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Fem sh The Chait Pei A.btr, by Benjamin R. | Paste (Bethesda, M a Fld Soy 230 Di .Froon Srory CDL Paess, 19/93), vet. |.) OLD BABYLONIAN VERSION Hap ATRAHASIS Arahat is the anges reviving Clasia period marative poem. ese forhan imerpreation ofthe creation of humanity, the food, and dhe origins of human bast, marrage, proctsson, and dest, all of these dhemes bellanly worked fut in cohesive plot. "Humanity was created te provide servants forthe gods, birth wasinstcted toallow them to reproduce. The Nood wat an atempt at population contol ‘when the homan rae had grown too aumerous. Whea the flood proved too Grote a measure, population contol wat achieved by forbidding mariage aod procreation wo certain groups of people, snd oxdaining morality for al "The tory presented herein four etsion, The Olé Babylonian, or Clase vetion (1393), i bazedprinipallyon an Old Babylonian manascipt ofthe evententh cntry 8. Various other Old Babylonian manoscrips have bees incorporated into the tration ofthis version where posible. The oxgal consed of thee tablets containing 1245 Hines of poetry, of whch about 62 tr preverved in whole ori pt "The Middle Babylonian Veron (U.396), dating to the Mature period i ‘known in two recensione a fragmentary manvscipe fom Nipper (30.2) anda shore Asha sory Bom Sy L390.) ‘What called here the Late Assyrian Version (Is) the remains of fist nillennivm recension ofthe epic. This was pechape derived fom 2 Middle ‘Ausyran eworking of the tox, and diverge salcienty from the Old Baby- Tonan text to warrant separate teatment, Other late Anan manuscripts reserve cent mote closely telaed to the Old Babylonian version, though they fivergs in pasages, Tete have been inconponated where posible ino the Od Babylonian version, with note indcaing hat the elevant manoscips ace ater than the Old Babylonian period. The translation of the Late Assyrizn version has been keyed 9 the Old Babylonian tent eo help the reader who wishes 0 compare both veriont. The later vesion expanded some episodes, rewrote others and, in general, levelled out the orginaliy ofthe alder tse into a fat, ‘andusdize idiom fl of repetition. Another version ofa put ofthis story will be found in Table XI of the Gilgaesh epic. The Late Babylonian vesion (i399) is known ony in Eagmest. tefre mankind exited, the great gos ingse oe bar onthe lee ges) ‘When gods were man? 0 “They did forced labor, they bore drudgery {Grea indeed asthe drudgery ofthe goa, “The forced labor was heavy, the misery to much: ‘The seven?) great Anunna- gods were burdeninge 0 “The lei god with forced labor [Anu their ber was Kg, “Their counsellor was che warsor Eni “Their prefect was Nimura, {nd} hee bi) [Enno wo ‘They had taken the [Jn by the nt "They case 08, the gods ook their shares ‘Anu went opt besven, {Bail took the earth fr his subjecs.* [The bal the cloture” ofthe sa, as [They had sien ro Enki the leader [The Ananna-god] went up ro hesven.* [the gods ofthe depths had descended, {The Anunns-gode in the elights] of heaven [Berdened) the Ipigt-ods [with forced labor (eo) [The gods were digging watercoumes* [Canal they opened the] Bile ofthe land, tT mee Groner AO 9) 29mg wn ot ee OEMS AS eTE esi wa aed er ieet o | TS SARS USN Dy ane guano ren tetra 2 mane samt wes go tke wane ome, ONS 8 [} 3). Te oe at me See ee Letiy nome tengo hey lo wos mn do Uso telr aan ee ct pon the os sngato me hs cpr ie al y Pg Se ee et eptinfton ne enn eee nee pcr ek ot at kin ta Wick, ZA 0 (0) 1 IT eT na). Th en ay be proeed 2 e op aing Exe te einen Oe, a in becnsem 160 Ik The Ca eso Thore gods were igang watercourses, [Canale they opened the] life ofthe and [The Ig gods dg the Tiss iver, 9) {And the Euphrates thereifer. [Spring eey opened up fom she depts, [Wells] they established t 1 the dept t othe lind ®) t 3 within ie i | they ied up, [They heaped up all the mountains [year of drudgery, i 1 he vast marsh, os) ‘They [coufated yeas of drudgery, [and] fory years too much! [forced labor they Bore night and day. [hey were complaining, denouncing, Ioreeing dows inthe deh, wo) “Ler face up tour foreman the prefect, “He mast take of his) our [heavy Barden wpon wl “{_ Jreounellor ofthe god, the wasor, “Come let us remove (hin) ftom his dwellings “Bali, counsellor ofthe god, the waror, 49 “Come, let us zemove (hin) ftom hs dwelling!" [Frame ready 2 sea, [And maid to he) gods bis retren, [the prefect of olden days) (Gop of bout four nes) fee wi it 0 {Het us break the yoke!” [J made ready to speak, [Seying tothe gods his brethren, ML Pehe prefer of olden pe) .” ° 2. om Late Aug agment (CT 46. hod Soy 162 “rhe counselor uf the gol}, the watson, "Come, let w remove (im) fom his welling. “Bali counselor ofthe god, the warsoe, Come, let a remove (hi) fom hs dwelling! “Now then, cll for bate! “Bate let ur join, were!” ‘The gods heard his words, ‘They we fret their ool, ‘They pus ie to thee rpades, And dame to their workbasker. Of thay went, one and ll, Te wae night, bal-way throug “The house was surrounded, bat dhe god did not know, 1k wat night, half-way through the watch, kor war strounded, bot Ea did nor know! alla noticed ieand [J He touched the bole and ea Kalla woke [Nusku}. ‘Ad they Heed to the clamor ofthe Igigh-g0ds)* [Naska woke [i] lord He got fhm) out of bed, “sy lor, (your house i surounded, “pate has ua sight up [to your gate ali, your howe i surounded, Dae ba fro ight up to your gate” Bali bad [ ] 00 bis dwelling Enlil made ready 10 speak, ‘Ad said go the vst Naska, “Nok, bar your gate, “Get your weapons and stand before me." [isk bed ie gts, Got his weapons and stood before En. [ask made ready t speak, [And ss o the watror Eel, ined the 1. Noe he nnn eh png. indeg eae and spine. wo) 9 ~ os) (e) as 6 62 The Chl Pod “yy lord you fice it gone pale 3) mars! “Your awn ofsring! Why did you far? “ay lord you ice it (gne pale 3) mars 69 Your owa ofipring! Why aid you fest? “Send tha they bring Anu down (here, “And tht they being Enki belfre volo” Fe sent and they brought Ama down t in, “They bromght Eo before him. 0) ‘Ann, king of fhelven, was seated, ‘The king ofthe depth Bak, was [+ “With the gest Anuaa-gods present, Enlil arose the debate far underway] iil made ready 10 speak, 09) | And sud abe pe [aoe “Against me woul che be [eblling]? Shall make bate aginst my own ofiprng)? “What die with my very own eyes? “Bate ran up t my eat” (9) ‘Ana made ready peak, And sid othe warsor Eo The reason why the Ii gods “Surounded) your gatet Lee Nak go out (t dicover it) (us “fber hi eke t fou oles) “Your grea} command." Ell mide ready to speak, And so the [vnier Nosko]. “Nuk, open (your aa). 