Curs Limba Engleza Incepatori11

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to wear [we.r] / [uear] = a purta young [j..]/ [iang] = tnar

modern [mod.rn/ [modarn] = modern new [nju:] / [niuu] = nou
to describe [diskraib] / [discraib] = a descrie to look [luk] / [luc] = a privi
to appear [.pi.r] / [apiar] = a aparea to study [st.di] / [staid] = a studia
student [stju:d.nt] / [stiuudant] = student double [d.b.l] / [dabal] = dublu
to marry [mri] / [meri] = a se casatori married [mrid] / [merid] = casatorit
marriage [mrid3] / [merigi] = casatorie to get[ get] / [ghet] = a obtine, a lua
what [wot] / [uo-at] = ce? where [we.r] / [uear] = unde?
after [a:ft.r] / [aaftar] = dupa alike [.laik] / [alaic] = asemenea
like [laik] / [laic] = ca, a placea
# Familia (Family matters)
family [fmili] / [femili] = familie child [t.aild] / [ciaild] = copil
children [t.ildr.n] / [cildran] = copii parent [pe.r.nt] / [pearant] = parinte
daughter [do:t.r] / [dootar] = fiica son [s.n][san] = fiu
brother [br..r] / [brazar] = frate sister [sist.r] / [sistar] = sora
husband [h.zb.nd] / [hazband] = sot wife [waif] / [uaif] = sotie
father [fa:.r] / [fazar] = tata mother [m..r] / [mazar] = mama
grandfather [grnd~] / [grend~] =bunic grandmother = bunica
grand son = nepot grand daughter = nepoata
aunt [a:nt] / [aant] =matusa uncle [..k.l] / [ancal] = unchi
niece [niis] = nepoata (de matusa) nephew[ nevju:] / [neviuu] = nepot
relatives [rel.tiv] / [relativ] = rude people [pi:p.l] / [piipal] = lume
person [] / [parsan] = persoana know [nou] = a cunoaste
stranger [streind3.r] / [streingear] = necunoscut meet [mi:t] / [miit] = a ntlni
foreigner [forin.r] / [forinar] = strain, din alta twins[twin] / [tuin] = gemeni
eldest [] / [eldast] = cel mai n vrsta dintre
# Timpul liber (Free time)
vacuum cleaner [vkju.m kli:n.r] / [ve-achiuam cliinar] = aspirator
to do the housework [hausw.rk] / [haus uarc] = treburile gospodaresti
alarm clock [.larm klok] / [alarm cloc] = ceas desteptator
to wake up [weik .p] / [ueic ap] = a se trezi
shampoo [.mpu:] /[sempuu] = sampon
to wash your hair [wo.] / [uo-as] = a te spala pe cap
compact disk (CD) [sidi] = CD
(video) cassette = caseta (video)
to listen to music [ lis.n] / [lisan], [mju:zik]/ [miuuzic] = a asculta muzica

camera [km.r.] / [cheamara] = aparat de fotografiat, camera de televiziune

to take photos [teik foutous] / [teic foutous] = a face poze
piano [pja:nou] / [piaanou] = pian
to play the piano [plei] = a cnta la pian
television [telivi3.n] / [telivijan] = televiziune
television set = televizor
to watch television [wot.] / [uo-aci] = a privi , a se uita la TV
brush [br..] / [bras] = pensula
to paint a picture = a picta un tablou
to paint [peint] = a picta
picture [ pikt..r] / [picciar] = tablou
book [buk] / [buc] = carte
best [best] = cel/cea mai bun(a)
favourite [feiv.rit] / [feivarit ] = favorit
to make [meik] / [meic] = a face to join [d3oin] / [gioin] = a se alatura
to spend [spend] = a petrece (timpul liber) fun [f.n] / [fan] = haz, gluma, distractie
to have fun = a se distra hobby [hobi] = hobi, pasiune
empty [empti ] = gol member [memb.r] / [membar] = membru
spare [spe.r] / [spear] = liber team [ti:m] / [tiim] = echipa
(spare time- timp liber) the cinema [sinim.] / [sinima] = cinema
to walk [wo:k] / [uooc] = a se plimba to travel [trv.l] / [treval] = a calatori
to enjoy [ind3oi] / [ingioi] = a se bucura de to draw [dro:] / [droo] = a desena
danger [deind3.r] / [deingear] = pericol dangerous = periculos
stamp [stmp] / [stemp] = timbru song [so.] / [song] = cntec
to sing [si.] / [sing] = a cnta game [geim] / [gheim] = joc
# Camerele (Rooms)
ceiling [si:li.] / [siiling] = tavan door [do:r] / [door] = usa
floor [flo:r] / [floor] = podeaua wall [wo:l] / [uo-all] = zid
light [lait] = lumina chair [t.e.r] / [cear] = scaun
armchair = fotoliu window [windou] / [uindou] = fereastra
radiator [reidieit.r] / [reidieitar] = radiator kitchen [] / [chicin] = bucataria
dining room [daini. ru:m] / [daining ruum] bedroom [bedru:m] / [bedruum] = pat
= sufragerie bathroom [ba: ~] [baas ~] = baie
living-room [livi. ru:m] / [living ~] study [st.di]/ [staid] = camera de studiu
= camera de zi to turn off [t.rn] / [tarn] = a stinge (lumina)
to close [klouz] / [clo-auz] = a nchide to shut [..t] / [sat] = a nchide, a zavor
to stop [stop] = a opri lunch [l.nt.] / [lanci] = prnz
breakfast [] / [brecfast] = mic dejun dinner [din.r] / [dinar] = cina

