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rr Standard Method of Test for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 119-93 (ASTM DESIGNATION: C 143-90a) 1. SCOPE evelope to provide testis © monitor in, (208 mm) in diameter, the top 4 in the conssteney of unbardened concrete Un- (102 mm) in diameter, andthe height 12 der laboratry onaitons wih sit cont LA This test method covers determi- in, (30S mm). Individual diameters and nation of slump of concrete. both in the Sj.unconersts matcnals de Soni is inst eights shall be within = Win, (3.2 mm) Ieborstory and in the fel Sater cna oft goer contte mata, oh prescribed dimensions, Te base 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound Syd thus to be inversely related co concrete &Nd the top shall be open and parallel units are to be regarded asthe standard. suength, Under el conditions, howevee, € each other and at right angles to the ‘The metric equivalents of inch-pound such a swength eationship is not clearty and aXi8 ofthe cone. The mold shall be units may be approximate. Consistently shown. Care should therefore be provided with foot pieces and handles 13 This siandant may involve hac- then in elating shin results obtained under similar to those shown in Figure 1. The ardous materials, operations and equip- "eld conditions to strength ‘mold may be constructed either with or ‘ment. This standard does not purport without a seam, When a seam s required fo address all of the safety problems 42 This test method is considered it should be essentially as shown in Fig- “associated with its use. [eis the responsi. applicable to plastic concrete having ure 1. The interior of the mold shall be bility of the user of this standard ro ©oUSE aggregate up to | 1/2 in. (37.5 relatively smooth and free from projec- establish appropriate safety and health %) in size- If the coarse ageregate is tions such as protruding rivets, The mold practices and determine the applicability '8°E6" than 1 U2 in, (375 mm) in size, shall be tree from dents. A’ mold which Of regulatory limitations prior to use. ‘88 test method is applicable when it is clamps to a nonabsorbent base plat is : made on the fraction of concrete passing acceptable instead ofthe one illustrated 2-1 1/2 in. (37.5 mmm) sieve, with the provided the clamping arrangement is larger aggregate being removed in accor- such that it can be fully released without dance with the section titled “Additional movement of the mold REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 21 AASHTO Standard. Procedures for Large Maximum Size Ag- "5.2. Tanping Rod-—The tamping rod T 141. Sampling Freshly gregate Concrete” in T M41 shall be a round, straight stel rod “in Mined Concrete 4.3 This test method is not consid- (16 mm in diameter and approximately ered applicable to non-plastc and non- 24 in. (600 mim) in length, having the 3. SUMMARY OF TEST cohesive concrete tamping end rounded to a hemispherical METHOD tip the diameter of which is % in. NOTE 2-concees having sump es 1 Asante oem atch ene ents asthe eects ced ncompactedy rang Butsyamsonetes vine MP Eg SAM in a mold shaped as the frustum of @ quately cohesive for this test lo have signifi cone, The mold is raised, and the con- cance. Caution should be exercised in inter- 6.1 The sample of concrete from crete allowed to subside. The distance preting such results which test specimens are made shall be between the original and displaced posi- representative of the entire batch. It shall tion of the center of the top surface of §, APPARATUS be obtained in accordance with T 141 the concrete is measured and reported as the slump of the concrete, 5.1 Mold—The test specimen shall be formed in a mold made of metal not 7. PROCEDURE 4. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE readily attacked by the cement paste. The ‘metal shall not be thinner than No. 16 7.1. Dampen the mold and place it 4.1 This test method is intended to gage (BWG) and if formed by the spin-on a flat, moist, nonabsorbent (rigid) provide the user with a procedure 10 ning process, there shall be no point on surface, It shall be held firmly in place fetermine the slump of plastic hydraulie the mold at which the thickness is less during filling by the operator standing ‘cement coneretes. than 0.045 in, (1.14 mm), The mold shall on the two foot pieces. From the sample be in the form of the lateral surface of of concrete obtained in accordance with NOTE 1—This est method was onginally the frustum of a cone with the base 8 Section 6, immediately fill the mold in Metric Equivalents a mm 86 32127354 7% 6 8 2 72794 102208305 FIGURE 1 Mold for Slump Test three layers, each approximately one- third the volume of the mold NOTE 3One-thid of the volume ofthe slump moid fills i t0 a depth of 2% in. (67 tam), two-thirds of the volume fills it 9 a ‘epth of 6% in. (155 mm). 7.2. Rod each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. Uniformly distribute the strokes over the cross section of each layer. For the bottom layer this will ne- cessitate inclining the rod slightly and making approximately half of the strokes near the perimeter, and then progressing With vertical strokes spirally toward the center. Rod the bottom layer throughout its depth. Rod the second layer and the top layer each throughout its depth, so that the strokes just penetrate into the underlying layer. 73. In filling and rodding the top layer, heap the concrete above the mold before rodding is started. Ifthe rodding ‘operation results in subsidence of the ‘concrete below the top edge of the mold, ‘add additional concrete to keep an excess ‘of concrete above the top of the mold a all times. After the top layer has been rodded, strike off the surface of the con- crete by means of a seeding and rolling ‘motion of the tamping rod. Remove the ‘mold immediately from the concrete by raising it carefully in a vertical direction. Raise the mold a distance of 12 in. (300 mm) in 5 + 2 seconds by a steady upward Tift with no lateral or torsional motion, Complete the entire test from the start of the filing through removal fof the mold without interruption and complete it within an elapsed time of 2'/ minutes 74 Immediately measure the slump by determining the vertical difference be~ tween the topo the mold and the displaced original center of the top surface of the specimen, If a decided falling away or shearing off of concrete from one side or portion ofthe mass occurs (Note 2), disre- ‘gard the test and make a new test on an- ‘other portion of the sample NOTE 416 evo consecutive tests on a sample of concrete show a falling away or shearing off of «portion of the concrete from the mass ofthe specimen, the concrete proba- bly lacks necessary plasticity and cohesiveness for the slump test to be applicable 8. REPORT BL Record the slump in terms of inches (millimetres) to the nearest", in (6 mm) of subsidence of the specimen luring the test as follows: Slump = 12 ~ inches of height after subsidence. 9, PRECISON AND BIAS 9.1 Precision: 9.1.1 Interlaboratory Test Method—No interlaboratory test pro- ‘gram has been run on this test method Since itis not possible to provide equiva- leat coneretes at various test sites free fof errors from sources other than the slump measurement, a multlaboratory precision statement would not be mean- ingful. 9.1.2 Mulli-Operator Test Results-—~ Extensive field data! allow a statement regarding the multi-operator precision of this test method. “Test Range 51 276in. G8» 70 mm) ‘Tal numberof samples 2208 Pooied repeattility ‘Standatd eviaion (15) 0.30 in, (8 wim) 95% Repeatability Limit (B25) 083 in. 21 mm) ‘Therefore, results of two properly con- ducted tests by different operators in the same laboratory on the same material should not differ by more than 0.83 in. (21 mm), Due to the imited slump range in the concrete used in ths test program, caution should be exercised in applying these precision values 92 Bias—This test method has no bias since slump is defined in terms of, this test method. Bake WW and MeMaton TF "Qual As ance st Poland Cont Cort” Pa Roi, Wo 50

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