29 | “Take your weapons, [tad before them] “tn he aserbly of al the gods) “Bow down, stand up, fa expound to them] ur [word “Anu, (your Ser, “Your counsellor, the wassor} Eni (a9 “Your prefer, Nit, 1. teal your tse omit” (Boge HIKE 18-Fo ema be slo ar ane od Sy 163 “and your Dali Bangs have ene (0), “Who fs nnigatr af baler “wa (i asigaor of hoses? “Who eced) war, [Tha bates sun vp to the gate of Eal"+ [Nasku opened) his ae, [ook his weapons] and wet]. Eni [athe asembly ofthe gods, [Pe kncl, stood up, expounded dhe clommand,+ “Ans, your Buber, “our coutselor, dhe] warrior Eni, ‘our prefer], Ninuts, “And (your bai] Eng fave ene me (cs): “Who i sigatr of bare? “Who i estar off hoses? 0h (declared) wae, “{(Tny bate bs ron upto the gate of Bail? ast 1 “He transgressed the command of) Enlil "* “Every fone of a god has declared} wae; ‘we have set [Jin the efscavstiont “(Bxcesive] drudgery {hase ws) [Ou forced labor sas heavy [the misery too mach! “Now, every fone of us goa) “Flas resolved on [a reckoning? with Enll."+ [Nunes took fis weapons Hewent,be[t0Silor “My lord, you sed) me to the “L yent | 1 “1 expounded (youl great command, oL anygreed i+ “(everyone of oe gods ha declared wat, "We have st] in ee excavation, “Brcemve [drudgery] hat led Seabee ine 16, ba wa giren a Tae ie (30) (39) ro) 4) (0) ss) (160) 264 The Cal Ptl Fant 165 “oor force aor [wat hey, the miery too much! “enim ere eke ° Se Saas : “fLet man assume the drud]gery of god ...” “a caved on ekg) with all (085 “When Bal Reed bt speech, (As he main mang rues, Ell pecking) ere ““[Belet-ili, the midwife], is present, ea ae eee Tite nadie (9 ‘And arene the wate A Seen “lo wp with yom Bese, on) ees ee eee | “The midwife ofthe gods, wise Mami, Ce eee ry ge “will you be the birth godess, crestres of mankind? Pee “Creat «hn being that he Ber the yoke, (99) sn) made ready 00 Pe “Let him bear the yoke, the task of Enlil, ‘And addressed the gods his bredhren, on) aaa eee acer et ged” “hy do we bam shen? . eae ee "Thee faced abr wa ney, thee iery too much! eee vey day 1 : “It is not for me to do it, (200) “ft outty ws] oud we cold hes he clamor. ]] cee if ee cS “He it is that cleanses all, t ee oid i “Let him provide me the clay so T can do the making.” ow) | En made ready eo pea, ro : ‘And said to the great gods, (208) (gp the ain etion spe fled by th loin OW Ba lin agent Andie rte mame {Crane etn Aa ht Tt nes th nk ees Aer On he teeth and iets oe " ro, en gc on pp seaton of mand thos f eli gos) “Heimer peat ‘Then fer he gods be lesmad by immenon made ready 1 speak, ® “Lee Nata mix ely with hie esh and blood (9) ‘Andi tothe gods [his rethven, 4 “Lexa same gd sad man be horovgly mixed ‘hat eauny do we ay thei hare? inthe coy “Their forced labor was heavy, [their misery too much]! i “Let us hear the drum for the rest of time, “Everyday 1 om the sh ofthe god let» spn renin on “The outcry [a Tous we could hear the clamor) “Lert make the ving now ip, There is ( 1 ‘Bele he mii, present. Met he fae then, nn, «mas, Thee ore om ae Aun Vea Lambe, ha 50 |, rn ens nes css th ing Nin or Man) pec eg in, 16H. The Chal Pd est he be alowed tobe forgot et he spi seman. "* “The gre Anunna-gods, who sdminier destinies, Anmwered "Yes! in the sembly, (On the fit, seventh, and fifeenth day ofthe month, He erablshed » purification, 2 bath, “They saughtered Weil? who had the inpiration, in heir anembly. Nints mined clay with his Dsh and blood. ‘That ame god and man were thoroughly ised ince clay> For the ret fof time they would bea he drum]? From the lsh ofthe god the] spit remained). would mike the fiving know i sgn, Leathe be alowed 10 be forgotten, [th] spins remained [After she bad mixed that cay, ‘She summoned the Anunna, she great gods. “The ih the great gos, spat upon the cay. ‘Mami made ready eo speak, ‘And sid to the grt gods. “You ordered me the tsk and 1 have compleed i! “You have dughtere the god, along with his inspiration, “{ave done away with your Rene Forced labor, “Lhave posed your deadgery on man “¥en hve bestowed?) chmor upon mankind “Lave relented the yoke, Ihave [made] testoration."¥ “Thy heard this peech of hes, 29) (9 oo) 9) oO) ime he eek flown Mee ene god (We) who ha the in” vn et elon py tcc bers" (oe ein er ei {uate te pt a ry-reed as orb). The pelo oth sp lb» pe ‘nr of edad gos se reo may bes phy onthe Alkan word fr “a at ee WK ket (Se Ky 20) Ort or ceton os pase Kier On 47) 186. 1S teat, nh 9 sya om Sen ONS 8 it) 5 A sake and ZA ov, esl een make tg opin oF Family, nacho wl be ce the go xenng he Bod ac ened men ot gil bel eps pa ad nga boron A saci os (Chapim AID 9490 370 od Soy 167 “Tey ran, snore and ied he fee, (ying ean) “Tormesly [we used call you "Mami “Now lee your nfamje be ‘Mistres-of-Allthe-Gods'Bele-ksb (Gres off orth mixing ston, whch drs th prfuaion of sven male ant Sven female fortress Austin Vesion, eli 1937.) [And the yours gi] ber Breas! [The youth J Berd, [And bai.) the cheek of the young man {locke J.