to hit [hit] = a lovi to knock [nok] / [noc] = a bate (la usa)

to put [put] = a pune to open [oup.n] / [oupan] = a deschide
to turn on = a porni desk [desk] / [desc] = birou
furniture [f.rnit..r] / [farniciar] = mobila upstairs [.pste.rz] / [apstearz] = la etaj
place [pleis] = loc space [speis] = spatiu
area [e.ri.] / [earia] = suprafata bedsit [bedsit] = garsoniera
cottage [kotid3] / [cotogi] = vila saloon [] / [saluun] = salon
casa mirror [mir.r]/ [mirar]= oglinda
curtain[k.rt.n] / [cartan] = perdea office [ofis] = birou
bookcase [buk keis] / [buc cheis] library [laibr.ri] / [laibrari]= biblioteca
= biblioteca, dulap pt carti carpet [ka:rpit] / [carpit] = covor
cupboard [k.b.d] / [cabad] = buffet to share [.e.r] [ sear] = a mparti
wardrobe [wordroub] / [uordroub] hostel [host.l / [hostal] = camin
= garderob, sifonier home [houm] = (a)casa
college [kolid3] / [coligi] = colegiu
accommodations[.kom.dei..n]/ [acomadeisan] = locuinta
# Locuri (Places)
greengrocer [gri:n grous.r] / greengrocers = la aprozar
[griingrousar] = zarzavagiu market [markit] / [marchit] = piata
bank [b.k] / [benc] = banca chemist [kemist] / [chemist] = farmacist
chemists = la farmacie baker [beik.r] / [beicar] = brutar
butcher [but..r] / [bacear] = macelar post office [poust ofis]= posta
newsagent [nju:z eid3.nt] / [niuuz eigeant] city [siti] = oras
= agent de presa, vnzator de ziare country [k.ntri] / [cantri] = (la) tara
field [fi:ld]/ [fiild] = cmpie capital [kpit.l] / [cheapital] = capitala
centre [sent.r] / [sentar] = centru town [taun] = oras
village [vilid3] / [viligi] = sat villa [vil.]/ [vila] = casa de vacanta
land [lnd] / [lend] = pamnt earth [.r.] / [ars] = planeta pamnt
mountain [mauntin]= munte world [w.rld] / [uarld] = lume
to find [faind] = a gasi to leave [li:v]/ [liiv] = a pleca
road [roud] = drum, cale, sosea way [wei] /[uei] = drum, cale
direction [direk..n] / [direcsan] far [fa:r] / [faar] = departe
= directie, sens distance [dist.ns] / [distans] = distanta
journey [d3.rni] / [giarni] = calatorie over [ouv.r] / [ouvar] = peste
straight on [ streit] = drept nainte through [.ru:]/ [sruu] = prin
on = pe at [t] / [et] = la
by [bai] = pe la, de catre station [stei..n] / [steisan] = statie, gara
block of flats [blok of flt] / hotel [houtel] = hotel

[bloc of flet] = bloc de apartamente restaurant [rest.r..] / [restaran] = restaurant

police station[]/ [paliis] = sectie de theatre [.i.t.r] / [siatar] = teatru
# Ocupatii, meserii (Jobs)
job [d3ob] / [giob] = ocupatie, meserie company [] / [campani] = firma
typewriter [taiprait.r] / [taipraitar] typist [taipist] = dactilograf
masina de scris doctor [doct.r] / [doctar] = doctor
dentist [dentist] = dentist electric [ilektrik] / [ilectric]= = electric
electrician [ilektri..n] / [ilectrisan] cook [kuk] / [cuc] = bucatar
= electrician cooker [~.r] / [~ar] = cuptor
teacher [ti:t..r] / [tiiciar] = nvatator, professor [pr.fes.r] / [prafesar] = prof univ
profesor de liceu vet [vet] = medic veterinar
journalist [d3.rn.list] / [giarnalist] judge [d3.d3] / [geagi] = judecator

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