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Mundt 1

Natalie Mundt
Experimental Foods Lab Section 3
October 6, 2014
Gelatinization of Starch Lab Report
The purpose of the gelatinization of starch laboratory exercise was to observe the effect
of temperature and added ingredients on starch gelatinization. This was achieved using various
starches and three separate procedures in which temperature and added ingredients were altered.
Line spread and percent sag tests were performed at numerous points during the experiments to
determine the effect that temperature changes and added ingredients have on starch
Starch, long chains of linked glucose molecules, is a complex carbohydrate that is made
up of amylose, the linear component of starch, and amylopectin, the branched component of
starch (2). Some sources of starch include corn, wheat, rice, potato, and tapioca. There are many
functional properties of starch in cooking and baking including nutritional value, thickening,
structure, non-enzymatic browning, emulsifying, retaining moisture, and forming and
strengthening films, among many other functions (2). The starch functions being tested in these
experiments were starch gelatinization and gel formation. In cold water starch granules do
nothing, but when starch molecules are heated in water the bonds break down (2). The process of
gelatinization (thickening) occurs when starch is suspended in cold water and then is
continuously heated (2). After gelatinization and pasting, gel formation occurs (2). Gelatinized
starches can exist in a flowing, pourable form as a sol or during cooling the paste may form a
gel, a network where liquid becomes trapped (2). To test for gel formation a percent sag test can

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be performed, which measures the gel strength. The gel is measured with a ruler in its container
and again after being inverted onto a plate. To measure thickening power a line spread test can be
conducted using a line spread apparatus. A mold is filled with the sample and then is lifted from
the sample, allowing the mixture to disperse on a pattern of concentric circles to measure its
distance traveled (viscosity). Different starch sources contain varying amounts of amylose and
amylopectin, therefore will produce different results regarding gelatinization and gel formation
(1). The concentration of the starch as well as the time and temperature used to heat it and added
ingredients may have an effect on gelatinization (1), and the following experiments will observe
what happens during the gelatinization process when changing these factors.
Materials and Methods
For the first procedure the starches used were waxy corn, corn starch, rice starch, potato
starch, wheat starch, all purpose flour, and arrowroot. 18 grams of each of the starches were
measured on a scale and each was dissolved in 265 ml of cold water (measured in a graduated
cylinder) in a small pan. A drop of the starch dissolved in water was placed on a microscope slide
and was stained with Lugol reagent and covered with a cover slip. The slide was observed under
the microscope and the shapes and sizes of the starch granules were noted. A thermometer was
then held in the pan, making sure to not touch the sides or bottom, and the starch mixture was
cooked on the stove over medium heat until boiling while stirring with a wooden spoon. The end
temperature was marked and a line spread test was conducted on the hot paste. The heated starch
was viewed under the microscope following the same procedures as the uncooked starch. The
rest of the mixture was placed into a small custard cup and was covered with saran wrap and
placed in a shallow pan with ice water until it was cooled to 24 degrees C. Upon the completion

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of cooling, a percent sag test was to be done if the product formed a gel, and another line spread
test was to be done if the product was still a sol.
In the second procedure 64 grams of corn and potato starch were each weighed and were
each dispersed in 944 ml of cold water in a small saucepan. A thermometer was held in the pan
while the mixtures were heated, not touching the sides or bottom. Two tablespoons of the
mixture were removed from the pan when it reached 60, 70, 80, 90, and 95 degrees C, and again
when the mixture boiled or reached its maximum possible temperature. A line spread test was
done with the two removed tablespoons at each temperature. A graph was plotted to determine
the peak viscosity and the mixture was held at the peak viscosity temperature for 20 minutes
while being stirred continuously. The mixture was then cooled in a shallow pan filled with ice
water and the temperature was constantly being recorded. A line spread test was done again
every 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 degrees less than the peak viscosity temperature while the mixture
was cooling.
For procedure three, 18 grams of corn starch was dispersed with various ingredients in
small saucepans. The four combinations were as follows: 18 grams of corn starch and 50 grams
of sugar in 265 ml of water, 18 grams of corn starch mixed in 200 ml of water and 65 ml of
lemon juice, 18 grams of corn starch in 265 ml of a .25% alpha amylase solution, and 18 grams
of corn starch mixed with 26.5 grams of butter in 265 ml of water. The dry ingredients were
measured using a scale while the wet ingredients were measured in a graduated cylinder, and the
four corn starch combinations were put in separate saucepans. Each of these combinations were
viewed under the microscope prior to being heated, following the same protocol as procedure
one. A thermometer was then suspended in the pan and the mixtures were stirred with a wooden
spoon while being heated on the stovetop. The mixtures were cooked under medium-low heat