--and sect 79) “Wile and husband were [bs ]-t ‘The binh goddeses were asembled, ‘And Nint (ut ree]eaning the months [At the] destined time] they zemmoned the renth month "The tenth month” srved (28) ‘opened the womb, Her face beaming and joy, She covered her head ‘And penforned the midi. ess) She gieded (the mother) middle ‘As she pronownced «blessing ‘She deew (circle?) with meal and placed che brick,’ “tam the one who erated, my hands have made i “Lat he midwife tejoie n the sacrosanct womans house (390) “Where the pregnant woman gives bint, “And the mother ofthe babys delivered. "Lee the brick be i place for nine dys, Theft pt of han bing pow or ayond Gomer ne ef he La yin Geant neces Pa f Bet 708) ad hs red eva’ 1 trace Ube Fee 96 ne senha abate ih STEN ape fon she ro hares woman tonto ih (Rai tee Kiley The Be eB” JNES 4 (987. 21893, “ors in 5 [7 8 with oe) gmat ent» wom who bajo etait onl ut eeu aol puis The new ine rb empton ‘sue er vey 18 TL Th laid Pei vl Sir 169 "Let int, the bi goddess," be honored. too) f [Bali hear} thee clamor. “always ell Mana thle [ [Pe sido the pest gods, “tatiays pai the bith goddess, praie Kesh? “The clamor of mankind [has become burdensome 0 me), "On [the tenth day, when the bed i i, among fe thi pe “(Then let wife and her hosand reach Be together (500) i lee there be ague 60) “Ae the time for being man and wile, rarer “They should heed Iba in he [ J. chamber, Bot he, [Athi his god was Enki, [ete was exceedingly wit]. 89) He would speak [with hir god), “For the nine day et there be rejaicing, “Lee them el! bse kara an Peele eee (tosknd, no mpg put 0 wok fe the got) Slowing om Pe 1 ere eee reorient i He saw and [ } “Let heralés proclim, Enlil { \ ! (39) “Let them raise aloud clamor in the land. FB) ana Sere eS Stee aaa es Le cae) eee ee re “And assembled the elders to his gate.’ ec pee eet Aeicec tn pees seca mera ‘The god was disturbed with [their uproar), (353) "Elders... 7 a ow SIC EA stn et pe tn {Thee ses ob nowy cee thin th he intron in Tbe ie Cha eo “[Commsna “Let hers procaim, ‘Let them ste aloud [lamor] in the land. {Do not reverence] your (own) gods, [De not pray to your (own) [goddesses], [Seok] the door of [Namar}, “Bring a baked (loa) before it “May the flour offering please him, “May he be shasned by the git and suspend his hand.” “The elders heeded (ie word, ‘They ble temple for Namtar in the city. ‘They commanded and the [hers] proclaimed, “They made s loud clamor fin the land “They di [ne] reverence thee (own) gods, ‘They dd [nr] pray eo [tele (own) goddese, “They rough [he door of Nam, “They froughe| a baked (loaf before ft ‘The four offering plesed im, (He was shamed bythe git nd suspended his hand, (The ague eft the, "They remimed [thee camo (lines rgmentary) ry 400) 9) eo) eta 78 ‘Tables tt “Twelve hundzed yeas had not gone by, © ‘The land had grown wide, the peoples ha incensed, ‘The land wr bellowing like a bul. ‘The god was disturbed by their uproar, Enlil heed their clamor 6 He sid wo the great gods, The clamor of mankind has become burdensome 9 me, “Lam losing seep to thie upeow. “Cutoff provisions forthe people, “Ler plat life be to sant [0 thes hanger. “Lee Adad withhold his an, “Below, let the flood aot come up from the dept. “Lee the wind come 1 patch the ground, ‘Let the clouds blow but discharge 2012 top. “Let the eld reduce yield, ‘Let the grin goddess close her bosom. “Les there beno rejoicing fr them, “Let [heir fer Be gloomy, “Lee there not [ 1 on) [Command “Let heralds proclsn, “Lee chem make loud] clamor) inthe Ind "Do not everence your (own) gods, “Do not pray to your (wn) (goddess), Seek [the dr of Adid, “Bring a baked (oa before i." “(May the lr offrng) plese htm, “May he be shared [by the] gift and suspend his bane, “May he rin down as inthe moming, to) 9 eo) wo as) The Chat Ped "May he seal rain dove dear in he night, “May the elds ju a steal ese nine ‘They bail temple for Adad inthe city. oo ‘They commanded andthe heralds proclaimed, ‘They made a loud clamor in dhe land. ‘They didnot reverence thee (own) gods, “They dis [nod] pray 9 thee (own) goddess, ‘They sought} the door [of Ada), es [they Brough «baked oa) before it. ‘The Boar offering pleased him, He wat shamed by the gilt nd suspended his hand. Hie mined down mist inthe morning, 60) He steal ruined down dew i the night, [The lj a stealthy bore ninefold [The Eine] lef them, They reed thei [clamor] a9 on (or anosbe ein of wha flo, se 1.38.) (Atahase want to comma with Ent, du hows thatthe god is wnder oath ot to Speak with hi He sep by the wat fora indietcommantetion in dreamt) (Listening cowly for o [Hie inguced by the] ofhis go. [et af] ee [ey he set his foot Every day he would weep, Bringing oblations in the morning. 6 "My god (would speak to] me, but he is underoath, “He wil fnfors] (me) in deans “Enki [vould speak o] me, bur he ic ander oath, “He wil finer) (me) sa dea. [He mnited the command of his god, Wo ood Sey 73 ‘When the iver eens? ws ‘Then 1 [Dir hero-nen! ofthe sve] wore vnbe He ssid othe [hairy hero-men] of the river, “Let the river tke) [my ..] and bear 6 aay, “teri igo =) “To the prfnet lay Boe “May (Eak}see[ “May he 1 “inthe nigh t{ Ie [er he pt che inthe ve 9 {Fe se ie} cing the ie, From'hesane “Torthe depth [| went down Enki heard (his word), ‘And fntruted the hry hero-men a (low, 9) “The man who [| 1 “Letthisame one[ "Go, the order [ 1 “1 Jot noe et on Above [ 1 « Below, the ood did nt fee] Eom the depths “The womb of cath did not bese, Pane life aid nt come forth. a People were not ren abot, ‘The Back felds whitened, “The broad plain was filed up with ss. ‘One year they ate old rai, “The second year dhe exhaust) their store. (9) ‘When the hind year came, “Their features were ditorted om hunger, 2. Akon Ln id ay, aanaped ce hee wd with ke -wiggenen JHON ot) 005s page ne 6 98 n4 I The Cail Pes “rete es were covered if wi ay Life was ebbing, litle by Hele ‘Tall people sheveled in boa, ‘They walked hunched inthe see. ‘Theis broad shoulders became narrow, “Theis long tance became shor “The mesenger took the command “They wont before these, ‘They stood and told him, (Tei onder to Enki he lee ngmetary lines, ¢9) on) He was lle with ange ot Eo. Al we} gest Anuna-g08s "Ressived together (on ue “an and Adsd watched over [tbe upper egions). 