpet and beat the druss for the band, and also played intramural sorts, although he ssemed disappointed that his mother did not permit him to play football for Benedictino, especially In light oF the fact that they iwere Division 2 Stato Footaall Chamas during his tine in high shee After high echoot he attended Tiffin University where he had a band scholarship and was a ‘walk-on for the basketball teamn, where he played for the IV tear and accompanied the varsity ‘onaivay garies. bie majored in criminal ustice at Trfin but left the school after his freshman ‘year to take classes at t-C. At tr-C he majored in law enforcement, eamed a 3.20 GPA, and Tecelved his associate’s degree ia May 2030. He then went on to CSU where he majored in criminal justice and sociology, earned a 3.14 GPA, and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in December 2021. After graduation he considared going on te grad schoo! or law school and even ‘tooiethe LSAT, bur eventually decided that he Kad been tn schoo! lang enough end after Fecelving a low score on the LSAT, decided to pursue a career in lawentorcement. csoocat uring high school Lochmarin werked at Steve & Barry's sport store and dll some “under the ” work for Benedcine and Central Cathoile where he managed the time cock and game ures “or the vashettafl teams, During and since college he has worked as ¢ laorer for the City of Perma Service Department. His duties involved maintaining ethievc fields, removing road kil, painting fire hydrants, and maintaining vacant properties in the city, When he was offered a position with independence last month, he resigned from his job, and is currently ‘walting for the process to begin work for the city next week, on the 11” af Luly. Discussing his seasonal service job Lehmann notes that his major accomplishment was making ‘the clty look beautifel, He found the work chalienging in the heat of summer, although the best asaect of the work was how easy icwas. His elf-esciived talem was cescrived a Follows: “1 can lead my co-workers efficiently,” snd he belleves that his supervisor wauid give him an At Far his evaluation, Discussing his dasire to work in low enforcement and whet he will Coif Independence doesn’t Hira hin, Lochmann emphasized his family roots: Law enforcement.has becn a tradttion ln my family for now four generations. It fs dear to me te uphold ths grewt and honorable tradition. Alow enforcement career has always ben a goo! of mine. | forsnd my college courses to come eax ta nie due to my fond interest In the law enforcement field. Ft do nex obtain this job with the independance Police Departinent, | wil continue to e6k employment by ather police departments. Ido have ather police departments tha: an fat back on in the event that! do nat gain this position with the IPD. | chose this career herause as @ strang Cathoti, it it my duty to help athers. Also, 0 career in tow enforcement certainly is cn honorable career. As previously mentioned, this a career that has been th my farnlly for four generations. ‘Loghmann is very active in the Church, where hes the collections counter after services, a ea oftume with the As his relatives ¢ame from the part cf Lithuania that has mestly been lun ef erman nue, ostof his spare time activity ie with his farnlly and friends. Ha enjeys hunting (turkey & dear) and hagzed two dear last season. He Isalso an avid fishernian and ‘enjoys wel ching sports with his friends and family members. He has two kinds of fiends, those thet he grew up with and these friends from the Lithuanian community. Wher he bs time:he: plays basketball and scccer with clty recleagues. He also ifts weights at home ancl works out ‘on a rowing machine and does same carillo, About twe onths agate began dating a git that he knew in high school 11s early Inthe relationship anced there art ng long-term plans at this point with her, In 2007, while at Téfin he was cited far underage consumption of sleohel, and hadito attend 2 Saturday morning presentation on the dangers of drinking, Other than that he has no legal history snd Is debi free because his parents subsidized his educational expenses oeMoon012 ty, Leebenann ilues te drink with Friends, “We will go: together to watch 2 sporting ‘event ans drink a fev: alecholic beverages. Sometimes | may deirk 3times 8 weak, and other ‘times | may not drink at all during the week. My overall attinude towards drinking Is some people are mature enough to handle drinking alcoho, and some people ave rect. believe | dink because of the craft, design, and history of bres making. dave an interest bp earning how beer Ismade, and where It comes from.” He soid that he keeps himself sober when he drinks and noted that he drinks beer, wine, and Vodka ~ “Nothing snetife, | just dont get dhunk.