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while stirring until the temperature reached 95 degrees C or until the end temperature point was
reached. The hot mixture was then viewed under the microscope following the same procedures
as experiment one. A line spread test was performed using each of the hot mixtures and then the
remaining mixtures were placed in custard cups and covered with saran wrap. The custard cups
were placed in a shallow pan filled with ice water and their temperatures were recorded until
reaching 24 degrees C. Line spread or percent sag tests were performed on each mixture when
they cooled to 24 degrees C, depending on if they were still a sol or if they turned into a gel. All
results were recorded throughout the experiment and shared with the class, as not every group
conducted the experiments on the same products or combinations. Upon the completion of the
three experiments all materials used were cleaned and returned to their proper locations.
Temperature and added ingredients had an effect on the gelatinization of various starches.
The multiple starches used each had different end temperatures they could reach. Some starches
were very viscous when heated, while others were not as viscous. Upon cooling, some starches
formed a gel while other remained a sol. Adding ingredients to the starches affected their ability
to gelatinize, yet did not affect their end temperature.
Table 1. Procedure 1: The Effect of Temperature on the Gelatinization of Various Starches
% Transparency Consistency
Temperature Spread Spread Sag
(in degrees
(Hot) (Cold)
- - - - - 36%
- - - - - 57%
Gel Like
- - - - - 66%
Very Firm
- - - - - 28%
Thick Gel
Clear and
- - - - - 25%

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AP Flour


5, 9.5



4, 15

7.5, 12



A Thick Sol


Thin Sol


Table 1. The Effect of Temperature on the Gelatinization of Various Starches

The various starches used all had different boiling points, ranging from 74 degrees C to 99 degrees C. The
waxy corn, corn, rice, potato, and wheat starches were free flowing as a sol when heated to their respective
boiling points, but formed a gel when cooled to 24 degrees C. All purpose flour and arrowroot were free
flowing at their boiling points and when cooled. AP flour and arrowroot were less viscous than the other

Procedure 1: Microscopy Observations, Cooked vs. Uncooked Starches

Uncooked: Small, clear circles with a few
Uncooked: Gray and tan very small swirled
scattered dark purple spots throughout
Cooked: Tiny purple dots with a white and
pink blotchy background
Uncooked: Purple, white, and black grainy
Cooked: Large dark blotches over a fibrous
appearing background
Uncooked: Large dark gray ovals and circles

Cooked: Pink swirled pattern with a few

large purple circles throughout

Uncooked: Small black circles

Cooked: Blue and white swirled appearance,

looks like a cloud
AP Flour

Cooked: No image available

Uncooked: Clear circles over a light


Uncooked: Many dark specs on a light


Cooked: Dark fibers with a dark background

Cooked: Less dark specs with a more

fibrous appearance


When viewing various cooked and uncooked starches under the microscope, they all had different appearances.
The microscopic changes that occur to a starch when heated were observed.

Table 2. Procedure 2: Temperature and Peak Viscosity of Corn and Potato Starch
Type of
Line spreads or % sag tests
Steps 1-4
60 degrees C 70 degrees C 80 degrees C 90 degrees C 95 degrees C
Corn Starch
Potato Starch
Steps 6-9
-10 degrees
- 20 degrees
- 30 degrees
- 40 degrees

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Corn Starch
Potato Starch






Table 2. Temperature and Peak Viscosity of Corn and Potato Starch

Line spread test were done at increments of 10 degrees to determine the affect of temperature on corn and
potato starch thickening. Corn starch had a higher line spread value than potato starch at all increments when
being heated from 60 degrees C to 95 degrees C, therefore, was less viscous than the potato starch. When
being cooled from the peak temperature and measured at 10 degree increments, the corn starch became slightly
thicker and more viscous, while the potato starch viscosity did not change much.

Figure 1. Procedure 2: The Peak Viscosity of Corn and Potato Starch

The highest temperature corn starch was able to reach was 95 degrees C, while the highest temperature the
potato starch could reach was 70 degrees C. When cooling the starch mixtures and conducting line spread tests
at every 10 degrees, the corn starch mixture was measured at 95, 85, 75, 65, and 55 degrees C. Line spread
tests were done on the potato starch mixture at 70, 60, 50, 40, and 30 degrees C.

Table 3. Procedure 3: The Effect of Added Ingredients on the Gelatinization of Corn Starch
% Transparency Consistency
Temperature Spread Spread Sag
(degrees C)
(Hot) (Cold)
A. Corn
- - - - - 31%
Thick Gel
& Sugar
B. Corn
- - - - - 42%
C. Corn
Soft, Thick
& alpha
D. Corn
Soft, Thick
& Butter
The added ingredients did not have an affect on the boiling point of the starch. When lemon was mixed with
corn starch it resulted in a less viscous product when a line spread was done at 95 degrees C than when sugar,
alpha amylase, and butter were mixed with the starch and measured at 95 degrees C. The cooled starch and
sugar mixture had a smaller percent sag, so it formed a stronger gel than the corn and lemon mixture which had

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a slightly larger percent sag. The corn and alpha amylase and corn and butter mixtures did not move when
doing a line spread test when cooled to 24 degrees C, so they also gelatinized into soft, thick products.