1 watched over the lower each “where Ea went, “He relented the yoke, he made restoration * “He let loose produce forthe people! “He put (bade) in ohe gareQ) ofthe un.” Enlil ene] ready to rpea He si tothe vier Nusku, “Let hem bring to me. 1 “et them een] therm to my pretence “ 9) as) 9) es) 1 Tht ero nln re he ate ty ean ee Jit spect aed Boo ah oon lng ved th poe ‘hom aan The ek pag ys iy the word nk ried 6» {onde chi pe adeno oe ono vei he dba ih aed memo n oe, tbe hex he rng hon Tsay hve ee ‘oo senate te et ad Heise toh bly ee ne [Mees fund CAD MU 00) “tConpe Tle os 906 “They henge ts him so ‘The warior En] id 0 them, {All we] reat Anunna-god “Resolved together om ue “Anu and Adad watched over the upper seen) ““Lwatched over the lower earth ‘where you went" [You released the yoke), you made restoration, “Io le loot produce far she peoples, “om pot she? in the gle?) of he san.” or) Pood Soy 175 co) « (Gs expeining to he gods how Enki fc hie murda) “dad field) is ain (But) fled the fields “tand) the closds) covered |} “(You (god) mst not] feed his peoples, “(Nor] soppy provisions on which th peoples thrive.” [The god] etted for sting ide, {ln} the asembly of the gods, worry gnawed at him, {Bil} rezed Sor siing ie, [in the sembly ofthe gods, worry gnawed a im owe ines fren) (Ents patina.) “Yall we gre Anuana-goa] ~{Rerlved) together [on rue, “Anu and Adad watched over the upper regions “i watehed over the lower exh "where you went ou releted the yoke, you made restoration, [Yo let loose produce forthe people, ce) as) es) 1. Abdo ithe Some 7 pal Compae sh Toe ie 9 16 1. The Clas Pid {ou pur made] nee glare ofthe sn, on on) “{she? impose] your drudgery fon man] “[you] have bestowed) clamole upon mankind] “You slaughtered [the gol together wih [is inspiration}, [You] st down and bathfed yourselves. -[ Jiewill being | 1 Yeu resolved on farale J “et mankind) retuen tf) 2)" “Let us be ste to bind ehe leader Enki [by an oath so tha) be[ J. Enki made ready to speak, [And sd o he gods his brethren, “Why would you bad me by 3th [ 1? “km Lo bing my hands agaist my own peoples)? “The flood that you are speaking of [o me]. “Who is tha? | [do not know “hmm Le produce fs lood)? “The tak ofthat [Ea “Lechim( ]ehoose, “Lee Shallat and (Harish g fn fone, “Let Breakal [ea ut] she mooring poles, “Let [Ninural] go make [ee dikes} overiow. Comal a9) (age 9) “Asemble 1 “Do not obey [ a “The gods commanded annihilation, fui} commited an evil dood agaist the peoples. 09 09 () 4s, () os Se Fed Soy 177 ‘roblet Anaars made ready to speak, ‘And sid his lore, oo) (Arabs has had dream fom Enki, id wher In its meaning.) ‘Arahasis made ready to speak, ‘And sid to his lord, "Male me know the meaning of the dream), {etme know that I may Took out for is consequence.” [Bri] made ready to speak, ‘And nid this servant, "You might sy, ‘Am T 10 be oo “De you pay attention to dhe menage that f speak for You: wat “Reed wal pay attention to all my word! “Flee howe, build boat, “Forsake possesions and sve i “The boat which you build, TY Jbeeawall I] eo) “Rooter over ike the depths, "So the the won shall no eis he, “Le her be roofed over fore and aft» “The gua howl be very Sem, “The pitch shold be Sem, make (he) song. “will shower down upon you later “A wind of beds, 2 spate) of fishes. "+ He opened the water clock and filed i He told it (he wall) ofthe coming ofthe seven-day deluge.t ‘raha reeived the command, He sennbed the elders 3 is gat. ‘Aoshi made ready o speak, a as) 1: out while in che Bedeoon2"* eo) es) 0) os) wo) nh The Chast Pt “hy god [does not age] with your god, “Eni and (Enlil are contanly angry with each other, “They have expelled me fom [the ln}. “Since Ihave aways reverenced [aki] “(He told me) his “Tea Hive in ( “Nor ca I et fet on] the cath of Ball vil vel] with god in) she depbs."* “fT he old me [ J" (Gap of ow oi ines) on “The elder ( 1 ‘The eapeate [cated his ae, ‘The reesswarker [ered his stone. [The rich man? carrie] the pitch.» “The poor man [brought che materials needed}. on sro [ 1 on) Bringing { j ‘Whatever he (had 1 “Whirever he Bed i Pare (anal) he slfoaghtered, eae). at animal) fhe kil, sheep)" He chow [and brought on] Bourd “The bind] ying in the heavens, ‘The eae) fnd ofthe cx] e god, “The ferearure? ofthe steppe, [_]he brought on board i 1 [The invited it people 9) () «) oo) 9 wo ot Sony 79 Llama fear. [his mally he brought on boas ‘While one was esting snd another was drinking. He went in and out; he could not, could not knee, For his heae was broken, he was retcing ga ‘The outlook ofthe weather changed, Adad beg to roar in the clouds “The god they heard, hs clamor. He brought pitch o seal his dcr. By the time he had bolted his dooe, ‘dad wa roaring inthe clues ‘the furious wind rose, He cut the mooring rope and rested the host. we inet) t te orm ( were yoked [Ansa rent dhe sky wich halons, THe end ‘And broke is clams like ot [UJ the food me forth. Ins power came pon the peoples [ike bat. ‘Que peron i not ee another, ‘They could [not recognive eich other inthe exttrophe [the dstoge] belowed like « ball “The wind fesoundld ikea exeaming eagle * “The dks fis dens], the sun 92s gone, 1. ke ies [the clamor| of the deluge (to tne gentry) l | the clamor of ee deluge) Fewas ying {ofthe gods [Bn wae beside isl, [That his sons were eased ff before him. Nint, the great lady, us so (9) © 10) cy ) eo HoH. The Chal Pood oo Sey 8 Gawd er ip “The Ansa, the gre pod, 9 Were sting inthis and bong. ‘The goddess awit, weeping, ‘The midwife ofthe god, she wise Mans “Let the day grow dank, “Lec ir tur back 9 gloom! 