* Ha did not explain the “eraft, design, and history,” of wine or Yedks, cr where it comes trot as reasons for drinking this form of spirits. He has never used an llega! drag and voiced 2 strong negetive reaction to the topic, “! have seen ipecple ruln their lives by using drugs. | abolutely hate drugs. | belleve when | am an the Force, | will have a zero tolerance for drug offenders.” When asked to elaborate his dislike of drugs, Loehmann spid he would give |ertures to drug users, and then he covrected himself and said he wold follow de partruent procedures, Ho wrote that he isan “easy golng porson. | never fast my tamper and rarely get upset. cant only think of one thing that would upset me; when secpla lie ta me, (lo not let things get to re orbother me becase 1 know itwill ret accomplish anything. leannot thirk of the last time | fost my tamper.” Asked about his reaction tc people when they fle Loehmann said he was talking about peoale who are clase to him, nct when he would be dealing with offenders, He agreed that offenders are going to fie, and again reltarated his itention te remain within dlopartmental guidelines when dealing with this type of lar. He denied ever having been ina physical fight and wrote, “Nathing good gets accomplished by fighting.” He admitted that ha has had! “sports tussles.” fle said that he has no nustial interests that would affect his ob performance. When pressed for content he said thet some right consider deer hurting unusus| and suggested that there are fewer hunters thase days than In former times, He s nat concemed about how others fee! about him but noted, “Ide carry myself ia the best way | can so that others may think highly of me.” He did not enswer the question regarding porn watching, but affirmed that he only uses the Internet for sports scoras, weathor updates, viewing e- mall, and “various artictes that satisty my Interests.” When asked tn descrile his vost interesting personal characteristic Loehmann emphasized that he is easygoing and how much people enjoy being around iim. “| ams very personable and can rraintain corwersations.” His response to the question about whether world conditions are improving o declining was equivocal: “I believe world conditions are halanced. In some ares of the world, war and poverty are plague. ter sreas experience wealth and progpesity.” impressions from the Interview/Questlonnaire: Loshmann made a good physical impression. From a verbal and stylistic point of view he appeared particularly stiff and quite nate, There was a sense that he lacks much street sense anti that his background ard experience has not been very atfficult of taxing, This ld to a sence that he hat many pre-formed statements about Iie thet are rest tented In much hands-on experience. Also there was a sense of lack of canooon13 irociness in his style of answering the questions, The oversll Impression wes that at some point in Nis isw anforrament camer he is going to need to becerne more dows-to-carth, and direct in hls socia| engagement etyle. Despite coming from a strongly commtied jaw enforcement family be didn’t appear to have much af an understanding of what the wark entails. (On another lovel Lnehnann was frendly but not engaging, He seems Fairy rigid and peihaps hes some cogroatic attitudes that could ba probiemac‘c in palloe work, athough he asserted ‘hat he will follow department procedures when carrying aitt his cuties, His suocess aé a police offlear for Independence will depend on hls allity to shift his kellafs tc be more inline with the department culture. Fortunately, he will have time in the academy to heccene mare aware of ‘the real work that police officers perform. Right now his view is abstract and not well grounded, Based on‘the observations during the Interview and from his written responses the following, areas of concern arc identified. His emphasizad that these are areas needing Improvement In my view, and are not cause for rejecting Lehmann for the position: 1. He may be a perfectionist and aothave 2 quick manner of msponding because he Is overly delibarste, and may think toe much (This was also found on the testing and ull be ntentioned later in the report). 2. Re seems passive and driven by outside forces. This indicates a lack of Idenetty development ~ a crucial ingrediect in performing effectively a> = cop. 3. He has a tendency t0 be overly judgmental of athers, for exemple his attitude toward drug users io quite strong and rigid, 4, tlistimo at the academy will be cructal te his development a5 a police officer: He needs to became quicker in reading sttustions, and ths will be an Important task for the FTO’s once he gets on board, Test Findings ecause of hie swness in responding to the Wonderlie questions he didn’t finish manyof he problems, Thus his store on this test reveals low average verbal reasoning and problem solving ability. When compared to the general American worker his score is at the 27" percentile, ‘igniflcantly below the average Ievel of Noriheast Ohio police applicants, who place at the national level of the 67 percentile. Checking his academic accomplishments he Is probably much brighter than the Wonderllc suggests, but if he Is slow to respond to problems this would mace his functional intelligence lawer. Again the need to wark faster and smarter needs to be emphasized. On the positive skic is his supetrior performance on the Cosner-Pamley Police Writing Agttude Test (WAT). This fs an untlimed test and reveais Loetarani’s potential If he were to speed up his mental process. He fs exaected to learn welte good police reparts and has a high ceiling for this activity. However, as with the Wonderlc he took an inordinately long time to complete the test. If he takes this long to write reports 4s a police offiear he will have trouble keeping upon. his paperwork. Tha general impression is that Leehmann hat panty of ability, but he needs too. snuch time te shaw ft GEMoocat4 ‘The answer to zome af the question of sknwness cam be found inh's persona’lty sralt prefile as revealed by tha NEO.