During starch gelatinization the heated water molecules break some of the weaker
hydrogen bonds of the starch, so water penetrates the starch granule and it begins to swell (2).
Some of the amylose moves out the starch granule, and the mixture starts to become thick as the
water forms hydrogen bonds with the amylopectin (2). The organization of the granule structure
is lost as the mixture continues to be heated (2). As water continues to be taken up by the
granule, amylose will keep being pushed out of the granule which will form a filamentous
network, where pasting occurs and the mixture becomes thick (2). The results of this process
were observed when viewing the cooked and uncooked mixtures under the microscope. If the
mixture is held at a high temperature for too long the granules will collapse and the thickness
will be lost (1). More amylopectin in a starch will result in a soft gel due to a lot of
intermolecular interaction, making it more difficult to form gels, while amylose can form gels
more easily (2).
In procedure one, it was found that various starches have different boiling points and
varying thickening power and ability to gel, as can be seen in table 1. Waxy corn starch contains
very little amylose, resulting in thickening power and a soft gel, but a more unstable paste (2).
Corn starch has an amylose content of 28%, so can easily form a gel (2). Because of the higher
amylose content in corn starch than waxy corn, the percent sag should have been lower in the
corn starch than the waxy corn, as it should have formed a stronger gel. Rice starch had a similar
viscosity and gel strength as corn starch, suggesting that the two may have similar amylose
contents, with rice having slightly less. Potato starch contains long amylose molecules which
causes a tendency to thicken early, more than any other starch (2). The results seen were

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expected for potato starch, as it had strong gel strength. Wheat starch has a high protein content,
making it less effective as a thickener (2). However, it does form a gel in sauces and continues to
thicken during cooling, which was observed. The wheat starch was the most viscous at its boiling
point and also formed the strongest gel, which was due to its high amylose content. Wheat starch
and corn starch have the same amylose content, so it was expected for them to have similar
thickening power and gel strength, though this was not seen. All purpose flour and arrow root
had less thickening power than all of the other starches observed and did not form gels,
indicating a low amylose content. Human error can account for the unexpected results in this
procedure, such as incorrect measurements, not stirring enough or too vigorous stirring causing
premature granule rupture, or being heated past the gelatinization temperature prior to measuring
thickening power and gel strength (1).
In procedure two the corn starch was less viscous at all temperatures when being heated
than the potato starch, due to the fact that potato starch tends to thicken early more than other
starches (2). Corn starch has a medium viscosity when compared to potato starch which has a
very high viscosity, and this was observed. Potato starch, however, had a lower peak temperature
than the corn starch. The potato starch began to gelatinize earlier than the corn starch and formed
less viscous pastes when cooling than the corn starch. This can be explained because potato
starch is known to have high viscosity pastes with granules that break easily and decrease in
viscosity (2). When cooling the mixtures, the corn starch continued to thicken to form a gel while
retrogradation also increases the viscosity during cooling (2).
In procedure three the effect of additives on starch gelatinization were observed. When
adding sugar to the starch, the sugar competes with the starch for water so less water is available
for gelatinization (1). This delays gelatinization and decreases the viscosity and gel strength (1).

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The results seen were not expected, as the gel formed with corn starch and sugar was stronger
than the gel formed by corn starch in experiment one. This was due to human error. Acid
decreases the thickness of the cooled product, which is why adding lemon juice to corn starch
decreased the viscosity (1). The acid breaks the swollen starch granules and causes hydrolysis
(2). The line spread value for the lemon corn starch mixture proves this. Fats result in a complex
interaction with amylose which tightens the internal structure of the product, reducing
gelatinization (2). The corn starch and alpha amylase mixture as well as the corn and butter
mixture did not have percent sag tests conducted on them, so the gel strength with those
additives are unknown. However, line spread tests were done on these mixtures and showed very
high viscosity, so the ability to gelatinize is present in those mixtures. It would be expected for
the corn and butter mixture to have a delay in gelatinization because of the fat interaction. The
corn and alpha amylase mixture should also slow down thickening and gelatinization, because
alpha amylase breaks down starch (1). Because of the concepts discussed in class, the outcome
of these experiments could be somewhat predicted and better explained, while factors that
influence the gelatinization of starch has been made clear.

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1). Brown, Amy. Understanding Food Principles and Preparation (4th ed). Wadsworth, Cengage
Learning, 2011, page 391-404.
2). Simpers, R. (2014). Class notes, Rutgers University, 9/12/2014.

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