9) “tn the ssembly ofthe gods, “How di | gice with them on asian? “Wat Enlil so strong that he forced [se] eo speak? “Like that Tir, did he make fy] speech confined? we) “OF my own accord rom mypelf alone, “To my own change have {hes (ny people’) clamor! sy ffpring — with no help from me— Ihave become lke fies.» 6 “and a for me, how 9 dwell in (is) ode of ei, ‘ny clamor fallen silent She wept giving vont wo he felings, ‘While Nints wale, her emotion wa pent “The gods wept with her forthe lind as) Sie had her fil of woe and tiste for ber. “Where she at, they too sat weeping, Like sheep hey Sled 2 ereambed.” =) ‘The lip were agonized with cise, ‘They were suffering pangs of hanger Seven diye and seven ailghs] ‘There came the deluge, the storm, [he Dood. es Where it 1 L | wa thrown down, (eon of obo sey foe lines (Gop of rey ns) “shal go up fo heaven, ‘To the four] winds] oo) “Asif live ins howe of [pentiflstore} 2 (s) He ext [ 1 "Where hae Ans gone t, the chit decson-maker, Providing food [ 1 “Whore sons, the gous, heeded his command? t i “tHe wha irony brought sbowt the ood, [the gods sie) the saver, “And rlegted the peoples to ealtaseophel?™ ‘They were gachered [ike He] around dhe fein. os [Afar] they a eten the offering, [Ninf arose co il agint ll of them, "where hat An got tthe chief deiion maker? Wo) as Ell drs nigh the incense? “They who iealonally broughe aboot the food, “And relegated the people to etseophe? “You resoived vpon anihation, “So now (dhe people's) clear countenances are turned grim” (4) “Then she deew nigh the big st Which Anw had and... (J “Min is [thee woe! Prclin my destiny “Let im get me our of may misery, let Bi show me the way). (0) (ene ine ising) on inte was waiting |] soe gave Bit £90) oe © “As dragonflies a watercourse, they have filed the sea* “tie rae they ie agus he eld, “Like rae capsized they ie aga he bank “tea and wepe over them, « “1 have exhatted my lamentation for ther.” the ens Te own, Te gna oping to Gd wet dei Hs IL The Chai Pel Lec me go ob¢ 1 “tnt 1 © “Let [dese] ie! be jewelry around muy neck, “That I may remember it every?) day [snd forever.” [The wareor Bail] sae the ves, 0 ‘And wa filed with anger at the Ipih-gods “Al we rest Anuia-gods “teeslved together on an oath. “Where did HP) escape “How dds man survive dhe etasrophe?™ 6 Ane made ready to speak, [Aad sa othe warrior Ea, “Who could do this but Enki? [he revesied dhe command” 9 [Enki] made ready to speak, {And sid eo he great gods, 1 i ie finde] or your aks! “(am responsible] for safeguarding WU] St Ygods( eo “ J the food “ brought about {0 Balt, | your hear “ ad telex. “Impose your penalty fom 2 wrong-doer, es) “(Foe who is that cepa your command? “[ Jekeamembly |] ow 1 lke t 1 pat, SL Dos amy hear” wo 1. The ede ie hc nd rom to oan py on wor Fr dsusin se Kt, np oc oun mayb ha ad wer ot ell kid fhe ood bat | ot Sony Bali) sade sendy to ape ‘And sid to Ea ke leader, [Come], summon Nin che bh godess [Do you) and she tke counsel togeter inthe asembly.” (Baki) made ready to speak, ‘And [sid vo] Nints the bith goddess, "ou, bith goddess, creates of destinies, “[Baabish death) forall peoplel* “ 1 at Te there be, (one ine ising?) “Now dhen, lee there be hid (woman) among th people, “among the people ate the woman who has borne and the ‘woman ho has not borne, “Let ther be (lis) among the people the (he)-demon," Let her snatch the baby fom the lap of her who bore i, ‘vpyablh high pier and peste, “Let thems be taboo, snd 30 eut down chiki, gmetary lie, thon large sp) fo) How we brought sbout [the dood), “Bur man survived the [eaastrophe, “You, countllor ofthe [great] gods, "at [your] command have | brought a J+ be, “Thi [ry] song Gs) for Your praie “ay the Higgs het, them extol your great deed to cach ober. “1 have sng ofthe loo to all peoples: “Linen” 1. °The-One-Who-Wipe-Ou” iy nae as) (so o © (o) as) 184 The Chl Pid Flo Sy 8s (b) MIDDLE BABYLONIAN VERSIONS (2) AN ATRAHASIS STORY FROM SYRIA (1) NIPPUR EDITION ‘This veron ofthe Atabasi story was evidently natrated by Atha hime “The tablet was dacovered at Ugisk, om the Syian cont, and dates approni= 1 wa expai | smately othe thirteenth century RC 4 flood wil sie all che peoples a once of Yhefote the food comes forty ‘When the gous took counsel concerning the land, 0 “"1Go0d reeds), as many as there ae, shouldbe woven), ‘They brought about Mood inthe word epions ‘should be gathered) for ie @ {Til s big boa. [ Iwouldtites [ ) “Lec its steucere be interwoven? of good) red t Ex inhi ear. “{ Jletiebe a venel withthe name “Guardian of Lie o "L —— soot e over with strong covering, “tam Atha, Into the Boa which) you will make, 0) "Lat ving i dhe trple of a, my ord, “PBsingsboar) wild creature of the teppe birds of hewn “and Tknes everyhing “teap op L 1 ay “tknew ofthe counsel ofthe erst gods, (rest ofp new oftheir th, hough they would not reveal ic © me. (9) “He repeated thee words to the wal “Wal eae [ 1 Gon) 0) “L Jehe goaeite 0 “(youre ld] “LY help and E 1 “Lifelike the gods (you wil] ined (poses (ond of tbe) 86 IL The Cal Pod (© LATE ASSYRIAN VERSION "The Late Asyran version i fagmentary,rwo-tble edition ofthe poem, "Bac tables had ix colrne of about sy line each. Very lite ofthe second table is preserved, The nombering assigned tothe abet lines on Tablet tbverse is for convenience only thei exice placement i still uncertain, References tothe Old Babylonian venion are provided in the right margin ‘Tablet t went dow (o3 hw) I alpahip of he depts t | went down oo) t ingabilp@) oF Es [ were digging the sive I fe of the lind i J dhe Euphrates afer it L | fiom the deep s) ‘They se up tie [I (For tn yea] they bore the drudgery [For rwenty yea] they boee the dmdgery [For thiey yeas they bore the dadgesy {or fore yar] they bore the deadgery. 