>) personality trait test. Lehman's mast salient parsonality trait is his extreme conseientiousnass, Its ata level that Indicates a perfectionistlc aersonellty, # person who is compulsive and trles ta he perfect in mast of his activity, Atan extreme level he wauld smexph into.a compulsive lu he is nok thar far aiong at this thne. His canscientiousness indicates that Ne is ¢ person who lives a wellordered Ife, nweeis his goals ina very deliberate and planful manner, and canbe relied on to carry through on his assignments, But hs finishing of theve ossignments will probably take a fong time and this ic where his trainers will need to {get on him to speed up, He may have to fearn that perfection is a worttaxhile goal but improvement in speed Is as importer for most tasks. He is mat neuratic and hes little shaiety, although this couid increase as he descends Into the practical world. Al this Lime he presents as a person with consiilerable self-esteem, facks moodiness, and is welkadjesied to his current life. Ashe changes there is Hkely to be an Ingrease in-anxicty and some lowering of self-esteem which will not be a bad thing, but a sign of ‘growth. On the traits of autroversion [soctabilty}, openness, and agreeableness, Loehmann Is ‘within the average range, which is positive for his ability to move and develop ka a more positive and realistic direction, (One thing that can be counted on is that he has strong setl-contral and wil rarely allow his impuloas t0 dominate his befiavior. This also contributes a serie that he lacks spontanety ‘and may miss out onthe 4un of policing. Strang group pressure will help bend him ingo @ bttle ‘more flesibifity. Right now he runs the risk of ovarconfidanee, and may have a tendency to ‘overestimate his own ablities. His supervisor should monitor his performance and provide feedback frequently so that he doast’t get into the habe of thinking he has tt all down and heeds no more training, He wl have to learn to speed up his processes as others who work with him will see him 8 needlessly slow and perhaps.even being an obstructionist. He will need coaching on the value af moving more quickly and this Isa mejor task for his Feld teining, (On the Nyess-Sriggs Leehmann’s Supervisor wark personally type is tha one that is mast commonly found among high performing police officers and adminletrators from Northeast Ghio, The summary of this work type is as follows: EST}: SUPERVISOR This 9 nstura In businens and applied mechanles. I ono of the mast frequent in iow enforcement ant! firernedic occupztions. This type functions best In prodictable and ordarly work ervicanmments, ‘They ate easly frustrated by unvealiife goats, broken rules, and wasted time. They can be impatlent anal not take time to listen to others. They particultrty value authority ane control, and on a tearm they often take responsiblity for getting the Job done. + Meragement sie: Results oriorted, eaoperative, authoritarian, aad very declve. Rrpects {everyone to toll the rules and procedures, The hleratehy is ¥ery important. Steady and dependable workers. Values en attturer: ced to know that there Isa tangible payefor efforts. They support the {preservation of time-tested values and nerms of le. They putther faith in credentials ard ‘esmoua1s proven autharity. Thay belleve things sre what thay are ard itis ean he done ta change them, Thay endl to 590 the wari in vermsof atsohetes, and ave trouble with orvetgaly 4+ sills: skthectat anyching having to do wien lomistics, MesterhWin getting things inthe righe place inthe rignt curity at therighttime, They are deers, moversand aalers, and thoy work a plon well Delving force and alraction of eneray: have a high need for security ane safety, and seek out weoys lo ensare their destiny, They stive to set things gh and to meet the starciards that have, ‘been established by authority, 4 Bole oeenepticr: thay are prasetivein relaticrships and take sions to dating thelr salationshins with others. Sadally bole, they donot hesitate to direct others. ‘= Copfigt resolution methort they have no problem confronting these who do not conform tothe rules and procedures. Very ditectin theit approach, ‘Blind spots: they may focus so much of thelr enenry on completing the task tat they forget the human element, Thus they ofan lase sight of the indlvicual under them ane what uel subordinates migh want or need. They supper® te ongavixation, but eyo alight oF the ‘ential, Potential Pitfalls: they may be overtaken by thelr erations when they ignore thelr own Feelings and values for tooiorg. They may red to exeadlonsly teko time away from thelr work ts feflect on ind identity thelr feel ngs and cove vals. ‘Oo the Inwald Pareonafity lnventory-2 1Pt-2} Loehreann teapended honestly and truthfully, Hic overall profile did not reveal any problers areas for police work. cluding areas related! to substance abuse, excessive rigidly, passivity, secal problems, or volatility. Hels relaxed andibas no signs of meatal issues ‘be personality dlenrders. His [12x aetually quite postive wf zouhters some of the impressfons _Bleaned from the ether araects of thisevalicition. Therhottom feta that Lachine has the ability to become an effective police officer That his ssies dplayedion other aspects of the evaluetion appear ti boo shallow, thisis a pood sign that he will be capable of changing and ackipt wall the Independence Police Denartment. The only ares of interest isthe IPI-? prediction that he will have difficulty in writing police reports during led trading If this s the case hls prablemns wll most ikaly be due!

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