0) [De they refed t 1 [They were complaining, denouncing, Ibdatering down in the lech (B14) renal, thn gop) Fd Soy 187 (nhs vson Ns mason adtonl vt he bel fer the propose} slaughter ti ender har boo mde) “¥en [ 1 (OB Leqett) “Take | } “With the grest god i session before you), w “With Belo the midwife] in sesion, “Summon the one an kl [i.” ‘Anw made ready 2 pea, saying fo Nasi}, “Nase, open your gute fake] Your weapons, [stand before them}, “among all the grest gods bow down, (sand up (0) Say to them [ h “Ana fone ther a ot me ra couseloe the wfarir En) ‘Your prefect Nifnanta and your bf? Annual “Whe i instigator of ttl, {whois insigator of hostile)? (15°) "Which i he god who made [the wae) That tte hat ran wp to [the gate of Ell?” {When Nasi hese this, He tofok) bir weapons [ nthe auembly ofthe gest gods [he knelt and stood up], (207) THe ssid)othelm "tal (your Ether has sent me, “(Your counsellor she wartor) Ea, “Your peeect Ninuria and your buiD] Annual "{Who is insigator of atte? Who i] instigator of hostilities? 25°) "(Which eae god who made] she war “fat bate bt ran up fo] the gate of EablP™ {The great gods made (ready 2 speak, [Saying to Nos, visi] of Enlil, (09 Py ) i 1 [We ar the gods, instigators of bate, we] ate the gous, instigators of hostiis. [wea the gods who} made the was, [That bate hs ton ont the gate off Enlil” oo) (tage 09) f Ba a, Ea, seated before he] vs prompting her, ‘Belt (i) wa reciting the incantation, After she bad recited her spel, [She spa in her ely She pinched off fourteen pieces of iy, Seven she put on che ight. [Seven] on the left. ‘Between them dhe brick was paced” ‘She the headcovering?) ed the cutter ofthe umbilical cond ‘She summoned the wite and sccomplihed Birth poddeses, seven and seven, Seven prodeced males, [Seveal prodaced females. "The mia, creates of destiny — “They wil crown?) them in pe! ‘They will crown?) them in pats inher presence — (Mami aid dowa the design forthe human nie: “tn the hoase ofthe pregaane woman about to give birth, “Let the brick be in place fr seven dys, “That Bele, the wite Mami, may be honored, “Let the midwite rejoice inthe house ofthe woman in bor. Tht i he fc lone ay ema mle fee as) oy as) oo) ot Sey “And when the pregnant woman gves birth c | ‘Let the mother ofthe baby deliver hesell ; “A male aby) tof "TA female Gaby)" fo) [Twelve hundred year ad nor gone by) (OB 1383) “The lnd had grown wie, [the peoples had increated) He was disrbed at] thie camo, {Ad their uproar feep} could not overcome him. lil convened hit auembly, ‘And sid to the gods his sons, “The clamor of mankind har indeed become burdensome for ie, “tam dared [at thei lor, “YA dei uptoas seep cannot overcome me. “Command sha here be apse, "Let contagion diminish thei mor. Ler diese, hexdpsin, ape, and malady “late pon them ike a whidvind.” ‘Thely gave he command and there was 2pve, CConrgion diminished thee clamor [DisJeate, headpain, ague, and malady Bnuted upon chem ike» whirlwind For the destiny ofthe man, Atrhas,! 2, his god, was heede ide noe [peak] with his pod? [Ps god, a, spoke with him, Arabs made rey t peak, {And sid to) Es his lord, Lord, the peoples are groaning “Yous [dice] is devouring the and. 1. Lely “The Broo Wid Man yon em nie meng. us) © 6 9) as) 0) 90H. The Cll Pod “Es, lord, the peoples are groaning, “[The diese] fom the gods is devoting the land. “[Sinfee you created ws, “(Will you) semove the disease, hendain, gue, and malady?” (a made ready to} speak, and sid to Auth: “Command "Lec eras (proclaim, “Lee them lence the clamor in de land 09) | {Do not reverence your (own) gods), “Do not pray to your (own) goddewes, t Ystrerve hs es, “t J the fone ofr ol There “ J peak esng™ 9 “(ple wi be shamed by te) git [ad sec aside?) his and.” (Galil convened hit arembly, and said tothe gods his sons, "Do not ly contagion upon them (any loges)!* "(The peoples have na dine, ‘bur have become more numerous than before! “Lam dieabed ft their clamor, | (Ae thei uproae sleep cannot overcome me Cur off provender forthe peoples, “Lee plants be scanty in their tomas “Above, lee Adad make sete his i, “Below, let (infil) be blocked of and rise ‘ne flo frm the depes as) Let the Sel reduce thee ye, “The gain goddest cur side he bosom. “Lec the back fle whiten, Ler the broad plain produce sls, “Lee the earth's womb echo, "Let na pnts come forth, no grins igen wLeca malady be aid upon she peoples, (0) Boot Soy ot “Thue the womb be corset and give no fe ith toa child” “They cut off provender fom the peoples, Plants were sant i thei stomachs ‘Above, Add made scarce his iy Below, (the sini) ws blocked of and ised no Mod from the depes 9) “The ik tedaced their yields, “The grin goddeu corned asi her bosom, “The Back field whitened, ‘Th broad pin produced ms, eh’ womb beled, [No plans came forth, no grains pened ‘Amalady wat sid upon che peoples, co) So thatthe womb was consticted id gave no safe bith 0 child. “The bole the bar ofthe sa 0 {fal watched over (together with his plan}, Above, [Add made rare his ai], ‘Below, (anf) was blocked off [and nixed no ood from the depts]. “The felis reduced [tei yield o) ‘The gain goddes furned aside her bosom] [he black elds whitened), [The broad plain produced sas, (Earths womb rebel, TN plano] came for, no gains [ripened [A malady wat id upon the peoples) [thar the womb was constricted snd gave no safe Birth 10 chi. [or one year hey ate... J eo i 1 [When the second year etn) they exhausted thei tres, [When te did yer] came, {The peoples’ featares) were dissorced by boner [ihn the four yar camel ther Bong] legs Became shor, (8) [their broad shoulders beeame narow. {They walked sbour hunched) inthe seet Tre Cli Pi Lwnen whe tit year came}, daughter saw mother (gi), [Bue mother would noe] open her door [o daughter [Daughter] watched fhe sales (when) mother joe ve | [Mother watched the seas (when) daoghter {os sed into saver) [When the sath year came}, [hey served up] daughter fora mea, [They served up [ton for satensncel [They wer filled on their own cileen?." (One (howichold} devoured another “Tei [ces] were encrusted [like dead mal). es {The peoples] were living [on the verge of death {Porte dessiny f the man Atrahass, Es, (his god, as heed Did he not [pes with his od? is god Ea spoke with him, Go) He left the gate of his god, He placed it bed fing the ver, ‘Bar the channels were qe. eo [hen the second] yest [ime they xhasred their sores]. [When] the third yer (came), “The pooples fescue] were dstorte by (hanged) “When the fourth yea [eame, dei long] lege became shor, “Theis broad hoslden] beeame narove, ® “They walked about hunched inthe see. ‘When the fith year eae, daughece sw mother goin, Buc mother wosld not apen her door o daughter. Daughter watched the sales (when) mother (ss Sld ino slavery), [bother] watched the sales (when) daughter (et tld ino sven) of ‘When the snth year came, they served wp [Sought fora mea, “They rrved ap son for sustenance: ad Soy 195 {Tey weve filed on thir owe chile ‘One household devoured another. “Their faces [were enertted) Whe dead mak. “The peoples [were ving] on the verge of [eat s “The command which dey received [ “They entered and [ 1 “The menage of Atahas [ 1 “Lod, the nd [ } “Asie i (0) (i ns regent) “Lee me go down tothe deli to dell in your presence. (One year they ate old grain Go) 1 Tre Chali ‘Tableett wie) “By, Jord [Feat] you come in, nf} notices ep ike [your] fortes.” {Avahass] Kner, prowzated himself stood up [I re made ready (to speak] and sid, ‘Lond, Theat you come i, @ “(Lnoce] eps ike your foostep. “ga, Jord), beard you come i, {noticed} sep like your fooseps. c | fox seven yea, Your { | bas made the weak they 9) {Whe een your fice S| Jee me your (he goa) 1” [a] made ready 1 speak [nd sid to] the reed hut, SL] weed hat reed ht os) {J payatenton to me! Approsiately hve goes CT 464, ante Late Assyron son tha is Tien roti one, bat hls ol he sp) “{ Deciel 1 oo {Yikes cele ( “Let the [ro] be szong fore and a, calle he boat) IMac] the appointed tne of which ¥ send word, 6 “Enter [the Bos] and shut the boat's door. “Bring sbousd] icyou baziey, your goods, your possions, “tour wife}, your kik, your Kin, and sled erases “(Cretores of the seppe al the browsing wild animals ‘ofthe steppe, “(will send to you and they willatend at your door.” (101) foamy | — Fast Sey 195 uals se ready ape ‘And sid t Ba, fi ord, “never have [bila boae[ “Draw the deg on the gland, eat {may se [the desghn and [ould the Boat.” as) Bs drew (he design} om the ground. {Tm lord, shat you commanded [—] (reas ff (Asyianwsenson ever comin.) [ yheputt 1 [De entered and xeaed up the (boa) "The wind {.]and broughe dhe wh(ind ‘Adad mound the four winds, (his needs: a Southwind, north wind, eat wind, west wind. Storm, al, whitwind, cloudbort, "winds othe nds were sing ‘The south wind |] arose at his side, “The west wind blated at his side, «) 1 1 went 1 [LJ the eatioe ofthe gods [ 1 [i uber forward, sl it overs ( [Ninurea went and [made) the dikes [overtow], -Braal tore up [the mootig poles os {de cet] ehe sy wath his alos, {tie aed] the land ike «po, he Agprsed ies guidance, t he Hood eame forth, Its power came [upon] the peoples [ike « bre. fl 1 Anw(?) {he clamor of the flood, 9 i J ered the goss, [Nine her sone were cased off ther own comming t J her emotion was spent (reas 96 I The Ca eso (@ LATE BABYLONIAN VERSION (Bot made ready to speak, Siyingto “7 “(the clamor of mankind) ha Become (burdensome for el, “fam losing ep] co their uproar. “Command thot [Ans and Adad] watch over [the upper region, hat Sin and Nengal gar the earth inthe mide, wo “That the hoe, the tap [ofthe se], “spa may watch over together with fis plant Tie.” He gave the command: Ana and (Adad) watched ‘over (the upper eezions). Sin and Nengl guatded the exeth fin the mide, ‘Tae bole, ehe tap ofthe se, 09 Ea gusced together with fis] plan i [Now Atrahas, [whose god wat Es), Had wept everyday [ He would bring oferings[ “When the channels [ He stood at aight) bythe sver? as) Hie sud to [the siver May [be iver ake [ “May it be et athe fst of) [Ba May Base | “nthe nigh ater eo) Facing the river Facing ‘To the depth [ (El eacd | ‘And brought the hairy hero-men “The man who [ “Toe tis "Comes as) co) ed Say 97 ine fgrmenty lcs, then gop) ns pene) {1 commanded tha} Anu and Adad watch over [eke upper gion, ‘tht Sin and Nengl] watch over th ert in the mide, (That dhe Bolt, the trap of these, [Vou should} geard together with your plant i 6 “But you let lone abundance forthe people!” ( the Broad sea Repeated [the menage of Enlil to Es ={ Teommanded} that Anu and Adad watch ver the uppe regions “iat Sin and Nergall watch over the earth between, (0) [atthe bol, the ep ofthe se, {You shovld) guard together with your plant i "Boe you let] loot abondance forthe peoples!” [Bs] made ready to speak, ‘And aid] to che mesenger, os) S.J you commanded, so Ana and Adad watched ver the uppe regions, [Sin and Newall watched over che earth in the mide, he boli he ap of he 2, {t} watched over, together with my plan i “When [] ecaped om me, (0 {_Jamillion fib, one milion dhey bore?" “tdeew together [the bol] ofthe Sah bu ie went aay, “They broke trough the mide ofthe (2p) “[ascr] 1 executed the watchmen ofthe sa, Timpoted [J pon them and panished them, es “Afr Thad punished chem, “[Teepested i] and imposed the penty."* bce Wht ey od bey wpm ewer stents Doss" stn basin ee? 9h. The laa Pei [The] took the messge [__]ehe wide ses [went and sepestd [The mesage] of Bac Ball, nL ]you commanded, so Ana and Adad watched ‘over the uppe regions ‘in and) Nesgal watched over the each in the mile, “[The bol, the tap ofthe se, “{) watched over topeter with my hairy hero-men* When [J espe rom me, “{_ Tamilion Oth, one main chy bore) “Tue togstber [the bot? of] he fb, but i went 20, “ethey broke dong the mile ofthe (cap. ‘Sfafee?} Thad executed the watchmen f the Se Tai {J upon them snd puaished them. "Aer I ad panished them, “fl repented it and impoved the penalty.” 09) re) co) Enlil made ready t speak, ‘And said so the aenbly ofall he god, “Come, ll of us, and take sn cath bring» flood” ‘Anu swore fn, Enlil swore, hisson swore with im. res of) 4s) “it ) Cy, BRM 43 Lambert nd Mind, CT 4 Lane, A pa Pe Cac as Dev pad Grocery, Sa Cao, W-G. toe. Sade Go, BM Shith Same puted pune the -Ayy aun ere coldby he wri 4 in ) lec Es ea) Noe: Cis 167. (9 King C7131 5 ‘Lanter an ig, ET af 1, Laer, a, Dn 6; ARS 29 COND), 7, pha Js (0) 86, OS 38 pn snp. Til = C1 466+ AAD 37 (sab TRE Crage = AO ay ios yo> Ate * Lime, Sais Gl 24 85135 puts ie CT 15 a2 Bon ONS 8 59 9 AFD 29 (980 24 v= Gtibap ves cky te ch 4p + OWNS Sp Tae TY =I 5 G9 6 {B teen hn gh espe Sui tember tot, Ane ein ole wa oe von Soden, 2, ban see ba amber, Aas, 00957 Ler. Aan 1313) (9 bok, Sa 04 Lambe Ay 6108 Hid Sry 190 “mini Lae Min, Aout, yl 6-0; Die. 8 ont shterar ured br red oainos fs polemic aca ‘SCE Itc Tac enn pagl coun pr ye sen ye SCSI apn tens tc orp rp econo co cers tgp roe an Ik cory seed the Lambe ag oe pet wn Sten ow ble aa oe ee ieway su wl ito cr tans of op aa errand iggy.) Bot, "Aniaees Aaj Se eat ipa ts ereton ae Fhomne ty tee pote er atta Des: -LePoee tbnonen bs Sores” Pr Eo Pe Sen cscs ay un se more ln hae 90 Fete ar uksPakt 9-17, 8 Kl, "The Menprni Coen ie ei wd i Staton m Recon ine Bbelg "OF 4 (972 Ce reese oe Fen anyon Foi some Fre TU Sade Ren pte 6 moter), Wore nt te ot Gol, New eh Beats nth ume Akadan MyehoeObmee (976 137 WG TIMUR TRE tthe lone Rckronns Genes” rondo Tet Sas rar AN Tyas yo Maponcn ta Tec Resp Te Cat eam anenkatanet ha con oe ONS 890) 59-58 OFS Oren cas Ear never pacientes im hes Merion” AO Fr ese ngacuce ar cu Ai pe nd er Cae Fer cova: Mona hiss: Te renin Sry ofthe Fd Bl ao et Mona hl nob BASOR nr) 6. Sme orton anderson aa Sin Ro 4555, on serra Scala pure asa onan 1 (ey erm Sen A eee i ensimnens Ege Croisier iaenacen Ara SS SSEECINS von apn ne: ot oe anshon, EAOn” ao eee dled a tiers Shape nd Fnerstngen.” MODOC ao eit anno iso i ote lt ayo erin) Fo ome Cee ee peat ete ee oh ‘Bo Cine mma, (tinge, 0), 57 Kise "Bemenger A rekon React ws de Menchecboyang” WO 7 (973) 35-38% Ban nto a Ansan Geni st” ZAT 9 (980 197306 SREP po ta Tami JoS Joo), is, Rem gd Penn, Oohn 9 Tee ea Roe a pe Soe tment een” ering ee oe es a er Boni, “pcnge of nh (Po i, on Soden Ca een Sa daly tc Oe er) 7 Su Petit, rhe Beta roinns Orke 9 sh Fars ice ex, ¥o Sode. A Sor 8 tora low on Sd, 2A 8H Go) rom Sde, 2A 8 eee fe ars son Soden A 6 (397, 69) Caen by Lambe or teins naon ote me of be ht tire om bel. 138, a Sas oon ha) The wading fee roped Schon ad Boe fe aar then (aed) 00 Thug io oy weston eee id Gn mace sh.) nero bn epi ae one mig nd cured by Webaen, CARAT (90-28 rere, Sapeape” 25.3 Lamers AO 27 Gh) 136699 Lamers A 37 100 The Chil Pend isto) 74 9) See Pein, te 9 97) 1h Maran Sd Rt, 2. (50 Te pom fall Wenhuen, CARAT 38 (9, tm ened by colton 5 Avs 5. frp) forehe pamae fo many te popnts made by Morn, BASOR 20 (3). siceae@ Pett De ss Metin sidan St Proms ise, ls nh Dt ERRAL 2 pp and nt be {ib Du hoe "aon (0) Yancey amt” Ocapea = APO #7 ath 3 ‘GiSNt a he ing sos ed fe cy ened by veg Soden Sai Sposa ne ZA 0 (97) esl fot Dion Bate“ Craton” 26-0, Pr” Bee 2iPteancby ns Gr gn eamgre Bie o0 )Lteay“holloe ee {SP dD) Lantos UA age ppd the Late Ayan ges: Ernst UO ay atch non Soe ele ne Mate” in 24h ( fu alow bbe nonaing bts ae eae redo eh a word Mand Escongt hee mamipe = CT 49 1s i he Qo) [Renng snl we Bore BGL tke Morn. Ber (i 8 9) vo Sen, ‘O12 an 2 vom Son. 28 4p 0.) el meena MY, G70) von ‘Se Zhy gh as-ay eh aia on er "b nisde ta ropn nod eh lin 2A ch 17h ot espe ee 7) Fo 2 rn vow ne Mra, Hr 3970). 4 (a) ein the ral ora ieivas mbes py orbs, v Soden DOG toro 1) Uilney-afamJS6 3619.0 gts ine vein 1-9 fom BE {and yp 9) Resa RA (ep) tenes Bag RL SIRO Io oan Sus Ramer 3p 9) WN i) Sven dag die Fron fim Groner, Star Cont 5) Ce, JS 3 (8 ea, Fropp hla inh Contes, She Gl p20 Kin, Bate 3509, hog the teeemon progesterone Sd Call onthe IB 1) Vat JDL ne (94/0) 18 Oo) on Sen FNS 8 A orn BASOR see ed) see Rime, Sous Pek 1) Boge PRE Bloons Soden ONS 98 Os) 2) Hoe, ADAT 2,28 = Shs en tn oath» ge bn: Ti pop bs nor in eat ‘heigl os fh ise manarpe Compare so CAD M175 dae he ndeding of oar he cdg ie (HE 9) Sher A (8, Be Non Sr Ba 965) hile ay 49 (De ty. 7 Delray ‘ms eta sae te (1) Sea AAD ag (98 78a) Bad ‘Sept SF WLM. 3 PEA 2 Win vo ade, ONS 98) 0 ‘)r pont "eg brap tee ae: Rowe os bet on Bo the olin it) oun JOS 93 Co 4. (li) With Wd on Soden, MDOG 111 ape amber a9 to rm ne le auto pie St io) On, pot “enn bon Soden, CO 38 ft ah amp he PY Tou the na, psh soi nce a arn I) Yor Se, ONS Se ineps tno Bey Lan orks psge we Lambon CRRA Je ips le Le ethno Be word ar itn he ne) ‘diay coca onsen (7 Propel tS pias ‘Sn ta Hac sn 9 ty) Tene pm oh ‘Se unkano,cended by Lambo the ba of las X1in- a amber ‘Mops Gat) 5 wt gale edn, copy", bth dsb (yh) Bodo on Soden, OFS Jb (959,98 le nas aves ap fk) Boge RA pp). OT abe 9) For heaping se ot eet . ul Sty 200 abe, AD a7 tl 7.3 Lamb ABD 27 (5), Sain aaa i 233) Th propane Daan RA 73 (7) 155 ot fl tke ate scona 7 (nates) U9 18) See vo60 = Laut OS 38 en a3. Gav) Ks8479 = {iy AO 27 (athe (svt) Dire Rtn eosin. asd 2) Bower BRE» 10

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